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Spy (2015)
Spy (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy
Ever since Bridesmaids Melissa McCarthy’s film career and popularity has been growing. The success of The Heat made McCarthy the “hot” new Hollywood comic. Though this success has McCarthy in danger of oversaturation with films that feel like mostly unfunny adlib session connected around loosely uninteresting plots like Identity Theft or Tammy. Luckily, Spy is not one of these films.
McCarthy once again teams up with Director/Writer Paul Feig (Bridesmaids/The Heat) and the chemistry of their previous success shows.

To be clear, this film is not the greatest comedy ever, but the fact that there is a clear script and the story knows where it is headed helps keep the experience enjoyable throughout at it progresses. McCarthy is on point as a support agent who becomes field agent to find a nuclear weapon and catch the person responsible for the death of her agent/partner. This film makes fun of all the typical spy film tropes through the fact that our best agent is a large unassuming woman who keeps finding herself in the typical spy situations. She solves each of these situations in her own way which is nice and often hilarious to see.

Additionally, the rest of the cast offer up hilarious delivery across the board, including but not limited to Jason Statham. There are several scenes where Statham steals the show. It is great to see him play a super spy, a character we always see him play, but in a ridiculous over the top hilarious way. It was fun to watch and his chemistry with McCarthy is great. Additionally, Rose Byrne (Neighbors) plays well across from McCarthy as a villain who is sexy, dangerous bitch, who we cannot help like none the less. Her comedy timing works well with McCarthy and the two are great together on screen.

If you are looking to escape the summer heat and you are looking for a laugh, don’t skip out on Spy. So far it is the best of the comedy of the year and it is worth checking out, if not in the theater, then when it is out for home distribution.
Neighbors (2014)
Neighbors (2014)
2014 | Comedy
When I first saw the trailer for Neighbors, I thought, “Great, another lack luster comedy ruined by the trailer showing all the funny parts.” Seriously, Seth Rogan (Knocked Up) is dangerously flirting with the, “keep getting them checks” period of his career. Plus, pair him up with High School Musical famed pretty boy Zac Efron…Really? Needless to say I had low expectations for this film. That being said, I am delighted to write that this film far excited my expectations and delivers, in my opinion, the best comedy of the year so far.

The premise of Neighbors is simple. A couple in their early thirties has their first born child when suddenly a local fraternity buys the house next door. The couple tries to be “cool” with the young “hip” crowd, only the constant loud partying is terrible for their baby. They can’t afford to move, so instead they try to get the frat suspended. Shenanigans ensue, Simple.

As far as comedies go, watching this film reminded me of the first time I watched Old School. Not just because of the fraternity similarity, but rather because there were constant jokes and gags running throughout the film that kept you constantly laughing. Even with the simple premise.

Seth Rogen basically delivers his typical quick witted stoner comedic style and plays well across his on screen wife Rose Bryne (Get Him to the Greek). Together they are a pair of adults who are struggling with growing up and having real responsibilities. Their chemistry and banter is amusing and the work well together. But it is the ensemble fraternity members, Led by Zac Efron, Dave Franco (21 Jump Street), Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Super bad) and relative new comer Jerrod Carmichael, who provide some of the most hilarious moments in this film. These frat boys deliver enough comedic variety with their styles and provide constant laughs that never feel stale or boring. Even the jokes that fail to hit their mark provide at the very least, chuckles and are usually quickly followed by something else that makes up for the misses. They are the reason I would recommend this film to anyone who may not be a Rogen fan, but is looking for a hilarious comedy.
Superbad (2007)
Superbad (2007)
2007 | Comedy
It's been about ten years to the day that me and my middle school friends saw this for the first time on television, naturally it became a classic from there since we were the embodiment of all of these guys, in spades - their demeanors, writerly crassness, even their *looks*. Plus it was just funnier than hell on top of that. At the time we saw college and the possible divide of our respective friendships as something that was untouchable, so far away that you couldn't even picture it if you tried. Ten years later, now in my fourth year of college and no longer friends with any of those guys, I view this through a completely different lens - and it's even better now than it was back then. This is still, and forever will be, one of the greatest comedies of all time - nay - one of the greatest *movies* of all time. The way as a middle schooler it depicted what was to come, and now the way it depicts what was - both nostalgic for the past and for the future, it's no wonder every teen sex comedy from then on copied this because it's a goddamned fully optimized template to use. Comedies that touch the two hour mark better be funny as sin and/or at least do some decent emotional heavy lifting. This does both with a colossal ease. I can wax lyrical about my love for this all day: the amount of respect it has for and in spite of all its (totally realistic) crudeness, the way I'm always doubled over in crippling laughter from Cera singing "These Eyes", Christopher Mintz-Plasse giving the Holy Grail of teen sex comedy performances (though... everyone is spotless), the picturesque time capsule of being in that awkward high school/college transition that's done so effectively that we as middle schoolers couldn't see at the time even though now as a college student I can see it depicted right there before my very eyes a la real life, etc. I really don't think a single element is done any lesser than it should be. Hope to still be watching this expertly-made masterpiece again another ten years from now. Comedy perfection.
Hot Rod (2007)
Hot Rod (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Following up their successful sting on Saturday Night Live, the video masterminds behind such hits as “Lazy Sunday, and “Dick in a Box”, the Lonely Island Boys have unleashed a wild comedy that skewers some of the best comedy standards of the last two decades.

In “Hot Rod”, Andy Samberg stars as Rod Kimble, self proclaimed stuntman who believes he is the offspring of a stunt coordinator. Rod never misses a chance to try a new death defying stunt with the help of his stunt crew. There is just one problem, Rod is probably the worst stuntman ever to grace the planet.

Armed with his trusty moped, Rod attempts to jump swimming pools, vans, and even body boards all with failed and side-splitting results.

Rod also is struggling to win the respect of his stepfather Frank, (Ian McShane), and comes to believe he can only do this by winning one of their numerous fight sessions. As is expected, Rod is even worse at fighting as he is at stunts. This is time leads to a real dilema for Rod, when Frank becomes ill and needs an operation which the family is unable to afford.

Rod decides that he must raise the money to save Frank, so he can kick his butt and gain his respect. Towards this end, Rod rent himself out as a stuntman for hire, and some very funny moments ensue as each outing is even more inept than the one that preceded it.

As if Rod did not have enough trouble in his life, he admires the newest member of his stunt team Denise (Isla Fisher), but runs afoul of her jerky boyfriend Jonathan (Will Arnett), which leads to even more mayhem as the film unfolds in an enjoyable but predictable love triangle. While the plot is not likely to set any new standards for originality, the film shines when it is sending up the numerous films from the 80’s such as “Footloose”, and “Rad” with their often over the top sendups.

While there are stretches of the film that seem to be going nowhere, the film cleverly will turn on a dime and go off in new tangents often with hysterical results which is the strength of the film. Many times I found myself watching the film thinking segments were really out there or dumb, only to erupt in laughter when the scenes played out to their conclusions.

The biggest weakness of the film is that like many other films that star Saturday Night Live cast members, some of the jokes hit and some miss, especially when sketch length bits are carried out over 90 minutes.

While the film was designed to pay homage to past films, it works suprisingly well as not only a pop culture satire, but as a physical comedy. With fine supporting work by Sissy Spacek and Jorma Taccone, “Hot Rod” rises above its stupid comedy origins and creates a fresh, if silly offering that will leave you laughing.
Blockers (2018)
Blockers (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Three childhood friends, Sam (Gideon Adlon), Kayla (Geraldine Viswanathan) and Julie (Kathryn Newton, make a pack that they will all have sex for the first time with their dates on prom night. They get together at Julie’s house the night of prom to and get sent off by all families. They head out in a limo for the most memorable night of their lives. Little do they know that Julie left her laptop on with their group chat open. Julie’s mom, Lisa (Leslie Mann), finds the laptop and with the help of Kayla’s dad, Mitchell (John Cena), and Sam’s dad, Hunter (Ike Barinholtz), they decipher the emoji messages and discover the girls’ sex pact. Lisa a single mom, who just found out that her daughter has been accepted to a college thousands of miles away, thinks her daughter is making a huge mistake and wants to confront her. Mitchell, an overprotective father, agrees and they decide to race after the girls to confront them at the dance. Hunter who has been out of his daughter’s life and just wants her to have a great night tries to first talk them out of it, then physically stop them as they get into Lisa’s car. All three in the car they speed off to what will definitely me a memorable prom night for them and their three daughters.

This comedy is the directorial debut for Kay Cannon (writer Pitch Perfect 2, screenplay Pitch Perfect, actress How to Be Single). She does a good job and this is a well-made comedy. The story does an okay job of blending comedy with a heartfelt story of the relationship between parents and children. There are definitely parts that had the audience roaring in laughter. The jokes at time were a little juvenile and for shock value alone, but other times were very witty. There is also a decent amount of cheesiness in this film that didn’t necessarily fit all of the time. With a rooster in front of the title you have to assume there are going to be some raunchy moments. Over all the performances were good. John Cena has some very funny moments but also some pretty campy lines. I did feel his character had the same moment several times though. They had him cry multiple times throughout the film and by the end the big tough guy crying grew old for me. Ira Barinholtz has some fun moments also.

Sometimes the best moments in a comedy are spoiled in the trailers and for me they did a good job of putting enough of the high points in the trailer will out ruining the punchline. I found myself enjoying the buildup to the payoff more than the big finish. I thought that seeing this film in a theater also helped as many of the laughs more contagious audience laughter than punchlines. Overall I left the theater enjoying the film and thinking it was better than expected.
The Killing Death (2008)
The Killing Death (2008)
2008 |
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The Killing Death starts when two detectives Frank (Dangerfield) who is about to retire and Jimmy (Trubiak) who is on his first case, must figure out the connection between a string of murders, with the suspect Chicago Phil (Reimer) committing a string of murders around town, each suspect is introduced to give him a fresh kill.

The closer the detectives get to solving the case, the increased number of bodies that keep turning up, can they solve the case before it is too late.

Thoughts on The Killing Death

Characters – Frank is an aging detective that has always finished his cases, he is about to retire and now he wants to finish this last case before he goes, Jimmy is the rookie working his first case, he is learning from Frank too, proving he needs to solve the case to make it. Chicago Phil is a pizza delivery guy that has a habit of killing his clients, he is trying to make a perfect pizza along the way.

Performances – This is a hard film to criticise because of the fact it is micro budget, the problem with the acting comes from the fact that nothing feels natural in how things are delivered.

Story – The story here follows two detectives trying to solve the case of a serial killer in their town. The outside of this story seems simple and one that could be enjoyed, only for it to come up very short in delivery, the killer and weapon of choice does seem to become random, even though we have a couple of scenes where it is clear choice, the detectives seem to just be making up their own story to make the case easy to close and apart from investigating the case, they never seen to search for answers. For a micro-budget story this does do what it needs to by laying out the format, only it just doesn’t come close to becoming easy to enjoy.

Comedy/Horror – The comedy in this film does come from how awkward the two detectives are when it comes to communication, it is very hard to see these jokes coming off. The horror is only around the kills, which are meant to show a serial killer at work.

Settings – The film uses the different houses that could have a pizza delivery as the main locations, which work for the film.

Special Effects – The effects for a micro budget are the strongest part of the film, they show how certain things can work in films.

Scene of the Movie – Take it easy.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Most of the comedy.

Final Thoughts – This is a micro budget film that does try to give us something original even though it does miss for the most part on comedy, it is a film that looks like the people behind it enjoyed making.

Overall: Sometimes you just need to enjoy what you do.
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
1989 | Action, Drama
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Joe Pesci (0 more)
Protect Joe Pesci
Lethal Weapon 2- adds more action, drama, suspense, thrills, comedy, lots of comedy and more chemistry.

The production:

Shane Black and Warren Murphy's original Play Dirty script:

Their original title for the script was Play Dirty. Although many people thought that their script was brilliant, it was rejected by Silver, studio and director Richard Donner for being too dark and bloody, and because in the ending of the script Riggs dies, while they wanted to keep him alive in case of further sequels. They also wanted the second film to focus more on comedy, while Black's draft focused more on courage and heroics, like Riggs willing to die to protect Murtaugh and his family, due to his love for them

When his script was rejected, Black felt that he had failed the producers. He initially offered to give his payment back, but his agent talked him out of it. Black also refused to re-write the script and quit from the project after working for six months on it. Black later said how the problem with the second film was that they did too much comedy, and how he dislikes the third and fourth films because of the way Riggs' character was changed.

Director Richard Donner said in the film's Blu-ray commentary that the film was shot in such a way that it could be edited with two different endings, one in which Riggs dies and one in which he lives. Audiences in test screenings responded well to Riggs' survival, and this was kept, though the last shot in the film with the camera moving away from Murtaugh holding Riggs was shot for the ending in which he dies.

Jeffrey Boam's final script:

Originally, the character of Rika was intended to survive, with the last scene in the film being Riggs and Rika eating Thanksgiving dinner with the Murtaughs, but the director decided to kill the character to increase Riggs' motivation to destroy the South African drug smugglers. The film was the debut of Leo Getz (Joe Pesci), a crooked but whistle-blowing CPA who is placed in protective custody by Riggs and Murtaugh, and makes the detectives' more difficult due to his neurotic behavior. The Getz character remained a regular throughout the remainder of the film series.

The plot: South African smugglers find themselves being hounded and harassed by Riggs and Murtaugh, two mismatched Los Angeles police officers. However, the South Africans are protected by diplomatic immunity, and so the two are assigned to witness-protection duty in an attempt by their captain to keep his job. It is only when this witness reveals to them that he has already dealt with the smugglers that the trouble really starts.

I love the chemistry between Mel and Danny and now adding Joe Pesci to the mix its perfect. The perfrct trio.

Lethal Weapon 2- is a good sequel to the first one, and adds more. Highly recordmend watching it.
Street Fighter (1994)
Street Fighter (1994)
1994 | Action
5.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Character costumes, Cast, smooth comedy (0 more)
Lack of fighting & abilities (0 more)
A cult classic that's better than legend of Chun Li
1994 saw the release of street fighter, a live action take on the videogame phenomenon.
Starring Jean claude van damme as colonel Guile, a man leading the United nations army against evil dictator General M.Bison (Raul Julia)& his forces.
Guile convinces ken & Ryu to join/infiltrate
The United sides of both Bison and Sagat which becomes problematic.
Chun li & colleagues Balrog & E.Honda are planning on taking out bison themselves.

Although there's more comedy than action, the amount of effort put into the character portrayals, costume designs and character's actually in this is brilliant considering it's only about 90 mins long.

Each character looks near perfect to their videogame counterpart & Raul Julia is no doubt the stand out actor.

Fun from beginning to end, 1994s street fighter is one for die hard quick, change the channel!

it is an American/Japanese action film written and directed by Steven E. de Souza

 Byron Mann - Ryu
 Damian Chapa- Ken Masters
Kylie Minogue - Cammy
Ming-Na Wen - Chun Li
Wes Studi. Sagat
Grand L bush - Balrog
Roshan seth - Dhalsim
Miguel A Nunez jr - Dee Jay
Robert Mammone - Charlie/Blanka
Peter tuiasosopo - E.Honda
Gregg Rainwater - T.Hawk
Andrew Bryniarski - Zangief
Jay tavare - Vega
Kenya sawada- Captain Sawada

Based on: Street Fighter; by Capcom
Production company: Capcom
Country: United States; Japan

Adam Carolla recommended track Peace of Mind by Boston in Greatest Hits by Boston in Music (curated)

Greatest Hits by Boston
Greatest Hits by Boston
1997 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Peace of Mind by Boston

(0 Ratings)


"The third choice is a song from Boston, from the band Boston, called "Peace of Mind". And it’s not my all-time favorite song. It’s just one day many years ago, I was in the garage of my apartment, wrenching on my pickup truck, one Sunday night. And there used to be a popular syndicated show, I think it was called Rock Line, and they would get these musicians on and they would talk about their music and their songs. Not too much differently from what we’re doing now. And they had the guy from Boston on, and they said, "What is 'Peace of Mind?' What was that song about?" And the guy said, "I had a good job. I worked for IBM. I had things. You know, I had medical and dental, but I didn’t have peace of mind. I wanted to play music. So I quit my job, and I started this band. And I threw all caution to the wind, and I decided to roll the dice, and give it a try." I was sitting in my garage, when I was like 23, working on my pickup truck thinking, “Do I want to do construction forever? Or maybe I want to give comedy a try.” And it was sort of at that moment, I decided to do comedy. Now, I didn’t make a nickel for the next decade, but at a certain point it worked out."

Eddie Murphy Raw (1987)
Eddie Murphy Raw (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Musical
This >> 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘺: 𝘋𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴, the blue leather suit >> the red leather suit - however - the drunk father bit from 𝘋𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 >> the drunk father bit from this (even if the toy factory stuff is still hilarious). One of the most optimized stand-up routines in all of comedy, tapers off a bit in the last half hour but otherwise most of this flows together perfectly - not a word wasted, not a word too heavy, not a word missing. A breathless, hysterical tirade of brute toxicity which many performers today try and fail to emulate with their "can't say ANYTHING these days amirite??" out-of-touch middle-aged man energy. A simple facet of comedy this exemplifies which the aforementioned curdled attempts at Reddit-tier provocation fail to realize is that you have to try to be funny first, *then* go for the offensive stuff. The crowdwork here is just insane, Murphy as a stage performer was unmatched in the 80s: the energy, the creativity, the gravitas, the sheer talent. Not only are his vocal impersonations on point as always, but so too are his physical ones - a simple change in glance and facial expression and you feel like you're *actually* watching that person until the real Eddie 'returns'. It's nuts. Then it's also got such infectious 80s flair and is one of the few stand-up movies where the skit stuff at the beginning is actually worthwhile (looking at you, 𝘒𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘯 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘵: 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘕𝘰𝘸?). Singular,