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Connie (244 KP) rated Werewolf Online in Apps

Jul 26, 2018 (Updated Jul 26, 2018)  
Werewolf Online
Werewolf Online
5.3 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Ranked mode (2 more)
New roles being added all the time
Online means you can play anytime
Still in beta more so there are some bugs (0 more)
The best reboot of classic Mafia/ Werewolf card games!
I liked the card game Mafia as a kid. It was fun and made parties interesting. When I found Werewolf, I was more interested--the sci-fi/ fantasy theme really sucked me in farther. Now that it's an app, I literally can't put it down!

One team faces three other teams to try and be top dog (errr... wolf, actually) at the end of the game. Assigned a random role with a special ability, you have to try and hunt down all the members of all the other teams and lynch/shoot/holy water them without your own team being knocked out first. Will you be assigned to the Villager team as a Seer or the Mayor? Will you "wake up" as a Werewolf, or as the Shaman? Will you be the Serial Killer or the Arsonist, trying to kill every other player? Or will you be the Fool or Headhunter, trying to be lynched or get one other specific person lynched?

Every game is different. Every game is online against hundreds of others all around the world. And every game, only one team (sometimes only one player) can win.

It's tactical. It's skill and intrigue, lies and manipulations and downright back-stabbing as the most clever rise to the top.

On top of that, new roles are being added constantly through the Discord servers. If you've got an idea, they want to hear it. Several writers have already had their ideas incorporated, and it's awfully interesting to help those roles get perfected!

All in all this is a solid party favorite made playable anywhere. 10/10 WILL play again!
The Songbird Girls
The Songbird Girls
Richard Jay Parker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Really Enjoyable!
Wow, this book is amazing! I generally enjoy a good thriller but this one had me enthralled from the very first page.

Detective Tom Fabian’s past is catching up with him. It has been years since the most famous case of his career – when his evidence put infamous serial killer Christopher Wisher behind bars forever. But when Wisher summons a reluctant Fabian to his prison cell to hand over a diary, he realises that Wisher’s twisted games are far from over.

Shortly after Fabian’s visit, Wisher is found dead in his cell. And a few days later, the police find a woman's body bearing Wisher’s signature, a dead songbird. But the police never released this detail to the public … so who has Wisher been talking to? Did Wisher have an accomplice? He had a number of regular visitors whilst in prison. Why are they visiting a serial killer?

The Songbird Girls has a very clever plotline that I really enjoyed. It was intriguing from the beginning and although this is not the first book in the series, I found it a good stand-alone read, as there was plenty of back history.

There are many twists and turns throughout this well-written novel. I simply had to keep reading on with this fascinating thriller and the ending left me very happy. I believe there is definitely scope for a follow-on book. It has an impressive, well-thought-out storyline that culminates in some very tense closing chapters.

I highly recommend reading The Songbird Girls and I am looking forward to reading another book from this author!

I would like to thank NetGalley, Bookouture and the author, Richard Parker, for a copy of this book in return for a review.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Ion Fury in Video Games

Aug 16, 2019  
Ion Fury
Ion Fury
2018 | Shooter
Back in the 90s before the days of High-Speed Internet, 3D Graphics Cards, and other gaming technologies that we take for granted was Duke Nukem 3D. The game was developed by Voidpoint, in association with 3D Realms and 1C Publishing on the Build Engine and became a big hit in large part to the action, character, and interactive features of the game which were fairly new at the time.

Other games such as Shadow Warrior and Blood followed which were powered by this technology but it soon became a thing of the past as games such as Quake set the new standards for graphics and online play and with the advent of 3D acceleration; pixelated graphics became a thing of the past.

What was once old is now new again as 3D Realms have returned with a new game called Ion Fury. While Duke and Shadow Warrior have spawned sequels and remakes using modern gaming features and graphics Ion Fury takes a step back by giving gamers the look, sound, and feel of a game from the 90s.

Playing as Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison; players must take on the evil Dr. Jadus Heskel and his army of Cyber-Cultists.

While the look of the game may be retro there are many features that were not possible back in the day such as auto saves, improved physics, headshots, and more; the game is a fast-paced and action-packed shooter that more than holds its own with any of the recent entries into the genre.

While I had played the preview mission about a year ago, the full game did take a bit of adjustment as some things simply do not play like a modern game would. There can be some clipping issues, and enemy A.I. can be erratic. But the awesome array of weapons from your Loverboy pistol to Shotguns, Machine Guns, Chain Guns, and Grenade Launchers are more than enough to cut enemies down to size. You will need this and more such as your Seeking Grenades and Mines as the game throws lots of enemies at you and as you progress they become more abundant, varied, and dangerous.

Ion Fury is filled with numerous secret areas and Pop Culture references from the lines your character says to all sorts of locales and situations that arise. There are also some clever call backs to earlier games as I noticed the Bloody Handprint from BLOOD, the Ying/Yang Symbol from Shadow Warrior, and Duke’s Atomic symbol at various times.
The game mixes indoor and outdoor locales well including an Academy, Subway, Mansion, and of course the secret lab filled with all sorts of evil experiments.

The game is also filled with several puzzles as well as a few very annoying times jumps that had me cursing at their difficulty on more than one occasion. There were also plenty of long levels where you had to find alternate ways into rooms to obtain Key Cards to unlock other areas and keep the action moving. There was a decent supply of health and Body Armor along the way and it never was unappreciated as enemies would either swarm or attack from hiding frequently.

As I played the game I moved past the nostalgia and became really focused on the story and the action. I was able to look past the older graphics and gameplay and remember just how fun this type of game was and how we would spend hours online playing games like this.
Sadly this is not an option in Ion Fury at the time as the game is missing a Multiplay segment. We had done an interview for the game over a year ago; and we were of the understanding that this would be a part of the final release but sadly it is not. I had hoped to relive some of classic Deathmatch games of old.

The game is affordable as it is set to sell at $19.99 and considering I have over 14 hours of gameplay to complete the game; it more than delivers and I did not even find all of the secret areas each level offers.

In the end if you are in the mood for some retro action; then Ion Fury is one that you will not want to miss.

4 stars out of 5

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) created a post

Sep 23, 2020  
Power Moves Out Of Necessity

An Essay On The Recent Acquisition of Zenimax Media and Bethesda Studios by Microsoft

Before this week it looked like Sony could do no wrong as they made the final sprint towards the release of their next gen system. It’s funny how quickly things can change in a week.

 First there was the monumental fuck up that was the PS5 pre-orders, which included but are not limited to; times that pre orders are going live not being clearly stated, each retailer apparently having totally random respective times that pre orders went live and pre orders seemingly being in stock until the point when the customer goes to pay at the checkout screen when they are told, ‘sorry buddy, not today!”

 Then there were the rumours, followed swiftly by the confirmation that the PS5 will indeed NOT be backwards compatible with anything pre PS4. Why is this something that is so difficult to do? This means that plenty of your favourite games from generations past, including titans such as the classic Hitman games, Silent Hill 2, the entire MGS franchise prior to Ground Zeroes, will spend yet another generation stuck on old hardware that is getting continuously older and harder to maintain.

 For years people have been begging Sony to introduce a service similar to GamePass, which has been a huge benefit to Xbox and PC players for a while now.
They listened… sort of.
The PlayStation Plus Collection was announced which includes a meaty array of huge last gen exclusives, including Uncharted 4 and God of War. The caveat is that while GamePass includes brand new first party releases added to the service on launch, as well as a respectable back catalogue of exclusives, the PS Plus Collection does not. Apparently it is ‘not financially feasible,’ for Sony to adopt this practice.

 Following all of this, Xbox then makes one of the most industry-shaking power moves that we have seen in the last decade, by announcing that they are purchasing Zenimax Media and by extension all of the studios under that umbrella, including Bethesda Softworks, Arkane Studios, id Software, Machine Games and Tango Gameworks. Talk about kicking a guy when he’s down.

 Now before you go and place a panicked pre order on an Xbox Series X, it has been announced that not all games from these studios will be exclusive to Microsoft systems. Instead this will be something that will be decided on a case to case basis and PS exclusives Deathloop from Arkane and Ghostwire: Tokyo from Tango will still be released as exclusives on Sony’s console. However, Microsoft did spend 7.5 billion dollars on the acquisition and you can bet on the fact they are going to want something for their money. If they can manage to claim Elder Scrolls VI, or Fallout 5 as a Microsoft exclusive, it could shift a lot of the market back to Xbox. The most likely candidate in my opinion for a MS exclusive, is Bethesda’s announced new IP; Starfield. It is already highly anticipated and will most likely be a huge seller when it drops and if Sony folks can’t get their hands on it, I can see many people making the jump to Microsoft.

 I have written before about my issues with exclusivity on either side of the console war, but I also understand the industry well enough to see that it is a necessary evil and in this cut-throat market, this is a clever investment. I really appreciate Xbox making a big move like this as quite frankly they had to do something major in this vein to even be in with a chance of winning the next generation. It’s good to see that they are refusing to go down without a fight. They really need a boost like this if they want to have any chance of catching up with Sony in the next generation.

 The only hitch in this whole plan is that had they done this five years ago, - before disappointments like Prey, ESO, Wolfenstein: Youngblood and especially Fallout 76, - this would have been ten times more effective and mind-blowing. As of today, it seems more like 2 companies that are both on their respective backs trying to help each other up.

 Overall, I think this is a good thing for the industry as a whole. I think that it will drive more intense competition, which will in turn result in better games. As a gamer, I think I would be way more upset about this if I hadn’t just built a decent gaming PC where I can play any Microsoft exclusives anyway, but I still think that it will ultimately benefit the individual gamer also by forcing more competition between developers and therefore a higher standard of games. I do think that it will encourage people who were originally going to just buy a PS5 to at least consider getting both consoles. This will have an effect down the line when MS starts announcing Xbox exclusive Bethesda titles etc, but we’ll see how much of an effect it ends up having at launch.
Black Mirror  - Season 3
Black Mirror - Season 3
2014 | Sci-Fi
The third series of Black Mirror (the first made for Netflix) sees another 6 standalone episodes offering a frightening glimpse at the future use of technology.
Nosedive looks at people's obsession with likes and ratings and that each interaction becomes either tooth-achingly sweet to secure that rating, or a desperate attempt to get that good rating from someone higher than you. While I liked the premise, I thought this episode was a little too long.
Playtest sees Pokémon Go type AR go wild, as a young American backpacker desperate for money agrees to test a new brain implant that allows people to experience horror games as if they were real. A well executed thriller of an episode.
Shut Up & Dance looks at blackmailing/revenge porn and shows the lengths people will go to to avoid their secrets being revealed, as a young boy afraid that footage of his one-handed solo adventures being shown to his friends and family ends up on something of a treasure hunt with Jerome off of Robson & Jerome (who has lost that loving feeling and started seeing an escort). The story is very gripping and well shot.
San Junipero was a surprisingly uplifting, heartwarming episode. I won't spoil the reveal too much but it is the rare occasion where Black Mirror shows the good side of technology taken to extremes. Absolutely beautiful.
Men Against Fire was a clever episode looking at the uses of brain augmentations in the armed forces and how they can be used and abused in warfare. An apparent zombie apocalypse scenario is turned on its head and shows the Black Mirror take on such technology.
The final episode, Hated in the Nation is a look at online trolling and bullying and how this can be taken to extremes. it shows that even when people know there are real consequences for the victims, because it is largely anonymous they will carry on doing it. Quite a long episode but gripping and keeps the viewer guessing throughout.
Adrianna's Surge
Adrianna's Surge
Katrina Cope | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Starting out as the story of Jayden, rescued from a life on the streets by a mysterious benefactor and enrolled into an advanced (and secretive) school, the Sanctum series has gone from strength to strength, and the fifth installment is no exception.

Following on directly from the end of the fourth book, Eric and the Black Axes, this follows the exploits of both The Sanctum and Ernest College as they try to stop the robot army. But Eric Showden is not the worse adversary they will face. Secrets will be revealed which will change things forever...

Once again this is a fantastic roller coaster ride of a book. By using the clever technique of having the children of both The Sanctum and Ernest College battling by means of controlling surrogate robots and computer hacking, infiltration and battles are fought at one remove. The fighting is also done without guns, but instead using martial arts skills. Combined with the high toughness and strength of the surrogates this allows for some thrilling fight scenes, often against seemingly insurmountable odds.

But there is a lot more to this book, with a lot of background of both Avando and Dr Ernest explored and explained. There are real shocks along the way with what happens and what is revealed, either through investigation or as a result of decisions made. The stakes are higher and everyone must dig deep to win through.

The ending is terrific and very dramatic and although it feels like it could be a permanent end, I really hope that there are more stories in the pipeline for Jayden and his friends. I would miss them a lot if this was all there was.

It's probably over-used but really this is a series that deserves to be filmed. Now we have seen the end of the Hunger Games and Harry Potter finished a while ago I can't think of a better concept to enthuse young adults (and a little younger).
Yoshi's Crafted World
Yoshi's Crafted World
2019 | Action
Simple mechanics (3 more)
Beautiful Art style
Yoshi (all of them)
Some level of difficulty in some areas
Feels very similar to the many Mario themed games before it (0 more)
Tons of adorable fun for all ages!
So Yoshi's crafted world was one of the two games I recieved as part of a bundle deal when I bought my Nintendo Switch Console. I was looking forward to playing the game as I hadn't played a Yoshi based game for some time and Yoshi is one of my all time fave characters. I didn't get chance to play wooly world as I haven't owned a new Nintendo console since DS Lite and the Wii. (I know it sucks, I just never had the money for them and by the time I did the next gen console was out and I was torn)

Anyways, as I began playing Yoshi's Crafted world and working my through the many incredibly awesome looking levels which not only have collectibles but has a flip side to each level in which you go through the level from the back which adds to the awesome game design as a whole, I realised that whilst it all looked new and had a new interesting yet simple plot to play through, the gameplay was the same mechanics that we've been playing for years in almost all the Mario Themed 2D platformers/side scrollers. You run across, bounce on enemies heads, throw eggs to smash things, collect coins and move on to the next level, then repeat. It works as a mechanic but at the same time I felt like there wasn't much of a change. However, they did add some more directions to this game, as you no longer just side scroll (although that is the majority of the game) but on the levels there will be certain areas where you can turn and head either towards the screen or away from it, in order to reach secrets or to simply continue through the level. So they mixed it up a little bit, but not much in my opinion.

One aspect I enjoyed was the outfits you could buy which worked as armour in a way. The designs are all made to look as though they are crafted out of cardboard boxes and other household items (hence the name 'crafted world') and this gives the game and adorable and very clever asthetic.

However if you're a fan of sidescrollers, the Mario world or just Yoshi in general then I would recommend giving it a go because it is fun, especially if you get a friend to join you and you can choose which outfits you want to wear and more importantly which colour Yoshi you want to be.
2018 | Dice Game
As board gamers, we are always looking for cool new games to play! Occasionally, that search takes us to Kickstarter, which is where I found Dicetopia. After reading the campaign page, I was immediately hooked and decided to back it! I enjoyed following Dicetopia through production, and the finished product is everything I hoped it would be! Maybe after reading this review, you’ll want to give it a try too!

Welcome to the Dicetopia – a vast city teeming with opportunity. Some people capitalize on those opportunities for the greater good, but not you. You and your faction have more dubious motivations – you see a city ripe for the taking. Unfortunately for you, other factions in the city see the same thing. Now, you must work quickly and quietly to gain control over the city’s neighborhoods before your opponents! Pick up loot, carry out secret missions, and undermine your opponent in any way possible. The sneakiest and most clever faction will come out on top – will it be yours?

In Dicetopia, you are a member of a faction vying for control of the city. You and your opponents have secret missions to complete, and your strategy will vary depending on those missions. On your turn, you will swap one of the agents from your faction board with a die from any neighborhood. Each neighborhood has an action associated with it, and placing an agent there allows you to take the designated action. Neighborhood actions could be beneficial for you (re-rolling a die on your faction board), or they could be detrimental for your opponent (swapping one of their dice for one from the board). A controlling presence is one key to success, so make sure you have more agents than your opponent in any neighborhood! End-game scoring is in three parts: 1. Die total from your faction board, 2. Points for controlling a neighborhood, and 3. Successful completion of your secret missions. The player with the highest score wins!

Overall, I love Dicetopia. It’s kind of a game of worker placement without the weight that is sometimes associated with that mechanic. As someone who has not played many worker placement games before, I think Dicetopia does a good job introducing players to the mechanic. You place your agent, take the die, perform the corresponding action, and that’s your turn. Easy peasy. And since your secret missions dictate your strategy, the game is really more about dice/set collection than it is about worker placement. Another thing I like about the game is that it is dictated by dice, which means you’ll never play the same game twice. All of the dice are rolled and randomly placed during setup, so your city board will always be different for each game. And depending on your secret missions, the die values could make completing your secret missions easier or harder! That means you have to strategize your use of neighborhood actions even more! There is so much more strategy involved in this game than meets the eye, and I love that.

The one thing I do not like about Dicetopia is that whenever you place an agent in a neighborhood, you must take the corresponding action. Even if you don’t want to, or if it would be against your best interest. That gets a little frustrating as the game goes on, because some actions (later in the game) could essentially undo your entire game, costing you points by altering your success on secret missions. I wish the neighborhood actions were optional, because then it wouldn’t feel like my entire game strategy had been thrown out the window in the last couple of turns.

Besides my one grievance with the neighborhood actions, I really thoroughly enjoy playing Dicetopia. It was definitely a great find on Kickstarter for me, and I hope you’ll decide to give it a shot too! Purple Phoenix Games gives it a 9 / 12.
Nintendo continues their recent impressive run of exclusive titles with the quirky and addictive Splatoon which combines the color and fun of Paintball with a customizable shooter.

Playing either solo or multiplay, players compete in various arenas to battle it out for control of key locales and to score more points that the other team. That sounds simple enough, but when you factor in the ability to turn into a squid to hide yourself in one of the many paint puddles you can create or to scale a wall, then you have something entirely new.

Splatoon also offers a campaign mode where players go through a training course as well as get to enjoy leaping from one launch point to another to battle enemy forces. Clever trimming can be required as there is not an infinite supply of paint, so gamers will have to reload which is key when you’re laying down your colors in an effort to control and area.

I especially liked the paint bombs you could throw at an enemy as the colorful nature of the game is really one of the most unique action shooter elements in recent memory.

The multiplay matching was fast and in no time I found myself on a team battling it out. The motion control aspects did take some getting used to as tilting the control up, down, left, and right to aim while using the control sticks to move did take some adjustment and this is not a game you want to play standing for long periods of time, as the action is fast.

The social area of the game allows players to customize their characters with new clothes and weapons so players have an incentive to do well in their games for more than simple bragging rights.

While the graphics will not set new standards, they are in keeping with what players expect from Nintendo and the action and fun of the game makes Splatoon a must own for Wii U owners and one that any shooter fan, especially those with younger gamers will want to experience.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018) in Movies

Jan 18, 2019 (Updated Jan 18, 2019)  
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Will Poulter (0 more)
Everything Else (0 more)
The Illusion of Choice
Contains spoilers, click to show
I should preface this review by saying a few things. First of all, I don't like Black Mirror. I have watched a handful of episodes from the first season and always felt like it wasn't as clever as it tried to be. I do however like Charlie Brooker, I am a fan of his 'Wipe,' shows and I like his no bullshit personality. Lastly, I am not a fan of games or books where the audience is asked to choose the path they want to take. I believe that the writer of the movie/game/book should be the one to dictate where the story goes, not Joe Bloggs sitting on his couch covered in Doritos powder.

With all of that said, I decided to give Bandersnatch a go last night. I was intrigued by the whole choose-your-own-adventure concept and did go in wanting to like this thing. Unfortunately, following all the hype that surrounded its release a few weeks ago, I came away pretty disappointed.

As for my spoiler free thoughts, I thought that Will Poulter was the best thing about this film and that Fionn Whitehead's performance was okay, but felt forced and cheesy at times. However, in order to discuss why Bandersnatch ultimately left me disappointed, I am going to have to spoil the movie, so if you haven't went through it for yourself yet, you should probably look away now.

3,2,1... SPOILERS!

So, it turns out that the choices that you make while watching the film don't really matter for the most part. After spending 2-3 hours with it, I discovered that there are only really 2 endings. Either Stefan kills his dad or he goes to the therapist and she breaks the fourth wall. Every other ending is not really an ending and forces you back into the last situation until you make the choice that the filmmakers clearly want you to make.

As we are pretty much controlling Stefan during the course of the story, I chose to pick the best decisions for him, rather than choosing the more cruel, sick settings just to see what would happen. However Bandersnatch doesn't want you to do that and as soon as you make one of these more pacifist decisions, it punishes you by giving you an anticlimactic non-ending and sends you back to your last decision. Being forced to make these destructive choices forces you down the narrative path set out by the writers to the two endings that I discussed earlier and that's your lot. That's really all that there is to see here other than a few surplus arbitrary scenes.

The only things that you really get to decide on is trivial nonsense that has no impact on the narrative, like what cereal to eat or what record to buy. So, why bother making this a choose-your-own-adventure story in the first place rather than just a regular episode of Black Mirror? Because, if this was just a regular episode of a TV show, it would be extremely fucking boring, monotonous and trite.

The show tries to defend itself in these aspects. It insinuates the idea that just as we are controlling Stefan and forcing him to make certain decisions, Charlie Brooker as the writer is controlling us and forcing us to make certain decisions, hence the absence of any real choice for the viewer. I call bullshit on this idea, it's just down to lazy writing to be honest. When the therapist breaks the fourth wall, she also suggests that if this was a TV show that someone was watching for entertainment, it would have to be more exciting and less bland and dull. Pointing out that your show is bland and dull doesn't save it from being just as fucking bland and dull as it would be if you hadn't highlighted it in your script.

The show puts these elements in so that when it is questioned, it can respond saying that you as an audience member are just not clever enough to get it. Unfortunately the fact is that Bandersnatch, - just like Black Mirror - before it, isn't as clever or as cool as it thinks it is and works far better as an idea than it does in execution.

Overall, that's what this is; it's a cool idea executed poorly. I really wish that they had done more with it. It does seem to be a hit though, so for better or worse we can probably expect to see more and more of these crop up on Netflix. Will Poulter was the one saving grace of this thing and he inexplicably vanishes halfway through the story in most of the threads. It did get a reaction out of me though, which is probably what Brooker and his team wanted, it was just an extremely negative reaction due to the realisation that I had wasted my time going through this thing. If you like Black Mirror, you will probably enjoy this, but I'm afraid that it's just not for me.