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    Voice (2005)

    Voice (2005)

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    While training after hours in her high-school, the aspiring singer Park Young-Eon is mysteriously...


David McK (3505 KP) rated The Mummy (1999) in Movies

Aug 3, 2019 (Updated Jul 9, 2024)  
The Mummy (1999)
The Mummy (1999)
1999 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Rachel Weisz (2 more)
Brendan Fraser
Indiana Jones alike plot!
Series went downhill from here on (0 more)
I remember going to see this in the cinema when it first came out. I also remember a warning sign up in the ticket booth about how, although the film had a PG-13 rating, it had some rather nasty scenes, particularly during the prologue.

You know, the prologue where they show Imhotep and his priests being mummified alive?

That bit.

However, this then becomes a thoroughly enjoyable action romp through Egypt, with Brendan Fraser doing his best Indiana Jones impersonation after he and Rachel Weisz (and John Hannah) accidentally manage to awaken Arnold Vosloo's Imhotep from his undead slumber.

Gaspar Noe recommended An Andalusian Dog (1929) in Movies (curated)

An Andalusian Dog (1929)
An Andalusian Dog (1929)
1929 | Fantasy, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m obsessed with 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I’m not jealous of the director who directed it because it was so much work. I’m sure he was working 20 hours a day for five years, with the very best people he could find on this planet to create a cathedral of cinema. The movie is a cathedral itself. And also when you read about how the reception to the movie was, how much he suffered, everybody was picking on the movie besides the young audience, that you don’t envy Kubrick. You envy his talent. But if there’s one director that I really envy, it’s Buñuel. I wish I was in his head when he had shown the movie he co-directed with Salvador Dali, because it’s just a short movie, a 17-minute movie, but that still is his most famous movie after a huge career of fabulous movies. And it’s the first movie that I know that really used the language of dreams and nightmares. The opening scene of the movie, of the short film, with Bunuel cutting the eye of a woman — even if the close-up, they replaced the eye of the woman by the eye of a cow — is so shocking that I wish I could have been in the audience, if I could not be behind Bunuel. If I could see the reaction, I’m sure there’s never people turning more crazy in the history of cinema, than the first audience that that movie had. Really it was not as banned as his first feature, L’Age d’Or, that was more anti-religious than this one. But yeah, there’s so many documentaries about the Second World War, about the First World War, about the things that happened in the trench, but why didn’t anybody film the opening day, or that first premiere of Un Chien Andelou? I’m sure that it was a general state of shock. And the movie is so beautiful, so political, that it’s a real piece of art. There’s not many directors you can consider as artists. Of course, Kubrick’s like an architect, the most famous architect in the history of cinema, but as a poet or painter, Bunuel is an artist. Also, he was co-directing a movie with Salvador Dali, which makes sense. You can say Kennith Anger is an artist. But there are not many filmmakers that you can consider artists."

    Time Out Dubai Magazine

    Time Out Dubai Magazine

    Travel and Magazines & Newspapers

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    Time Out Dubai Magazine is a weekly guide to life in Dubai – from restaurant reviews, big party...


Awix (3310 KP) rated A Clockwork Orange (1971) in Movies

Apr 7, 2019 (Updated Apr 7, 2019)  
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
1971 | Crime, Sci-Fi
Kubrick's provocative examination of violence and morality. Young offender Alex (McDowell) leads a carefree life of theft, assault, and rape, until his actions catch up with him and he is sent to prison. There he volunteers for a new therapy which is supposed to remove his capacity for violent wrongdoing...

A massively iconic, much-imitated film, despite being taken out of circulation (in the UK at least) by the director for thirty years. The film's musings on the nature of moral agency are less striking than its baleful, scathing criticism of social attitudes towards crime and punishment, and the extraordinarily vivid opening and still difficult-to-watch opening sequence. A grotesque morality play with many coups de cinema; an extraordinary film by any standard.
The Final Destination (2009)
The Final Destination (2009)
2009 | Action, Horror
Touted to be the last film in the series, The Final Destination is even more disappointing than its predecessor and thankfully not the final outing for the franchise.

Utilising sloppy 3D effects that cheapened the film’s look was a bad move by director David R. Ellis and even the main disaster was uninspiring to watch – a NASCAR race just didn’t cut it after already having a vehicular disaster in Final Destination 2. The climax however, staged in a cinema, is incredibly clever.

Add to this some truly dreadful acting and awful dialogue and it makes for a low-point that thankfully was reversed just two years later. Unbelievably, this was also the most successful of the series.