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Dog Soldiers (2002)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror
8.2 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great British cast (3 more)
Black/dark humour throughout
Great one liners
One of the last films I remember to use makeup, costumes, and what looks like actual sausages for special effects and gore.
There is no Spoon
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is just one of those films from my youth that will never look back on with anything but pure joy.

The plot has already been laid out here, the reasons to watch this movie aren't really based around storyline. It's more that a group of "everyman" type British soldiers are thrust into a bat sh*t crazy situation, fighting off seven foot werewolves inside an abandoned farmhouse in the Scottish highlands. Comedy is of course going to come with that.

If the premise doesn't grab you, come for Liam Cunningham (AKA Ser Davos Seaworth) playing a bad guy, it's such a brilliant thing to see his range. If that doesn't do it, come to hear Sean Pertwee say "We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch."

The jokes and quotables are thick and fast, the makeup and costumes of the werewolves is still analogue, and the work put into them must have been immense. They are genuinely menacing, and it's nice to remind yourself that not everything needs to be computer generated to have impact.

As a last point, Id like to point out that besides the great cast, the comedy, and the quotes, this isn't really jump scare, or torture p*rn, it's just an old fashioned run and gun, action comedy horror. It also ends in a way I just haven't seen before, with the use of photographs in a particular "action shot" kind of way, set up during the movie. Excellent.

- Rob

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Babysitter (2017) in Movies

Dec 5, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2020)  
The Babysitter (2017)
The Babysitter (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror
On the surface, The Babysitter looks like a by the numbers comedy horror, but thanks in no small part to Samara Weaving, it's actually a bit more than that.

Samara Weaving plays Bee, the titular babysitter, who watches over (a not so convincing)12 year old Cole (Judah Lewis) when his parents head off on vacation.
After Cole has gone to bed, he secretly stays up to see what Bee gets up to after hours, and things take a bloody turn when it become apparent that Bee and her friends are part of a Satan worshipping murder cult.
It's a simple and silly premise, but it works pretty well in this instance.

The opening 20 minutes is all out silly comedy. The chemistry between the two leads is clearly strong and a huge highlight. It's obvious that the two of them were having a blast filming this.
When the Satan worshipping murder cult part comes into play, the gore comes thick and fast (there are some genuinely nasty moments), but it continues to be funny.
The Babysitter made me laugh quite a bit, with some ridiculous dialogue and self awareness, especially from Robbie Amell.
Director McG makes a lot of Scott Pilgrim-esque style choices, but never goes too overboard, making sure they land for the most part.

The rest of the characters are portrayed as cliché annoying millennial types, obviously written as characters that we want to die, but the joke wears thin pretty quickly, especially in the case of Bella Thorne's character.
The movie is also guilty of the often seen try-hard pop culture discussion sequences, which are a little cringey, but these kind of complaints are minimal.

With an 85 minute runtime, The Babysitter is a swift and fun horror comedy romp that has a decent lead. A solid 7/10.

Lee (2222 KP) Dec 6, 2019

I completely forgot Samara Weaving was in this!

Keanu (2016)
Keanu (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When Keegan Michael-Key and Jordan Peele announced that they would be ending their program Key and Peele, I was saddened. Their lively antics, comedic sensibilities, and ability to it on political and social issues in a way that allows them to make America reflect were what their fan base love about them. We saw original, sketch comedy that was actually funny and insightful as missing in today’s environment. As part of their “retirement,” they informed their fans that this was not the end of Key and Peele, just that they were going to entertain other projects.

It was a stroke of genius. They left when all of us were wanting more… and they deliver with their current film Keanu. This buddy action comedy picks right up where they left off with their show. It is a film with a very basic plot where two friends get way in over their heads. The jokes are not cheap and offer us a chance to laugh at the things that make us uncomfortable. The two men, and Keanu the cat give us a film reminiscent of the Wilder and Pryor films.

The jokes and situations will have you laughing throughout the film. In addition, the film and storyline poke fun at stereotypes, generalizations, and tropes in order to make us laugh even more. What many of us thought could be nothing more than random sketches strewn together for cheap laughs turned out to be a well-orchestrated first step into a journey of comedic genius. Comedy fans will love this film. Those looking for a serious turn or a film that involves seamless plotlines, you are going to be disappointed, but only in that aspect.
The Full Monty (1997)
The Full Monty (1997)
1997 | Comedy, Musical
I'm sure it's sacrilege saying so, but I got absolutely nothing out of this - in fact I'm deathly sure I hated it. Not because it was exactly awful, per se - moreso because it was just so exhaustively timid, top to bottom. Seldom has a sex comedy ever been more self-conscious of itself, I sat in almost pure impatient silence the entire time waiting for it to end. I mean is it not enough that we rarely ever get to see these tiresome (less than) one note characters actually ever interact as a group? Or that even the overly-familiar sorta-half-jokes have to fizzle out before they're even delivered? And while we're at it, why is the direction so violently bland? And why is the film so indifferent about its own story while also trying to bolster it up as the main selling point? I mean there's hardly any stakes let alone momentum, nor even light fun because everyone just sort of "Yeah sure, whatever"s to everything that happens which is allegedly of consequence. Are we supposed to care? Basically the bone marrow of every sex comedy ever made, stripped down of all the meat and other fixings that made them funny/interesting/charming/memorable. Zero personality, and deliberately stops itself from having any anytime it threatens to use some. At best only mildly amusing, whatever made this entirely pedestrian British 'comedy' get shot up to Best Picture status over something like the mega superior 𝘓𝘰𝘤𝘬, 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘬, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘚𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘴 I will never grasp. The whole time I just wanted to see the "Always Sunny" gang or even the Broken Lizard troupe take a stab at this premise and give it the non-passive justice it deserves.
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
It's like Spaced with a bigger budget and zombies. (0 more)
It's not as good as Spaced. (0 more)
Spaced on the big screen
In principle, I really don't like comedies. Yes, there are examples of the genre out there that I like, don't get me wrong. But generally-speaking I just don't dig them. I won't go into my anti-comedy rant in great detail here, but I think that one of the main reasons for it is that I love the craft of filmmaking and most comedies are severely lacking in any kind of interesting creative decision that make me appreciate a filmmaker's craft. Now Edgar Wright, there's a director who knows his craft, and it is very much evident in Shaun of the Dead. It is very slickly shot and edited, brilliantly-paced, pitch-perfect in tone and yes - it's funny! There aren't many comedy-horror movies that work, but this one really does. Also, I am a huge fan of Spaced, which is up there in my top 5 tv shows of all time, and this film is very much a spiritual successor to the show.
Margaret Cho: PsyCHO (2015)
2015 |
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
she isn't as funny as she use to be
Contains spoilers, click to show
Is it me or has Margaret Cho lost her "funny"? It seems to me that over the course of the last few years that she has become less funny and more mainstream.

Before during with her stand up it was more edgy and hard hitting and funny. Most of her comedy from pre 2003 was amazing and insightful. But now it feels like she just gets on stage and drones on for however long she has been booked.

There were parts of this stand up that were funny, but for the most part it was like sitting in a class waiting for the bell to ring.

Through out her career she has undergone many changes, from coming out to weight loss. And before her comedy reflected the funnier aspects of her life, but now is kind of a sad dribble of what she once was. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to watch her stand up routine in hopes of her making me laugh like she once did. But for right now I don't find her all that funny any more.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Admirable Crichton (1957) in Movies

Feb 23, 2019 (Updated Feb 23, 2019)  
The Admirable Crichton (1957)
The Admirable Crichton (1957)
1957 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well-made but somewhat odd British comedy. Status-obsessed Lord Loam (Parker) and his entourage wind up shipwrecked on a desert island; in order to survive some drastic steps have to be taken, and redoubtable butler Crichton (More) - yes, there is a Red Dwarf character named after him - rises to the occasion. Soon, the traditional hierarchy is upended But what will happen if they ever get rescued?

The Admirable Crichton seems incredibly dated nowadays, but it probably did so back in 1957 as well. Its preoccupation with the class system perhaps feels a bit quaint, but the story predicated on it is still involving - Lord Loam's daughter and Crichton fall in love, but can only be together in the class-inverted society they create on the island; there are similar subplots. It's fairly amusing in a broad sort of way, but the moments that stick with you are the ones of sadness and regret. It's hard to imagine a modern rom-com having the bravery to serve up an ending as downbeat as this one. Probably works better as a comedy-drama, to be honest; does so rather well.
The Killing of a Sacred Deer  (2017)
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
2017 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Not something you would watch everyday (2 more)
So peculiar you won't forget it any time soon
It's weird, and that's a good thing. At least the director stuck to his vision no matter how it came across to viewers
You may have no idea how to feel about it (1 more)
Don't be afraid to Google the hell out of the story to understand what they are trying to achieve
Prepare to be confused
My girlfriend put this film on without informing me of what it was about. The deadpan acting was something I was sure was on purpose; but I had to Google the film to convince myself this was so.
I've no idea who the target audience for this film is. I definitely enjoyed myself. The story is intriguing, and every scene appears so clean and 'perfect', perhaps a mirror of the life Colin Farrell's character wishes to portray.
This is such a different kind of viewing experience that it's best you watch it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. I would, however, think twice before calling this a comedy, or assuming that it falls anywhere near the comedy genre.
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006)
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Musical
7.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Catchy music/songs (3 more)
Good range of characters
Fun special effects
That museum scene
Story drags a little bit (2 more)
Somewhat predictable
Range of locations aren't very exciting
Great musical, okay everything else
Back in the summer of 2007 I was at a friends house. I was 10 years old and did not have much previous experience of music but decided to watch this. Looking back, I was probably a little too young for the language and adult themes but I can safely say that this movie single handedly got me into music. Even to this day I could recite every song word for word.

Aside from the amazing range of songs, it is quite a simple musical comedy. There are a good few funny moments but also a lot of jokes that just fall flat.. Let's be honest though, if you're a fan of Tenacious D, you aren't here for the comedy but for the music which I have to say again is simply brilliant! As long as you aren't too easily offended by some of the more vulgar scenes, this is a must watch!

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Red Dwarf in TV

Jun 22, 2019  
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
1988 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
8.4 (79 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great sci-fi comedy (0 more)
Off air for 10 years (still, u gotta laugh haven't ya) (0 more)
The boy's from the dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy franchise which primarily consists of a television sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, and on Dave since 2009, gaining a cult following.

 The show follows Dave Lister, a chicken-soup-machine repairman, who is the only human survivor of a radiation leak on his mining space ship and possibly the last living human. Having come out of time stasis 3,000,000 years into the future, Lister has very little company, one in the form of a hologram of his dead shipmate, Rimmer, self obsessed Cat, who has evolved from the descendants of Lister's pregnant cat, senile ship computer Holly and Kryten an Android whose sole purpose is to serve and clean.

This masterpiece was created by Rob grant & doug naylor (GrantNaylor) and has spawned 12 series (Back to Earth counted as the unofficial 9th and a 13th series heavily rumoured) multiple books, audio books, collectibles, magazines and a mobile game.

I'm still hoping for a mainstream console game, but until then, enjoy SmegHeads!