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Twell and the Uprising (Como Chronicles #3)
Twell and the Uprising (Como Chronicles #3)
Kate O'Leary | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twell and the Uprising (Como Chronicles #3) by Kate O'Leary
ARRRRGGGGHHHHH - that's how I feel about Twell and the Uprising, the final book in the Como Chronicles so far. I say so far because I'm really hoping for an epilogue type story, just because I'm greedy and I really don't want to leave Twell, Jonaz, and co. Once again, this book starts where the last book finished. Twell is held captive by the Abwarzians, and they are not treating her gently! Not only have they put a chip in her head which causes her untold pain, but she is dehydrated and forced to fight. Now, one of the things that I have loved about Twell is that she is NOT a damsel in distress. So when she hallucinated near the beginning of the book, I was wondering what was going on! She'd never been rescued before! Of course, it turned out that she wasn't being rescued, which strangely made me sigh with relief. Even in these circumstances, Twell makes friends with those that you would think she would hate. No, Twell is able to look past things that others can't, which is in part what makes her so dangerous to the G.B. Also, Shanna makes a reappearance.

I won't say anything else about the book as I really don't want to give away any spoilers. Suffice it to say, that I have loved all three of these books, but especially this one. Maybe it's because everything is coming to a conclusion? Maybe it's because I see more of Jonaz in this book? Maybe it's because Maza gets her comeuppance? Maybe it's because Brazin turns into Papa Bear? Or maybe it's because this book/series is simply outstanding and I thoroughly loved every word? Why not read it for yourself and make your own mind up. You won't regret it, I can promise you that. And if you don't? Well, there's always a long walk in the wetlands!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a great book!

The storyline took me back to my early teenage years and I recall watching the news about the miners strike with my parents but, not coming from a mining community and being quite young, I never fully appreciated what was really happening. I have since seen a couple of things that have touched on the subject but I felt this book brought me new perspectives to this difficult time in British history particularly from the point of view of the striking miners, the "scabs" and the families caught on both sides. Although this is a work of fiction, I found it very believable with a feel of authenticity and I particularly enjoyed the way the author switched from the present to the past throughout which, for me, worked very well.

The book was full of interesting and colourful characters many of whom have their own demons to deal with not least Resnick himself who I felt came across as a sad and melancholic man who appears disillusioned with not only his work but also his life. Many of the characters had “issues” outside of the main focus of the book and I felt these were seamlessly woven throughout which added further dimensions to this engrossing story. This is all written at great pace which kept me engaged throughout and, to cap it all, it kept me guessing who the killer was right until the end.

Where have I been? I must have had my head in the sand for many years not to have come across John Harvey and Charlie Resnick before! This is Resnick's last case and my first foray into the world of this very interesting character ... it won't be my last and I will go back to the start of the series in order to find out how it all began.

I am grateful to the publisher, Randomhouse UK Cornerstone and for sending me a copy in return for an honest review and for introducing me to another new author to add to my ever-growing list of great writers.
The Strain  - Season 4
The Strain - Season 4
2017 | Sci-Fi
Fantastic finish (2 more)
Twists and turns, you never see what's coming
Bring the band back together
A little to much drama (0 more)
Heart stopping ending to an amazing show
Contains spoilers, click to show
I thought I should come back and write a review for the completion of the 4th and final season of The Strain. Overall this was a fantastic season and finale. After the 3rd season ended you just thought the vampires were just going to win the whole thing and take over the world. It left you wondering where everyone was going to end up and if they were even going to fight back.

Well fight back they did. The season did start out fairly slow, learning where everyone ended up and what they were doing to win the war. Eff was the one that just gave up until running into some resistance fighters. I guess having your son start a nuclear war will do that. The rest of the team broke off to find was to fight back and kill the master. By episode 4 you saw were everyone was and they were working their way back to New York to kill the Master.

One of the coolest thing I think I got to learn about this season was some back story on Quilan and why he was in the fight. The flashbacks was something I didn't think we were going to get this season.

There were a lot of sad parts to the final 2 episode. Losing the professor I think was the hardest part. Even though he was kranky, everyone still loved him and wanted to see him finally kill the Master, but his did the next best thing and kill his Nazi enemy.

I won't tell you who dies at the end, but if you followed the comics you already know. If you have never watched the show pick it up or stream it. This was a fantastic show and sorry to see it come to a close, but it was a great closing episode, that is so rare sometimes. Happy hunting and if you see a big old wooden coffin, don't open it.

Roberta Lee has put a name to the layers upon layers of stress that eventually break down our bodies and ruin our lives—it’s called SuperStress. She tells of the physical and mental affects that this SuperStress has on us. She also gives us ways to fix it—without drugs.

This handbook is holistic. Therapy means physical therapy, exercise, meditation and breathing control. Prescriptions means herbs and health foods and vitamins. Lee is not taking away the symptoms of stress-related bad health—she’s fixing the problem behind it.

The program outlined in this book is one you can follow with or without a doctor helping you along. She gives physical exercises and stretches that you can do, a two-week food plan to get you going on a better diet, journaling prompts to learn how to release your stress in words, and lots of other things.

I would recommend reading two parts of the book at once: Read through the first half, a little bit at a time, and learn about the science behind our stress, at the same time follow the program outlined in the back of the book. This way you’re reading and changing your lifestyle at the same time.

The only reason I don’t give it a 5/5 is because some of the meditation aspects in this book are self-centered, and by that I don’t mean prideful and greedy, I mean self-focused. I have learned that focusing on self will not release any stress, it will only pile on more. The only true way to release everything mentally is to lean on Christ. The journaling prompts in the book are in line with that, but some of the affirmations that are to be recited while meditating are so self-centered that I cannot see how any relief would come of it. That is coming from me as a Christian.

 The SuperStress Solution is a fantastic book for people who are in heavy stress and need a way out without the use of drugs or extensive therapy. Recommended for ages 16+.
The Smoke Thieves
The Smoke Thieves
Sally Green | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

From the author of the popular fantasy trilogy, Half Bad comes a brand new historical-fantasy series: The Smoke Thieves. Featuring a princess, a traitor, a soldier, a hunter and a thief, Sally Green’s fictional world is a dangerous place for these five teenagers. From demons to tyrannical fathers, they must do their best to overcome every obstacle placed in their way to survive a world that is destined for conflict.

The five main characters are a mixed bag of personalities and status. Princess Catherine is preparing for her arranged marriage, which aims to politically unite two nations, or so she believes. Her brutally ambitious father, on the other hand, has other ideas. Ambrose, Catherine’s guard and a traitor to her father, escapes death by chasing after Catherine with news of her father’s real plans.

Meanwhile, March, a soldier whose entire family and heritage were wiped out in a war, aims to get revenge by finding his king’s illegitimate son and only heir, however, he does not anticipate the prince being the naïve thief, Edyon. March and Edyon travel through the country in the company of an elderly man until they are ambushed by a demon hunter and his thirteen-year-old assistant, Tash. All Tash wants to do is hunt demons, collect their drug-like smoke and sell it so she can buy a pair of boots, but fate has other plans, and it is all because of demon smoke.

Coming from all walks of life, the unlikely characters join forces at the conclusion of the book, preparing to face the biggest battle of their young lives. The first book of the series is an exciting introduction to the action promised in the following novels. Slow to start but growing increasingly interesting, The Smoke Thieves is an engaging story with fantastic main characters.

As a work of historical fantasy, The Smoke Thieves is a welcome change from the contemporary fantasy Sally Green has previously written. This book suggests the author has great ideas to come in the near future.
Bridal Girl
Bridal Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kim and Nicholas are about to get married. It's seven months until their wedding day and Kim is under a lot of stress with all that has to be done. Not only is she in the middle of planning her wedding, she is also just coming off releasing her first book and is working on the second. As part of her two-book deal with her publisher, she has to have a rough draft of the book in right before her nuptials. Will Kim and Nicholas be able to have the wedding they both dream of, or will the stress of everything going on be too much for them to handle?

Thank you to NetGalley and Henery Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Wedding season is among us. From now through the beginning of fall, finding a ballroom, limousine, or a bakery may prove very difficult.

Bridal Girl is the third book in the Blogger Girl Series. I have not read the other books in the series, but I did purchase them while reading this book. Kim Long is a blogger turned author. With such high success of her blog she decided to go ahead and write a book, the previous books give you details about this journey for Kim. Her first book was recently published and is up for it's second printing run. If Kim can stop looking at all of the negative reviews and focus on what is in front of her, she may be able to get book two out in time.

Luckily for Kim she has Nicholas. Nicholas and Kim are perfect together, they are each other support system. When Kim is overwhelmed with trying to find a dress that not only she will love, but that the rest of her bridal party agrees on too, Nicholas is there to be the shoulder to cry on and even offers to go dress shopping with her.

With ex-girlfriends, pregnancy, writers's block, frenemies, new editors, and life in general, will it all be too much for Kim to handle?

Get this book for your entire bridal party, for your friend getting married this year, for those thinking about writing a book. Heck, get the whole series.
The Witchwood Crown
The Witchwood Crown
Tad Williams | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
700 pages that feel like so much more
I haven't read the preceding series but had researched and general consensus was that it was not mandatory. This was my first experience of Tad Williams. And indeed, I did not feel I was missing out on any information - there is enough discussion of past events to make me want to read that series, but it is done in such a way as to give the new reader enough insight.
As with so much epic fantasy, this book covers a large world, with numerous PoV characters, different cultures, creatures and races. In this regard, Williams has shown himself to be a true master - he really has built a new world that feels so well embedded and thought-through.
The plot, however, was quite well hidden in the book. The High King and Queen seem to uncover possible rumours of evil sorcery within the kingdom and there is a hint of the evil Norn rising up again. But that is such a small part of the book, so much of it is simply chatting, moaning about things, going ice skating and hill-climbing and healing people from injury/poison. With such a time commitment from readers there is a need to make every chapter count, and I felt at times the reader was being somewhat let down with needless scenes and interactions.
The battle scenes were rare exceptions, being exciting and well narrated.
I felt one major part of the book was going to be the coming-of-age and maturity of Prince Morgan, the heir to the high throne. However at the end of the book he is still an obnoxious, alcoholic arse.
This book had to be either a bridge between the old and the new series, or the start of the new one, and somehow it manages to be neither. I don't feel enough of what is surely to follow has been set up, but likewise I don't feel I know enough of what happened before and how it will influence what comes later.
A large commitment that has yet to pay off.
Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
This Was a Miss For Me
Lords of Chaos is the tragic story of a teenager trying to bring Black Metal to Norway. Let’s get this out of the way now: The movie is a mess. I didn’t feel enriched after watching it in any shape, form, or fashion. Instead, I left with a very bad taste in my mouth and a desire to cut on a comedy after watching something so morbidly depressing.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 2
”What are you watching?” my wife asked from the other room. “Sounds awful!” She wasn’t wrong as the beginning attempts to explain all the W’s to the backdrop of hardcore, in-your-face metal. The music isn’t the problem, but I feel like they should have chosen one or the other: Either jump right into the metal music and set the tone or narrate the backstory first. Both made for a horrible mix.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 4

Conflict: 5

Genre: 3

Memorability: 4

Pace: 1
Show a gruesome suicide. Burn 100 churches. Stab a man in the woods. There was nothing that could be done to really get me interested in this movie. A lot of the film felt like shock value which diminished my interest in what was happening. My eyes spent more time running from what was happening than being engrossed in it. Pacing is one of the most important parts of a movie. You screw that up and it spells doom for the rest of the movie.

Plot: 7

Resolution: 3
One of the worst endings I’ve seen in movies. The worst part is you absolutely know it’s coming, but director Jonas Akerlund decides to make you sit through it anyway. After it was over, I felt like I had been skunked.

Overall: 49
There are some things that this movie did well. As you watch these characters go off the deep end, it definitely feels genuine and real. Unfortunately, for every one good thing I can name about Lords of Chaos, I can think of ten bad. This was a miss for me.
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1)
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1)
JP Sayle | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1) by J.P. Sayle
Puzzle Pieces is the first book in the La Trattoria Di Amore series, and also the first book by this author I have read. Needless to say, it won't be the last!

Although Seb has some serious stalker issues that he realises and knows he needs to fix, I somehow felt more sorry for him, than wary. Maybe it was how he looked after Richie, even as he fought his own feelings. I don't know. All I do know is he wormed his way under my skin and, although I still wanted to kick him at times, I could understand what he was doing, or where he was coming from.

Richie was an incredibly naive young man who went with the flow rather than fighting for what he wanted. The only thing/person he fought for was his mum. And wasn't I in tears at 36%?! Oh yeah, great big hiccuping sobs, f'ugly crying at its best! Thanks for that, Ms. Sayle!! My poor kids wondered what was wrong until I explained it was the book I was reading. Saying that, Richie is still a strong individual who won't allow himself to be walked over (most of the time). I loved the clashing between Seb and Richie, and liked how they worked things out.

All in all, this is an amazing book, with subtle hints at a crossover with the Manx Cat series by this author, which is now on my TBR pile. If I had to say anything negative, it would be the points of view that keep changing in the middle of paragraphs are a bit off-putting. Still, it wasn't a huge thing in the bigger picture. The plot was smooth with no holes, and the characters grew as the story progressed.

An excellent start to the series, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Mandi S (1 KP) rated The Sky Is Yours in Books

Jan 23, 2018  
The Sky Is Yours
The Sky Is Yours
Chandler Klang Smith | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dystopian futuristic society. Coming of age teen angst. A love triangle. Human/robot hybrids. Dragons unrelentingly setting virtually everything on fire. Check, check, check, check, and check. The Sky is Yours by Chandler Klang Smith has all of this and more. I'll be honest and say that I had no clue what this book was about at first, but I was fascinated by the cover. The neon graffiti-ed look drew me in, but as soon as I read the synopsis I was hooked.

The scene is Empire Island, a once booming metropolis now nearly abandoned as dragons have burned it to the ground. These two dragons appeared randomly in the sky and have not left for years, looming above the city 24/7 and taking no prisoners as they burn and reburn what little remains of Empire Island. Enter Duncan Ripple, a rich, privileged teen set on disregarding orders and living his life, as he crashes his hovercraft on a neighboring desert island. Here is where Abracadabra, or Abby, nurses him back to health until they are both rescued. Upon returning home, they are met by Swanny, Duncan's betrothed, as their parents force a union that neither of them seems to want. Chaos ensues, the three teens escape, and they are left to their own devices on a journey of self-discovery and survival in a smoldering city.

I really enjoyed this book. It is so unique, fun, and engaging, and almost impossible to categorize. The characters were all very well developed, and the plot was exciting and different. While the three characters were intertwined, they each had their own distinctive arc that developed them individually. Although it didn't bother me much, I will say that some of the language used might annoy a more traditional reader. Men are "pros" and women are "fems", and traditional names of objects are abandoned in favor of modernized versions such as the "Toob" for television, a "HowDouse" for a firetruck, and "LookyGlass" for what seems to be a cell phone.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Thank you so much to Crown Publishing for sending me a finished copy of this beauty!