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Lindsay (1717 KP) rated Grimm Woods in Books

Sep 7, 2017  
Grimm Woods
Grimm Woods
D. Melhoff | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Really good Plot and written Well (0 more)
Gimm Woods is a good book. It tells the story somewhat of the fairy tales. Counselors come to help with children that are coming for summer camp. There are few kids coming for some fun. You and many people and kids know what the fairy tales are like now.
In Grimm Woods, you will find out, what happens in some fairy tales. There are twist and turns and surprises throughout the book. I think it is a good book. What I like about it is it keeps you guessing who and why things are happening. There are crimes that happen throughout the book. Some counselors body shows up.

There is a dark ending to the children stories that you once thought you knew. I was surprised by this when two counselors put on a play for summer camp children. D. Melhoff does a good job on this book. I would though think that parents would take cautiously and only allow their children to read this book if they are 15 plus and older. I will let parents decide for themselves.
Live and Let Fly (Kite Shop Mystery #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There’s a kite contest coming to town, and Emmy Adler has pinned her hopes on winning. She thinks that the fame will drive people to her website and help her shop survive the upcoming winter. The judge is, Jasmine Normand, a local who gained fame on a reality show, and Emmy has a run in with her in the weeks leading up to the contest. When Jasmine turns up dead, a tabloid starts insinuating that Emmy had something to do with the death. Can she learn the truth and save her reputation?

Emmy’s town is a wonderful Oregon beach side town, and the atmosphere makes me want to settle in for a vacation. The mystery starts out strong, but loses some steam in the middle before coming back to life for a great climax. Emmy is learning some patience, and it shows in this book. I enjoyed seeing her and the rest of the returning characters again. The new cast of characters are just as strong.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Calves In The Mud Room
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

While this may not be your typical "coming of age" story as it only takes place over the course of a couple days, I would still term it as "coming into your own".
Wade lives on a farm which has gone to crap since his granddad passed and his stepdad started taking over. Not "taking over the farm", mind you, because he can't be bothered to lift a finger. No, he's just taken over Wade's life, and not for the good.

When we meet up with Wade, it's the date of a school dance and the girl of his dreams as actually asked him to be her date. He should be on cloud nine, right? Well, he is, until his day snowballs into one from Hell. Cue all the ill-timed things which can possibly happen when you're in a hurry and need to look your best, and multiply it by 10 because he's on a farm. How will his night turn out?

Great little story, and I'd definitely be interested to see where this character and author go from here.

5 stars

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated Grimm Woods in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
Grimm Woods
Grimm Woods
D. Melhoff | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Tour: Grimm Woods Gimm Woods is a good book. It tells the story somewhat of the fairy tales. Counselors come to help with children that are coming for summer camp. There are few kids coming for some fun. You and may people and kids know what the fairy tales are like now.
In Grimm Woods, you will find out, what happens in some fairy tales. There are twist and turns and surprises throughout the book. I think it is a good book. What I like about it is it keeps you guessing who and why things are happening. There are crimes that happen throughout the book. Some counselors body shows up.
There is a dark ending to the children stories that you once thought you knew. I was surprised by this when two counselors put on a play for summer camp children. D. Melhoff does a good job on this book. I would though think that parents would take cautiously and only allow their children to read this book if they are 15 plus and older. I will let parents decide for themselves.
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
1955 | Classics, Drama

"Last but not least, man, will be a classic that really holds up and it’s not a comedy. I don’t want to end this on a neutral or serious note, but Rebel Without a Cause, man. I really, really dig that movie. I really dig that movie and I really dig James Dean. I dig what he was about. I’ve watched interviews and movies about him and stuff, and I just dig him as an artist and I really think that that captures… It’s a coming-of-age story, too, but it’s not the ones that we’re used to — that we’re going to laugh at and feel like, “Oh, they won out.” He’s coming from a very dark place as a teenager, which we all go through. I’m sure a lot of us haven’t been in the darkness as long as his character has, but we get how that feels and it’s kind of cool to see him simmering in that emotion. It’s not anticipated at all, so it’s really seamless. It’s really nice to see. You kind of see him growing up in, like, the scrappiest version it can look like."

Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Leigh Bardugo | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
See the headline! (1 more)
Good to see some Wonder Woman stories coming out now!
Fast paced, exciting YA
Ok, I'll admit I was surprised at how much I liked this. I thought it would be a re-hash of the recent film (which I really enjoyed), but it's a whole new story - a prequel, I suppose.
Diana sneaks away from Themiscara with a girl that she has saved from a boating accident. The girls presence on the island starts a chain of natural disasters, so Diana helps her to leave with help from the Oracle, who also lets her into some very interesting information about the girl.
A very exciting, fast moving story.
Quarantine (2008)
Quarantine (2008)
2008 | Horror, Mystery
Decent Western remake for a change
A really great horror film, made apparently just months after the Spanish original @REC (2007) . What I don't understand is so many people saying this is not as good? It's almost the same film scene for scene, but with a different cast and set in LA. The only changes from the original are a few more attacks and the origin of the virus was changed slightly. The only real problem if you have seen the original first is you know what is coming and when viewing second time round it's not so scary. Otherwise almost a carbon copy of the original but in English. Watch out for Rec2!

Dean (6925 KP) Jan 8, 2018

It's nearly identical for me. Yes Terminal it was ok but not quite as good as this, very low budget. Rec 2 was decent. Rec 3 started to go more horror comedy vibe.