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Stranger Things  - Season 2
Stranger Things - Season 2
2017 | Sci-Fi
Exciting once it gets going (1 more)
SFX are on point
The story takes a while to get off the ground (0 more)
Back To Hawkins
I loved the first season of Stranger Things and season 2 was one of my most anticipated shows of this year. While I don’t feel that season 2 surpassed the preceding season of the show, it is another solid chapter in what is fixing to be a pretty epic saga. The show takes a while to find its feet; some unorthodox structural choices cause the series to begin on a fairly unfocused note. It is revealed in the first episode that Eleven has been in hiding and living with Hopper since the events at the end of season 1 and once that cliffhanger from the last season is addressed, everything else is pretty hunky dory. Will is still tripping out and seeing the upside down every now and again, but that is expected to pass and we aren’t presented with any real conflict until a few episodes into the new season. The first season opened with the disappearance of Will and we were immediately on board with the goals of every character in the show, whereas the first few episodes of this season feel unfocused and there isn’t really any sense of purpose felt.
Once the plot gets going and the season finds its feet, the show definitely become more enjoyable and exciting and that pace and sense of intrigue continues all the way through until the end of the season, other than episode 7 that is. Overall though, I did enjoy this season and am very excited to see the future seasons in this story play out. 8/10

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Serial in Podcasts

Jan 4, 2018 (Updated Jan 4, 2018)  
News & Politics
8.5 (42 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Gripping first series, second underwhelming
Serial is one of those high-trending true crime phenomena, gripping a nation similar to the likes of @Making A Murderer - Season 1. The first series follows the murder case of a young student Hae Min Lee, allegedly killed by her former boyfriend Adnan Syed and the apparent failings in the investigation. Is he guilty or innocent? Journalist Sarah Koenig tries to retrace the steps of both Adnan and other suspects to get to the bottom of this disturbing story in 12 episodes.

The first series is well-made, each episode carefully crafted to leave you on a cliffhanger. It is easy to binge-listen, but like MAM, there are parts that have been omitted from the case, so not all is what it actually seems. Either way, I fell for it hook, line and sinker.

The second series, unfortunately, is an entirely different ballgame. Unlike its true crime predecessor, Koenig looks at the infamous case of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier who allegedly defected and was subsequently captured by Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan. The series focuses on his perception and experiences, and eventual vilification, as his release caused much political controversy over whether a deal should have been negotiated or not. The price of his freedom was an exchange for five Taliban-linked inmates held at maximum security prison Guantanamo Bay. The reason he says, for his defection, was that he attempted to become a whistleblower for the apparently mismanaged unit he belonged to.

Sadly, as with most popular media, the change in direction with the podcast came at a price, as many felt the subject was too dry and too heavy. With dense military language, it seem to become too bogged down with the details, losing its edge.

It's not a perfect podcast, but the first series is still worth the listen.
Twell and the Army of Powers (Como Chronicles #1)
Twell and the Army of Powers (Como Chronicles #1)
Kate O'Leary | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twell and the Army of Powers (Como Chronicles #1) by Kate O'Leary
Twell and the Army of Powers is the first book in the Como Chronicles. It gives us an in-depth view into the lives of those who live there, how their lives are regulated, what is forbidden, and what isn't. Twell is the main character, and the story is told from her perspective, and yet is still rounded out enough that you don't feel like you are missing out on anything.

Twell is a bit of a brat at the start of the book, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Her character grows in ways unforeseen, by her own actions and by the 'gentle' advice from her friends. All of the characters have grit though, whether you like them or not. There is not a weak character amongst them, and they all grow and change throughout the book.

There is so much I want to say about this book, but won't in case of spoilers. Things happened that I never saw coming; my heart was broken on more than one occasion; it jumped into my mouth as I desperately held onto hope (even knowing that the author wouldn't make it so easy). The story is concise and gripping, thrilling and action-packed, ending on a cliffhanger that had me shouting out "NO!" even though I had already suspected the outcome!

This is a fantastic Young Adult Dystopian story with a dash of romance, that is guaranteed to enthral the reader. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Catch a Tiger by the Tail (THIRDS #6)
Catch a Tiger by the Tail (THIRDS #6)
Charlie Cochet | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Catch a Tiger by the Tail (THIRDS #6) by Charlie Cochet
Catch A Tiger By The Tail is Calvin and Hobbs' story! They've been best friends for years, making sure they have each other's back. Calvin has known that he loved Ethan for a long time now, but Ethan has issues to work through, one of which being that he really doesn't like change. One of the best bits of this book was when Ethan was telling Calvin about what happened with Dr Shultzon, and how the 'good' doctor said he was broken. I think I actually heard my heart break in two at that point! However, Calvin soon put a band-aid on it with his response. He really does know Ethan better than Ethan knows himself. However, Calvin also needs to place his trust in his partner a bit more, to realise that he can't protect Ethan from everything, and that Ethan can actually cope with more than Calvin realises.

This book is all about Calvin and Ethan, but we get regular appearances from the rest of Destructive Delta, plus Ethan's brothers. There is one bit involving a character that I have loved to loathe up until the part where I read his 'why'. Now, everyone has a reason for how they act, but this one...? This one slayed me. And now I can't loathe him anymore! Instead, I'm turning those feelings towards Dr Shultzon!!!

Incredible writing once again, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, plus a horrible cliffhanger that will leave you wanting to pounce on the next book immediately. Which, if you'll excuse me, I'm just about to do! Highly recommended by me.

* Verified Purchase ~ April 2017 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Glow : Book I, Potency
Glow : Book I, Potency
Aubrey Hadley | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Innovative & Fresh
The beautiful front cover and compelling premise lured me into choosing to read “Glow : Book I, Potency” by Aubrey Hadley, a book about apocalypse and alienation.

The Maasai Mara Sleeping Syndrome has appeared in New York, and it has wiped out an entire homeless shelter.

The same night of the outbreak, Harper, a seventeen-year-old girl, stumbles across a glowing figure in the desert outskirts of her neighbourhood. As her suburb goes on lock-down, Harper finds herself isolated from her friends and family, and soon begins to suspect that the events - though thousands of miles apart - may have something in common.

Harper must find her bravery and embark on a plot-twisting adventure that will have her looking for answers in unexpected places and different worlds.

Although this book is not from one of my normally preferred genres and it is a longer read than I normally choose, it was still a really enjoyable novel. I can't say that I've ever read anything exactly like it, or even similar. If you are into vampires or spectres then this isn’t for you. It’s just something totally innovative and fresh and that is why I liked it.

The main characters, whilst not necessarily particularly likeable, were a good fit for the story. As for the ending, I usually prefer one that is a little more definitive, unless it is meant to be a cliffhanger.

Overall, whilst it wasn’t one of my best-ever reads, I would recommend this book by Aubrey Hadley. I am guessing that there will be a sequel to “Glow : Book I, Potency,” so I will look out for it.

[Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher, Ruby and Topaz, for a free ARC of #Glow in exchange for an honest review.]
Taming the Troublemaker
Taming the Troublemaker
Kadie Scott | 2019 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful Characters (0 more)
Cliffhanger (0 more)
Troublemaker VS Teacher
Autry Hill is the biggest playboy in town or that is what Beth Cooper always thought. Autry has always been up for a good time with a certain type of girl and Beth has never been that type of girl. When Beth bounces back into his life by locking her purse inside his truck everything changes. Who knew locking your purse in the wrong truck could lead to a skunk, jail and a promise to his father that he would finally settle down. Autry is one trouble maker who is in big trouble with one little good girl. Then all of sudden out of nowhere comes little boy who worms his way into Autry's heart. What are they to do when Dylan foster parents can no longer keep him, Dylan needs a new home; can Beth and Autry work together to give this boy the family they all need or will it be all over because Beth cannot see the man that Autry really is. Can one good little girl be enough to make Autry want to be the man he has always wanted to be?
This is my second Kadie Scott book and I am over the moon for her group of characters that make up the Hill Family books. Her easy writing style and how she weaves her tales make you need a little recovery time after finishing her tales. If you are thinking oh typical western romance you would be way off, Yes, it is a romance based on cowboys and ranching but her story goes beyond the horses and cowboy hats but actually to the characters of her stories so you know who they truly are beyond the story. I recommend this book for anyone looking for a funny, read with romance, laughs and adorable cowboy or two.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Winter in Paradise in Books

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 5, 2019)  
Winter in Paradise
Winter in Paradise
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, engaging read
This was such a good book. I found it to be totally engrossing. It was a compelling read: dramatic in some places and fun and engaging in others. As always, Hilderbrand has a way of reeling you in. Her characters are so real and fully formed. I could feel Irene's pain and shock; Baker and Cash's disbelief; and the horror of those on the island, who lost someone they loved, as well.

Maybe it's just the part of me who loves a good soap opera, but I was totally swept up in the drama of this novel. I felt completely transported into the world of the Steeles and St. John island. While I'll have to wait a while for the next book in this series (more on that in a bit), I enjoyed this book so much that it had me tracking down Hilderbrand's Winter series, so I could continue reading her work. I have the first three books (of four), so I will be digging into those soon. Not since I read a book by Liane Moriarty and then read her entire catalog, have I felt so into an author at the moment.

And speaking of this series, there's definitely a cliffhanger at the end. Be prepared. I'm quite excited to read the next book and see where the Steele family and all their drama and intrigue takes us. Such unlikely partnerships form in this one; there's an exciting love triangle; there are interesting island characters--it's such a fun book.

Overall, this is a great read. It's engaging, and heartbreaking at times and sweet and funny at others. I loved the characters and felt totally caught up in the story. I am very much looking forward to book #2 (if not the wait for it!).
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Story (2 more)
Endgame No Spoiler Review!
The Epic ending to last year's Infinity War was all you could hope it to be. Not only did this film have to wrap up the devastating cliffhanger we were left hanging on after the 'snap', it also had to tie up all the character arcs the MCU has built so far for the original Avengers. Somehow this film delivers it all!

The three hour run time may seem daunting to some, but to those who have invested in the last 21 films it's just right. Each character has their moments and the film is filled with the usual MCU humor and action.

The first two hours move at a steady pace, fleshing out the characters and story while building up to the third hour and final act. The ending, as expected, was beyond epic and highly satisfying in every way. The story doesn't drag during the three hours, nor is it straight action. In between we get plenty of 'fan moments' that are just perfect and well earned after all these films.

There is a lot to take in with three hours of story. You may need to see it again as you are sure to be blown away by something you may miss something else. Some moments need to be seen again and at some point you may need a critical bathroom break too.

The film does not have any after credit scenes only a 'sound' at the very end. It's enjoyable for the casual MCU fan to the die-hard fan, having seen Infinity War being a prerequisite in my opinion.

Avengers: Endgame is PG-13, so as far as little ones seeing it, if they could handle Infinity War they can handle this.

This is a must see for any MCU fan and an A+ from me.
I didn’t pay too much attention that this was a novella until I started reading it. It may be a short story, but it was packed full of heat and emotion. At first, I thought this would be one of those novels where the protagonists are pig-headed and constantly misinterpreting each other, but was pleasantly surprised by when that wasn’t the case. Of course there was a misunderstanding, one that stemmed from childish selfishness, but I was pleased to read how the characters handled it and how they grew as people.

There was little plotline to the story, but I feel that for this story, it was just right. There didn’t need to be some grand adventure for the characters. I did feel, however, that the story just cut off at the end. There was no cliffhanger but it still felt unresolved. I would have liked another chapter or at least an epilogue to see how things truly turned out instead of the reading assuming.

The author also wrote some erotic scenes. I like my historical erotic to be erotic and different from the usual scenes you find in historical romance. The scenes were tamer than I usually read, but fit with the theme and feel of the novel. In certain places, however, she would write in short staccato sentences. Sometimes this was distracting and took away from the heat of the scene. In one part, it was downright annoying because of the number of said sentences. They did not take away from the novel as a whole, however, and I often found myself swept away in the passion of the characters.

This was the first piece I have ever read from the author and I enjoyed enough to seek out her other works.
Joshua and the Magical Forest (Portallas #1)
Joshua and the Magical Forest (Portallas #1)
Christopher D. Morgan | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joshua and the Magical Forest (Portallas #1) by Christopher D. Morgan
Joshua and the Magical Forest is the first book in the Portallas series, and we are introduced to Joshua. He is a young man who wants to become a Woodsman. However, he has been having strange dreams in which a figure he believes to be his missing father, is being tortured and is in constant pain. He decides he needs to find his father before he continues with his plan to become a Woodsman. On his way through the Forest, he finds his best friend Andrew as a travelling companion, plus Galleon, one of the last Imps. Along the way, they meet Sarah, a young girl who talks, and giggles, way too much.

This was an easy read of a book, suitable for younger ages too. I personally would have preferred more information about the characters, and the tribal systems in place. For example, the 'uniforms' of the different castes - who wears what, what colours are involved? Are the colours of the castes the same in all the villages, or does each village have different colours too? If they are separate, how are they incorporated within each village?

This IS the first book in a series, and so it does end on a cliffhanger. The writing is very good, the pacing is smooth, and the transitions from one scene to the next flow nicely. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, barring the questions above. I enjoyed reading this story, and would recommend it to younger fans of Fantasy.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!