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LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated The Hangover Part II (2011) in Movies

Sep 29, 2020 (Updated Oct 1, 2020)  
The Hangover Part II (2011)
The Hangover Part II (2011)
2011 | Comedy
Better than I remembered from the theater, but it's impossible not to notice that the pitch for this was just "the first movie... but worse!" The original will forever be one of my favorite comedies with an ingenious main plot device that I truthfully don't mind them at all reusing (an investigative 'search for clues' procedural wrapped into the raunchy comedy framing device of trying to figure what four drunk fucks did the night before) but I think they went too much 'crime movie' and not enough 'comedy movie' with this one. Has some laugh-out-loud moments but as everyone has already said they're few and far between, then the last 45 minutes of this devolves into everyone screaming and asking each other expository questions for the rest of the runtime. Though one thing I don't think even this franchise's supporters give these enough credit for is the acting. Ed Helms, Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, and Ken Jeong are phenomenal both comedically and dramatically here and find a very reasonable balance between the two. Not to mention each of their respective performances is definable from one another and heavily idiosyncratic. But then you have crap like Bryan Callen in brownface, a monkey hanging out with them for half the movie, and Mike Tyson shows up and raps at the end. So you win some, you lose some I guess. Pretty lovingly depraved at least.
Secret Admirer Pact
Secret Admirer Pact
Bernadette Marie | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda cute
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this book, but I didn't love it. Why?? I dunno, but book feelings are strong about this and ya'll know I need to share the book feelings!

It's a fun read, about friends who never really saw each other as anything other than best friends, until the thought of losing each other looms. And it's all laid out for you!

While there is romance here, there is no smexy times. I think that might be my biggest issue. I like my books smexy and I wanted Monique and Will to get their freak on, and they don't. At least, not on page. There's just some kissing.

It's painfully obvious who the secret admirers are, other than Will and Monique, but I didn't see the twist to Monique's boss' situation! So that was a great twist.

It's billed as a comedy romance. Now, I dunno if it was me, but I didn't get much comedy, at all!

It was a nice read (you know I don't like to use that word, but I can't find another one to fit!) one you can just fall into and wile away a couple hours, or less. Took me 90 mins.

I'd like to read something esle by this author, I haven't read her work before, but a longer work.

3 good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Nanny McPhee Returns (2010)
Nanny McPhee Returns (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi
6.9 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang starts as we meet mother Isabel (Gyllenhaal) who is trying to run the family home and raise her three children, while her husband is away at war, adding to her pressure is her brother-in-law Phil (Ifans) that is looking to get money and two cousins added to the family that are used to the luxury life.

When Isabel starts struggling, she gets the call from Nanny McPhee (Thompson) who offers to help put the children back in line with her magic. The children must learn to work together to help the farm stay in the right hands.


Thoughts on Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang


Characters – Nanny McPhee is the magical nanny that comes to family’s when they are in need of support, she has come to this family in their time of need to help teach them how to be together in one of the most difficult times in their lives, the war, she brings her rules like before as she looks to bring the best out in the people. Isabel is the mother of the three that is trying to run and farm and work, her husband is at war, with the uncertainty of whether he will be returning. She doesn’t want help, but must accept it to keep the pressures of her life away from her children. Phil is the brother-in-law to Isabel, he has created his own gambling debts and wants the farm to clear the debts, he will do anything to get what he needs. Mrs Docherty is the boss of Isabel and family friend, she isn’t quite all there which makes her character come off funnier than she should. The children do come from different worlds which does see them clash in the time of conflict.

Performances – Emma Thompson does continue to enjoy playing this role which she handles with ease. Maggie Gyllenhaal gets to play the role well through the film, which shows us just how difficult a position her character is in. Rhys Ifans does everything you would imagine in the comedy role in the film, while Maggie Smith also adds plenty of comedy through the film.

Story – The story here follows a mother that takes over the family farm with her husband away at war, with money running low and the stress of life getting to her, that gets help from Nanny McPhee. The story here easily becomes a much more serious one because we are dealing with children that are being separated from their parents during war, where they don’t know if their family will be together once the war is over. This story does have a very different tone to the first one, one that does feel real, even though it does seem slightly stranger for Nanny McPhee to be here, this time around. The story here is more entertaining than the original which is always a good thing.

Comedy/Fantasy – The comedy in the film does hit better than the first film, most of it comes from the arguments which feel funnier, the fantasy in the film does work too, which ends up blending with the comedy involved.

Settings – The film is mostly set within one farm which does show us just how much trouble the family will be facing in their time of need.

Special Effects – The effects here are the biggest step back sadly because we can see the CGI moments looking completely out of place.

Scene of the Movie – Connection.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The CGI.

Final Thoughts – This is a great sequel that does have a strong story to cover up the weaker CGI being used in the film.


Overall: Wonderful sequel.
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Some good comedy moments drowned in schmaltz.
Comedy and tragedy have always gone together hand-in-hand. Every great comedy tends to have its bitter-sweet moments: Roberts Blossom as the “shovel-killer” grandad in “Home Alone” (who always reminds me of my late Dad… in appearance I might add, not that he was a shovel killer!); John Candy’s depressed shower-ring salesman in “Planes Trains and Automobiles”; Ron Burgundy bawling in a phone box in “Anchorman”. The balance between the two is the key thing and comedies can sometimes get it wrong (the Bird Woman in “Home Alone 2” for example!).

Here is another case in point: “Daddy’s Home 2”, which has some laugh-out-loud comedy moments, but is generally so utterly drenched in schmaltz and sentimentality that the film becomes far harder work than it should be. (By the way, I never saw “Daddy’s Home” (but read the IMDB synopsys): it was not a prerequisite for seeing this movie).

A Christmas cast. From left, Alessandra Ambrosio, Didi Costine, Mark Wahlberg, Scarlett Estevez, Will Ferrell, Owen Vaccaro, Linda Cardellini, Conor or Daphne or Dylan Wise(!) and Mel Gibson.
Will Ferrell (“Get Hard“, “Anchorman“) reprises his role as the somewhat incompetent Brad, ‘sharing’ his family of kids and stepkids with the much more streetwise Dusty (Mark Wahlberg, “Patriot’s Day“). After a poignant school recital, the pair realise the damage that a distributed Christmas is doing to their offspring and they determine to spend Christmas all together this year. In the process they vow to try to put aside their attempts at one-upmanship – “the harbour is closed” – in the interests of giving everyone the best Christmas ever.
But their plans are turned upside down when their fathers also turn up for Christmas: Mel Gibson (in a sublime piece of casting) plays Dusty’s dad, astronaut-hero Kurt, who is even more macho and extreme than Dusty, and John Lithgow (“Miss Sloane“; “The Accountant“) plays Brad’s airy-fairy father Don… the apple has not fallen far from the tree there.

Kurt forces the family to ‘fight’ Christmas on a neutral turf by renting a palatial AirBnB in a snowy wilderness. Tensions rise between the diverse individuals until a breaking point is inevitably reached.
There are some great farcical sight-gags in this movie. Quite a few of the funniest ones are spoiled by the trailer, but there are still a few standout routines that made me guffaw. A hi-tech shower is predictable but funny; and Brad’s use of a snowblower to apocalyptic ends is the funniest scene in the movie.

Wahlberg and Ferrell are a trustworthy double act (after their initial surprise pairing in “The Other Guys”). Gibson and Lithgow also inhabit their roles perfectly, although it was hard of me to relate to either of them. The scene on the airport escalator as they arrive is very well done.

The supporting cast all play their parts well: ER’s Linda Cardellini as Brad’s wife and Dusty’s ex-wife; Brazilian model and actress Alessandra Ambrosio, as Dusty’s (almost unbelievably good-looking) new wife Karen; and WWE star John Cena as Karen’s ex-husband. (Doesn’t ANYONE stay married in the US any more?). The kid stars – Didi Costine, Scarlett Estevez and Owen Vaccaro – are also good, with Estevez being particularly appealing.

Watch out for a funny cameo in the final scene as well, which I found very amusing (“You only have one story” … LoL).

“Will my bum look big in this?” – erm… no! Sara (Linda Cardellini) and Karen (Alessandra Ambrosio) on a shopping trip.
What drowns out the comedy though is the sentimental storyline around a personal tragedy being lived out by one of the family. The angst and nasty back-biting that surrounds this I found neither funny nor pleasant. The story builds to a snow-bound cinema (showing “Missile Tow” starring Liam Neeson… a great “pointless answer” for the BBC’s “Pointless” quiz!) and a finale song that is just so over the top that it has both an “awww” factor and is bile-inducing all at the same time. The screenplay is by Sean Anders and John Morris, with Anders also directing.

Will Ferrell films can be like a game of Russian Roulette, and I fully expected this to be truly awful. It wasn’t, and as a Christmas comedy it is an OK watch… and thankfully significantly above “Jingle all the Way”!
The Disaster Artist (2017)
The Disaster Artist (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Hilarious yet defies belief
I’ve never seen The Room, although I’ve seen enough clips from it to be able to appreciate this film.

The Disaster Artist is a truly hilarious true life tale, it had me laughing all the way through. James Franco’s performance as Toomy Wiseau is fantastic, he really resembles the real man and is definitely the star of the show. It has a great supporting cast too, and from watching this you get the sense they had a cracking time filming it. My only concern was is this guy for real? Tommy is so bonkers that it really makes you wonder if everything is for real. But it does make for great comedy.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Loved the humor and comedy they brought with this cast. The Rock speaks for himself. Adding the comedic nature of Kevin Hart and Jack Black just made this movie well rounded and a fitting sequel to the original. (0 more)
There were a few moments that the characters I believe were overplayed but not enough to deter from the movie. (0 more)
Entertaining continuation of the original.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I feel that there will never be a replacement for the original with Robin Williams, but this was a fitting continuation and I loved that they added in the tie in from "Alan's Cabin". I had many laugh out loud moments and have even went twice to see this movie. I don't do that often.
The Hunger Games (2012)
The Hunger Games (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Jennifer Lawrence (0 more)
So much like Battle Royale (0 more)
Not an original concept, but enjoyable watch
To be fair, I had never heard of the Hunger Games series before the film came out. So when I watched it my first reaction was - this is a rip off Battle Royale! Obviously that changed after the other films came out. However, I enjoyed the concept - because I loved BR. And I especially liked Jennifer Lawrence who always plays such fabulously gritty characters such as in The Winter's Bone. It's not a film you can watch repeatedly though because it is rather dark, and there are zero comedy elements in this dystopian fantasy (obviously). That being said, great acting all round.
The Week Of (2018)
The Week Of (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Adam Sandler has been pretty prolific recently thanks to a contract with Netflix. This most recent film involves a team up with long time collaborator Chris Rock as fathers of the bride and groom, respectively.

Obviously, based on the actor choice, this is a comedy. So the question is: Is it funny? Answer: YES! It actually is. Frankly, I've been pretty down on Sandler recently, but he still has some decent jokes to pull out. I laughed out loud hard about 5 times and chuckled or smiled quite a bit throughout.

The film was very well acted and the big scene between Sandler and his daughter is particularly touching.

It's not a masterpiece, but a decent Netflix only film.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Apr 5, 2019 (Updated Apr 5, 2019)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The outfits with fake padded muscles (0 more)
Firstly, I cannot stand the strange, padded muscles on Shazam. I guess it's kind of meant to look jokey? Was it intentional? It bothered me the entire movie. I also have a problem with people playing multiple superheroes.
The story for the film was entertaining throughout, but it was a little long. It could have definitely done with a good edit. I did actually laugh in the theater, but I don't think it was really funny enough to be a comedy. It was strange, it was trying to be for both kids and adults, but was too adult for kids, and too kiddish for adults, if that makes sense.
Happy Death Day (2017)
Happy Death Day (2017)
2017 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Other films have tried to do the time loop plot, most successful was if course Groundhogs Day, which gets a pretty cute shout out in this film, but those other films did not have the cleverness of this film. By taking a horror plotline and injecting some dark humor and murder mystery, Happy Death Day becomes a refreshing, darkly comic, at times truly suspenseful horror film. The repeated day is done each new reset with a slightly different visual take, enough differences to keep it from being boring. The reveal of the killer was extremely shocking, at least to this reviewer. If you enjoy dark comedy and horror in the same movie I highly recommend this film