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It: Chapter Two (2019)
It: Chapter Two (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
IT 1990 - enough said
If you haven't seen the original 1990's TV series then where have you been??
And more importantly, why this?
After reading the book a dozen or more times, binge watching the original then watching Part 1 and 2 of the remake I am hopefully qualified to give this review.

The actors, amazing. The acting a spot on. And that is the best thing about this remake.

I mean. It mimics the original in most ways but the expectations I had for this movie were sky high.

Tim curry in a clown suit - where are you?
The Anubis Gates
The Anubis Gates
Tim Powers | 1983 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The idea (0 more)
slow (1 more)
a bit disjointed
It was an ok book. A bit slow at places and the main character could be a bit dense at times. If you want a time travel book that has science and explanations on the difference between free will and predetermination, this isn't your book at all. Magic! Not the answer to everything but yeah. There are a few surprises and twists that are fun. Doyle is a good lead. The clown terrifying.
It is a bit disjointed but starts to smooth out after a bit.
Not a bad read but not anything amazing.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Twisted Metal - season 1 in TV

May 4, 2024 (Updated May 4, 2024)  
Twisted Metal - season 1
Twisted Metal - season 1
2024 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Twisted Metal, the console game, is a post apocalyptic racer of sorts from all accounts.

I've never played it.

It does seem to be a strange choice for an action-adventure comedy series, but I actually found this to work quite well, largely based in the chemistry of the co-leads (Mackie as the 'milkman' John Doe, hired to deliver a package cross country and encountering Beatriz's Quiet along the way) and the antagonist played by Thomas Haden-Church.

Oh, and never forgetting the murderous clown Sweet Tooth who steals pretty much every scene he is in ...
Terrifier (2017)
Terrifier (2017)
2017 | Horror
When two women see a creepy clown in a pizza place they soon find themselves fighting for their livers in an abandoned building.
Terrifier could easily be mistaken for an 80’s or 90’s slasher movie as Art the Clown (never actually named in the film) cut’s, stabs, shoots and strangles his way through the rest of the cast using a variety of different weapons. Art the Clown seems to stand out in a genre that could almost be called over saturated, he speaks less than either Mike Myers or Jason Voorhees but carries out his kills with a comedic joy that almost matches Freddy Kruger, acting out his pleasure through mime which seems to intensify the silence he exudes.
The film seems to have a homemade feel about it, that’s not saying that it seems cheap but that the cast seem to get along well and that it could almost be something that was shot for fun by a group of friends in the same way the ‘Evil Dead’ or the original ‘Night of the Living Dead’ was. This is helped by a small cast and limited locations.
Being a slasher there is, of course; blood, violence, screaming and a bit of nudity but no sex, in fact the reason one character gets involved it to avoid being in the room with a couple who are getting amorous. Art dispatched his victims in a number of ways, most of which have been done before, after all there are only so many ways to stab or shoot someone, however, Art brings a joyfulness to his actions and, although I have already compared him to Freddy Kruger, Art seems to really see a funny side to what he is doing unlike Freddy who just enjoys the kill.
I have seen that there is a sequel slated for 2020 and given the being/end of Terrifier I think that is could be very interesting.

gayga (2127 KP) rated Pip in Books

Jan 29, 2020  
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written (0 more)
A little sugary (0 more)
Pip pip Hooray!
As chick lit goes you could do worse than this. Basically it’s the trials and tribulations of a modern love story involving a clown called Pip and an accountant named Zac. Totally predictable but also somehow comforting like a cwtch under a warm blanket on a cold day.

In some parts you want to shake the pair of them. I cried at some parts (I know!!! Anyone who reads my reviews knows that this isn’t unknown!!!) but I did enjoy the book very much. If you wants a well written, heartwarming piece of fluff, this is the one.
Bad Magic and the Big Top (Blackwood Bay Witches Paranormal Cozy Mystery)
Bad Magic and the Big Top (Blackwood Bay Witches Paranormal Cozy Mystery)
Misty Bane | 2019 | Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HUMOR, BANTER (0 more)
NOTHING (0 more)
What a great story!
Welcome to Blackwood Bay, where magic and murder have come out to play...Life for fledgling new witch Dru Rathmore Davis has been a whirlwind since moving to the charming seaside town of Blackwood Bay over a month ago . Seeing spirits, talking to animals, living with three cranky roommates, and totally not crushing on her new Guardian …But when Dru wakes one morning to find the body of a circus clown slouched dead against her doorstep and her bookshop broken into overnight, one of her worst fears may come to pass.She may be haunted by a clown... Together, Dru and her Guardian—incredibly handsome police sergeant Wolf Harper who’s absolutely just a friend —take their investigation to the most marvelous show on earth: the traveling Braun Bros Circus. It’s evident that there’s a far more sinister performance going on behind the scenes, and this traveling circus may have more skeletons buried in their closet than the Rathmore family. But when your suspects are a tight-knight troupe of acrobats, fortune tellers, magicians , and clowns, everyone has something to hide—and secrets they’d do anything to protect…

This is the second book in the Blackwood Bay Witches series. For those of you who like story lines with witches, ghosts, talking animals, wizards and covens, then this book is for you!
In this story Dru is starting to get used to being a witch, seeing ghosts and talking to animals and running the bookshop.
Just when Dru thinks her life is really starting to settle in Blackwood Bay, she opens her door and finds a dead clown on her doorstep.
The circus is in town and murder is afoot.
Come get to know this lovely set of characters. They are wisecracking and lovely bunch; well developed and will make you smile.
This has a good plot, twists abound to make you guess. Loaded with the humor and wise cracks. There are no cliff hangers just really good writing.
I absolutely loved this book and couldn't put it down! I can't wait for more!!!!
Highly recommend reading!

I received this book free and chose to make a voluntary, unbiased review.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Jan 16, 2018 (Updated Jan 16, 2018)  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise (1 more)
Child actors
Not scary (0 more)
Unlike the original, scares a little overhyped
I had a lot of expectations going in to watch this remake of a classic. But I'm a little disappointed to be honest.

Unlike the original, this film solely concentrates on the cast as they were children, and there are no scenes of them as adults replaying their pasts. However, it is apparent that there will be a second part, as the kids mention their pact to reunite if the clown ever makes another appearance. In this way, they have changed Stephen King's book, but I'm not sure if it's for the better. One of the gifts of King horrors are the actual plots and storylines that run through them. Here, it actually felt like a slightly scarier version of @Stranger Things with even an actor from the series landing one of the main roles in this film.

On the upside, there were plenty of nods to the original movie, with Tim Curry's clown making a cameo in one of the scenes. Bill Skarsgard's version was just as good as Curry's but the downside was that there was too many scenes with him making an appearance losing the scare factor. Sometimes less is more. The child actors were fantastic, and the back stories were far darker, exposing abuse in its many forms. Overall, it was an interesting watch, but it may have been overhyped.

sheryet (699 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 12, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pennywise is very creepy (2 more)
Children were fantastic
It was funny
I love the original film and was so unsure whether anyone but Tim Curry could play Pennywise, however I was very wrong Bill Skarsgard is amazing and so creepy!! I am a big Stephen King fan and hoped they could do it justice and they so did. I don't think it is as scary as the trailers depict, gory and creepy yes, but scary, no. I laughed, I jumped and I found myself watching the movie with no toilet breaks and thinking surely it can't be over yet! A well made and totally great film, doing justice to both Stephen King and Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
American Horror Story  - Season 4
American Horror Story - Season 4
2014 | Horror
Utterly messed up
After a disappointing teen-angst third series, AHS got back to its best in this series. A truly twisted but generally likable cast of misfits interact wonderfully to give a glimpse into the treatment of travelling freakshows in small-town America. The ring-mistress' desire for fame weighed up against the freaks' desire for mere acceptance adds a delicious conflict that bears fruit in every episode. Meanwhile the freaks are being hunted by someone looking to sell their body parts to a museum, and Twisty the clown is getting frustrated with his unwilling audience's lack of appreciation for his terrifying yet mediocre act.
Thrilling, despicable and horrific in equal measure.
Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm (1993)
Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm (1993)
1993 | Action, Animation, Family
Spin-off/prequel from the 90s TV show "Batman: The Animated Series", which comes across as more mature than that Saturday morning cartoon, and which sees Batman implicated in a series of brutal murders of various gangsters.

This also has several flashback sequences to when Bruce Wayne first donned the mask, and to a pre-Joker Joker (although no sign of Harley Quinn here, understandably) and to a lost love of Bruce Wayne's life.

Despite not showing up until roughly the half way mark, Mark Hammill also shows why his interpretation of the clown prince of crime stands as one of the very best (and almost steals the entire show from both Batman and The Phantasm)