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Gone With the Wind (1939)
Gone With the Wind (1939)
1939 | Drama, Romance, War

"Clark Gable in Gone With the Wind. Here's this guy saying, 'I may be rough around the edges, but I'm the better man for you, and you're still locked over there with pretty boy."

Gone With the Wind (1939)
Gone With the Wind (1939)
1939 | Drama, Romance, War
Sexy Clark gable (3 more)
Big floofy dresses
Character also named Melanie
Frankly, I do give a damn
This goes in as one of my favorite movies. It tells a great story that has lots of romance but doesn't actually center around a love story. It talks about how a b**** gets what's coming to her. I personally enjoy the character of Melanie but I'm not sure why

Andy K (10821 KP) Aug 19, 2018

Doesn't get much better!

It Happened One Night (1934)
It Happened One Night (1934)
1934 | Classics, Comedy, Romance

"Another movie that I really love — and I’m sure you know it — is It Happened One Night, which is, I think, one of the best romantic comedies out there. I remember seeing that movie and falling in love with Clark Gable and just thinking how fantastic that backdrop was, on the train. It seemed like a very real relationship, like they really were in love with one another. [Laughs] I didn’t seem so pat, you know?"

The Misfits (1961)
The Misfits (1961)
1961 | Classics, Comedy, Drama

"Anybody who has the audacity to say that Marilyn Monroe wasn’t a good actress needs to see that f***** movie. I want you to go inside and outside of a house, jumping in a box and going, “I’m in and I’m out. And I’m in and I’m out.” And you believe it, that this woman is standing there, working the little thing, the whole body jiggling, the entire place mesmerized. There were just so many moments, and it’s shot so beautifully, and I think it’s just a remarkable film. Clark Gable in a completely different way than we’ve ever seen him before. It’s remarkable."

Gone With the Wind (1939)
Gone With the Wind (1939)
1939 | Drama, Romance, War

"I saw it years ago and I was in the movie — as far as I was concerned, I was the star of the movie [laughs]. I so identified with her — with Olivia de Havilland. And Vivien Leigh. Oh, I was in the movie! It was a time that I wish I had been born but I didn’t want to be so uncomfortable, know what I mean? But I just love that time in history. I love the costumes. I thought the cinematography was extraordinary. For that time it was such a magnificent piece. And Clark Gable – I didn’t learn until much later that he had rotten teeth [laughs]. But I adored him. I was with the woman who played the baby. She passed away this past year. She was at a party that Esther Williams gave about two years ago, maybe three years ago. And she called me over to her and told me she loved my work and she told me she was the baby in Gone with the Wind. She was the little baby when they were running away from the fire. She was in the horse and buggy with the nanny."

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
1980 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"I think #3 would be The Empire Strikes Back. To me, clearly the best of the six, like way, way ahead of the field — the six Star Wars movies, not my list — and here we go, Harrison Ford again. Harrison Ford was like my generation’s greatest leading man. He’s going to be our Clark Gable or whatever. He was so good. That movie just had plenty of story and action, and my problem with a lot of sci-fi is that it’s all action and not enough story, not enough character development, and not enough relationships between the characters. It’s all shoot-em-up, which is good; I think guys like that. But I like my shoot-em-ups with relationships and character development and lots of story. And, you know, lots of snappy lines done really well by the actors. Another thing is, it’s the last Star Wars movie before the cute came in. And once they brought the cute, it was like “Ugh! It’s too cute!” They should have made six movies for adults and six movies for kids, and then everybody could have been happy. I’m going to get death threats now, for criticizing… I kid because I love! [laughs]"

I'll Give You the Sun
I'll Give You the Sun
Jandy Nelson | 2015 | Children
8.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read the original review:

(Self-portrait: Book Remakes Girl)

Oh my Clark Gable. I'll Give You the Sun is simply amazing. It's a piece or artwork in itself, a definite new favourite of mine.

Alternating between twins Noah and Jude, I'll Give You the Sun is two alternating stories that twist together in ways so unexpected and so perfect that you'll undoubtedly want to read to the end without putting the book down. The Invisible Museum of Noah, aged 13 to 14, and The History of Luck, 16-year-old's Jude's story, are amazing on their own, but then they start to fit together so tremendously, and every little thing makes so much sense... I can't describe how amazing I found this book.

Jude and Noah were close; Noah was always painting, inside his head and out, and Jude was out being a badass daredevil, and building her flying women in the sand. But a horrific accident involving their mother sends them both tumbling, and the relationship between them is ruined.

But although all hope seems lost, the now-boycotting Jude finds the answer in such an unexpected way and suddenly everything falls back into place.

And Noah, after having his heart ripped out by his own actions, has to decide between telling the truth about his mother or keeping her secrets hidden beneath lies.

I love the style and layout of this book. The cover alone is wonderful, but the pages themselves are all so unique and interesting, I loved it at soon as I turned to the first page. It's not too busy or intricate, just simple little doodles and such giving each page a bit of character. And every cover I've seen is nice and minimalistic too. (If you want to look the book up and see the over editions and covers you can look at it on Goodreads.)

A story of family struggles, individual troubles, love and heartbreak, I'll Give You the Sun is simply beautiful. I'm dying to read it again, even after finishing it just ten minutes ago! A full 5 stars for this gorgeous book.