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To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
Tessa McFionn | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1) by Tessa McFionn
To Discover a Divine is the first book in the Rise of the Stria series, and we start this series with a bang. Evainne has ended up on a prison barge in the middle of outer space when all she did was walk out of her front door. She is rescued by an 'alien' who helps her as much as he can. Evainne is different to the females Khalym knows, as she is blunt to the point of being tactless. However, the sparks are there between the two of them. Now if they can only figure out just what Evainne was wanted for, and how they keep being found, it should all be good.

This is a fast-paced science fiction romance, with plenty of action and adventure too. Evainne handles all the information remarkably well, but it is written in a way that explains that, rather than just trying to sweep it under the carpet. Khalym is a hero who thinks he is broken as he has been rejected for most of his life. Together, I can see these two having an amazing time, and it has definitely given me a taste for more in this series.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this story kept me engrossed from beginning to end. It does have a HFN ending, with a sort of cliffhanger, but all that has done is leave me wanting MORE right NOW! Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Heart of Thorns (Heart of Thorns #1)
Heart of Thorns (Heart of Thorns #1)
Bree Barton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I almost bailed on this book. It's not bad, exactly, it's just - mediocre. Mia discovers that she is the thing she's been taught to hate, discovers that maybe they're not all bad, that what she's been taught is probably wrong, but, y'know, maybe not entirely wrong - it's just one trope after another. It was rather predictable.

And there's this problem with the world. If every woman is suspected of being a witch, (sorry, Gwyrach) and they work their magic through touch - how is anyone having kids? Sure, women are required to wear gloves in public, but - the touch-magic doesn't keep men from abusing women. Not like in The Power, where men start getting actually scared to touch women for fear of what could happen.

The only character in this book that I actually LIKED was Prince Quin. And maybe Dom, the flirtatious gay boy. Mia was rather thoroughly unlikable. First she blindly accepts that she should hate and kill Gwyrach, then is appalled to find out she (and her mother) are/were Gwyrach, and refuses to accept that because of course she can't possibly be one of those reviled women. She refuses to take Quin into her confidence, despite him showing blind trust in her for most of the book. What does he have to do to prove himself to you, woman?

I've read much better feminist dystopias. This is oppressed-women-finding-their-hidden-powers-and-fighting-back clothed in a fantasy instead of a dystopia, and it's not nearly as good as it could be. Despite ending on a cliffhanger, I don't care enough about these characters to read the next book.

You can find all my reviews at
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Dull and cringeworthy
I knew after the first couple of episodes that this series wasn’t for me, but I persevered in the hope it might get better as it went along. Sadly it doesn’t.

The main problem is that witches, vampires etc have all been done before. And most have been done better than this. The vampires are all moody and gloomy looking dressed in black, and all of the different creatures show no potential whatsoever. The witches exhibit some powers but nothing particularly impressive, the vampires don’t do much either and the demons do absolutely nothing and don’t show any powers or supernatural abilities whatsoever. For the most part, this is just a romance with a supernatural backdrop thrown in. And even the romance aspect isn’t very good - this stinks of a slightly more adult version of Twilight. It’s cheesy, cringey and moves so quickly it beggars belief.

There are some talented actors in this, but sadly the script and the plot really lets them down. Matthew Goode’s attempts at making his vampire snarling, bloodthirsty and terrifying are laughable. The only person who really pulls off any menace is Trevor Eve but he’s sidelined in favour of more irritating characters. Even Teresa Palmer doesn’t come across well, playing so much like Bella from Twilight it’s disturbing.

The show itself is very scenic and beautifully shot, unsurprising considering some of the locations like Oxford and Venice. It’s just a shame that i found it very dull and laughable (not in a good way). I also found the cliffhanger ending disappointing, as the likelihood of me ever bothering to watch another series is slim. I only just made it through these 8 episodes.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 12, 2018

Yay, so it wasn't just me ?

Descending Into Darkness (Descending #1)
Descending Into Darkness (Descending #1)
Alainna MacPherson | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DESCENDING INTO DARKNESS is the first book in the Descending series. We start off with Jess being kidnapped following her shift as a waitress and taken to a stronghold. There she is told she isn't a prisoner but is, instead, a Seelie princess whose powers haven't yet awakened. At the same time, her sister, Alyss, is kidnapped by the UnSeelie Court and taken there although they are reunited very quickly.

This is a fast-paced novel with plenty of action and a dash of mystery. Being the first book, there is world-building to help the reader understand what's going on, as well as learning more about the characters that are introduced. Fallon tells Jess that he is her mate very quickly and, just like everything else, Jess accepts that and moves on. Whilst I don't like unnecessary histrionics, I do feel Jess accepted everything just a little too easily. After all, she's gone from a waitress who works the late shift to a Princess of the Seelie Court and has the ability to save not one but two races from slavery and/or extinction and she takes it all in her stride.

There is a good storyline here that I would like to read more about and the cliffhanger ending will leave the reader wanting more. The only thing I would say (and it may have been the copy I received to review) but it wasn't always clear who was talking. It seemed to change from one paragraph to another with nothing to indicate a change of point of view.

A good first book and I look forward to reading more in this series. Recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
The Darkest Minds (2018)
The Darkest Minds (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
A real drawback to this film is that the story line is designed to be several pieces, so you don't get a complete tale, just a cliffhanger of an ending as a lead up to the next one... but are there going to be anymore after the majority of people seem to think it was a flop? I did some vague Googling but it was next to impossible to find anything useful on the subject without wading through all the negative reviews.

I found it really difficult to rate this one. I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the action and the story idea, and the effects were very good... but... much like with the Maze Runner films it will probably stand up better as a collection of films rather than as it is on it's own.

Having only just started the book (I know, finally one I've actually begun and not just got on the shelf!) I'm not sure exactly how dark Ruby's character goes. In a desperate move to help her friends she turns on a bounty hunter who is out to get them. She turns her power loose and tells her to walk into the woods, and keep walking... which now I think about it we've seen in X-Men haven't we? How, or even if, this is represented in the book I do not know, but it's quite a dark moment for this innocent teenager who hasn't really done anything with any malice before now.

The film is somehow a little bit samey while being different all at the same time. I've been wavering between three and four stars on this one, but I think what sealed it's fate is that I would only actually buy this if I was going to be getting all the movies to complete the saga.
Uncivil Wars (BBS #2)
Uncivil Wars (BBS #2)
Deborah Dorchak, Wendi Kelly | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As the synopsis states, this starts about six months after Loyalties finishes. Life has sort of settled down for the Pack but that is all about to change. The catalyst for this is Cole as he decides he doesn't want to be without his wife any longer. He sets a ball rolling that will take you on a wild and emotion-packed story. The Pack continues to grow, with new characters like Selene, Jake and Collette, who have their own story to tell. We learn more about Diego and Olivia, their individual and joint pasts, the decisions they have made, and the consequences that still need to be faced.

Although this book is long - in fact, they all are - you will still be left wanting more. You won't realise just how long you've been reading, every interruption will be met with gritted teeth, and every opportunity to read will be grasped.

The book leads up to a big climax that does, however, have a cliffhanger ending. Now before you think that this is a normal battle, just remember how the books are written. It is intense, real, gritty and dirty. It is exactly how you would imagine to be! It will make your heart pound faster, as your breath catches in your throat. Trust me, by the time it actually finishes, you will be glad for a rest, if only to get your pulse back to normal.

Absolutely fantastic, thrilling and emotional, I really can't recommend this highly enough.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 30, 2015
Eternal Bloodthirst (Blood Moon #1)
Eternal Bloodthirst (Blood Moon #1)
S.J. Blackrose | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a genre full of vampires, S.J. Blackrose has managed to carve out her own niche with a set of vampires different from any I have previously read. In this, there are two types of Vampire - one feeds from each other, and the other feeds from humans. They have soulmates but they are always from the opposite 'set'. They have a choice to become one or the other once they are together.

However, a twist is made to this within the story, and that is that a time limit is now imposed upon those who have found their mates. In an effort to show how important a bond is, and how respected it must be, Lilith creates a time limit of 100 years. If you have not bonded within that time, you will both die. Simple, but effective. Amongst this, you have a history of lies and manipulations, the return of an old enemy thought long vanquished, secrets amongst those who you thought you knew, and a mahoosive cliffhanger ending. Excellent.

This book is well-written and with a smooth pace. There were a couple of editing errors that I found but nothing to spoil the general flow of the story. Told from a multiple set of viewpoints, this makes for an in-depth and tantalising glimpse into any given situation and certainly helps to move the story onward.

Definitely recommended for fans of vampires out there, who like things with a twist and a dash of spice.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 5, 2016

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated Sundial in Books

Nov 15, 2022  
Catriona Ward | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Catriona Ward has got to be one of the best thriller writers around at the moment. I loved The Last House on Needless Street (although it was strange) and this book was just as good, and even more odd. I can’t say that I enjoyed the book as it touched upon some horrifying themes, but I couldn’t put it down as I needed to know what happened. When it came to the twists, I didn’t see most of them coming and Sundial had me guessing the whole way through. The cliffhanger that Catriona Ward ended this book on left some hope that the ending wasn’t as bad as it could be, but also left me with so many questions that are going to remain unsolved.
We meet Rob, a mother who seems to be in a bad marriage with Irving, who seems to cheat on her constantly. There is a lot of manipulation and abuse that is obvious throughout the book, and you consistently wonder why they are still together and don’t just leave each other. Things get worse when Rob starts to suspect something is wrong with her eldest daughter, Callie, and ends up taking Callie back to her childhood home in the desert: Sundial. Here, Rob tells Callie her story and hopes that it explains why Rob and ultimately Callie are the way they are.
I didn’t see the twists coming, and I was shocked by each one right up to the very end of the book. I would say that there should be some trigger warnings for domestic violence and animal abuse though, although the animal abuse isn’t in detail and is glossed over enough to not upset the reader but that they still know what is going on. I look forward to reading more of Catriona Ward’s books in the future.
The Founder (A Broken World #4)
The Founder (A Broken World #4)
Dean Murray | 2017 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Founder is the fourth book in the Broken World series, but this book takes you on a different route than the previous three. In this one, Skye is by herself, not knowing if she will ever see Brennan again. Instead of running away from the enclave, she is running towards it. She is searching for her mother and will do whatever it takes to get answers. This book certainly has a different dynamic to the others - don't get me wrong, I love Skye. It was just a bit strange to only hear about her and not Brennan too. Instead, Skye manages to get a small group of friends, none of whom know who she really is, whilst she is searching for her mother.

This is one heck of a book, with more twists and turns than a maize maze! There were some parts that were quite technical, but my husband was fascinated when I read them out to him, so I guess it's just not my strong point! Instead, I found the interpersonal relationships intriguing, especially when one of Skye's creche-mates turns up.

This is part of a series, so it does you no good to read this as a standalone. You need to have read the others for it to make sense. However, there were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the pace and integrity of the characters are just what I have come to expect from Dean Murray. Ending on a cliffhanger, it will definitely leave you wanting more. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 3, 2017
Nirvana (Nirvana #1)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an advanced readers copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

To start off, the cover of this book is beautiful, it’s so inviting and definitely would catch my eye in store or even on-line. This book is a Young Adult dystopian novel.

Extinction is the world as never seen before. It first started when the bees disappeared, without the aid of the bees for pollination, the crops and animals started to die. With windstorms and drought, earth is a desert where no one can exist.

Hexagon is the newly reformed government that provide people with their basic needs, living in bunkers and working for pittance, apart from the rich. The rich get to live in the ‘bubble’, which is where they still have pretty much the same lifestyle. They also run what is called ‘The Farm’ which is where they are growing their own crops and have siphoned off their own water reserve for crops and the bubble. Hexagon also monitors everybody, with camera’s, surveilance and bugs set everywhere, nothing gets past them.

Nirvana is a virtual reality, where the population can pay half of their wages for 15 minutes in the holographic world, they are able to choose certain situations such as earth, the moon, space whatever they want really, however this is all monitored by Hexagon.

Kenders is a 17-year-old animal activist and also a lead singer for a band named Sixty Sextet, before extinction she was singing lyrics about liberation, however nowadays she is working in Nirvana as ‘help support’ for Hexagon. Andrew her long-term boyfriend has gone missing, it’s a journey of Kenders trying to find out what really happened and whats going on and who she can really trust.

Andrew is a holographic/virtual reality designer, with a high-profile job for Hexagon, however he’s not really happy with how things are panning out. Then all of a sudden he goes missing, assumed dead. He starts contact with Kenders through Nirvana giving her clues.

There were a few things that let this book down for me, there was not much world building, it could have been more fleshed out and could have got a real feel for the world. The characters were bland they didn’t really have any characteristics. The romance was just blah! It was an easy read and a short novel of 186 pages. There were things that were not properly explained and then parts which just had a quick explanation and then it was moving on again. It was very plot driven. There was a bit near the ending which was a bit cheesy and made me cringe a little(this might only be me though).

The ending was left on a bit of a cliffhanger, however I wasn’t really left wanting more. It was just a Meh ending. I just feel like the next book is just going to be the same all over again.

If you are a fan of dystopian, romance with a bit of a love triangle going on, this might be the book for you.

Overall I rated this book 2.5 out of 5 stars