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Flavia! (2 more)
Relationship between Flavia and Dogger
Mystery plot
Another excellent entry in Bradley's Flavia de Luce series
In the ninth (! - how is that possible?) Flavia de Luce mystery, we see Flavia away from her home turf, as she and her sisters have been sent away from Buckshaw on a holiday to try to help them recover from the death of their father. But instead (of course) Flavia discovers a dead body. As the gang is boating, she drags her hand along the water, it snags on something and boom - she catches her fingers on a corpse. Only our Flavia! Of course, Flavia isn't content to leave things to the local Constable. The dead man is named Orlando, and his death leads Flavia into a world of a traveling circus, a famous Canon renowned for poisoning three women, and much more.

I am an unabashed fan of Flavia and this book didn't disappoint. It has all the staples of an excellent Flavia novel-- a strong mystery to unravel and a bunch of clever, witty, and surprisingly uncanny lines from our beloved protagonist. By now, our dear twelve-year-old Flavia has been through a lot. She's more mature, and she's as feisty and clever as ever. I admit that some of the chemistry in these novels goes over my head (I'm not as smart as Flavia, and I'm completely fine admitting that). But I love the mystery plots, and more than that, I love Flavia. I've felt protective of her since the first novel, even though the thought of that would anger her more than anything.

There's a good eclectic cast of supporting characters in this one, including an aged actor, an undertaker's son, and a woman who used to know Dogger. And, of course, we get some appearances from Flavia's ever-suffering sisters, Daffy and Feely. The best part of this novel, however, for me, was the strengthening relationship between Dogger and Flavia. Their bond is one of the highlights of the book. I love those two. By now, Flavia and Dogger feel like friends, or even family. It's a sign of how well Bradley writes and creates these characters that you feel so attached to them.

Suffice to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. If you're a fan of Bradley's series, you probably will as well. If you haven't picked up this series, I do suggest starting near the beginning, as you'll form a better bond with the characters. But you will be able to jump in with this book, too, as the mystery stands alone. The ending of this one also leaves me excited and looking forward to what I hope will be book #10.

I was very excited to receive a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.

Fred (860 KP) rated Dumbo (2019) in Movies

Jun 19, 2019  
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
This is how you ruin a classic
Dumbo is one of my favorite Disney films. The original, not this crap. When told that his film was not long enough to be considered a full-length movie & that he would have to add 10 more minutes or so, Disney said "No. It's perfect the way it is." And he was right. The people who made this live-action remake apparently never heard that story. It's almost 2 hours long. The original story of the first film is done in about the first 20 minutes of this film, then it's an original sequel, basically.

The first & main problem of the film is the most obvious. The focus on the human characters over the animal characters. There are no talking animals in this one. Sure, Dumbo didn't talk, but he had Timothy mouse with him to speak for him. There's no stork, the bully elephants are gone, even the racist, but very entertaining crows are completely gone.

Second problem: Some of the music from the original film is here, but instrumental versions. Only "Baby Mine" is sung. We hear a clip of "Casey Jr." at the beginning. At the very end of the credits, we hear a bit of "When I See a Elephant Fly", but no "Look Out For Mr. Stork". But the biggest mistake was what they did with "Pink Elephants on Parade" In the original film, Dumbo accidentally drinks some champagne & gets drunk. He then blows bubbles & the bubbles take shape & thus begins one of the greatest scenes in Disney history. The bubbles take the shape of dancing, skating & tromping elephants. The scene is a nightmare & probably scared some kids in the day. The song itself is both fun & creepy. This should be perfect Tim Burton stuff, but in this film, it is not. In this film, circus performers are creating giant bubbles & somehow they are taking the shape of the elephants. In fact, they're copies of the elephants (and camel) from the original film. The song plays, but again, no lyrics. It's also not very well directed. Instead of looking like a nightmare, they keep cutting to Dumbo, watching the performers, with a smile.

And that brings me to another problem. Tim Burton. Like most Tim Burton movies, it looks fantastic, but it's just boring. The story is boring & unoriginal (Free Willy anyone?) I didn't get to like any of the human characters to care. They kind of just go through the motions. Dumbo himself lacks character & I never really felt for him.

I know Disney is set on remaking their classics & I haven't seen any before (and probably will not see anymore after this one). It breaks my heart to see Disney reduced to this sort of thing. I'll stick with the originals, thank you.
Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night (1987)
Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night (1987)
1987 | Action, Animation, Family
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
That Creepy Version of Pinocchio
This movie is basically a sequel to the original “Pinocchio” and the movie starts off with Gepetto giving Pinocchio a jewel box to take to the Mayor. As Pinocchio goes to town to deliver the jewel box, he meets up with Igor and Scalawag, two con artists who eventually convince Pinocchio to give them the jewel box, which ends up getting Pinocchio into trouble with Gepetto. Pinocchio was so upset about disappointing his father that he decided to run away and get the jewel box back. It was then that Pinocchio ended up getting into all kinds of strange and frightening situations such as meeting the frightening Puppetino at the circus and eventually meeting up with the Emperor of the Night!

Now, when I heard that Filmation was making a sequel to the famous Italian classic "Pinocchio," I was quite surprised and satisfied with the results! I loved the fact that there was a sequel to "Pinocchio" to begin with since I did wonder what Pinocchio's adventures would be like after he was transformed into a real boy and we managed to get one in this movie! I honestly like the dark and edgy feel of this film as it really grabbed my interest and some scenes (like the infamous puppet transformation scene) had really stayed with me ever since I was little! The voice acting was fantastic in this film as all the voice actors really gave everything they got for this film. Probably my favorite voice acting was from James Earl Jones as the Emperor of the Night as he made the character extremely scary and mysterious and I was really interested in the character! The animation is surprisingly better than what we usually get with Filmation as the characters move much fluidly and the action sequences were quite well done!

The only problem with this film was that it seemed like the plot was a rehash of the original Pinocchio story as we still get a storyline about Pinocchio trying to figure out what is right and wrong, having a conscience who would guide him and having two con artists scam him and get him into more trouble. The only thing that was actually different in this story was the Emperor of the Night as he proved to be scarier than the previous villains in "Pinocchio."

Overall, "Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night" is a great film for anyone who is a huge fan of Filmation's works and who wants to see how the story of "Pinocchio" would continue.

Originally posted on:

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Burntown in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Jennifer McMahon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a child, Miles watched in horror as his mother was murdered before his very eyes. Despite that awful event, Miles grew up into a well-respected professor, as well as an inventor. He married his wife, Lily, and they had a family, daughter Eva and son Errol. Miles loves to tinker in his workshop while Eva watches and assists. Miles best invention, however? A machine built off plans supposedly from Thomas Edison and handed down to Miles: it allows you to speak with your deceased loved ones. But Miles' hard-fought happy adult life ends when a terrible storm hits his family home: at the same time, the machine turns itself on, warning them of danger. Shortly after, Eva awakes and is told by Lily that Miles and Errol are dead. Their home has been lost in the "Great Flood," and they can never return. Eva reinvents herself as Necco, and she and her mother find a new life among the homeless of Burntown. But then Necco's mother dies and a series of events shows that Necco is in grave danger. What exactly happened the night of the Great Flood? And will Necco ever be safe again?

The premise of this book probably sounds absurd, but please, don't let it deter you. I've read a handful of McMahon's books over time now and liked them all, but <i>I really, really enjoyed this book.</i> Many of her books have a blend of paranormal, fantasy, etc., and this one was no exception, expertly weaving in fantasy and supernatural flavors into a surprisingly riveting mystery.

The novel starts off a bit convoluted--there are a lot of narrators--and you have to suspend your disbelief at times for the plot to work, but it's really worth it. Necco is a wonderful character, and she's surrounded by this intriguing group of people, including Pru, a cafeteria lady/circus fanatic; Theo, a high school student finding her way; and Mr. Marcelle, a delivery man who helps out his private investigator brother. McMahon seamlessly weaves together these characters--and many more--into a mesmerizing tale that is part ghost story, part mystery, part love story. I honestly couldn't put this book down: I stayed up late to finish it.

This novel isn't your usual mystery or your usual supernatural tale, but it's certainly worth reading if you like one or both genres. There's a sweetness to it, as well as a completely compelling plot that will pull you in immediately.

You can read my review of McMahon's novel, THE NIGHT SISTER, <a href="">here</a>;.

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The Astronaut Farmer (2006)
The Astronaut Farmer (2006)
2006 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Charles Farmer (Billy Bob Thornton) is a man with a dream. Unlike some men, he does not dream of wealth, fame, or material goods, instead he dreams simply of traveling into space. While to most who share Charles’s dream would be resigned to simply leave it at that, Charles is not like most men and is determined to make his dream a reality.

While Charles too many is a simple rancher, his past is anything but simple thanks in part to his past career at N.A.S.A.

While N.A.S.A. has forgotten about Charles, who left to care for his family after the passing of his father, Charles never lost site of his desire to travel into space, and has decided to do something about it.

Towards that end, Charles has decided to use his aerospace training and education to construct his own rocket in his barn.

His family is supportive, especially his loving wife Audrey (Virginia Madsen), who believes that since Jim gave up his dreams for his family when they needed him most, and he should be supported now.

Of course many of the locales in his small Texas town do not share his vision and too many Charles is the locale oddity who is borderline crazy. This fact is also shared by the bank that is close to foreclosing on his ranch.

Despite the skeptics, Charles is close to his dream, but he lacks the needed fuel to power his rocket. While his efforts have largely gone under the radar, the moment Charles attempts to purchase fuel, he lands high on the watch list for the government, who now consider him a threat to national security, as well as N.A.S.A. who are determined to keep him grounded.

In an effort to sound him out, N.A.S.A. sends a Colonel (Bruce Willis), to Charles to inspect his rocket and offer him a chance to ride on a future shuttle mission if he abandons his efforts.

Undaunted, Charles continues to follow his dream and soon finds himself the center of a media circus and under constant surveillance from Government agents.

As the tensions mount so does the pending foreclosure as well as concern in the family that they are possibly going to lose everything they cherish due to Charles determination to see his dream out at all costs.

Billy Bob Thornton and Virginia Madsen are great together and have a real chemistry that not only helps the audience connect to their characters but makes it easy to root for them.

The duo drives this solid and highly entertaining film from the Polish Brothers who are quickly making a name for themselves with their solid body of work. The story could in some hands be dismissed as fluff but under the guidance of the Polish Brothers and the easygoing charm of Thornton and Madsen, the film soars and is a very pleasant and enjoyable surprise.

Eilidh G Clark (177 KP) rated Goblin in Books

Jul 2, 2019  
Ever Dundas | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything. This is a top class debut novel (0 more)
Nothing. (0 more)
Brilliant book, well wriiten, original
Winner of the Saltire Society first book of the year award 2017, Goblin, by Ever Dundas is a brilliant and brave first novel. Set in both London during WW2 and in Edinburgh in 2011, the story is told in flashback. For me, the first half of the novel is the best, we meet Goblin as a nine-year-old tomboy with a love for animals and a passion for storytelling - both of which the protagonist collects.
Goblin has a difficult family life; a mother who doesn’t want her, 'Goblin-runt born blue. Nothing can kill you. [...] You're like a cockroach,' (p.5) a father who mends radio’s and barely talks and a brother (David) who spends most of his time in his bedroom. Left to her own devices, the protagonist, her dog Devil, and her two friends Mac and Stevie roam the neighbourhood and hang around in an abandoned worksite. As a collector of stories, Goblin enthusiastically attends the local church with Mac, 'I loved the stories, turning them over in my head, weaving my own.' (p.24) before meeting The Crazy Pigeon Lady who tells her tales of Lizards people from the realm below. The childhood innocence in these chapters, mixed with magic realism, break down the walls of adult reasoning and creates a wonderful suspension of disbelief.
But without giving away the story plot, the suspension of disbelief serves another purpose; to divert the reader (as well as the adult protagonist) from the truth. So, while the adult Goblin searches amongst her tangled past, she takes the reader along for the ride. We meet multiple parents, live life on the road, come alive on the streets and in the circus, explore love, death, desire, and hate – and somewhere in the middle we meet an impressive collection of animals - Goblin has it all. And as far as strong female protagonists go, she’s right up there with Anais Hendricks from Jenni Fagan’s Panopticon, to Janie Ryan in Kerry Hudson’s Tony Hogan Bought Me an Ice Cream Float Before He Stole My Ma, characters who are so real you might just walk by them on the street.
The only teeny tiny criticism about the novel is that the second half spans over a lengthy period of time and it felt a little rushed. However, there is so much to say about this novel, so many angles to discuss, from Queer Theory to Religion, from Myth to Realism, and as a graduate of English Literature I could have a field day studying this book but for now, as a lover of good books, I’ll give it a big thumbs up and a huge recommendation, it’ll be finding a space on my ‘keep’ book shelve.
Goblin, Ever Dundas (2017) published by Saraband

Beatriz (17 KP) rated Coraline (2009) in Movies

Feb 21, 2019  
Coraline (2009)
Coraline (2009)
2009 | Animation, Fantasy, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Coraline is a stop-motion film that took almost 4 years to be done. It was released in 2009 and produced by Henry Selick also knows by producing The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Coraline was considered a childrens horror and ,in my opinion, that is the ONLY wrong thing about the film. I watched it as a child and it caused me nightmares for years. Its no children film. Its a genious animated horror film for sure, but not for + 6 years olds (the age that the cinemas said it was okay for people to watch)

Long story short Coraline is the story about a girl that doesnt have a close relationship with her parents that moves into the Pink Palace. Where she finds a door to a world where she has another mother and another father that are absolutely everything she ever wished for......until they are not. Until the Other Mother starts doing everything to sew buttons into Coralines eyes in order to trap her in the Other World with her.

This is by far on my top 3 favourite films and a 10 is unfair.

I loved the film so much I ended up researching for every fact and theories I could find. Here are one of the most interesting ones I've found ...

1 - The Ranft Brothers moving truck shows up at the Pink Palace towards the beginning of the film. A hidden detail appears on their truck in the form of
 spray paint, which is a shout-out for stop-motion animation.

The two brothers are also a shout-out, though, specifically to Joe and Jerome Ranft, two brothers who were famous for their animation work, specifically
 through Pixar.

2 - Two big reasons Selick pushed for stop-motion animation over live-action was that he felt a talking cat was too much of a gimmick in that context and the
 film itself might end up being too scary.

3 - It is never specified in the film whether the real Bobinsky actually has a mouse circus. Selick believes he does not actually have one.

4 - Up to thirty animators worked on the film at any one time.

5 - The hat Coraline wears in several parts of the film is a Japanese school boy’s hat that she finds. While promoting a film in Japan, Selick had picked up one of
 these for his son as a souvenir, but the boy never wore it. He figured he could at least make Coraline wear it.


1 - Wibie says that the well is so deep that some people say they "can see a sky full of stars in it" and The Other World is always night so the well could be another portal as in the end we see the cat disappearing in another portal so there are more portals than the small door.

So ... in the end of the film, did Coraline accidentally just returned the key to Beldam ?

2 - The Taffees that the actresses give Coraline have 3 dates in them that match the years that new people moved in the Pink Palace, which would match the 3 ghost children.
Storm Runners (Storm Runners, #1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storm Runners
By: Roland Smith

Main Characters: Chase and John Masters
Side Characters: Tomas (employee of John Masters), Nicole (daughter of Marco and school friend), Momma Rossi (mother of Marco), Marco, Rashawn (school friend), Dr. Krupp (school principal),
Richard Krupp (TV anchor and principal's husband), Cindy Stewart (meteorologist), and Mark (cameraman)
Setting: Florida

The book starts out with John getting stroke by lightening as he gathers his tools from the backyard. As it is raining and Chase left them out after working a tree house.
One year later they are both traveling around the states with Tomas. they are helping people rebuild after hurricanes. Chase is never in one school long enough to make friends. His dad does make him carry a to go bag which has emergency supplies.
His dad changed after being stroke by lightening. He has an eternal clock that is extremely actarit. He no longer sleeps more than 4 hours a night. He is also very good at telling where a hurricane will hit.
John is dropping Chase off at a farm where Tomas' Brother works to go to school while they head to Saint Petersburg (Saint Pete). This is where John thinks that Hurricane Emily will hit.
On this farm he meets Marco, Nicole and Momma Rossi. Marco and Momma Rossi are little people and Nicole is normal size. This is no ordinary farm. This is a circus farm. There is a giraffe, loins, a pregnant elephant, monkey and leopard.
Chase goes to school with Nicole. He checks himself in because Dad is on his way to Saint Pete. This is unusual but he does it all the time. Dr. Krupp questions him but goes ahead and gives him a schedule. As the day goes on the weather in his area is getting worse. He realizes his Dad is wrong this time about where the Hurricane will hit. As school ends he try's to tell Dr. Krupp that they would safer at the school instead of on the bus heading home. She doesn't listen and sends them on their way. She wants to get home to her own children.
This is where the adventures begins and where they meet Rashawn another girl from school who lives by the farm.
Meanwhile in Saint Pete. John is waiting with Tomas for Hurricane Emily to hit. He talks with the Cindy and actually films a segment on the news. Richard is actually arguing a little with Cindy about the Hurricane. Cindy doesn't think the Hurricane will hit Saint Pete. As they realize that Hurricane Emily is in fact not going to hit Saint Pete but where Chase is John wants to go back.
He offers to take Cindy and Mark with him to get updated information on the storm. They both agree to go.
What happens to John and his crew? Do Chase, Rashawn and Nicole make it home?
This book leaves off on a cliff hanger, which makes you wonder.
I greatly enjoyed the book and have purchased the next book to read and see what happens.
I recommend that you read this book to your children or for yourself.
Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away (2012)
Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away (2012)
2012 | International, Documentary, Family
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The talented combination of Academy award-winning filmmaker James Cameron and the renowned Cirque du Soleil combine in a new film entitled “Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away”. For those unfamiliar with the dazzling and spectacular world of Cirque du Soleil, the company has created several amazing shows which blend music, costuming, innovative sets, and amazing feats of acrobatic, gymnastic and performance art. Many of their shows tour the world and several are in permanent residence in Vegas.

The movie stars Erica Linz as Mia who, after witnessing an unexpected event at a local circus, soon finds herself in another world that is comprised of bright star-filled skies, ever present mist, illuminated tents, and all manner of dazzling yet odd residents.

Mia is attempting to find the trapeze artist who disappeared during his performance and as she journeys around the strange new landscape she witnesses firsthand all sorts of incredible feats performed by the Cirque du Soleil cast. There are dazzling routines performed in water as well as aerial displays, each one is framed by Mia as she journeys to a new area.

While at first I found this captivating it soon became a little repetitious for me. After seeing eight live Cirque du Soleil shows I was quickly able to discern several routines that I’d seen previously. Selections from KA, Viva Elvis, Verekai and more are all being re-created up on the screen. This is not to devalue the stunning and amazing performances but after seeing them live, the acts seemed diminished to me up on the big screen as you do not get the full visual and aural experience of watching it live.

The credits verified that many of the sequences in the film are taken from their performances in Vegas and other venues. Aside from the 3-D aspect it brought to mind watching several of the shows when they’re broadcast on Bravo. While technically brilliant and amazing the movie is an extremely poor substitute for seeing them in person.

I have to say I was also disappointed with the 3-D aspect as James Cameron, who brought stunning visuals to “Avatar” to the point where one believed they were truly immersed upon the alien moon Pandora, came up short this time around. While there were some spectacular 3-D shots with the water based routines as well as some aerial features there simply wasn’t enough there to enhance the film beyond what was already presented by the performers.

This was a very hard review to write as this was not really a movie where one can bring a lot of attention to the acting. The story was little more than a framework to put a highlight reel of performances from many of their shows.

If you have never seen a Cirque du Soleil performance by all means I definitely recommend seeing this film but for those hard-core fans who are regular attendees of Cirque du Soleil, one might want to wait to catch this on DVD and make sure to catch a live show in person the next time that they are able.

Dana (24 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to start off by saying to Owlcrate, amazing job at curating this book for the box. I was stoked when I opened the box to see this one in there because this was on my wish list!

I know quite a few people on this site did not enjoy this book. I, obviously, am not one of them. I really liked the magical quality of Caraval. It seemed like a really creepy, yet beautiful place to be. As you probably can see, it took me a while to actually read this book, but that's not the writing's fault. I just kept getting distracted or into mini slumps. I promise, I liked this book a lot.

Caraval has gotten a lot of hype and attention, I think for a good reason. This, I believe, is Stephanie Garber's first full novel and she did an excellent job at it. I am excited to see what she comes up with next.

The characters were interesting. I liked Scarlett and her sleuthing skills. She was strong and wanted to protect those around her which I can understand. She is a little too self-sacrificing to be completely relatable, though which is one fault I will put onto her. I can say I wasn't a big fan of her sister, Donatella. That's all I will say about that. The Grand Master Legend was creepy as hell and he wasn't really seen in the book at all. That was great writing to be able to feel that creeping sensation throughout the book. He was just a heavy presence at the back of your mind that you couldn't quite shake. I felt immediately attached and wary of Julian. When you read the book, you'll find out why.

The plot is primarily about the game and sisterhood. Scarlett will do anything to protect Donatella, and I mean anything. She knows she has to win this game she has been dreaming about her whole life to keep Tella safe, and damn it, she is going to do her best. I respect that. I liked the pacing of the plot, though there were a few moments things happened too quickly. I feel like there were a few too many jumps to immediate conclusions for the hints in the game that the readers couldn't necessarily keep up with.

The setting was beautiful. Who wouldn't want to go to this magical circus island? I mean, yes, it's super dangerous, but I would go! I love the rose imagery throughout. It was a great connecting theme that I liked because even if the characters sometimes were disoriented, you could find your way again with the roses.

The game was crazy. Literally. I was so blown away with the thought process Garber had to forman of when she was writing this. Blown. Away.

The twists and turns of this book had me going at all times. I really enjoyed not being able to see things coming, which I usually can when there is more of a suspenseful plot line, but in this one, there were only a few moments I could see ahead.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and I can't wait for the next one!