A Clockwork Heart: Chronicles of Light and Shadow
The honeymoon is over...A plague of clockwork zombies is afflicting London, and as more people...
America vs the Justice Society of America
Jerry Ordway, Howard Bender and Roy Thomas
* This epic story, originally published in the 1980s, takes place in the late 1940s. Following the...

New Pompeii
In the race to control renewable power, an energy giant stumbles on a controversial technology: the...

Palace Council
Summer, 1952. Twenty powerful men gather in secret and devise a plot to manipulate the President of...

X-Files: v.1
Volume 1 - The Agents, The Bureau & The Syndicate Lift the lid on "The X-Files" once more inthis...

Exit Wounds (2001)
Movie Watch
Steven Seagal stars as maverick Detroit police detective Orin Boyd, whose take-no-prisoners approach...

Southland Tales (2006)
Movie Watch
Southland Tales is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic landscape of Los Angeles on July 4, 2008,...

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Lovecraft Investigations in Podcasts
Feb 12, 2021 (Updated Feb 15, 2021)

Mumbo Jumbo
A plague is spreading across 1920s America, racing from New Orleans to New York. It's an epidemic of...

Monstress, Vol. 4: The Chosen
Maika and Corvin make their way through a warped and lethal land in search of Kippa, who is faced...