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Last One at the Party
Last One at the Party
Bethany Clift | 2021 | Contemporary, Dystopia, Horror, Humor & Comedy
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m not usually one for end of the world, apocalypse type books but this may have changed my mind. Bethany Clint’s writing was perfect and kept drawing me in for more and more to the point that I didn’t want to put it down until I’d finished the whole book.
The book is a series of diary entries and a couple of transcripts from a woman who tells us about a new pandemic, only a few years after the covid-19 pandemic, there is a new one called 6DM, and it has a 0% survival rate. Everyone is terrified and can do nothing to stop it ripping through the population of each country. Pharmacies end up giving out pills that will help people to end it before the symptoms of 6DM get too bad for people to cope with.
The person writing the diary entries never introduces us to her so we never find out her name, but we know all about her life and her family. She goes between writing what is currently happening and how she is coping in a world where she seems to be the only survivor and going back in time to the years leading up to the 6DM pandemic.
Although she doesn’t exactly do what most people would do when thinking they’re the only person alive (trying to survive by finding somewhere safe to stay with food, water and any other essentials) she instead goes on a little bit of a drink and drug bender until she is shocked back into reality. She becomes mostly desensitised to everything around her including the many dead bodies that she stumbles across. But in the end she does realise that she needs to make some attempt to survive and make a life for herself, even if it is going to be a lonely life.
The story ends on a cliffhanger, and I really do hope that this means that Bethany Clift will write a sequel as I’m dying to know what happened to our unnamed diarist after the last transcript! Thank you to Bethany Clift and the Pigeonhole for the chance to read this incredible story.
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4)
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4)
Rosalie Redd | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4) by Rosalie Redd
Undeniable Lover is the fourth book in the Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony series. This IS a series, so you would have to read it from book one for it to make sense. That being said, this book is a brilliant addition to the series.

Saar carries a scar on his face, and a whole load of guilt in his soul for something that happened in the past. He feels that no female will every want him, and shies away from most of them. There is one female though, that intrigues him, even though he should know better. Kaelyn is one of the Ursus, recently given to Zedron, and so rightfully fighting on the opposite side to Saar. However, none of the Ursus want to fight for Zedron, although they have no choice. Kaelyn and Saar end up fighting against each other, but Kaelyn is injured. Instead of leaving her to the other Ursus, Saar takes her back to the Keep, simply because he needs to know she is well.

The story moves on from there, with both Saar and Kaelyn fighting themselves, their feelings, and everyone else in this war. You also spend some more time with Zedron and Alora. Part of me wants this war to end, and for Alora to be victorious. The other part of me wants it to continue so I get more stories out of it. I would love to have Gaetan's story. He is made out to be so old, and yet he plays quite a significant role in this book. There is one bittersweet moment that could be sad if not for the relief felt by the person it happened to. I won't say much about that, but I really loved that part.

One warning though, this book does end on a cliffhanger, so don't expect everything to be tied up neatly. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this book was a wonderful read, and I highly recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Fire (The Knights of Av'lor #3)
Fire (The Knights of Av'lor #3)
Sam Rook | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fire (The Knights of Av'lor #3) by Sam Rook
Fire is the outstanding final instalment in The Knights of Av'lor series. Kate has just returned to Av'lor and has been betrayed by Garrent. He has ensnared her daughter with a necklace that controls her, and taken her to Earth. There, he tells the rest of the Knights that Av'lor has fallen, and because he has destroyed the gate, they have no way of knowing the truth or returning home. The rest of the story is how Kate, Lan, and the rest try to find a way back to Earth, to find Rachel, to stop Garrent, and hopefully return peace to their lives.

My word, I could gush about this book/series for hours!!! There is so much I could write, but I've stopped myself because I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. This #Fantasy series has a bit of everything for me - love, wit, danger, sorrow, heartbreak - it's all here. The author pulls you into their world and makes you feel. You feel their sorrow, their desperation, their determination. And when it seems like everything is about to fall down around their ears, you feel their pain. It's simply amazing.

Books one and two both ended with a cliffhanger that had me gasping. This one doesn't, but I sort of wish it had. Don't get me wrong, I hate series when they end abruptly and you are left hanging. You don't get that with this book, but it also feels completely wrapped up, and I don't know if I'm ready to let go of this world and its characters yet.

I would just like to add that I re-read Hope before I read Gate. And this time I re-read both of them before I started Fire. I wasn't bored with the re-reads, I didn't skip parts. I was as enthralled and intrigued as I was the first time I read them. I really can't recommend these books highly enough. They are excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors that spoilt my reading flow. If you want a fantasy that will take you to worlds beyond your own, then I can definitely recommend this series.

* Verified Purchase ~ November 2017 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Insight (The Community #1)
Insight (The Community #1)
, Santino Hassell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insight (The Community #1) by Santino Hassell
Insight is the first book in The Community series, and we start off with Nate. He lives in a dead-end town, works a dead-end job, comes from a dead-beat family, and is going nowhere fast. However, his life changes when his twin dies. Now, don't get me wrong, there is no big lovefest with these twins - far from it. Theo is a drama queen of the nth degree and isn't above 'playing' for what he wants, no matter the cost to anyone, not even his brother. However, when Theo's death is ruled a suicide, Nate knows something is wrong. How does he know? Because he keeps getting visions in which he IS Theo and even shares his death. That's how he knows. With family drama nipping at his heels, he packs up and heads out to New York. Trent has already spoken with Nate, although Nate can't remember. When he drives past Nate hitchhiking, he can't just leave him, so he doesn't. This leads on to the romance part of the story, although it doesn't over run it. Once they get to NYC, it's full on and fast paced as the story progresses and Nate finds himself in the same danger as Theo.

This is the first book by Santino Hassell that I have read and I was thoroughly engrossed from the very beginning. I really felt for Nate and everything he was, and had been, going through. Trent is the perfect foil for him, and provides back up and sanity as and when Nate needs it. This isn't a romance book, although it has elements of romance within it. Primarily I would say this is a Paranormal Suspense. Either way, the story is gripping, the characters are well rounded (even those you don't particularly like), and you will keep turning those pages. I loved the epilogue that we got, right up until the major cliffhanger that you are left with. For something that is definitely different, I would have no hesitation in recommending this.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have a love hate relationship with Glow, an upcoming young adult novel from Megan E. Bryant. Earlier this year, I read The Radium Girls by Kate Moore - an absolutely horrifying account of injustices committed against young women under the guise of patriotism. Before Moore, I cannot recall ever hearing about the dial painters. This book provides a fictional account based heavily on true stories about the girls that met their untimely demise.

The main character of Glow is a young woman of eighteen by the name of Jubilee - but don't you dare call her that! She prefers Julie. After making the ultimate sacrifice for her mother, she spends the summer unraveling the mysteries behind paintings she finds at thrift stores while her best friend prepares for college.

Between each chapter, readers find an epistolary account from the mind of Lydia Grayson. Like her sisters, Lydia is one of the many girls that worked for the American Radium Company (I think I got that right). The Grayson sisters, for those that haven't read The Radium Girls in order to make the comparison, appears to be based loosely on the Maggia sisters, while the company is, obviously, a fictionalized version of the United States Radium Corporation. (Amelia "Mollie" Maggia was the first of the Radium Girls to die.)

Unlike most books that attempt this method, I do not find the switch between perspectives and styles to be detrimental or clunky - if anything, it is inconvenient. Rather than wrap up preceding chapters, Bryant uses these switches to leave Julie's story on a cliffhanger more than once throughout the book. This style can easily be avoided, considering the letters written from Lydia to her boyfriend are interesting enough on their own to propel the reader forward.

While Julie's story offers an plot that appeals to younger readers, I feel Glow would have worked just fine without it. For that purpose, I'm caught between a three and a four on this book. Ultimately, I lean toward the latter and must applaud Bryant on the amount of research she obviously put into writing this book. Julie's story is unbelievable and full of things that I simply have no interest in, but the haunting tale that the Grayson sisters weave is horrifying.

I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of unbiased review.
Broken Promise
Broken Promise
Linwood Barclay | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Promise Falls is a small town that is slowly losing itself. The amusement park has shut down along with the newspaper. Because of this latest incident, David Harwood is forced to move back in with his parents along with his son, Ethan. Eager to find a job he helps his parents with whatever they need around the house. As he takes some food to his cousin, Marla, he makes a startling discovery. She has a baby that she insists an angel has brought to her house. When the mother of that baby is found murdered, David does all he can to protect Marla despite her sorted past.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for the opportunity to read and review this title. <u>Broken Promise</u> is the first in a new trilogy by Linwood Barclay. This book wasn't necessarily action packed, but it held my attention completely. By the end of the book there were 23 dead squirrels, 5 dead people, 2 unsolved murders and one strange adoption case. There is a cliffhanger at the end of the book that made me immediately go out and get the second book in the trilogy <u>Far From True</u>. Linwood Barclay is a great storyteller who keeps the reader wanting more.

This book had me asking many questions at the end and wanting to know what is going to happen next. Marla, who is David Harwood's cousin lives alone and posts reviews online for various companies. Less than a year earlier, she had lost her child and her life will never be the same. David was working for the Boston Globe, when he became a single parent, and decided to move back to Promise Falls so that his parents can help him with his son, Ethan. Detective Duckworth is celebrating his 20th year on the force, when these incidents take place. These characters along with the other residents of Promise Fall will spend the three days trying to solve the mysteries that are taking place in their small town. Will Marla be charged with murder? How did this baby really come to be in her possession? Will David be able to get to the bottom of the mystery before he becomes a part of it?

Look out for the rest of the books in the trilogy.

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Tempests and Slaughter: the Numair Chronicles Book 1
Tempests and Slaughter: the Numair Chronicles Book 1
Tamora Pierce | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tamora's excellent writing (2 more)
Awesome worldbuilding
Didn't wrap up storylines (0 more)
A new Tamora Pierce book! About the origins of Numair! YES! I waited SO ANXIOUSLY for this book to make its way through the line of holds at my library and get in my grabby hands, and I was rewarded. Tempests is classic Tamora Pierce. It's set in Carthak, not Tortall, but the themes and feel are exactly what I was expecting. I love diving back into my favorite fantasy worlds, and Tortall ranks right near the top. (It might be the top, I haven't sat down and attempted to rank them - that would probably be a futile effort!)

My only issue with the book, really, is that it feels like an introduction. I know it's the first part of a trilogy, but the rest isn't OUT YET! So I feel like I've read the first third of a story and now I have to wait. Tempests introduces a LOT of story threads, and resolves exactly none of them. It managed to do so without leaving us on a cliffhanger, though, so there's that, at least. I'm probably going to go re-read the books around Numair's adult life to tide me over until the rest of this trilogy comes out!

I think my favorite character overall was Enzi - he was hilarious and obstinate and I'm looking forward to the rest of his storyline.

I was surprised but pleased to see a gay couple as side characters - and that it wasn't mentioned the character was gay until his husband arrived on the scene. It wasn't a defining point of his character, his spouse just happened to be male. I've said it before, but I love seeing the change in fantasy - it's gone from "that's strange or scandalous" to "absolutely no big deal, people have differently-gendered partners." It will be even lovelier once real society reaches that point!

Final verdict: Tempests and Slaughter was an excellent addition to Tortall, but if you like books that resolve their storylines, you might want to wait until the rest of the trilogy is published. If you can't wait, just expect that you won't get many answers from this first book!

You can find all my reviews at
Mayhem, Murder and Marijuana
Mayhem, Murder and Marijuana
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Adam Copland is the master when it comes to the legal marijuana business in Los Angeles, California. But not everyone in the business plays nicely. Adam has to deal with the good, the bad and the ugly of this industry. The book focuses on Adam expanding his business to other parts of California as well as other parts of the country. There are a lot of highs and lows he experiences with this expansion. His wife is not happy with the business he is in although it makes him lots of money. Will Adam be able to continue to live and survive being in the marijuana industry?

Thank you to NetGalley and BookBaby/Independent Book Publishers Association for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I was excited to read this book because I have an interest in the marijuana industry and how it has changed so much over the past few years. Being legalized in many states for medical as well as recreational purposes. The overall story was interesting and filled with characters I loved to hate, but there were some issues with the writing that made me give the book three stars.

First off, we're introduced to several characters all at once with similar names(Jamal, Jam) and I had to go back to make sure I was with the right person. Then all throughout the book, the main character would go by different names in the same sentence and paragraph. His name is Adam Copland, sometimes it was just Adam, sometimes Copland and sometimes AC. And there never seemed to be any rhyme or reason as to why it was this way. I'm used to a name shift when a person has a title(eg. Dr. Jones, friends may call him/her by the first name or a detective), but not for an average person. At first this left me very confused because I wasn't sure if they were talking about the same person or different people. Other than that, I had to find out what was going to happen.

This is the first book in the series, I'm not sure how many books there will be all together, but I want to know what is going to happen next, because this book left us with a bit of a cliffhanger.
The Graces
The Graces
Laure Eve | 2016 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not much of a plot, it was a good ending though
There wasn’t a substantial plot with this one. You had an idea on why River was trying to be friends with The Graces and there were hints here and there throughout the story on what River was really wanting to do all this time. You’re pretty much following River as she makes friends and tries to be part of the in crowd with The Graces.

I didn’t really like River that much in the beginning. You knew why she was wanting to befriend them however at the same time she had a great friendship with Summer and you were hoping nothing would spoil it.

The Graces did have a certain charm to them but at the same time there was also something strange. They’re close knit, secretive, and not your average family. They already had their secrets to start with, and of all the three I’d have to like Summer the most. She was the outspoken one and the rule breaker with at least some semblance of sense and logic that her two siblings didn’t have (those that have read the book would know what I’m talking about).

Back to River. Oh darling. You know this could have gone well if you HAD JUST TOLD THEM. Sometimes I hate reading books where the protagonist has this huge secret because they tend to keep it to themselves until they finally realize it wouldn’t help anymore but by that time, it would mess up a lot of things now would it? And all throughout the book you’re screaming JUST. TELL. THEM. Sheesh.

Although I know I said I didn’t really like her in the beginning, she redeemed herself in the last third of the book. I was expecting her to be sniveling, crying and pleading but she suddenly became this beacon of rage and I suddenly pulled a 180 and loved her instantly. She finally realized who she was and what she was capable of. She didn’t need the Graces at all - well maybe she needed them to put her in the right direction but it was nice to see her pick herself up and be strong about it.

Loved the ending! Such a cliffhanger and I want to know what’s going to happen next now that River has found herself. Sequel is coming out this year! So I’ll be looking forward to it!
The Walking Dead  - Season 6
The Walking Dead - Season 6
2015 | Drama
Rinse and Repeat
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 6 of The Walking Dead is really not too dissimilar from season 5, once again presenting us with a couple of amazing episodes, a handful of good ones, and then a whole lot of filler.

Once again a season of two halves - the first half of season 6 is mostly about a stupidly massive hoarse of zombies moving towards the Alexandria safe zone, and the groups efforts to herd them away.
For the most part, it's pretty good and where the strength of season 6 mainly lies.
An early highlight comes 2 episodes in, where Alexandria is attacked by a group called The Wolves. It's a sucker punch to the face, and the action is tense and the stakes feels high, proving that TWD can still pack a punch when it wants to.
Another highlight is the mid season finale 'No Way Out', another tense episode with some shocking and unexpected moments. The amount of work that's clearly gone into the huge zombie horde is impressive for sure.
However this episode also marks an important negative point for me - the relative ease in which the horde is dispatched is the moment where the walkers no longer felt like a threat, and from here on out, they've seem like more of an inconvenience.

The second half of the season slowly introduces us to The Saviours and teases their leader throughout, the now infamous Negan - a much loved villain straight from the comics.
This second half is once again, fairly boring, as the characters slog from one place to the next.
TWDs insistence on character focused episodes rarely push the right buttons. (There's an episode fairly near the beginning that focuses on Morgan that just switched me right off).

Negan arrives properly in the closing moments of the season, and leaves an immediate impression, although the finale ends on a cliffhanger (a lot of fans were pissed), giving us no time at all to see much of him (but don't worry, the show completely over compensates for this during seasons 7 and 8...)
Season 6 is also where the infamous 'Glenn fake out death' happens, which also rubbed a lot of viewers up the wrong way.

Overall, my thoughts on season 6 are mostly positive, but maybe that's because TWD is about to enter it's most testing seasons...