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Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Jenny Han | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the final book of Jenny Han's "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" series, we find our heroine, Lara Jean, in her senior year of high school and facing some big changes: college choices; her dad's impending marriage (yay, Mrs. Rothschild!); and figuring out the fate of her relationship with her handsome high school sweetheart, Peter K. The plan, of course, is for Lara Jean and Peter to head to UVA together. Peter already has a lacrosse scholarship there, and Lara Jean's acceptance email should be arriving any day. Still, Lara Jean is worried about the possibility of change and if things do not go exactly according to her plans.

I can't remember how I stumbled across this series, beloved to me (a mid-thirties lesbian) and teen girls everywhere, but I do have such a soft spot for Lara Jean. My girl is all grown up now! *sniff sniff* I love this series even more because it's basically set in my hometown, and I get to read about references to Bodo's Bagels, UVA and the Rotunda, BBQ Exchange, and more.

The strength of Han's series certainly centers around Lara Jean. She's such a realistic and endearing character, and she's grown and progressed over the three books. I adore her spirit, her love of baking, and her fierce devotion to her family. Indeed, Lara Jean's family is very well fleshed out, and you can so easily visualize each of her sisters and their poor, beleaguered father. Everyone--even our additional supporting characters--feels like family by now.

The hardest part of this book was that it felt a bit like filler. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Han wrote a third book, and I'm happy to see what happened to Lara Jean, Peter, and the rest of the gang, but it sort of feel like we were killing time for the sake of killing time. There's no major plot impetus beyond college decisions and Mr. Covey's wedding preparations. It ties back to a thread in the first book involving Lara Jean's mom warning about not going to college with a boyfriend (remember Margot and Josh?), but it's a tenuous thread.

Still, this is a sweet book, and I enjoyed most of it, though Peter didn't always seem like his usual self. (I don't enjoy when "stress" is an excuse for guys to treat girls poorly.) I was glad to see Lara Jean stay true to her Lara Jean self: she's just so fun, spunky, and adorable. Han says definitively at the end that she won't write anymore about Lara Jean and even though I felt like this book was a little bit of fluff, I still felt sad reading that, because darnit, it was Lara Jean fluff, and I love her.

You can find my review of the first book <a href="">here</a>; and the second <a href="">here</a>;.

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Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated Fangirl in Books

Jun 24, 2019  
Rainbow Rowell | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (46 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finished this book earlier today, and have been dying to sit down and get this review done!

The first book I read by Rainbow Rowell was Eleanor & Park, but I have to say that I loved this so much more! It's still a romance, but less so - as in, it isn't too romantic, and love isn't the only storyline.

Basically, twins Cath and Wren have just started college, staying in separate rooms for the first time. Instead, Cath shares her dorm with Reagan - a chronically angry-looking girl with about five boyfriends - and Wren with Courtney, her new party buddy.

For years, Cath has been writing Simon Snow fanfiction with her sister, and has become internet-famous. She signs up for Fiction-Writing class, and continues to work on her main fic - Carry On, Simon. But when Professor Piper accuses her of plagiarism when she turns in a piece of fanfic, Cath isn't sure she's cut out for the class. Not to mention the fact that the final Simon Snow book is soon to be released.

As if these problems aren't enough, the girls' father ends up back in a mental hospital after they leave home, and their mother - who left when they were just eight years old - is trying to get in touch again. Oh, and Cath's close friend and writing partner uses a joint piece of work for an assignment, without giving Cath any credit.

Throughout all this, Cath breaks up and makes up with her sister, and her relationship with Reagan's ex-boyfriend is a crazy ride. Levi and Cath are clearly becoming an item, until Cath turns up at Levi's party and finds him kissing some other girl. So much for that.

I can't say I know what college is like, but Cath really reminds me of me and my friends. For one, I'm a total introvert and would never leave my room, let alone ask someone where the cafeteria is... And two, my friends are all the internet type, many of which also love to read a bit of fanfiction every now and then. Some of her insecurities and worries are incredibly similar to my own, which kind of gave me a sense of relief. (Phew, it is normal to worry about that!)

I love the relationship between Wren and Cath, and how it addresses the issues that siblings face. And the situation with their parents, which I'm sure lots of people can relate to. Basically, I love how this isn't just a simple college book, where guy-meets-girl and everything's great. It's far more realistic than that, with an appropriate hint of humour.

The characters themselves are also all imperfect in some way. Cath compares Levi to her ex-boyfriend and admits that he may not be quite as attractive, yet she still likes him more. Not to mention how she comments on the little things she notices, but not in a negative way.
I sped through this book, which I wasn't expecting with a book this length. It's funny, it's realistic, and it's a great read. Not to mention, it's now on my favourites list. Five stars!

Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)
Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)
2016 | Comedy
Great Movie About Absolutely Nothing
Everybody Wants Some!! follows the lives of a group of college baseball players at a junior college in their days leading up to preseason training.

Acting: 10
This movie is largely a character piece and it wouldn’t work nearly as well without such great acting performances. There are no weak links here as each performance is memorable in its own way. The acting was so efficient, there were a handful of moments where it almost felt like you were watching a documentary as opposed to a fictional movie.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
No two players are alike in the movie, each of them bringing something different to the table. As the movie progresses from one act to the next, it is pure entertainment watching them react to different scenarios so differently. My favorite character on the team was Finnegan (Glen Powell). Charismatic and ever-changing, I love how he adapts to new situations and always had a go-with-the-flow attitude. Jay Niles cracked me up as well for his ridiculous intensity that you have to see to understand.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
You know a movie really gets to you visually when you find yourself saying, “Man, it would’ve been cool to live during that time period.” Everybody Wants Some!! captures the cool, fun feel of the 70’s on all fronts from one scene to the next. While the film doesn’t leave the town where it takes place, you’re entertained with a number of different setpieces that change the dynamic of the movie in their own way.

Conflict: 5
Definitely the weakest part of the movie. Nothing terrible really happens to the characters at the end of the day leaving no room for any kind of worry. It is amazing that the movie still works so well with so little conflict to keep you engaged.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 10
This movie reminded me of my college days and I’m probably not alone in this. It makes you remember younger days and having zero responsibility. It’s also a movie that doesn’t leave its replay value. Definitely a movie I could watch repeatedly.

Pace: 10
The movie proceeds in definable acts based around parties and it works in a loose structure kind of way. You never really know where the story is going until you get near the end and you realize it’s going absolutely nowhere. But that’s ok because the road to nowhere in this case is extremely fun and memorable.

Plot: 5

Resolution: 10
The movie ends just as chill as it started, very fitting for its overall lackadaisical tone. A little bit of perspective ties things on with a nice little bow before the movie bows out gracefully. Beyond satisfying.

Overall: 90
Everybody Wants Some!! is the perfect Exhibit A case of sometimes less is just more. The film is light-hearted, yet you’ll be having such a good time you’ll probably forget nothing substantial is actually happening. It’s a wonderful film that will give you something new each time you watch it.
22 Jump Street (2014)
22 Jump Street (2014)
2014 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Story: 22 Jump Street starts by filling us in on what happened in the last film like a previous episode. We watch Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Tatum) as they try take down a criminal The Ghost (Stormare) but much like the first one, things go slightly wrong. Jenko and Schmidt have to go to college undercover to uncover the latest drug craze. The two go through the opposite direction to the previous film and we get to see how they react to their reverse situations.


22 Jump Street uses the first ten minutes poking fun at the idea of a sequel, including talking about doubling the budget, how they got lucky first time after everyone thought the idea would fail. It also forced to tell the same story as well as actually having an upgraded office called 22 Jump Street with 23 Jump Street opening next door. We continue to get plenty of ‘it is a sequel’ jokes through the film so much so that it feels like a glorified extended version of a television show. it is full of jokes, action and personally I think the story is so easy to watch and laugh along with it could be the best I have seen in years. (9/10)


Actor Review


Jonah Hill: Schmidt big guy to the comedy double act who ends up going through the same problems of not fitting in as Jenko did through the first film. Schmidt gets romantically involved with a Maya a girl on campus who turns out to be Captain Dickson’s daughter. Jonah gives a great performance showing that he really has great comical timing. (9/10)


Channing Tatum: Jenko muscle of the comedy double act who finds himself in college finally getting a chance to fit in much like his time through high school first time. He gets a chance to live a different life which he never got a chance too with his connection with the football team, but his age will catch up with him. Channing gives a great performance showing he is just a muscle man he has comic timing too. (9/10)


Peter Stormare: The Ghost drug deal the couple are after at first before he escapes, only to get into battle with him again once they uncover the truth about the supply at the college. Peter gives a solid performance giving his typical villain role. (7/10)


Wyatt Russell: Zook student that becomes good friends with Jenko, helping him get into the good with the sports team. The clues point to Zook but after thinking about the clues they realize they are reading things incorrectly about the fun loving footballer. Wyatt gives a good performance who has good chemistry with Channing. (8/10)


Amber Stevens: Maya student who befriends Schmidt and takes him down the calmer side of the college experience. After we are told she is the daughter of the Captain the comedy level raises. Amber gives a solid supporting performance. (6/10)


Support Cast: 22 Jump Street has a whole host of supporting characters who all give extra laughs, be in the Captain and his protection of his daughter or the jock who wants to take down the goal posts. They all add laughs the main characters work with.


Director Review: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller – Phil & Christopher direct this film almost perfectly to take the piss out of the idea it is a sequel and that the first one was successful after many other television shows turned films have bombed. (9/10)


Action: 22 Jump Street has good action with chases trying not to break anything while the villains smash everything. (8/10)

Comedy: 22 Jump Street is one of the best comedies I have seen in years, it offers plenty of puns that take the piss out of the idea of it being a sequel. (10/10)

Crime: 22 Jump Street focuses a lot of trying to solve the crime while undercover which works nicely for it. (8/10)

Chemistry: 22 Jump Street has some great chemistry between Jonah and Channing who create one of the best comedy duos in buddy cop history. (10/10)

Settings: 22 Jump Street moves to college which works as the actors are older and it pokes fun that they would have looked way too old for high school. (9/10)

Suggestion: 22 Jump Street is a must watch, you don’t even need to see the first one as it recaps you with a previously at the start. (Watch)


Best Part in 22 Jump Street: Chase for the

Worst Part in 22 Jump Street: I would say the supporting characters are slightly too stereotyped.

Best Action Scene In 22 Jump Street: Chase through the campus.

Funniest Scene in 22 Jump Street: The moment Captain Dickson finds out about Schmidt and his daughter.


Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: Yeah could have one.

Post Credits Scene: Jokes about what sequels could be in the future.


Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $331 Million

Budget: $50 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 52 Minutes

Tagline: These undercover cops are going to party like it’s their job


Overall: A Must Watch Comedy

Destiny (8 KP) rated Virgin in Books

Jan 5, 2018  
Radhika Sanghani | 2014 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
made for late bloomers (0 more)
Where I found the book: I found this book at my local library. I wasn’t really looking for anything in particular but this book jumped out at me. I read the synopsis on the back cover and it made me smile.

How it’s written: It’s written in first person from the point of view of Ellie. She’s in her last semester of studies at her university in London (to be honest, I still don’t understand the college/university thing in England) and is totally freaking out about being the only virgin she knows. Sanghani accurately depicts the nervousness and oddities women go through when it comes to sex. It’s a pretty quick and easy read with a couple of laugh out loud moments.

Why I like the book: I was one of those late bloomers that didn’t have sex right away in high school and waited later in college. At first, it was more a religious thing, then a personal choice, then my hormones got the best of me and I was very desperate. Then I got over all of that and met the right guy and we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.

This book shares a few of the weird questions that arise when women start to think about sex. What should I do with my pubes? Should I let him go down on me? Should I go down on him? How do I hide my teeth? It’s all strange and new and no one wants to talk about it!

Final Thoughts: Ellie kept a lot to herself, often making the poor choices or finding herself in weird situations by not sharing what she thought or felt. It was interesting to see how things played out and how her mounting attraction to the opposite sex eventually leads to a rewarding revelation.

If you or someone you are close to finds themselves in roughly the same situation as Ellie, I suggest honesty. I was upfront and honest about my virginity with my boyfriend. After all, if you can’t be honest with someone that will be inside of you, who can you be honest with?

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