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Conflicted (Secrets and Lies #1)
Conflicted (Secrets and Lies #1)
M.M. Koenig | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Conflicted is the absolutely perfect title for this book because it not only describes the story but also how the reader will feel after reading it! According to Kindle, it was 385 pages which is a good story length but somehow it felt so much longer. This is probably because of the amount that happens in this story. It is full of twists and turns, characters turn out to be different to what you originally thought and the plot, well, take it from me that the baseline is a simple one but it gets very convoluted with all the goings on.

Mia is the main female and I couldn't quite come to grips with her. I understand that her world imploded and she felt an amazing amount of pain which no one should have to go through. I didn't like her way of 'coping' but also understand that everyone reacts differently. She seems like someone who is ruled by her body, which is completely different to what we were being told about her, which is one of the reasons I literally snorted out loud when Ethan says that he never thought of her as a 'party girl'. I'm sorry but in my book, someone who throws college parties most, if not every, weekend with loads of beer, drinks shots and wakes up with hangovers frequently, makes her quite the party girl!

Ethan is a whole new story. We don't learn much about him but he finds out quite a lot about Mia. Still waters definitely run deep with this one and I can't wait to find out more. I just hope he doesn't turn into a 'Hans' man.

Micah, Jackson, Shane, Bri - these are all secondary characters that still play a huge role in the book but I feel the surface has only been scratched with all of them. I am hoping it becomes clearer because there are still so many questions left unanswered.

This is the first book so there is a cliffhanger warning with this one!

On the whole, this was enjoyable and kept me reading. I am looking forward to reading book 2, Complicated.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 23, 2015
The Inheritance Games
The Inheritance Games
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love love love these type of mystery books where riddles are involved. When I heard about The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, I was instantly intrigued. I was not disappointed. In fact, The Inheritance Games reminded me a lot of The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin although it wasn't a clone of it, thankfully.

I felt like the plot was solid. Although it is highly improbable that a teenager would be heir to a will of a random stranger and have to solve riddles to find out why, it could still be possible. My interest was piqued, and I found The Inheritance Games to be quite the page turner. The chapters would usually end in a small cliffhanger causing me to want to learn more and begin reading from the next chapter. Before I knew it, I had finished the book quite quickly. It was interesting to see Avery, the main character, go from being very poor to the richest person in the world. I enjoyed finding out why Tobias Hawthorne left her everything. I kept guessing as to why, but my theories were quickly shot down when it became apparent I was wrong. Becoming a billionaire placed Avery's life in danger and even more so when Tobias' family discovered they weren't getting much from Tobias at the reading of the will. Not only did Avery have to try to find out why Tobias chose her for his sole heir, but she also had to try to stay alive! While there weren't any major plot twists in this book, there are quite a few small ones that will leave the reader guessing. I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a major reveal as to why Avery was chosen as Tobias' heir. It was a little underwhelming and anti-climatic to discover why he had chose Avery. This book does end with a cliffhanger since it is going to be a series. However, the main questions I had within the first book in The Inheritance Games series were all answered.

I loved each and every character in The Inheritance Games with the exception of Avery's best friend Max. Don't get me wrong, each character felt realistic and fleshed out enough, but Max was just annoying. Max has very strict parents, and Avery's only interactions with Max are through phone calls and texts. However, the way Max spoke was what was annoying. She didn't swear, so she'd use non-swear words for swear words. However, every other word was a would be swear word. I am not exaggerating. I don't think I've ever met a teen where they would swear that much or use other words in place of swear words that often. It just got annoying quickly, and I found myself dreading whenever Max was featured. I did love all the other characters though. I loved Avery and her thirst for knowledge. Avery was a very smart girl with a good head on her shoulders. I admired the way she could quickly work out any puzzle or riddle. I liked reading about her thought process towards figuring something out. I felt like Avery was also very selfless. Jameson, one of the Hawthorne brothers, was another character I really loved. His smarts for figuring out riddles and puzzles were also admirable. Grayson, another Hawthorne brother, was a bit of a wild horse. I never knew if I could trust him or not. (Although I didn't really know if I could trust anyone while reading The Inheritance Games. I kept trying to figure out if there were any ulterior motives at play.) Grayson's wanting to help out people whether it was Avery or his community through the Hawthorne Foundation was commendable. Nash, the oldest Hawthorne brother, was so stereotypically Texan that it made me laugh (as I am from Texas), but I loved it! Nash's laid back attitude was refreshing. Alexander, the youngest Hawthorne brother, wasn't featured as much for me to fully form an opinion, but I liked what I read about him. Avery's sister Libby had awesome dress sense, and I did love how she looked out for her sister for the most part. Figuring out Emily's role in all this was interesting. I would have liked to see more backstory about Emily and Rebecca (the hired helps daughters) though. They both had the potential to really flesh the story out more.

Trigger warnings for The Inheritance Games include some violence, some gun violence, attempted murder, and death.

Overall, The Inheritance Games is a quick paced read full of mystery and intrigue that will leave its readers not wanting to put it down. I would definitely recommend The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes to those aged 14+ who love a fast paced mystery that will leave them guessing throughout the book. I can not wait for the next book in the series!
Forsaken (Shadow Cove Saga #1)
Forsaken (Shadow Cove Saga #1)
J.D. Barker | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Absolutely loved it
I absolutely adored this novel, it felt like it was written just for me!
This is the first J.D. Barker I have read but it certainly won't be the last. I will be adding any sequels to my wish list immediately.

Forsaken This novel starts with a reference that any horror lover will recognise immediately. I was slightly confused by this - the dates do not work - but don't worry, all is explained by the end of the book.
The story started slowly and gradually built momentum, like all good stories should. It starts innocently enough with a bad dream of Rachael's, who is married to an author called Thad and nearing the end of her pregnancy of their second child. Eight year old Ashley and Buster the dog complete the family.
I very quickly found myself liking the character's. They are well rounded and believable. All of the conversation between them is natural and background information about them is presented at just the right pace.

I read just under 70% of the book in one sitting. I would have finished it in a day if annoying illness hadn't of made holding my Kindle impossible! It really is that kind of book, you need to keep reading because you need to know what is going to happen next. It managed to surprise me a number of times without resorting to wild twists.

Some of the novel is told through the eyes of a scribe in the 1600's and this adds to the excitement of reading - I both wanted to hear more from him whilst being desperate to get back to the main storyline. His sections are not written in olde English which is a good thing. It's rare for that to work and not become an annoyance.

It is a fast paced story without feeling rushed. I never felt confused about what was going on. Well, actually, that did happen once but was due to it being 5am and me not reading a characters name correctly!

The ending is a cliffhanger of sorts but, as this is #1 of a series, that really is to be expected. I am genuinely excited about reading the next book and I am going to look it up as soon as I finish this review.
I love horror/supernatural books and am constantly searching for 'the perfect' story. I'm not sure if many books could be described as such but this came close.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Very good "culmination" of the last 10 years of Marvel Films
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR is the best film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Said to be the culmination of 10 years worth of Marvel films - and Marvel heroes - INFINITY WAR lives up to it's bill, bringing all the Marvel Universe heroes together to fight a "big bad" that is worthy of this sort of thing - THANOS.

Voiced by Josh Brolin, the CGI Thanos is powerful, destructive, razor-focused on his one purpose with moments of "humanity" that makes him an interesting villain. The filmmakers kept his motivation and machinations simple so you are never confused by this bad guy or what he is trying to do. What surprised me is that the filmmakers added another layer to this character that was a nice layer that really added to the character, his motivations and his personality.

As for the band of heroes brought together for this film, it works well. The criticisms I have heard is that no ONE hero stands out, so EVERY hero is in the background. I couldn't disagree more. I thought the evenness of the "screen time" was one of the strengths of this film, not focusing too much on one hero (or heroes), giving all time to shine - and focus on what they do best. There were moments of humor, drama, action and heroism sprinkled across all. But what really thrilled me was the different combinations that were put together, for these heroes all had different missions and assignments and some odd and interesting cross-film dynamics took shape. I won't give any of these away, but I thought they ALL dynamics blended together nicely.

This is definitely a "fan-boy" film, giving service to fans of all these films, characters - and comics and credit for that should go to filmmakers Anthony and Joe Russo (Directors of the previously best film in this series - CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER) who kept the action moving, the motivations of the participants simple and the effects dazzling.

One final note - this is the first part of a two part film, so it does end in a cliffhanger, one that works effectively well. As always with the Marvel films - but especially in this one - stay through to the end of the credits, the scene at the end of the credits sets up Part 2.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at this film and can't wait to see the next one.

Letter Grade: A

9 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
On What Grounds (Coffeehouse Mystery, #1)
Cleo Coyle | 2003
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
On What Grounds is a good start to this series, but not great by any means. The mystery was lacking and there weren't enough clues for the reader to even get close to figuring out whodunnit or why. The explanations about the different types of coffee are very interesting, but come close to taking over the storyline. Some of the things I did not like about the writing style, were that, at times, the writing could be condescending, such as a Tanya Harding example that didn't sound natural and seemed to imply that the reader has been living in a cave for the last twenty or so years, then there's the backtracking into past events for around twenty pages and then returning to the cliffhanger which is where we left off of and then trying to remember where that was exactly (ugh! Sorry, but doing that three or four times is unnecessary and annoying), and the end was way to preachy about Anabelle's life and choices - this isn't an after school special or a Lifetime movie, get over yourselves (the authors that is :P). Another thing (yes there's more!), I don't like the love triangle aspect. For the most part, an ex should stay an ex (I know there are some exceptions, but that's just my preference in this case), and I much prefer Quinn, who I really hope isn't married.

Oh, and one more thing... I took a little offense to the disdain of decaf drinkers. I just don't handle caffeine that well - yes, I might be an anxious person, but I don't have imagined allergies or neuroses or whatever else she describes most decaf drinkers as. Not to mention, it makes me very shaky, in a bad way, and I cannot fathom drinking as much coffee as she does all the time - I need sleep! LoL Yes, I'll imbibe in coffee that isn't decaf, but for the most part, I'd rather have decaf. Gotta problem with that?! :P

What I did like...
Clare - some other reviews I've read have been iffy about her, but I blame how the authors wrote the book.
Java - I know it's a cozy mystery cliche, but I love cats in books. :)
Learning about coffee - it's really rather interesting.
Recipes - gotta love those!
The promise of a good series - the writing overall is good and I hope that now that most of the history has been written about, the next books will flow better.
Monster Hunter International
Monster Hunter International
Larry Correia | 2008 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
One book - I'm hooked!
Well, heck. That’s just what I needed. Another bloody series to get hooked on. If the second book is as good as the first, I’ll be well and truly hooked. So, honestly, I’m kind of hoping the second book sucks a bit so I can get off this fan train and save myself some money.

So, in case that first paragraph wasn’t very clear: I loved Monster Hunter International. I was hooked from the beginning, and happily went along for the whole crazy, monster-killing ride. It was just different enough to keep me interested. Oliver Wyman did a great job with the narration. His regular reading voice is soothing, and his voices are very different from each other. He never made me wince like some readers (ie: the guy who read King’s IT) do.

I’m not a gun nut. Not really. I mean, I don’t currently own one. I don’t see the need for automatic rifles. Blah, blah, blah. I do, however, like to shoot them and I like book and screen violence. Therefore, the sheer amount of shoot-em-ups and physical thumpings that went on in this book made me very happy. Pitt, Holly, and Harbinger (and the plot) were just a happy bonus.

One of the things that surprised me was that Monster Hunter International hit what would normally be a climax and cliffhanger scene with about six hours left to go in the audio. After how intense that particular scene was, I wondered how Correia could go on for six more hours. But, I trusted him, and his ass-kicking game had been strong so far, so I listened on. He managed quite well.

This book hit all the high points for me. The main character (Pitt) wasn’t perfect, wasn’t even sure of himself, didn’t feel like he was God’s gift to women, etc. Julie seemed a bit too perfect, but she didn’t have a lot of screen time, so she was easy to forget about. Holly and Trip were great side-kicks. However, Harbinger was the one that won me over. I spent half the novel going “Okay, something’s definitely not right about him? What..” and then when it was revealed, I was totally “HOLY CRAP!” Because I did not expect that.

I am telling you right now, if Harbinger dies in one of the Monster Hunter International books, I will immediately stop reading the series.

Epic fights, interesting story, fun characters, and a great narrator all combined to make Monster Hunter International a clear winner. Highly recommend this book!
Dead In The Pond (Grasmere Trilogy #2)
Dead In The Pond (Grasmere Trilogy #2)
Dahlia Donovan | 2018 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
i love Bishan!
This is book two in the Grasmere Cottage Mystery Trilogy, and you MUST read book one, Dead In The Garden, before you read this one. They are NOT stand alones and they follow on.

Bishan, now out of jail, and Valor still have no idea who is killing, and why Bish and Valor have been singled out. Then another body is discovered, and Valor's worst nightmare comes true. Bish tries, he really does, but he just wants things to go back to the way they were, before.

Bishan has his say here, and just Bishan. He is Autistic, and his minds does go off at tangents all over the place, and he does take some following.

But I'm so bloody glad he gets his voice here!!

The guys are trying to piece together who might be doing this, and getting nowhere. Neither are the police. Things seem to calm down, then Bish and Valor are in a car accident that appears to be anything but. Didn't expect that particular person to stoop quite so low, but when HE turns up dead, and Valor is faced with having to deal with the family who disowned him so long ago. Bish struggles with that, but knows it's gotta be done.

Bish's mind wanders all over the place, but always seems to come back to the point at hand, he just goes the long way round. You have to concentrate, pat attention and keep up! For ME?? That's a really good thing! Being a speed reader at the best of times, if I've gotta slow down, it's the sign of a great book.

There is almost two plot lines going on here: the murders, and whatever is happening with Valor's family and just WHY they are so desperate to bring him back to London, away from Bish. But Valor won't go, not without Bishan. He LOVES Bishan, I loved the scene where they decide to definitely NOT get married! The love these two have for each other comes across every time Valor reaches for Bish and is rewarded with their joined hands, every time Bish makes tea for Valor, in every single thing they do for each other.

I fell in love with Bishan here, and his mum!

I'm still none the wiser as to whodunnit or why, but it's great that I'm being kept on my toes!

OH!!! Massive cliffhanger here! There was one for book one, but here's is far bigger!

Since Bishan has such an interesting voice

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Scar Me (Haunted Roads #2)
Scar Me (Haunted Roads #2)
India R Adams | 2018 | Contemporary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scar Me (Haunted Roads #2) by India R. Adams
Scar Me is the second book in the Haunted Road series, and believe you me, it has a lot to live up to. Steal Me, the first book in the series had me throwing my kindle at the wall when it finished. Would, and could, this one possibly live up to its predecessor?

Abso-bloomin-lutely it can!!! It starts exactly where Steal Me ends, but then we proceed to go back in time. Back to a time when Lilah wasn't shattered from her experiences. Back to when she thought the world, and people, were good. We stay with her as she makes the decisions and choices that lead her down her haunted road. We are there for the trauma inflicted upon her. We are there as she shuts down - only this time we know the reasons for it.

Scar Me has a warning about triggers - and trust me, it is well deserved. In so many ways, this book is horrible. It gives you the truth that you might not want to admit to. It shows you how so many people don't see, simply because they don't expect to! And yet this is about hope too. You get to fall in love with a gentleman all over again, seeing him through Lilah's eyes this time. I love Viola's definition of 'scar me', and have no shame in admitting that brought a tear to my eye. There are a multitude of characters introduced in this book, that showed up in Steal Me, but you just didn't 'see' them. Now you will, and find out their back stories too.

Now, fair warning, this book ends on just as much of a cliffhanger as the previous one. However, I am wise to Ms. Adams' tricks now, so I didn't throw my kindle this time. I am left deliciously confused, and yet not surprised, at her twist. This only leaves me wanting more.

Do I recommend this book? Don't be daft, it's an India R. Adams book. Of course I recommend it. I haven't read a bad one of hers yet, and I honestly doubt I will. This is an author that gives you a piece of her heart and soul with every book she publishes. Was it worth the wait? Once again, absolutely. That doesn't change the fact that #INeedBleedMe NOW!!!! ??

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy, #2)
Marie Rutkoski | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The second book in <i>The Winner’s Trilogy</i> continues with the story of Kestrel and Arin, two characters from totally different backgrounds. In <i>The Winner’s Crime</i>, Kestrel is engaged to Prince Verex and in line to rule the Valorian Empire. Arin, however, is in Herran and no longer has anything to do with Kestrel.

Previously in <i>The Winner’s Curse</i> some sort of relationship seemed to be building between the two teenagers despite their contrasting lives. However with Kestrel now being someone of importance it is impossible for the two to be together. Kestrel denies her feelings for Arin and, although she does not wish to marry the prince, goes along with the emperor’s plans. Arin on the other hand believes Kestrel is acting this way because she wants to and so grows to despise her.

As the story goes on the reader gets to experience both Kestrel and Arin’s point of views on the situation. Kestrel secretly tries to side with the Herrani, however Arin misunderstands her motives. But with such a powerful Emperor in charge, everything Kestrel does is at a great risk of her own life and can only end badly.

I must admit that I had forgotten a lot of what occurred in <i>The Winner’s Curse</i> and therefore it was difficult at first to understand what was happening in the book. Personally I think <i>The Winner’s Crime</i> was the better of the two books so far as it was clearer from the readers point of view what was happening in the lead up to Kestrel and Prince Verex’s wedding. It was the characters that were misunderstanding each other, but who slowly began to realize each other’s intentions towards the end of the novel. The book ended on a cliffhanger and hopefully the two main characters will view each other in a better light in the next in the series.

Overall this series has not gripped me in the way that I would have hoped. The setting is similar to books set in the distant past however women appear to have similar rights to men, such as fighting in the army, which makes it difficult to get your head around as the two ideas conflict with themselves. <i>Goodreads</i> has the series listed as fantasy, however this is slightly misleading as there are none of the typical feature associated with this genre – e.g. magic.
Such Sweet Sorrow
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b><i>Such Sweet Sorrow</i> is quite literally an unwritten sequel to <i>Romeo and Juliet</i> coinciding with <i>Hamlet</i> with a dark twist, or in other words, a bridge between the end of one Shakespeare play and the beginning of another.

I personally liked Trout’s version of Romeo as he journeys to Denmark in the quest to save Juliet from death - he's much more spunky, but he has his romantic elements as well that Shakespeare originally placed in him. Hamlet is just as cheeky as his original counterpart, if not more cheeky (<i>Hamlet</i> is my favorite Shakespeare play, and it's not actually because of the ending). Juliet, like Romeo, also has another side to her Trout creates - she's more badass. (<i>Romeo and Juliet</i> is my least favorite - interesting combo going on here honestly.)

But <i>Such Sweet Sorrow</i> can be overwhelming. Trout doesn't just have <i>Hamlet</i> mashed with <i>Romeo and Juliet</i> - she's got Norse mythology and Greek mythology and who knows what else (some reviewers on Goodreads say anything you can think of... Essentially). Regardless, there is definitely a mess of things going on throughout and I just decided to go with it rather than question the book in its entirety (like what other mythological aspects are involved).

For the first half of the book, Romeo and Hamlet are, for the most part, wandering around cluelessly through this place called the Afterjord - it can get boring pretty quickly, but there is so much going on with the creatures they come across, it's not actually boring (I'm too busy trying to keep track of what's going on so I'm not lost). <i>Such Sweet Sorrow </i>doesn't actually pick up until after Romeo and Hamlet finally rescue Juliet and try to make their way back to the mortal world.

But while there is so much going on throughout, I actually liked this strange little book in all its weird complexities. However...

I'm disappointed that a cliffhanger is involved and nowhere on Goodreads does it say <i>Such Sweet Sorrow</i> has a sequel in the works.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>