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MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated The Dead Don't Die (2019) in Movies

Sep 3, 2019 (Updated Sep 3, 2019)  
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Iggy Pop plays a coffee-addicted zombie and honestly he's never looked better. (0 more)
This was not good. Like really, really not good. I really, really wanted it to be, and perhaps my hopes were too high, because I was 100% disappointed. I don't know if it was trying too hard, or not trying hard enough. I'm as much a fan of B horror/sci-fi as anyone, but I'm not entirely sure that's what it was going for....and even if it was, it wasn't done well.

A couple of chuckles: when one of the zombies holding its phone was searching for WiFi (ha, people are zombies! see what they did there? 😐), and when they showed that Adam Driver's character's key chain was a ship from Star Wars.

My recommendation? Skip it.
So Sad Today: Personal Essays
So Sad Today: Personal Essays
Melissa Broder | 2016 | Biography
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Sad Today is a compilation of essays by Melissa Broder that narrates the interior monlologue of a person with mental ilness trying to survive and handle and deal with day to day life. Broder deals with a mariad of issues from sex and sexual identity, to masturbation, to anxiety attacks, to an addiction to the internet.

It was fascinating, enlightlening, entertaining, and relatable. It was violently truthful and brutally honest.

There are two sides of me responding to this book in two different ways.

The fememist inside me wants every young person to read this book for three reasons:

1. you are not alone in what you think it sweirdness and strangeness.

2. Here is someone who has experienced things you are curious about. Live vicariously throug her and learn from her mistakes but do not make the same choices.

3. This book is both a journal and a love letter, and it’s from her to you, so read it understanding it as both.

The other part of me sees the stuff she’s dealing with and ache for her. Broder is dealing with issues and trying to answer questions with no guidance and no purpose and no direction. It’s a battle I’ve never had to fight because I don’t seek for my fulfillment from me, I find it in my identity in Christ. And that part of me that sees her hungry and seeking and lost and confused really wants to take her out to coffee. So Melissa, if you get a chance to read this, I’d like to take you to coffee. Or we could just text. :)

Content/recommendation: mature and adult content. Lots of swearing and sex. 16+
Four Horsemen, at Their Leisure
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had no idea what to expect of this story, as I'd downloaded it from Tor and stuck it on my e-reader for some time when I was stuck with nothing else to read. It was perfect filler reading, and very thought-provoking.

I suppose everyone knows the Four Horsemen of the Apolocalypse, yes? Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence? Well, after they've done their jobs, what do you expect is left for them? That's the basic setup of the story, but it gets much better than that.

I am feeling somewhat fan-girlish about Richard Parks right now, to be honest. I can't really offer to have his babies, but I'd happily buy him coffee and gaze adoringly at him while listening for a good while at the very least. I intend to check out anything else I can find by him!
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
I went to see Baby Driver this evening at an Unlimited Screening, the cinema was a great choice as the temperature was beyond ridiculous outside and at home. Evidently this is a prequel to Drive, or so I've been told. But I don't really know how that works when the idea supposedly came from a music video Wright did that was in 2003 and Drive was out in 2011... but anyway. As is always the way, the first big advert for the film was good, and honestly, I didn't feel like I was watching the same film when it started. Never the less, I enjoyed it. There are some quirks that I recognise from other Edgar Wright films, and I enjoyed the way the music was incorporated into the action... although him prancing down the street to get coffee... not so much.
Almost Home: Poems
Almost Home: Poems
Madisen Kuhn | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
**Many thanks to Netgalley and Gallery Pocket Books for the chance to read this collection for an honest review**

ALMOST HOME is an intimate examination of the structures within Kuhn's life, whether brand new or battered -- lost or found -- and it resonates with our own search for a place to call our own. I particularly loved "When I Wake", "My Old Self", "Prism", "When I'm Alone/ In A Coffee Shop/ I Find Myself," and "I Am Grateful You Are Not Me". I loved how intimate these poems were -- and how bluntly honest they were without bitterness or anger.

I guess the largest reason I enjoyed this collection is because so much of it mirror my own experiences, and it felt as though the poet was speaking of our shared pain, confusion, and moments of triumph or joy along our journey.
At War with a Broken Heart
At War with a Broken Heart
Dahlia Donovan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
get the tissues ready, you'll need them!
Davet and his younger brother moved to Bideford, in Cornwall to be away from their abusive parents. Davet runs a coffee shop and Fie goes every day for his coffee before starting in his pottery shop. Sid is a local police officer who also frequents the coffee shop, mostly when Fie is there too. All three men have crushed on each other for several years. When Davet is dealt a devastating blow, Fie and Sid have to rally round Davet, to keep the younger man from crumbling. Can they really make this work, the three of them?

I was warned, you know? Warned that I would need a box of tissues, for this one and boy did I need them!

Davet's blow is shocking in it's extreme, and it broke my heart for him. But also, for Fie and Sid, watching their man ( and they WERE a three, even before they voiced it!) fall apart around them and not really being able to help. BUT Davet's parents turning up galvanised them into doing what DAVET needed, rather than what they thought they should be doing, if that makes sense?

It's mmt overly explicit for a three way book, but that's not needed here. HERE it's about three men falling in, and acting on that love, even if it takes a tragedy for them to see it. That loves shines right from the start and it really is a joy to watch them fall, almost one after the other, like dominoes!

All three men have their say, so we get it all. We get Fie's dawning realisation to what Davet might feel for him, and how he deals with his survivors guilt, or not most days. We get Davet's heartbreak, but equally his joy when they finally give in to each other and how HE deals with everyone and everything in his own way. And we get Sid and his internal wrangling with himself over his relationship with his dad, and whether the three of them can REALLY be together.

It's full of Ms Donovan's witty one liners, quirky characters and her damaged and tortured men. Ms Donovan's boys do like to play with their food and I'm so glad we got a little food fight here!

I started this book at 10.15pm, after a long busy shift at work, full of a nasty cold. A few pages before sleep, is the lie you tell yourself and the next thing you know, it's 2.30am, your head is pounding, and you've ran out of book.

So, it can only get . . .

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
I love a protagonist who feels like someone I could be best friends with, and that's exactly how I felt about Jill Gardner. She isn't afraid to eat cheesecake, tacos, and fries, she reads everything from romance novels to stories about dragons, and she isn't afraid to (or doesn't know when not to) speak her mind. I'd also love to quit my day job and work at Coffee, Books, and More!

This is another new-to-me series that I enjoyed so much I will be going back to the beginning to get caught up. It was full of believable characters, a touch of romance, and just enough personal drama to keep Jill on her toes. The mystery kept me guessing, and the solution did not disappoint. If you enjoy cozies, be sure to check out Murder on Wheels!

NOTE: I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review.
Dark Night (The Amulet #2)
Dark Night (The Amulet #2)
Caris Roane | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a short and spicy quick read about Soli-B, a witch who has been bound to a vampire before, who is fighting against her attraction to Master Eligio. He, of course, doesn't play fair and will use anything to gain an advantage, including a warrant of arrest.

This is a novella so therefore it moves along at an incredible pace - everything happens within the space of a few short hours. There is attraction, flirtations, humour, and the threat of violence - all within a few pages.

If you are on the lookout for a hot, coffee-break book, then I can highly recommend this book and The Amulet Series as a whole.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 29, 2015
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Jessie is still hurting from her break-up with her ex over a year ago until a handsome man walks into the coffee shop where she works and gives her tingles. Something seems strange about him and she won't rest until she finds out who and what this mysterious stranger is.

The flow of this story is brilliant. You can feel the emotions flowing through the characters and how they grow. It does make me a bit jealous of their relationship as it's so tender and loving - why can't mine be like that!?!

I enjoyed the storyline a lot more than I thought I would and I was able to read through it quite quickly. There wasn't any point where I felt I was stuck, lost or confused about the plot.

I would recommend you read this book.

Merissa (11787 KP) rated The Executioner in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated May 26, 2023)  
The Executioner
The Executioner
Maggie Nash | 2016 | Contemporary, Erotica
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This short story briefly mentions a local myth and legend about The Executioner, but apart from that, the story is mainly a second-chance romance. On a team-building weekend, something goes wrong and they end up with two dead bodies. Maddie needs to keep it together as Team Leader to assist the police, whilst also figuring out if she will forgive her ex, Nick.

This is a fast-paced story that nevertheless manages to tell the complete story and give you a hint of the mysterious too. Well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found, this makes a perfect coffee break book. Recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 8, 2016