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    Pigeon Wings

    Pigeon Wings


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    A mysterious aeronautics titan is bent on destroying East Megalopolis and Pigeon's the only bird who...

    Touchgrind HD

    Touchgrind HD

    Games and Entertainment

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    The smash hit Touchgrind is available for your iPad! Now with an extended view of the park and a...

An American Werewolf in London (1981)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
1981 | Comedy, Horror
Off-beat horror comedy. Two American backpackers travelling through Europe are attacked by a ferocious beast in the Yorkshire Dales; one of them is horribly slaughtered, the other is less fortunate.

In with a shout as the best werewolf movie ever, although this is partly because of the lack of serious competition. The story hits all the usual beats, but is elevated by a knowing sense of humour (and jokes which really land) and Rick Baker's still-impressive make-up effects (it's hard to know which sequence Landis seems more fascinated by, the transformation or Jenny Agutter in the shower). A fascination with the weirdness of British culture, along with a supporting cast of great character actors, also helps to make the film distinctive. Very funny, very scary, occasionally very gory; a great horror movie.