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Follow Me Back
Follow Me Back
A.V. Geiger | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the sixth book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet.

Tessa Hart spends most (okay all) of her days in her bedroom. After an incident that causes her intense anxiety and agoraphobia, her one outlet and escape is the online world of pop star Eric Thorn. She can lose herself in his music, as well as the digital chatter of Twitter. For Eric, though, online is a scary place, where he fears his fans' obsessive behavior. He's even more scared in real life, especially after one of his fellow stars is murdered by a crazed fan. But online media is key to his success, according to his PR team. So Eric decides to ruin his image via a trolling Twitter account--of his own making. But his plan derails quickly and he finds himself involved in his deepest and most meaningful relationship to date, albeit a virtual one. But when he and his Twitter friend agree to meet, everything goes wrong.

This is one of those books that you know will probably be incredibly silly and cheesy, and it was definitely both of those things. But I still read it in one day, because, well, sometimes you just need silly and cheesy in your life. I was all for something related to Twitter that didn't involve politics and the world ending.

Honestly, Follow Me Back was quite addictive and easy-to-read, even if I wanted to shake Tessa and Eric sometimes for their bad decisions. Some early honesty would have avoided a lot of angst. It's told via the point-of-view of both characters, along with excerpts from police interrogations. Through the police pieces, we know something bad has happened--then we back up to the events that lead up to it. The book delves into the pressures of stardom, along with anxiety, assault, and mental illness. It's a little all over the place, at times--perhaps trying to throw us off course, but I appreciated that it did try to cover Tessa's issues respectfully. There's Eric and Tessa's relationship, as well as a bit of a mystery element.

Overall, this was just an escapist novel for me, and it did its job fairly well. My only problem was that it ended with a cliffhanger ending, so while I did move this book off my shelf, I am going to have to track down book #2 to see how it all ends. Darn it! Still, 3 stars for a fun and crazy ride.
R. L. Green | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed Ted’s personality quite a bit. He is questioning and careful of new people and situations until he understands what is going on. (0 more)
I was unhappy with the ending of this book. It was a cliffhanger (which I have no problem with) but it just left way too much hanging. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Motives and trust are put to question in the short book Incinerate by R. L. Green. However, it is not just the trust of others that is questioned but trust in oneself when emotions are involved.

 Ted was raised by his Uncle Will who is, unfortunately, laying in the ICU on life support. While he is not bad off, Ted is very money conscious and is fairly sure he is his Uncle’s heir but has yet to see a copy of the will. He fears that this situation is going to bring distant relatives, especially those on his dad’s side who ran off when he was a baby, out of the woodwork looking for money. He is not completely wrong. His half-sister, Tamsyn, decides to take this opportunity to connect with family. Much to Ted’s surprise and suspicion Tam shows up in a wheelchair with a traveling companion tagging along by the name of Jazz.

 Although Jazz comes off as harsh and cold towards Ted to begin with it appears this is only because she is trying to look out for Tam. After a little bit, Ted and Jazz begin to build a relationship or so Ted thinks, while Tam and Ben, Ted’s best friend seem to hit it off as well. Unfortunately, there is more to Jazz than meets the eye as Ted soon finds out. Ted and Ben make it their goal to help Tam get out of Tazz’s manipulative clutches, but it proves difficult. Ted must keep his feelings for Jazz from interfering with the plan yet keep Jazz from knowing he is aware of the truth. Jazz, however, doesn't want to give up her grip on Tam that easily and is willing to go to extreme lengths to keep ahold of her.

 I enjoyed Ted’s personality quite a bit. He is questioning and careful of new people and situations until he understands what is going on. Once he understands, Ted seems to have very little trouble deciding to take sides, even if it means he has to fight himself in the process. I was unhappy with the ending of this book. It was a cliffhanger (which I have no problem with) but it just left way too much hanging. The situation with Uncle Will is never resolved, though it's not hard to guess what happened to him, but the will in another unanswered factor. Mor importantly even though there are plans to go ahead and start the business nothing is said about how it works out. I am also extremely interested to know if Jazz ever comes back and if the accident she had was an accident. Then there is also the fact that Ted said “hey” way too much and at times when it felt wrong.

 This book deals with tough subjects best suited for adult and high school students. Subjects include rape, manipulation, sex, and death. Other than that the writing style itself is not that difficult. I would also classify this book as a drama from those that are interested. I rate this book 2 out of 4. It is a quick read for those that do not have a lot of free time. While the book itself lacks depth the characters seem to have quite a bit to them. For everything that I find fault for in this book, it is balanced with a positive aspect as well. This might not be a book that I would highly recommend, yet I would not discourage anyone from giving it a shot.
Twell and the Rebellion (Como Chronicles #2)
Twell and the Rebellion (Como Chronicles #2)
Kate O'Leary | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twell and the Rebellion (Como Chronicles #2) by Kate O'Leary
Twell and the Rebellion starts from where book 1 left off - thank goodness!!! I had guessed who her genetic match was with the description of the silver eyes, but I did enjoy the feeling of knowing that I had guessed correctly. The action is pretty much non-stop in this book as Twell's training ups a gear and she meets others with the same powers as her. Unfortunately, because they're training in power groups, it means that she doesn't see as much of Jonaz, or the others. Add Avin into the mix and it's not surprising that Twell feels confused, and easy pickings for Shanna. Now, I need to say something that might not go down too well, but I didn't like Shanna as a character. I started off with the same feelings for Mira, but she grew on me (like fungus!), until I loved every scene with her in it because of her acerbic tone. Shanna though... nah, she doesn't do it for me. I will also say that I really, REALLY, dislike love triangles. And yet you will notice that I gave this book 5-stars. Simply put, it is because there is no 'nonsense' in this book. Everything that Twell feels and goes through, I could understand perfectly how she felt. She wasn't just being indecisive for the fun of it, which seems to happen all too often.

This book is absolutely chock-full of character development, with new characters to behold too. I don't think there were any editing or grammatical errors in it, but I was too engrossed to notice if there were! With a gripping story, cliffhanger ending, full of emotions, and smoothly paced - what more could you ask for? Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Kingdom of Copper (The Daevabad Trilogy #2)
The Kingdom of Copper (The Daevabad Trilogy #2)
S.A. Chakraborty | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I....may have an unpopular opinion on this book. First, I LOVED the first book of this trilogy, The City of Brass. Absolutely loved it. It was one of my favorite books of that year. I like this one significantly less. I think that probably wouldn't be the case if I had read this in quick succession, but I read City of Brass when it came out, and had to wait a year for this one, in which time I read around 200 more books.

I expected a certain amount of backstory explanation in Kingdom of Copper - and it wasn't there. I think the book assumes you remember everything that happened in City of Brass - and I most certainly did not. I don't remember why we have the division between the djinn and the daeva, or really which is which. I know the shafit are part human, part...djinn? Daeva? See that's the problem. These are very politicky books and forgetting key parts of the political drama makes this book VERY hard to follow. I don't know WHY there's conflict between certain people, and I don't recognize missteps when characters make them because I've forgotten who has which opinions.

All the worldbuilding explanations are in the first book, and they aren't revisited in this one. Had I KNOWN that, I might have re-read City of Brass before this came out, as much as I dislike re-reading anything.

All of that aside, and despite my confusion, I mostly enjoyed this continuation of Nahri's story. We delved a little more into murky bloodlines, the more recent past of Daevabad, and the more ancient past of Nahri's healer ancestors, the Nahids.

I still love Nahri, I like Ali a little more, and I like Dara a little less. I am curious to see where the third book leads, especially after the cliffhanger ending of this one. I just might have to re-read both City of Brass and this one before reading the trilogy's conclusion.

You can find all my reviews at
Pandemonium (Delirium, #2)
Pandemonium (Delirium, #2)
Lauren Oliver | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
My reaction at the end of the book: I just can't.

I didn't think that it was possible to end the second book with a bigger reveal/cliffhanger than Delirium - but Lauren Oliver shocked me. She slipped a little comment in that immediately made you wonder, "could it be?" I spent the next few pages fearfully reading, unsure if I wanted to know. Which ending would I prefer? All I could do was repeat no, no, no, over and over. This book is the definition of a book hangover. I immediately had to begin reading the third novel in the series.

The world building is just as immersive and well-done as the first. The author vividly describes the landscape and the new hierarchy in which Lena finds herself. This book no longer takes place in Portland, Maine but switches perspectives between the Wilds and New York City. We are also introduced to a new set of characters that help transition Lena into her new Wilds life.

Raven is the leader, young but formed under pressure like a diamond by the Wilds. Tack is her right-hand man, reliable but a bit unfriendly. She is surrounded by Hunter and Bram, tiny Blue, Grandma, Lucky, and many others. There are so many "invalids" in the Wilds that they are not all well-developed and unique characters. Those that are more important to the story are given the attention that they deserve. (Raven is also given a novella, which is a wonderful insight and in my opinion the best of the four novellas that accompany the series.) Lena must find her place and pull her weight - collecting water, tending the fire and checking for messages in the trees.

The style of switching perspectives from now to then continuously was a little off-putting at first. Before long, you get used to the style and are fully immersed in the story. Just as engaging as the first and highly recommended. Just a warning that there are more curse words in the novel than in the first.
Take Me for Granted (Take Me, #1)
Take Me for Granted (Take Me, #1)
K.A. Linde | 2014 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For someone who doesn’t like reading bad boy/good girl tropes, I seem to be reading a lot of them lately. I don’t even know why I picked up a copy of Take Me for Granted. The synopsis was one I have read a thousand times and the cover was nothing eye catching.

But let me tell you I am sure glad I did. If downloading it was whim then I don’t even know what opening it up was. I was hooked from the very first page though. I identified with Ari more than most female leads. While I didn’t grow up in a rich family nor do I attend an Ivy League school, I care more about schoolwork than I do most people. Reading Ari’s inner monologues and thoughts had me laughing because I understood. It’s so easy to push people away, create a cold demeanor, and escape into school work. School doesn’t hurt you the way people can.

Grant was also absolutely charming. He reminds me so much of my own fiancé in ways and I loved listening to him banter with Ari. At first, his pushiness rubbed me the wrong way. Having been in an abusive relationship, I wanted so much to just scream no in his face over and over again until he understood. However, he wasn't actually harmful in his pushiness, just persistent, and, honestly, had the patience of saint when it came to Ari considering how wishy washy she was at times.

I really enjoyed the story. Linde has a lovely, easy style and is a fantastic storyteller. I especially liked being able to read from both Grant's and Ari's POVs. The cliffhanger nearly destroyed me though, so you better believe I am going to continue the series. Somehow Linde’s characters crawled their way beneath my skin, and I won’t be content until I know they received a happy ending.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated 31 (2016) in Movies

Feb 3, 2018 (Updated Feb 3, 2018)  
31 (2016)
31 (2016)
2016 | Horror
Richard Brake (2 more)
Some interesting dialogue
Cliffhanger ending
Blood, guts and profanity... my 3 favorite things
I am and always will be a horror movie fan. And a Rob Zombie fan as well. While most in the horror community dispose the man, and do their best to ignore his reimagining of John Carpenter's beloved Halloween. I get his vision. I understand his process.
In 31, Zombie goes out of his way to remind us all of why he is here in this genre and why he should be here to stay.
The script penned for this flick is nothing short of dreadful, but in a good horror film That's what you want. His dialogue is full of pull no punches vulgarity that would make anyone blush. And his pattern of killing off his stars is brutal to say the least.
Capped with an amazing performance by Richard Brake, who from the beginnng of movie, let's you know that he "ain't no fucking clown!!!".
His ability to capture the true disgustingness that lives in every single one of us, that fire that burns in your body when someone cuts you off when your driving to work. Or bumps into you while walking by. That feeling that says, "Fuck, I'd love to kill that person,"... well he lets the beast out in this film.
He turns 5 mild mannered hippie carnies into vicious animalistic slashers. Killing at first out of that need for survival. Then killing because they had to do it. And finally killing because they were starting to enjoy it.
Zombie does what he does, sets them up to be knocked down as only he can. Chuck I'm some great one liners and awesome profanity filled dialogue, sprinkle it with some over the top kickass blood filled deaths and an acting performance by Richard Brake that I can't help but praise and you have a recipe for a disturbing good time. As Doomhead suggests in the opening sequence of 31. In hell everyone loves popcorn.
Everything Under The Sun
Everything Under The Sun
Jessica Redmerski | 2018 | Dystopia, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything Under The Sun by Jessica Redmerski
Everything Under The Sun is a post-apocalyptic story that focuses on two characters - Atticus and Thais. We start off at home with Thais, her father, and sister. Unfortunately, this idyll doesn't last for long, and then we are thrown into what the world can really be like for survivors. Thais and Sosie are taken to Lexington, where they meet Atticus for the first time as he is acting Overseer.

First of all, this is a LONG book. Everything in the book is used to describe a situation, feelings, etc., which can be excused being as the author has to describe not only a new world, but has to show how the world has changed from how it used to be. I did feel a bit lost with the timeline though, as it felt like they were at the cabin for a lot longer than was supposed to be. They say they've only left Lexington a month or so ago, and yet it felt like they'd spent at least 3 months there. Oh well, my bad.

I will also say, a lot of characters die in this story, so please don't become too attached to them! Some of it is obviously built up, so you know something bad is going to happen.

This was an intriguing story, with a solid male character who is flawed, and an idealistic, mostly naive, female, who thankfully did become stronger as the story progressed. It has one helluva cliffhanger ending, and I can't wait to see where it will go next.

If you really want a story to sink your teeth into, then I can highly recommend this one!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3)
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3)
Shelby Rhodes | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3) by Shelby Rhodes
Sin's Thief is the third book in the Vampires of Vadin, and I'm still denied my Kaiden and Asher pleasure! However, I am consoled by the amazing story of Cecil and Sin. Not only is Cecil the complete opposite of Sin in looks, deportment, and behaviour, but he is also the opposite in age. Cecil is only eighteen, whilst Sin is approximately six thousand! Talk about cradle robber!

It works though! Trust me on this. It really does.

Cecil may be young in years, but he has ages worth of experience in abuse and horror. His mother left him, his father is an alcoholic and thinks nothing of physically abusing his son. No, Cecil hasn't had it easy, which is why it is hard for him to trust either Sin, or anyone else he is introduced to.

This story is poignantly written in so many places. It's not just steam and sexy times, although they are there too. We learn the full extent of how Cecil's experiences have changed him. We learn about Sin's history, and his beast. Both these characters have more in common than you might originally think.

Once again, this was excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors. There is one humdinger of a cliffhanger ending though, so consider yourself warned. We reunite with previous characters once again, and I loved the little updates about Adrian and Xavier, plus Stephen and Jayden.

I can't wait for the next book to see where that's going - and then I may also get a hint about Kaiden and Asher. Please, Ms. Rhodes, I'm begging you! Highly recommended by me.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Coliseum Arcanist (Frith Chronicles #3)
Coliseum Arcanist (Frith Chronicles #3)
Shami Stovall | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this book has the capability to break me! Coliseum Arcanist is the third book in the Frith Chronicles and we return once more to Volke, Illia, and the rest.

Gille is working hard to find a cure for the plague and is accompanied by the Frith Guild to see the queen. Only, they get more excitement than they bargained for when they find out there will be a tournament for a new sovereign dragon arcanist. Illia is still dead set on revenge on Calisto but the others are excited to participate.

Wow, so much happens here! This is a long book but not a single word is wasted. So many new characters to meet and old ones to reacquaint with. Volke is, of course, the star of the show but he doesn't hog all the limelight. Through his eyes, you see the others and how they change and grow. Zaxis is still obnoxious but I'm also hoping he will calm down and become a better man. He is still young after all.

The ending of this book, the last few chapters, are absolutely action-packed. There is never a dull moment and I will admit to my eyes leaking too. I had a suspicion about the outcome of the last match when I read the description given in Volke's book but how it was written was just amazing. The rest of it came as a surprise and I couldn't read fast enough to find out what happened next.

With a cliffhanger you have to read to believe, I seriously can NOT wait for the next book in the series. You definitely have to read all of them in order to get the full experience but what an experience it is. I really can't recommend this series, or this book, highly enough.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!