The Mule (2018)
Movie Watch
A 90-year-old horticulturist and WWII veteran is caught transporting $3 million worth of cocaine...

Tightrope (1984)
Movie Watch
Clint Eastwood portrays a homicide detective who's tracking a sex killer through New Orleans' famed...

Pale Rider (1985)
Movie Watch
With 1985's Pale Rider, Clint Eastwood returned to the western genre with a vengeance as the movie...

Unforgiven (1992)
Movie Watch
An aging, retired outlaw named William Munny takes on one last job with the aid of an old friend and...
Revisionist Western

Firefox (1982)
Movie Watch
Clint Eastwood is a Vietnam veteran who finds himself ordered back into governmental service for a...

The Eiger Sanction (1975)
Movie Watch
Clint Eastwood directs and stars in this international intrigue action thriller that takes place on...

Sudden Impact (1983)
Movie Watch
Clint Eastwood breaks all his prior records as he reprises his classic role as "Dirty Harry"...