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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
A Fairly Tale In Hollywood But Lacks Finesse And Excitement
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is a 2019 dramedy (drama/comedy) movie written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and producers David Heyman and Shannon Mcintosh. It was produced by Columbia Pictures, Bona Film Group, Heyday Films, and Visiona Romantica and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad, Margot Robbie, Emile Hirsch and Al Pacino.

In 1969 Los Angeles, actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his best friend and stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) navigate their way through an ever changing industry they hardly recognize anymore. Rick laments to Cliff that his career is over, having been the star of Bounty Law a 1950s Western television series and having trouble landing acting jobs as the lead in films. Dalton dreams of befriending actress Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie) and her husband, director Roman Polanski (Rafal Zawierucha), who are now his neighbors, in order to resurrect his career. Booth, who lives in a trailer with his pitbull, Brandy, relies on Dalton for work because of rumors he killed his wife, and drives Dalton around town and does other odd jobs for him.

This movie was definitely not what I expected from Quentin Tarantino. It was very slow building, and honestly boring in a lot of ways. I kept waiting for something to happen, but half way through the movie, still nothing really did. The acting however was outstanding. Leonardo DiCaprio was excellent as Rick Dalton and Brad Pitt was a charmer, I think this movie was awesome in its portrayal of Hollywood from that time and was almost like a fairy tale about Hollywood in a way. The ending of the movie really didn't fit with the rest of the film and was controversial, but to me it didn't fit because it hyper violent like most of Tarantino's other films. To me the ending kind of saved the movie but I see how to others it didn't go with it. I usually really like Tarantino's films but I didn't particularly like this one altogether. It kind of was a collection of good scenes and acting but didn't deliver on an actual story that was good or compelling enough for me personally. But then again I didn't like Inglorious Bastards that much, and thought The Hateful 8 could have been better too. But I loved Django Unchained, and the Kill Bill films and pretty much all his other films. So I would give this movie a 6/10, it's above average in a lot of ways but just fell through for me equally in a lot of ways that can't justify a higher rating from me. Maybe it was overrated or over-hyped, or maybe I just had too high of expectations.
Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
In the world of Covert Ops; Henry Brogan (Will Smith) is the go to man. He is a highly-skilled assassin who answers the call when he is asked to dispatch dangerous individuals that threaten the peace and stability of the world.

Henry is so skilled that he takes on impossible tasks and completes them as if they were routine as he was recruited from the Military as he stood out as a unique and talented soldier.

When a successful mission does not go as precise as he would have liked; Henry decides to retire much to the chagrin of his supervisor who wishes him well despite being upset over losing such a highly-valued asset.

Henry meets with an old friend from the military who has done very well for himself financially since his service days. He tells Henry that his last target was not a dangerous threat to the population but rather a respected genetics worker. Henry has some misgiving but realizes there may be some truth to what is being told to him and agrees to meet with a contact of the departed scientist in Hungary.

Henry’s meeting does not go unnoticed as he soon has teams of soldiers attacking him and he is forced to flee with his undercover surveillance Danny (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) as they are pursued by deadly agents at every turn.
As the pair make their way to Columbia to try to plan their next move; an elite assassin makes a move on Henry and it takes all of his skills to barely survive and encounter which leaves them scrambling for answers. As suspicions mount, Henry and his team look for answers and what the eventually discover rocks the core of their very foundation.

Henry soon finds himself facing his most dangerous enemy yet as his past has come back to haunt him and there may be no escaping the threat it poses.

The film is directed by Ang Lee and while fairly linear in plot and character development and progression; the movie does offer a fresh take on some Science Fiction staples and does raise some interesting questions in the process.

The action sequences are solid and allow for the film at moments to break into a frantic pace before throttling back. The cast is solid and Will Smith continues his impressive comeback and it was nice to see him playing a more hardened and world-weary individual despite the occasional lapses into his normal screen persona.

In the end “Gemini Man” offers some flawed but entertaining escapist entertainment that delivers all the best of what fans have come to expect from Will Smith and more.

3.5 stars out of 5
    Roadside America

    Roadside America

    Travel and Navigation

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    The team at has spent decades exploring the weird wonders of America’s...

American Made (2017)
American Made (2017)
2017 | Mystery
Tom Cruise! (0 more)
A fun, entertaining movie
Anytime I mention to my family that I'm going to see a Tom Cruise movie, they roll their eyes and take the piss. The words 'man crush' are used, and I just take it on the chin (sometimes). The truth is though, many of my favourite movies are Tom Cruise movies. I'm not a fan of his earlier stuff (my wife is the complete opposite), but I pretty much love anything after his Vanilla Sky/Magnolia days. And he's clearly a hell of a nice guy outside of the movies too, despite what anything thinks about his religious beliefs. But then he went and made The Mummy earlier this year - a serious dip in Cruise quality. Can American Made be the movie to get him back on track?

It certainly is an idea role for Cruise. Based on a true story, Cruise plays Barry Seal. Top pilot for TWA and bored of the same old routine day in, day out. When his co-pilot and passengers are all asleep during a flight, he relieves the monotony by faking some heavy turbulence in order to wake them all up, but it's not enough. So, when he's approached by CIA agent Schafer (Domhnall Gleeson) to work for them, flying exciting reconnaissance missions over South America, he jumps at the chance. And then during a refueling stop in Colombia, Seal is recruited by Pablo Escobar's drug cartel, who offer to pay him $2000 for each kilo of cocaine he can carry from Columbia to Louisiana. Then he begins flying guns from Arkansas to Nicaragua while still continuing the drugs runs. Seal finds himself with more money than he can spend, burying bags of it in his backyard and piling it up in wardrobes. He can't turn around without bumping into money, and all the while the stakes are getting higher, the potential consequences of his actions increasing.

Caught up in among all of this are Seals wife and kids. Finding themselves woken by him at 4am and being told they need to move home before their house is raided at 6am, before gradually adjusting to their new, increasingly expensive lifestyle. We never quite get to spend enough time with that part of Barry's life, taking a backseat instead to the roller coaster thrill seeking that he's got himself wrapped up in outside of home.

Cruise charms and grins his way through all of this perfectly. Obviously he did all of the flying scenes himself and he must have had a real blast making this movie. There's a good deal of humour throughout and the use of film grain, handheld cameras and Kodak style lighting help to give it a real 70s-80s feel to match the era it's set in. A fun, entertaining movie and a return to form for Mr Cruise!

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated The Blind in Books

Jun 6, 2019  
The Blind
The Blind
A.F. Brady | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
^^ When Sam James, a highly regarded psychologist at a notorious psychological institute, meets disturbed patient Richard, their lives take an unexpected turn as the lines between sane and sanity blur between them.

^^ As a psychological thriller this story’s different. I’m not sure ANY book will beat ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’, (which this one was compared to), but it’s still a terrific read in many ways.

^^ For a psychologist who is supposed to have her head screwed on right helping patients with their mental health problems, she has a hell of a lot of her own issues to deal with. Sam’s in an unhealthy, abusive relationship, had an unpleasant upbringing and is on the verge of becoming a full-blown alcoholic. On top of all that, she’s overloaded with cases, as all the staff are, underpaid and at risk of losing her job.

^^ Hang on! This sounds very much like the kind of things real healthcare professionals deal with! Especially when it comes to lack of funding, high staff turnover and a never-ending influx of new patients all suffering and needing help. (Can you tell I once worked in a similar healthcare environment?) It’s no wonder we can watch Sam’s health and mental stability decline before our very eyes. Not only that, she digs herself deeper into trouble making awful decisions, putting both herself and her patients at risk.

^^ What niggled me was I guessed what was going to happen quite early on. Is this only me? Or maybe, since I worked in a similar place, I saw the signs sooner? Who knows. Despite this, I still enjoyed the read, but found myself getting a little frustrated towards the end when neither Sam, nor her friend and coworker, David, could see what was happening. I guess you could say it really was ‘The blind leading the blind’.

^^ It’s a pity guessing what was about to happen, for ages, spoilt the shock ending of the last two sentences, which finally gave the game away to anyone who hadn’t already guessed. But hey, ho!

^^ I found this started off, slow, albeit in a curious way, like watching a candle burning at both ends. Then it hit the ground running midway, and by the last third I was staying up far too late at night wanting to read ‘just one more page’. Watching Sam’s life and sanity unravelling, was strangely intriguing.

Overall: For those with an interest in stories which openly talk about mental health issues, I think you’ll really enjoy this. The author shows a deep understanding of the healthcare industry and it’s clear she knows her stuff. She should do. A.F. Brady is a New York State Licensed Mental Health Counselor/Psychotherapist. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Brown University and two Masters degrees in Psychological Counseling from Columbia University. That’s why!
The Belko Experiment (2017)
The Belko Experiment (2017)
2017 | Action, Horror, Mystery
A group of Americans and other foreign Nationals have been hired to work for a multi-national company in Columbia for a company named Belko. The Company offers housing, a car, company credit card and great benefits so people are more than willing to sign up even when company policy mandates that any foreign workers must get a microchip to help track them in the event of a kidnapping.

In the new film “The Belko Experiment” audiences are taken on a psychological thrill ride about what happens when corporate life takes a nightmare turn.

Michael Milch (John Gallagher Jr.), heads to work one morning and finds that the local employees are being sent home by a new and very stern faced and heavily armed security force.

One in their modern high rise office, he and his other workers guess it is some sort of security drill and nothing to worry about. His boss Barry Norris (Tony Goldwyn) claims to be unaware of any changes and what is behind them but promises to look into it.

When the building’s security shutters unexpectedly close and all communications go down, the staff thinks that it is simply another security drill or a test. However a voice over the communication system tells the workers that they must kill two of their group in thirty minutes or suffer the consequences. The group thinks this is all some kind of prank until four people drop dead from the implants in their head which also contain an explosive.

Factions soon form as people are unsure what to do next and whom to trust. In a nod to Lord of the Flies, we see what happens when conventions of society break down and how people often revert to a base and brutal nature for survival. When the mysterious voice then tells them that 30 of the group must die or 60 will be killed, the stakes and the action really kick into high gear.

The film is at times brutal but not as gratuitous as other films. What it does well is mix characters that many might be able to relate to so you can find yourself wondering how you would react in a situation like the one presented. As the body count and tensions rise, the characters do become a bit like cannon fodder as we are not given enough to care about their survival.

The film was written by James Gunn who said the idea came to him in a dream. Gunn is clearly busy with his work on the “Guardians of the Galaxy” series so Director Greg McLean directed the film and has created an interesting film that does borrow from other films, as it does bring to mind “The Hunger Games” and “Cube” but it does deliver a good dose of escapist entertainment.

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated Wilde Lake in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Wilde Lake
Wilde Lake
Laura Lippman | 2017 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A gripping thriller chronicling the awful collision of events past and present for a newly inaugurated District Attorney
Thank you to Andrew at Faber & Faber for the ARC.

OK - so my first admission here is that, although I read a lot of crime I have somehow managed to remain completely oblivious to the (quite large!) body of work from Ms. Lippman!

That said the, fact that there exists such a body to give evidence to her long experience as a writer goes someway to explaining the smooth skill with which the story of newly-appointed State's Attorney, Lu Brandt, is unpackaged and delivered to the reader.
The story is told in a combination of first- and third-person relating current and past events. I found this a slightly odd and unsettling, though effective, way to use the voice of the narrator, and I was constantly bothered by who was narrating in the third-person sequences.

Lu Brandt, scion of a former and legendary State's Attorney , grew up in the experimental new town of Columbia, in a house on the edge of Wilde Lake. For me she is one of the most realistic characters I have ever read, and I felt a strong empathy for the child Lu in the historic sequences, though she was far smarter than I ever was!

Her mother's death early in Lu's life, her father's immersion in his job and the age gap between Lu and her older brother left the precocious Lu with the feeling of always being an outsider in her own life, yet one with a unique and largely over-looked position from which to view the events of all their lives. In childhood this externalism simply confused her: as an adult she misconstrues it as casual and unintentional neglect - nothing she can't overcome or forgive with an adult's perspective.

The plotline is simple: The first case to land on Lu's desk in her new job is a mundane but nasty murder. Directing the police to be more thorough than her predecessor demanded Lu finds occasional links back to her earlier life in Colombia. At first these seem like nothing more than the kind of inter-connection of lives that is to be expected in small town, but the further she digs the closer to home the connections appear to come, and her earlier childhood observations begin to take on a more menacing cast.
This is not an original format or even a particularly uncommon story but it is in the details and the delivery that Lippman's skill is brought to bear. The steady rhythm with which the facts and fictions, truth and lies are laid before the reader; the characters, who are developed from bright-eyed high-schoolers, through college and into more cynical middle-age; the events that carry those same characters to that darker stage of their lives - all of these aspects of the story are delivered with a style and depth that make this one of the most thoroughly engaging books I have read this year.

This is a good representation of the book I would like all my ARC's and proofs to be.