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Partials (Partials Sequence, #1)
Partials (Partials Sequence, #1)
Dan Wells | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slightly predictable with a large Ego
Okay so I guessed the big twist, it was a longtime coming, and usually I can appricate a book even when I think I know what’s coming, they always plant little leads for active readers. But I guessed it way too early and I was a little more complicated than what I was thinking and I definitely want to read the next book to find out more, but it felt like I was forceably dragging myself to the end of this novel. I read it in two days, 470 pages, that takes dedication.
I’m in a huge dystopian kick right now and this is the most cut and dry post-apocalyptic one that I’ve seen so far, so kudos. I know I’m rambling, it’s early.
Openly Straight (Openly Straight, #1)
Openly Straight (Openly Straight, #1)
Bill Konigsberg | 2013 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Openly Straight] gets a new perspective on being a gay teenager. Rafe does not have the stress of coming out because in Boulder, CO he is out. In fact he is the face of being out and popular. He is just tired of being paraded around as the "gay" kid who is doing well.

When he transfers to an all boys boarding school in the east he decided to go back in the closet and just be Rafe, the boy. Unfortunately it is hard to shove things back in when they already are out.

I really think this book is a great read for anyone but especially those young people who are questioning. The characters are genuine and even Rafe wanting to be normal is, well, normal. Labels are over rated and over used in our world and I think that is one of the points Konigsberg is trying to make. The other big point is just be yourself.

Sharpie0499 (114 KP) rated Bandslam (2009) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Bandslam (2009)
Bandslam (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
4.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good hidden truths (1 more)
Good coming-of-age film
Everything else (0 more)
High School Musical Level
Contains spoilers, click to show
Bandslam is a decent coming-of-age film for ages 7-13, but it is your typical American high school story where the guy gets the girl and everything works out in the end. The only good thing that comes from this film is the hidden truth that is revealed about society: when rumours are passed around about you and you move school, but the students at the new school always find out about your background and use it as a weapon. This brutal truth is shown throughout the film as Will tries, unsuccessfully, to hide the fact his father killed a kid whilst drinking under the influence and is now in prison with a DUI. What is most shocking is, not only do the students at his new school use his father's DUI against him, but so does Charlotte, who was supposedly Will's friend. Overall, Bandslam is more suited to younger audiences with an open mind.
Hanna (2011)
Hanna (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
Decided to look this one up when I saw the show coming out. Very captivating movie. Low budget but well done. The concept isn't completely original - government attempting to create perfect soldier, etc - but was definitely told in an interesting way. The acting and cinematography were good. I would've appreciated subtitles in the scenes where other languages were spoken, but, it is what it is. Overall a decent action thriller with a unique protagonist and storyline. Worth a watch!

book sparrow (239 KP) rated Fallen in Books

Jan 18, 2020  
Callie Hart | 2014 | Crime, Erotica, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
this book was sooooo good action packed from beginning to end. the books are a little short which kinda makes it hard for me to write anything about them besides how good they are and i really dont want to put in spoilers i hate them but i gotta say that the love between zee and sloan really comes out in this book and i loved seeing laceys character coming through more in this book. and i wanna smack charlie in the face !!!!
    Lez Be Honest

    Lez Be Honest

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    Lez Be Honest is a podcast + “how-to” manual for life as a lesbian. Hosted by a self-described...

    Jersey XYZ

    Jersey XYZ

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    Join Jersey XYZ as we dive into the policy and politics of New Jersey looked through the lens of...