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Malice: Book One of the Faithful and the Fallen
Malice: Book One of the Faithful and the Fallen
John Gwynne | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The action (1 more)
The hints of the epic story still to come
The number of characters and places to try and remember (1 more)
A little long and derivative
This book, the first in a series of four, chronicles the beginning hints at the coming God-War, a time when the forces of good and evil will battle for the world (pretty standard fantasy fayre), with prophecies unfolding and battles for thrones.
The book moves between different character PoVs, which is fairly common these days, but I found some of the characters to be indistinguishable. For the first third of the book, if the PoV was Camlin, Kastell or Veradis I struggled to remember who he was or what he had been doing. This did start to improve around the halfway mark, but it is quite a slog at times to remember the events preceding this chapter.
The bulk of the book, however, follows Corban, a young blacksmith's son hoping to become a warrior some day, but is stuck working his da's forge, helping stablemaster Gar or apprenticing to healer Brina. His development over the book is well told, he doesn't suddenly become a master swordsman but at the same time we don't have to sit through chapter after chapter of him learning sword forms (Rand al Thor could learn a lot from Corban!).
Along the way, Corban has also become friends with a wild wolven (giant wolves hunted near extinction), whom he raised from a pup. Yes, exactly like the Stark children in GoT. Leave it.
The political intrigue and manoeuvring throughout the book is great as events seeming to be based on one king/queen's ambitions actually turn out to be based on another's treachery.
The battle scenes are well told and believable without the main characters always escaping unscathed.
The book finished with a number of deceptions uncovered and the main group of characters fleeing for their lives, with more secrets to be uncovered.
Alien: Covenant (2017)
Alien: Covenant (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Didn't feel like an Alien film (no suspense) (1 more)
Doesn't repair the bad feelings left by Prometheus
Where Prometheus came kind of close to explaining the origins of the aliens from the original films, it just fell short (see all the well documented plot holes and inconsistencies). Here, Ridley Scott had a chance to remedy that, but instead seems to have decided to keep digging and has promised we'll eventually get there and all will be revealed.
We are led to believe android David has been beavering away, having killed a planet full of Engineers, developing the greatest living being - the xenomorph. So we are led to believe that after killing all the life on the planet he has somehow been implanting these alien embryos into a living host. Erm ... How?
Also, if the classic xenomorph has only now started to develop after being incubated in a human host, how come they were clearly depicted in ancient cave drawings in Alien vs Predator?
Also also, if the facehugger is apparently a more efficient delivery method than air-borne (I don't think it is) how come it takes so much longer in the original films - John Hurt lying with a facehugger on for hours before hatching, where here the whole gestation seems to be minutes, or an hour as the pace of the film requires. The evolution seems to have slowed down between here and Alien. Also the chestburster becomes an instant killing machine rather than being a weak little snake needing to hide out and eat.
The trademark Alien suspense was completely lacking. Nowhere was there the edge of the seat, dark corridors, pipes coming alive or anything. It was more of an action film with little horror aspect in it.
Overall, this film felt like even more of an insult to the original films than Prometheus did. It could well be that this becomes a small part of a masterpiece but it seems very unlikely and feels like a very long way round and poorly delivered.
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Horror Elements, Plot needs more
The horror aspects of this book was really good. It was creepy enough to give you the heebie jeebies and anything to do with strange looking paintings and children always make things more creepier than they should be. (The Shining, anyone?)

I can’t really say I like Daniel as a character. He had it coming to him. It was an awful cruel thing he did and he deserved every last bit of it. None of the characters really stood out here since Daniel was really the center of the plot, but wow Karina. You’re just some kind of special aren’t you? She played on Daniel’s sympathy until he realized she’s completely bat crazy and well, you walked into that one didn’t you? This is what happens when you want the cake and the cherry on top. Just don’t do it. However tempting that is.

Plot wise, it’s pretty entertaining and good stuff for a horror book. It does come off as reading a horror movie in print which is pretty good and frankly, if this ever was a movie, I’d probably watch it and enjoy it better. The ending was great and is everything you would expect in a horror movie or book. There’s mystery elements into the book which does not affect the story that much and adds more intrigue.

Although the horror elements were good, the execution of the story could be better. I thought certain aspects of the plot were just there for convenience. There could have been more to the Mabel plot arc. It was just planted there with no real explanation except it was given about 2-3 pages but no real contribution. I wish there was more to it. It would have helped, and could have made the story much better.

Despite some of the shortcomings of the book, it was an enjoyable read. It was creepy enough to give you the chills and the ending was what you would expect in this genre. Recommended to horror lovers!
Truth or Dare (2013)
Truth or Dare (2013)
2013 | Horror
Plot (3 more)
Awesome Special Effects
A great indie horror film
Ryan Kiser rocks!!!
Gory, disturbing and a helluva good time
I waited five years to see this movie, and it was totally worth it.
Jessica Cameron co-wrote and directed a worth wile addition to the horror genre.
It's hard to believe this was her first stab at directing. Pardon the pun folks, but stab is exactly what happens in this movie.
I had never heard of Ryan Kiser before this film, but he portrays an obsessed fan with psychotic gusto only equivalent to that of veteran horror actors.
Cameron, Dorff and the rest of the cast envelop them selves in their characters so much, and the camera work is so simple that it makes the disgusting game of Truth or Dare seem realistic and unstaged.
After reading the reviews for this splatterfest I can see how some people who are not horror hounds would be repulsed by this movie.
Myself, I brought an open mind and honestly didn't expect what I saw. But as a horror fanatic and self proclaimed horror movie GOD, I am in love with the concept of this film.
It brought obsession to a new height. It makes the viewer see that people can become so enthralled in other people's lives, that they can become obsessed with what they view.
Jessica Cameron deserves the spoils she received for her debut movie.
In this writers opinion this movie is the beginning of an amazing career for her as both a writer and director.
Big Studios take notice. This indie Queen is coming at you all with her nails out. I hope this is the first of many movie from her disturbed mind.
Buy this film people... Support the horror underground. You won't be disappointed.
Here's a link to the Amazon page where you can purchase this movie. Support indie film people...
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Dianna Hardy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The start of an exciting new series!!
This is the beginning of a new series from Dianna Hardy, which has it's roots in The Eye of The Storm series. You don't need to have read the series to read this book though, although you will be able to understand why the main character, Jennifer Warren, acts in the way that she does.
Five years after Jennifer has put her werewolf past behind her, she is settled in to a new life with a job, house and a boyfriend. She receives anonymous notes from time to time that warn her of things that will happen and people that she should steer clear of. There is a Supermoon coming, and she has been warned that something big is going to happen. Her past seems to be catching up with her.
Jennifer is a much more likeable character in this book than she was in the EOTS series. She is vulnerable, shy and genuinely seems to care about her boyfriend. Her flashbacks and dreams are disturbing for her (and may be disturbing for the reader to, to be honest), and we see just how devastating an effect her past has had on her.
I liked the way that certain myths were incorporated in to the story (I can't say which, it'll give the game away!!) and the backstories of other characters were very interesting.
All in all, this was a gripping story, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I had to go to work, I would have finished it in one sitting.
This is a good book for those who enjoy Urban Fantasy with a bit of romance (not as much in this story as in her previous series, though). I'm looking forward to any more that the author writes in this series - there were a few loose ends that are crying out to be followed up!
Many thanks to the author for early access to her book to review (and an honest review as well!!)
Icons (Icons, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had a lot of potential, and I was really getting into it… before I just got too out of it to keep going. Maybe one day I’ll read it again but I stopped at chapter 8.

There are only two reasons why. Which is really too bad because like I said, there was A LOT of potential here.

1. Emotionally sappy. Sap city, guys. "It was like “Our wrists touched and I felt it tingling down my arm and into my toes to the depths of my soul” kind of sappy. Overdramatic is another way to say it. I’ve talked about this before, and I’m sure I’ll talk about it again… romantic scenes are hard to write. But if you suck at them, find a way to tell the romantic story without writing sucky scenes.

2. The story itself was almost a repeat of The Hunger Games. Now I know, there are a lot of major differences, but let’s look at the similarities: An evil all-powerful and all-controlling government, a creepy government leader, a boy and a girl who are totally in love with each other but won’t admit it are trying to bring it down and just get back to the way things are supposed to be, they get brought to the main city and forced to participate in something they don’t want to do but don’t have a choice in… etc. Also, love triangle. Yeah. It’s The Hunger Games but more sci-fi technically advanced.

It just wasn’t for me. That being said, there were a lot of good things about it! It was exciting, it drew you in right away, the characters were distinct, the setting and descriptions were excellent. It was just those two things that kept coming back to me, and I knew there was no way I was going to be able to finish listening to it.

Content/Recommendation: occasional use of light language. Ages 13+
Steam: A Homecoming Hearts Novel #4
Steam: A Homecoming Hearts Novel #4
HJ Welch | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great, one sitting read
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

This is book 4 in the series, but you do not need to have read the others for this one to make sense. They can be all read as stand alones. I have only read one and tow to date.

I LOVED books one and two, but for me, this one did not quite hit the spot that they did.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great read, and I read it in one sitting. My first instinct when starting to write this is 4 stars, and I cannot seem to budge off that! And *insert wailing* I don't know WHY!!

Trent is sent home, to get his act together after punching a photographer. Ashby ran half way across the world to find himself some space after a break up. The two immediately have a connection but Trent is straight, right??

Like I said, it's a great read, some sexy spots, some emotional spots and some cute St Bernard puppy spots. It just....ARGH!!!

I loved Trent, and what he was trying to do with his dad. He understood that Dad was maybe not in the best of places, and Trent hadn't helped that by not coming home sooner. I loved Ashby, and all his little quirks! Loved the Harry Potter response to everyone!

I HATE it when I can't figure out what doesn't work for me, you know I do, but it's really bothering me her more so that usual! I love Ms Welch's work, she writes great stories with believable characters in real life situations. Her characters are quirky and unique, she spins a good, well written, well delivered tale.

Before I go off on a tangent, I'll just say this. You should read these books. They are really excellent,just this one didn't quite hit that spot that Scorch and Spark did.


4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Warrior
The Warrior
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Major Zebadiah(Zeb) Carter is an extraordinary person. A member of the Special Forces, he is one guy you want to keep on your good side. Not one for many social interactions, he always completes his missions to the best of his abilities(which are amazing).

When Zeb is sent to the Congo to complete a mission, he sees some things he shouldn't have seen. When he reports these things back to his superiors, they tell him to leave it alone, but he can't. He can't stand by and watch innocent women and children be raped and killed for sport. So he decides that he will find the people who are responsible for this and punish them himself.

On his down time, he likes to check in on his sister. On one such occasion, he meets Rory, her 7 year old next door neighbor, who is all but thrilled to have Zeb around. With two busy parents and not too many friends, Zeb is great for Rory. These two have an instant bond that no one would have expected.

When Zeb's mission and a story being written by Rory's dad, Connor, crossing paths, Rory gets to see Zeb in action.

For the most part this was a really great book. I gave it three stars because there were parts that were confusing and I had to go back and read. I felt as though the book could have gotten a little deeper into the character of Zeb. We really don't know more about him than everyone else around him and I would have liked to know more. There is a part at the end of the book, that helps you understand his stoicism a bit more, but knowing that at the beginning of the book may have made me enjoy this better. It's a good book and I plan on reading the rest of the series. The Reluctant Warrior is the next book in the series. And The Warrior Code is coming out later this month. You should get them all!!
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Free solo
#solo is a complete blast & possibly one of the biggest surprises of the year so far. I admit despite all the hate I was always looking forward to Solo (I cant stand #ronhoward as a director) it looked exciting, gritty & despite treading over old ground it looked #fun & unique. Im #happy to report Solo ticked all those boxes & with it at times being almost cringe/predictably #nostalgic it managed to do enough & have enough fresh ideas to stand on its own. Solo is visually great with sets costumes & characters all looking A1, locations feel vast, lived in & varied, costumes & creatures are well designed, cgi is great & camera work is really nice too. Its soundtrack feels fresh & the use of surround sound is awesome. #AldenEhrenreich did a really great job playing #harrisonford, he's really likable & did his best considering he's limited by years of character building that came before him. #paulbettany is also outstanding as is #donaldglover but sadly other cast members feel a bit flat in comparison but this could be down to the dialog/writing which at times can be really bad/bland. Set pieces are great & play out thoughtfully/intricately making them exhilarating & a joy to experience (bar one at involving a big creature which felt tacked on & lifeless). Theres a great sense of adventure here too & its really quite exhilarating to visit so many cool places & see so many cool things (it constantly feels fresh & never boring). Theres also a shocking amazing #cameo that I never saw coming & the film does leave itself open for a sequel that im already sold on. Overall I really enjoyed Solo, its by no means flawless but I found it a really fun & enjoyable film with enough unique style to set it apart from other films in the series. #odeonlimitless #odeon #starwars #filmcritic #lando #childishgambino #millenniumfalcon #chewbacca #jonfavreau #woodyharrelson #maytheforcebewithyou #thursdaythoughts #cinema #funny #hansolo #han #daenerys #emiliaclarke
The Rules of Burken
The Rules of Burken
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twenty-four-year-old Charlotte Stahl would do anything for her older brother, Ian. After all, he’d done everything for her growing up.He played Burken with her—a hide-and-seek game they made up as kids.He comforted her when their mom deserted them. He raised her when their dad went to prison for murder. To Charlotte, Ian is the only reason she’s still alive—he’s her rock. So when Ian asks her to play Burken in the isolated woods of Cadillac, Michigan, Charlotte feels she could use the nostalgia and agrees. Burken—it’s the one thing that never changes…
...until Ian threatens to kill her in the middle of the game.
More than the rules have changed as Brother turns to Predator, Sister turns to Prey, and she’s navigating the forests of Northern Michigan on foot with nothing but the clothes—and a target—on her back.
If Charlotte wants to stay alive, she knows she has to untangle the web of her haunting past to find out where things went wrong, and at what point she lost sight of reality. With no other choice but to reopen old wounds—and with Ian hot on her trail—Charlotte learns that sometimes evil has to manifest in order for good to succeed. Which makes her wonder…
Is Ian really a monster? Or her savior?

WOW!! This was a totally dark and twisted thriller that will keep you riveted until the very end.
This story was nothing that I expected.
I was literally on the edge of my seat while reading right from the start.
This book reveals in horrifying detail the unraveling of a seriously toxic family. Toxic for each other and those who come into contact with them.
The characters are intriguing and complicated. The plot is full of twists.
The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to.
Highly Recommend!!!

Many Thanks to the Publisher and NetGalley for a surprisingly superb read!!!