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Clerks (1994)
Clerks (1994)
1994 | Comedy
Clerks is an indie comedy shot in black and white about dante hicks (Brian O'Halloran) a man reluctantly left in charge of the Quick Stop. His place of work...on his day off! Working with his best friend Randall (Jeff Anderson) at the adjoined video store (when it suits him) who's hate for his job and its customers become problematic for dantes attempt at a customer service a nice guy,
Problems continue as dantes continuous fight with girlfriend veronica and feeble attempts at getting back with his ex caitlyn, not to mention local dealers Jay (jason mewes) and silent Bob (kevin smith).

Released in 1994, and spawning a sequel and multiple spin offs, written and directed by Kevin Smith, CLERKS is a magic cult hit with characters we can all identify ourselves with.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Raven (1963) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
The Raven (1963)
The Raven (1963)
1963 | Classics, Comedy, Family
8.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price Broods Over His Dead Wife's Portrait (Yet Again)
Roger Corman's cycle of Poe-inspired movies goes into full-on comedy mode with this tale of squabbling magicians (played by Vincent Price, Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff). It is, obviously, only very loosely inspired by Poe's poem, but then you can only stretch 108 lines of verse so far.

The fun is in the performances, with the veteran cast members competing to ham it up more extravagantly. Also knocking about the lower reaches of the cast list is Jack Nicholson, really showing not much sign of the talent that would earn him so many Oscar nominations in later years.

Knockabout stuff, but well played and often very funny. Not actually much of a horror movie, though, certainly by modern standards.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Heist film/Comedy/Long music video? (0 more)
Ending a little hoaky (0 more)
When I first began watching this, I was not convinced it was going to be good.

I have to say, the fast pace, stylized action/music score scenes and the witty screenplay had enough to win me over. Very entertaining throughout other than maybe the ending was a little far-fetched I guess.

If Kevin Spacey is never going to act again (seems almost certain at this point) this film is a fitting swan song for him and his memorable list of acting credits.

Director Edgar Wright continues his streak of entertaining quirky hits like his previous films Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

Going to iTunes now to download some songs!

Inferno (The Divine Comedy, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been wanting to read the Divine Comedy for a while now, especially since it is constantly referenced in other works. I thought it was cool how Dante brought in so many well-known political, religious, and just generally famous people then showed them all suffering in Hell. Yes, there was a lot of humor strewn throughout this epic poem, but there were obviously a lot of serious moments that made you have to think. Even if you are not religious, this is a very interesting thing to pick up because of its historical connections as well as being an insight into the minds of some more religious figureheads during this time period. Overall, this was a pretty cool read and I am excited to read the other two.
Sex Drive (2008)
Sex Drive (2008)
2008 | Comedy
6.4 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This movie is incredibly crude, but completely hilarious. It's got some of the funniest lines I've ever laughed at loud and obnoxiously in theaters. I always know if it's a good comedy if there are lines I still laugh at years later (ten in this case, it makes me feel old af). The main character, pretends to be this buff, muscle car owning dude, and chats up chicks online. Of course, the car belongs to his brother, James Marsden's character. One of the chicks tells the main character that she's willing to 'go all the way' (this is a high school age movie), if he makes this road trip from his home to somewhere in TN or KY. Various hijinks ensue, and rando actors show up throughout. Like Seth Green randomly being Amish.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Downsizing (2017) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018 (Updated Mar 30, 2018)  
Downsizing (2017)
Downsizing (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
Rather charming SF comedy-drama in which Matt Damon has himself shrunk down to ickle-wickle size in the hopes of starting a new and idyllic life but discovers things are not so straightforward.

Ignore the deeply suspect science (even Ant-Man was more accurate) and the lack of strict narrative control and this is a thoughtful and quietly rather witty film that's more interested in exploring the ramifications of its central idea than hitting particular plot points. Eventually reveals itself to be something of a meditation on what it means to live well; poses many questions, doesn't thrust particular solutions upon the audience.

Well cast, full of ideas, made me think differently about the world (for a while, anyway). Meanders about a bit but is never actually dull.
Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
1984 | Comedy
I wish I was as cool as these nerds!
If this is really what happens when "nerds" go to college, I want to enroll!

Lewis and Gilbert think things will be different when they show up to attend Atoms College. Unfortunately, the football jocks and the cheerleaders have some immature fun at the expense of the nerds.

Never fear, however, the nerds devise a plan to get even and ultimately win a seat on the Greek counsel in an attempt to change opinions around the college.

Much of the film is raunchy, immature humor with a lot of 80s nudity thrown in; however, some of the characters are down right hilarious and many of the scenes are very funny. It is still one of my go to 80s comedy gems.


Erika (17788 KP) rated Damsel (2018) in Movies

Jul 1, 2018 (Updated Jul 1, 2018)  
Damsel (2018)
Damsel (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Western
I was psyched when the local indie theater added this film to their lineup this weekend, because I'd been wanting to see this since Sundance. I also love anything with Robert Pattinson and Mia Wasikowska.
The damsels in the film are contrary to what you would ordinarily think, which was humorous. It was billed as a western-comedy, and normally, I'm all for off-kilter humor, but I didn't find it funny, it was more awkward. I think the only reason I was entertained was because of Pattinson and Wasikowska's characters, other than that, the story seemed to move at a snail's pace. The nearly two hour run time wasn't really necessary.
Overall, I wanted to like it more than I did. I'm only rating it an 8 for the actors.

Eve (9 KP) rated Lethal Weapon in TV

Aug 26, 2018  
Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon
2017 | Action, Comedy
Damon and clayne. Awesome action, great comedy (0 more)
Waiting for the next season and not having clayne Crawford for season 3 (0 more)
Exceptional action
Contains spoilers, click to show
Have watched since season 1 as i like the original films, i love how its the same as the films but modern.
Clayne Crawford who plays Riggs plays the character so well, he is so believable and you want to just give him a big hug! I loved Damon wayans in my wife and kids, he is hilarious and is the same in this! He plays the role of murtargh, they seem like chalk and cheese at the start but progressively become close. They become the perfect team although still arguing about pretty much everything!
I can't wait for season 3 but gutted clayne will not be in it.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Bad Moms (2016) in Movies

Sep 16, 2018  
Bad Moms (2016)
Bad Moms (2016)
2016 | Comedy
Instantly forgettable
I’m not a big fan of comedies like this, however for the most part Bad Moms is at least watchable. Even if it becomes instantly forgettable the moment you turn it off.

It’s got a good cast and there was the odd part that made me laugh, but the plot itself is predictable and a little bit silly, even if it is fairly inoffensive. The film seems to be touching on a very serious subject too, but it almost seems like it’s laughing this off a little too much instead of concentrating on this properly. I know it’s a comedy, but it still could’ve tried harder with the serious message.
This is one of those films that you’d put on in the background and never pay attention to.