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Sabotage (2014)
Sabotage (2014)
2014 | Action, Mystery
5.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I liked the plot (0 more)
Predictable ending (1 more)
Not enough action
A movie that lacks so much
A pretty disappointing movie. Watched it expecting something like the Expendables but this was worse.

Not enough action, long drawn out talking scenes and an ending I saw coming a mile off.

I wasn't a fan of the characters or the dialogue but I did like some of the actors.

What action the did have, I liked but that's as far as is goes. It needed non stop action. Gore effects were done well and Arnold Schwarzeneggers character could have been played by anyone else like Sylvester Stallone or someone.
The Darkest Minds (2018)
The Darkest Minds (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Ruby and Liam connection (1 more)
Stayed fairly true to book
Amanlda is fast becoming queen of Ya adaptations
I throughly enjoyed this film. For the most part the cast is relatively unknown but it been proven in Dystopic ya books to film adaptions this works well.

With the hate u give coming out the end of the year Amandla Stenberg is proving to be a force to be recoken with within the YA film genre. She is able to captive and keep the film moving.

It rare to find a film that keep true to a books premise and plot however this film did just that.
All the Books!
All the Books!
Arts, Books
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
The hosts are awesome and knowledgeable. Books! (0 more)
It's not long enough. Adding more books to your TBR than you can read in a lifetime! (0 more)
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This is a great podcast to listen to to hear a wide variety of new books coming out from a wide variety of genres. The hosts are great and know what they're talking about, while being fun to listen to. It's only a half an hour, so that can be both a good and bad thing, depending on how long you like your podasts, but hey, there are 185 shows to listen to! (as of 11/23/2018) Good listening. :)
The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix (1999)
1999 | Action, Sci-Fi
1999, the year that everybody expected Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace to be the best sci-fi movie.

It wasn't.

This was, instead.

Coming seemingly out of nowhere with an ingenious marketing campaign ("What is the Matrix?"), and with Keanu Reeve cementing his action man persona in lather and shades, this (I believe) was the first time that Western audiences was introduced to bullet time.

Very much Manga influenced ("I know Kung Fu"), and with a plot that owes more than a bit to Descartes philosophical "what is reality" question, this film soon launched a host of imitators and 2 not-as-good filmed back-to-back sequels.
    Arc Symphony

    Arc Symphony

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