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Plane (2023)
Plane (2023)
2023 | Action
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Gerald butler (1 more)
Mike colter
Today’s cinema viewing first action movie of the year even if they most of the action stuff to near the end of the movie anyway the movie for a Gerald butler maybe it’s good movie watching him trying to protect both his passengers and plane from the bad guys with help from Mike colter who I know as Luke cage from Jessica Jones and Luke cage. could have done with abit more action scenes but overall I liked the movie
The Lost City (2022)
The Lost City (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Romancing the Stone 2.0?
Like many others, I gave this a miss in the cinema.

A romance novelist (here: Sandra Bullock) drawn into an adventure of her own in the jungle that reads like something out of her own stories after she is kidnapped?

In this case, with her dumb cover model (Channing Tatum) off to rescue her?

So, basically, a modern Romancing the Stone.

At least, that's the impression the trailer gave. Which, I have today, was also largely accurate.

Enjoyable but not earth shaking.

M. Night Shyamalan recommended Jaws (1975) in Movies (curated)

Jaws (1975)
Jaws (1975)
1975 | Thriller

"Jaws is the next poster on my wall, I’m staring at it right now. You are about to be introduced to, in my opinion, the greatest craftsman storyteller the cinema has ever seen and with a vehicle that had literally the perfect balance — and he brought that. It was [Steven Spielberg’s] balance of humor and artistry and the genre. It was the culminating of that balance. I screened that movie for my crew — I forgot which movie, two or three movies ago, and it’s just incredible to watch the balancing act of the humor. Roy Schieder’s trying to understand about what’s going on in the town about the shark and there’s this lady complaining to him about the kids that are karate chopping the fence. It’s genius because life moves on, and this is like real life. It’s the collision of a perfect story from the book with great sensibilities for entertainment and humor. Spielberg gets the precision of the craft and thinking about the shot with the me lieu of the time, and does in that docu-1970s style, which is my favorite time period in cinema ever."
