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Love and Monsters (2021)
Love and Monsters (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not too bad!!!
OK so I will start out by saying, do not watch the trailer! Unfortunately it is one of those trailers that show most if not all of the monsters your about to watch!

The film itself is pretty good it's cheesy got a bit of comedy but overall its just a good monster movie, it didn't wow me but kept me hooked enough to stick to it. It starts out explaining how and where all the big monsters came from, you slowly get introduced to the characters as the story unfolds. The main reason for the film if this guy hasn't seen the love of his life in 7 years, and is fed up of waiting around so decides to take a dangerous 7 day hike to reach her, but with monsters in his way every day is a struggle but he has good company with him, the adorable dog he met called Boy. But when he finally reaches his girlfriend a few problems are thrown into the mix.

Definitely worth the watch if you have the time!

Sunny Suljic recommended The Conjuring (2013) in Movies (curated)

The Conjuring (2013)
The Conjuring (2013)
2013 | Horror

"My family, we only watch scary movies together. We do not watch comedy – anything – we just watch scary movies. The only other times that I have seen scary movies is when I’m watching Netflix in my room. And I think I’ve probably watched The Conjuring 100 times. I’m not exaggerating: I’ve watched The Conjuring a hundred times. I could recite the movie. A lot of scary movies usually just [feature] a bunch of pop-ups, which is pretty scary, but I don’t really think it’s that scary – it catches you off guard and you’re just shocked. But with The Conjuring it’s actually creepy stuff. And they have a lot of things that I have phobias of. It all piles up. It’s not just like, “Ooh that was scary for a second!” It’s like “Oh my God, that’s so scary!” and then it keeps adding on. It’s not a pop-up and then in another 20 minutes it’s going to be another pop-up. It’s: “Why is she still walking towards me? And why is it still getting more intense?”"


Rob Zombie recommended White Zombie (1932) in Movies (curated)

White Zombie (1932)
White Zombie (1932)
1932 | Horror
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The last one I picked was another Lugosi film, so yeah, he is in every film I picked. That’s funny. I didn’t even realize it. It’s White Zombie from ’32, which is shortly after Dracula. It’s an amazing movie. I’m pretty sure it’s the first movie to ever use the word “zombie” — to use that in a movie. It takes place in Haiti, and Lugosi runs this sugar mill and the zombies are his workers and stuff. Again, he’s amazing, but the film is — only really bad versions of it existed for so long, so every time you’d watch it, you go like, “Wow, the quality of this movie is horrible. It looks like a cheap movie.” Then later, when people have restored things and find them, it’s a really incredible-looking movie. Again, it seems very primitive, but it looks amazing, and he’s great as always. If you watch some of the leads and you just watch their scenes, you go, “What is this, like a cute little musical comedy?” Then he comes in. Again, not f—ing around."


Georgia Hubley recommended Billy Liar (1963) in Movies (curated)

Billy Liar (1963)
Billy Liar (1963)
1963 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Being swept up in British pop culture and its swinging sixties scene is something that I am not close to alone in and yet may be hard-pressed to explain. Well, the British are so beautiful, and you can’t understand a word they’re saying. Screaming girls and Beatle haircuts may provide some distraction, but A Hard Day’s Night captures the mood of a traumatized postwar culture just as effectively as other, starker films of the “new” British cinema. In Billy Liar, Tom Courtenay’s Billy could be a famous Beatle in the making except that comedy writing is his calling, and the more eccentric and imaginative he allows himself to become creatively, the clearer it is how stifled he is by his family, his lack of self, and his generally dismal surroundings. The bleakness and futurelessness are so embedded in this character’s outlook and ultimate outcome that even the sway of Julie Christie’s modern vivaciousness and beautiful smile can’t compete with his inability to rise out of his own sorry lot in life. Just a little bit heartbreaking."


Jon Cryer recommended GoodFellas (1990) in Movies (curated)

GoodFellas (1990)
GoodFellas (1990)
1990 | Crime, Drama, Thriller

"It is one of the most effective and, in my mind, realistic gangster movies ever made in that it shows you what the allure of that criminal life is, but it also shows how petty and dangerous and stupid it is. But all the time you’re dragged along. It has this incredible compelling force that drags you along whether you want to go or not. And, I think, a beautiful and brutal use of comedy along with absolute horror and fear and moments of sort of operatic beauty, like when they open up the back of the truck with the Eric Clapton song, and the camera goes in to find one of the dead gang members. That mixed with these incredible moments of subtlety like when Ray Liotta realizes that Robert De Niro may well be setting him up. It’s just this tiny little moment. It’s great because it’s incredibly small, mixed with these incredibly big things. And they shoot Michael Imperioli in the foot. You know, come on, that’s wonderful."


Kevin Murphy recommended Way Out West (1937) in Movies (curated)

Way Out West (1937)
Way Out West (1937)
1937 | Action, Comedy, Family
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It has to be a tie. Laurel and Hardy simply because they are two of the funniest people who have ever been on film. I’m leaping over the entire Marx brothers collection to say this, which I also love, but I recently went back and saw both of these films, and just the combination of really brilliant physical humor and absolute charm when these guys are just standing there, and they’re so good together. Nothing beats weirdness for the sake of weirdness, like the Marx brothers were prone to lapse into. But just to see the scene where they’re in a bar where they’re way out west, and a cowboy starts singing “Trail of a Lonesome Pine” and Stan and Ollie just join in and do a dance and harmonize and Stan gets hit in the head with a hammer, it’s sublime. Sons of the Desert for the same reason. I don’t think there’s ever been a comedy team as good at what they do as these guys."

Journey To The West: Conquering the Demons (2014)
Journey To The West: Conquering the Demons (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, International
Transcendent. A purified gonzo spectacle with enough madcap panache to measure on the Richter scale. Stephen Chow really is the *fucking* man, like if Ang Lee in the early aughts did enough acid to choke out a small village. Like all of Chow's work, it's got it all: riveting emotion, uproarious comedy, zany action, stellar production, and less than zero visible self consciousness to speak on. Exactly what these movies oughta be - plays with space like a champ and stages itself like an old school cult classic with a heavy emphasis on rubberlike physicality and Rube Goldberg-esque setpieces brought lovingly into the modern era, then injected with numerous hallucinogens. A gigantic Buddha bitch slaps the entire planet in this (literally). Have some issues with underwriting in its core relationship, and a bit too loose of pacing near the end; but it whips itself into shape enough to hardly notice too much. Balances silly with serious really formidably. The tectonic, slapstick partner piece to the blood-gushing, limb-loathing 𝘕𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘢 𝘈𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯.
Nurse Betty (2000)
Nurse Betty (2000)
2000 | Comedy, Drama
As bleak, jaundiced, and jet-black of a comedy as we've gotten in quite some time - this would make a perfect double feature with 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 or any of LaBute's other riveting provocations. But unlike even those others, this somehow manages to also have some sort of a happy ending? This really is fantastic; a well-rounded, bizarre, humorous (if not always consistently hilarious), completely solitary curio and a cleaner/better example of a woman flourishing in the knocking down of the toxic men in her life than 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳. Not to mention it has a surprisingly positive view of women in general without resorting to that insulting, disingenuous T-shirt-ready brand of corporate faux-feminism that stagnates the pond in many of today's films of the sort. Cast is insanely good, legit one of Freeman's best performances and Kinnear isn't too far behind. LaBute really was something, God could you imagine if comedies could still get screenplays like this, sell big, and be in awards contention?
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
2013 | Comedy
On par with the first movie, with the added benefit of looking like an actual film production and not a basement eyesore. Maintains the loose schema but ups the joke consistency and jovial absurdity at least five, maybe ten-fold. So if you had to pull me on it, I'd say this one is better. My biggest quibble is that it needed to shave off around fifteen minutes, and truthfully I have less qualms about the actual length as opposed to the steam all but fizzling out in the last act. Also helps that this leans much more into its setting and subject matter, aiming for some admittedly broad satire but no less accurate. A way better comedy movie let alone sequel than it has any right to be, and you all scared McKay away to mostly dull-arrowed political farces because he had the heart to offer us this. For shame. Funny as fuck most of the time, and I just love how lived-in and learned these performances are by actors who know their characters inside and out.
My Son, the Vampire (1952)
My Son, the Vampire (1952)
1952 | Classics, Comedy, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mother Riley Meets Bela Lugosi
My Son, the Vampire as known as Mother Riley Meets The Vampire as known as Vampire Over London is a good movie.

The plot: Irish washerwoman Old Mother Riley (Arthur Lucan) foils a would-be vampire (Bela Lugosi) and his misguided robot.

This was the final film of the Old Mother Riley film series, and did not feature Lucan's ex-wife and business partner Kitty McShane, whom he had divorced in 1951.

In 1963, a recut American version called My Son, the Vampire was released, featuring an introductory segment with a song by American comedian Allan Sherman.

On the suggestion of producer Richard Gordon, Bela Lugosi had travelled to the UK to appear in a stage play of Dracula, which failed. He needed money to return to the US. Gordon persuaded fellow producer George Minter to use Lugosi in a movie in London.

Lugosi was paid $5,000 for his role. The plot was taken from Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.

Its a funny horror comedy.