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Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
1990 | Fantasy, Romance
Has more heart than later Burton/Depp collaborations
There have been many actor/director long term collaborations through the years - John Ford/John Wayne, Martin Scorcese/Robert DeNiro and Alfred Hitchock/Jimmy Stewart all come to mind. Another interesting collaboration is the unique one between Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. The films these 2 have made have shown an "outsider" being introduced into an environment - usually in a quirky and gothic dark manner. So it was interesting to go back to the film that started it all - 1990's EDWARD SCISSORHANDS.

Interestingly enough, this film works because of the lack of weight of previous Burton/Depp collaborations.

Let me explain...

If you were to hear today that Tim Burton and Johnny Depp were to collaborate on a film, what expectations would you have? Quirky, dark and gothic comes to mind. With EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, none of these expectations were in place. You can see the purity in the beginning of this collaboration with these 2 artists finding there footing together in a film that is...yes...quirky, dark and gothic.

It is also, unexpectedly, light, airy, funny and poignant - traits that I think get lost in later Burton/Depp collaborations....collaborations where the focus seemed to be on the design and look and less on the emotion.

Set in a timeless, stylized world that is part '50's, part '60's, part 80's and part "everything else", EDWARD SCISSORHANDS is Burton's loose retelling of the Frankenstein story, where an isolated inventor (in this case Vincent Price) creates life (Depp)...with scissors for hands (you'll have to see the film to see why). When a local resident (and door to door cosmetic saleslady) discovers Edward living alone, she invites him into her house - and into the lives of the the neighborhood that exists below.

Depp owns this character - and owns it well. He brings an innocence and integrity to this character that rides a fine line well. His character is naive - but not simpleminded. He is longing to please - and to be loved - but has his own mind. In Depp's performance, you see an actor coming into his own.

He is joined - wonderfully - by Diane Wiest as the lady that invites him into her home. Winona Ryder (who turned down Godfather 3 to appear in this film) as Wiest's daughter (and object of Edward's affections) and the great Alan Arkin as the patriarch of the family who is a fun stereo-type of the Suburban dad.

All of this is packaged - uniquely - by Burton with an "8 crayon" color palate that exaggerates the various styles of the time. It is an expert job of combining styles into a unique vision that works very, very well.

I also have to give Burton credit for casting the iconic horror movie veteran Vincent Price (in his last film role) as the inventor of Edward Scissorhands.

I was taken under the spell of this film - and not just because of the interesting visuals - it has a heart and soul (because of Depp's work) that, I think both Depp and Burton lose in some of their later collaborations.

If you haven't seen this film in awhile - check it out - I think you'll like it.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)


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The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
The dynamic between The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man is hilarious! (1 more)
Comic Book action at its best
Avengers Assemble!
The Avengers or Avengers Assemble depending your country of origin is a Marvel Comics collaboration story bringing together Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and Black Widow into one super-team to defend the Earth in time of crisis. Traditionally the team also includes the character HawkEye, however for the film he has been turned to the bad guys' side!

If you haven't seen the individual films for Iron Man, Thor and Captain America, then some of the early film may be a little difficult to follow. Personally, I haven't watched the Captain America film yet, so was a little unsure as to what was happening in bit that brings Captain America into the film. The villain of the film is Loki, half-brother of Thor, so again, if you haven't seen the Thor film, you won't know who he is or what his significance to the story is.

S.H.E.I.L.D. agents Coulson and Nick Fury make a reappearance this film. Agent Coulson has appeared in both the Iron Man and Thor films with S.H.E.I.L.D. head Nick Fury appearing in all the previous films.

Marvel fans will be delighted to know that in this film we get to see the flying S.H.E.I.L.D. headquarters, The Helicarrier. A large portion of the film is set aboard with scenes both inside and out!

As a standalone film it is alright, however knowledge of the previous Marvel films from which the characters are taken makes it is much better and easier to follow.
When it comes to Wanda Brunstetter books, I will read it instantly, no questions asked. She is truly a talented author. So, when I sat down to read this story, I knew I was in for a treat. This book has 3 stories, each about a mother, daughter, and granddaughter. Each story is written by a generation of the Brunstetter family and all were equally captivating. 

Each of the women these stories are written about, suffer emotional times, heartache and devastation, and really tug at the heartstrings. I can't imagine going through the But, throughout all, the stories are focused on one beloved, cherished quilt with thought provoking scripture verse embroidered on it. This quilt reminds me of ones that my grandma quilts. She doesn't add the scripture verse but she will often add our names and the year she quilted it to the quilt. I have several and cherish them just as the characters in these stories do!

This book will completely captivate you and keep you up long into the night, turning each page. You'll fall in love with beautifully chiseled characters, and the presence of God is strong within these pages. The bonds of family are wrapped up in this quilted story and I loved that feeling! Wanda, Jean and Richelle, like a quilt, have pieced together a beautiful collection of stories for readers. I can't wait to read another 5 star collaboration by the talented hands of these women. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Shiloh Run Press/Wanda's Clippity Clop Club and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I See Red by Geowulf
I See Red by Geowulf
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Geowulf (Star Kendrick & Toma Banjanin) is an Australian duo based in London, England. Not too long ago, they released an introspective alternative tune, entitled, “I See Red”.

“‘I See Red’ was written after an argument with my sister. The song was a realization that you are only ever your most raw, horrible self when you’re with the people you love to death and who love you.” – Star Kendrick

‘I See Red’ tells an interesting tale of a young woman who attends therapy to learn how to control her anger and mental health issues.

Apparently, she makes the same emotional mistakes and realizes it’s going to take some time to change her raging behavior.

Later, she admits that she’s only human and wants to be a better person, lover, and friend. But sometimes, she gets lost, and before she knows it, she’s seeing red again.

“I have been very proactive over many years in going to therapy. Talking openly about mental health and have constantly taken steps to control emotions, moods, and even my temper. Having a family history of mental illness, this is something my siblings and I have had a lot of awareness about. This song is about that process and what I’ve learned. The ebbs and flows of trying to be the best version of yourself.” – Star Kendrick

‘I See Red’ can be utilized as the trigger to your spirited response to any of the stresses which weigh you down.

The likable tune doubles as the first collaboration with Geowulf’s new writing partner, Justin Parker (Lana Del Rey, Bat For Lashes, Cloves).
    Word Sundae

    Word Sundae

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    Treat your family to the most exciting, turn-based word game around! Parents and their preschool or...