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Inside Out (2015)
Inside Out (2015)
2015 | Animation, Comedy, Drama
A delightful treat
If there’s one thing Pixar knows how to do, it’s create memorable films. Long after you’ve walked out the cinema, the likes of Wall.E and Finding Nemo stay with you.

2015 marks the first time the studio will release two films in the same year, with The Good Dinosaur coming to cinemas in December and the subject of this review, Inside Out, in this year’s busy summer season.

But has this increased workload for Pixar’s animators resulted in a poorer quality movie?

Inside Out follows the story of young Riley, an eleven-year-old girl coming to terms with growing up in a new home away from her friends and the neighbourhood she knows and loves.

Deep inside her head, however, we find a whole host of colourful characters controlling Riley’s emotions. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust all play a part in keeping her level-headed. Unfortunately, after a near disaster it falls on upbeat Joy and ever-blue Sadness to bring Riley back to who she once was.

Inside Out continues Pixar’s trend of creating beautifully animated films that really strike a chord with audiences. The sheer amount of colour is absolutely breath-taking and children will find much to enjoy in both the central characters and the numerous environments inside Riley’s head, while adults will love the stunning recreation of San Francisco in all its bustling glory.

The cast, which includes voice work by Bill Hader (Monsters University), Kyle MacLachlan (Desperate Housewives) and Diane Lane (Man of Steel) all do sterling jobs in bringing their characters to life but it is in Phyllis Smith, who plays Sadness, that we find the best portrayal.

A relatively unknown actress with few film credits to her name, Smith is truly wonderful as the little blue lady who keeps a check on the more upsetting moments in Riley’s life.

Elsewhere, Pixar has once again created a story that really focuses on the themes of growth, family bonding and what it means to grow up in today’s society with numerous cultural references that children and adults alike will enjoy.

However, it’s important to note that Inside Out is one of the more emotional films Pixar has created. At numerous points throughout the movie there were a couple of children in the cinema wiping away the tears – though this shows how heavily invested in the characters they became.

Unfortunately, despite being 94 minutes in length, Inside Out does feel a little drawn out in places and lacks the deeper storytelling elements that has made some of the studios other films so charming. This isn’t to say it lacks charm, but it’s in slightly shorter supply here.

Overall, Pixar has added another cracking film to its ever-increasing roster. Whilst not hitting the heights of Wall.E or Toy Story, it makes for a memorable and sensible film for the whole family to enjoy.

It’s the perfect start to the summer holidays. Roll on The Good Dinosaur.
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    Amazing Breaker

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Relative Strangers
Relative Strangers
Paula Garner | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from NetGalley and Candlewick Press in exchange for an honest review.

Relative Strangers is an amazing coming of age tale that tackles all the feelings that come with trying to figure out who you are, where you fit in, and unrequited love. Garner tackles important topics like alcoholism, addiction, loss of a parent, sexuality, and abandonment issues. It is a big challenge to stuff that many topics and issues into one book and Garner does it with finesse and grace; and most importantly not leaving any loose ends.
The whole story happens within the course of Jules’ senior year of high school. She discovers something about her past that her mother has kept a secret from her for her entire life. Through detective work, support from her friends, and Facebook, she finds the one person that might be can tell her everything that is missing from her history. Jules’ embarks on a quest to find herself, her past, and her way back to reconnecting emotionally with her mother.
Not only does Paula Garner write such a wonderful story but she creates characters that suck you into the intricate weavings of the story. You feel like you’re one of the girls. I felt like Jules, Gab, and Leila were some of my closest friends. I laughed with them, cried with them, and I cheered for them. One thing I often find difficult when you have so many characters is how to make them grow as the book goes on. Garner did this without making it feel forced. Each of the characters grew in their own way as they took on the rights of passage set in their paths.
Relative Strangers is a story that I think all people will be able to relate to in one way or another. I also think that it’s a great book for teens to read that teaches about appreciating and enjoying the relationships you have with the people around you. Garner kept the emotional twists coming, the pages turning, and the tears flowing well into the night. I highly recommend checking out this book if you’re into Contemporary Coming of Age stories.
A Multitude of Dreams
Mara Rutherford | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: plague, death, blood, racism, murder, self harm, genocide, survivors guilt

A Multitude of Dreams is a reimagining of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death. Four years ago, King Stuart gathered his royals, noblemen, and daughters and locked them into the safety of the castle walls. Every window was boarded up and every door sealed shut - all to protect those within of the horrible mori roja plague ravaging the land outside.

Told in third person, this novel follows Seraphina, a Jewish girl, who is also the (fake) Princess Imogene, and Nico, who once lived a comfortable life but now works for Lord Crane, the man who saved his life after he lost everything. When Lord Crane sends Nico and two others on the search for survivors, Nico meets a princess who wants out. But both are living in giant webs of lies and deception that they must unravel if they’re going to survive.

I wanted this title because I read The Poison Season and I really enjoyed it. So, when I saw Mara Rutherford had another YA novel coming out, I immediately put it on my TBR list. It’s also listed as Fantasy Gothic and
I was all about it and also the cover - like, I love it!

There were a few twists in here I didn’t quite see right away, which was nice. And, even some of the ones that I did see coming, I still enjoyed Rutherford’s storytelling and it kept me interested. And yes, there is some romance in this, but it wasn’t the main focus of the story - surviving and getting out of the castle was.

Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who’s in need of a good gothic fantasy with a hidden identity, Jewish representation, a masquerade, and the fight of survival.

*Thank you Inkyard Press and BookishFirst for a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review

Craig Brewer recommended Purple Rain (1984) in Movies (curated)

Purple Rain (1984)
Purple Rain (1984)
1984 | Drama, Musical, Romance
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I would say my number one movie: Purple Rain. I could probably teach a semester of film studies on the first eight minutes of Purple Rain. And if you watch that first eight minutes, you’re going to see why, because the way the music — it’s like the extended version of “Let’s Go Crazy” — the way it’s cut, continuity completely goes out the window. You’ll be on stage with Prince, but then you’ll cut and you’ll see him getting ready to go on stage, then you’ll see him at his house, blowing out candles. Then you see him on his motorcycle coming to the club, cuts to him on stage in the club, cuts to Apollonia coming into town… By the end of that eight minutes, you know everybody’s character, you know their relationship to each other, and the music never stopped. It’s a dizzying… I think you see three tongues within the first eight minutes. You know, Apollonia’s boobs were like an atom bomb going off in my world, because up until that moment, I wanted to marry women, like, “I like that girl. I would want her to be my wife and have kids with her.” But then I saw Apollonia, and I was like, “I have thoughts now in my head that I didn’t have before, and feelings that I’ve never had before!” The same poster that I got at a fair in Vallejo, California of Apollonia in a bikini is up on my wall here in my office, and people still come in here and go, “Damn, I had that poster on my wall!”"

Abandon Station (Dyson Bridge #1)
Abandon Station (Dyson Bridge #1)
V.G. Harrison | 2024 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
it finishes on a cliffhanger I did not see coming at me, and I was not prepared!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

So, here's the thing, right?

I am mighty, MIGHTY annoyed at this book. Why? Because I thought it was a complete story, and it's not: it finishes on a cliffhanger I did not see coming at me, and I hate that! I wasn't prepared, I really wasn't, when it ended, and I am not happy.

It was a great read, though! I was fully engrossed in Merida and her people.

In the now Earth, it was a bit technical,but I kinda read those bits and glanced over the technical jargon used. In the NEW Earth, things were more understandable and I could even follow the politics! There's a lot going on that she isn't privy to, and her people are in danger of being stranded.

But peeps? That cliffhanger means I gotta wait to find out if Merida can get home, if she can find all her people from across the globe, and if her ex gets whatever he deserves!

A quick glance, and I cannot see when I might get my hands on book 2, either. So now, I'm doubly annoyed, with a review to write. Why do I put myself through this, you ask? Let me tell you.

To find books and authors like this: out of my comfort zone and new to me. I loved this book, bar that ending and I'm very pleased, as well as annoyed, that I got to read it.

4 most EXCELLENT stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Good, but doesn't live up to the book
I've read (and loved) the book, but I really tried to go into this with an open mind and I think for the most part, I succeeded.

Visually, this film is spectacular. But considering its Spielberg, that isn't a surprise. The pop culture references are a lot of fun, and the soundtrack is fantastic. The cast are great, Tye Sheridan plays Wade very well and he's a likeable character. Mark Rylance as usual is very good, but I feel like we could've seen a bit more of him. The only one who didn't come across well was Ben Mendelsohn - his Nolan just doesn't come across as evil enough. He just isn't that threatening.

The main problem is that this is very different from the book. Some things have been changed for the better (the 2nd challenge in the film was a huge surprise and very enjoyable), but for the main I feel like too much of the detail from the book has been left out, leaving just a hollow shell of the story. It's a shame really as i think this could have been fantastic, if it had just stuck a little closer to the book. Instead of coming out of this feeling in awe, I came out feeling a little underwhelmed with the sense that something was missing.
The Leopard (Harry Hole #8) (Oslo Sequence #6)
The Leopard (Harry Hole #8) (Oslo Sequence #6)
Jo Nesbo | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good, but drawn out
I do love Harry Hole and as a character he's brilliant, flawed and alcoholic yet always pursuing the truth and justice. I do think though that some of Jo Nesbo's stories featuring Harry are a little farfetched and drawn out, and sadly this is one of them.

The plot on this is actually very intriguing and full of twists and turns that I didn't see coming, and apart from some of the more farfetched elements, this is actually a very good thriller. The problem is it's a bit drawn out and could have been condensed a lot more, it just seemed unnecessarily long. This also seemed to have an issue with the timeline, it seemed to jump from one location to another and it made me feel a little confused. Also as much as I love Harry, he seems to do the same things in nearly every book I've read recently - leaves Norway, returns for a case he doesn't want but gets sucked in, then leaves Norway again afterwards. The better stories in the Hole series are the ones where he doesn't leave Norway at all and sadly this book is a bit half and half.

Overall this is pretty good but not flawless. It's definitely not the best book in the Harry Hole series, but neither is it anywhere near the worst.