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Kim Gordon recommended Fiskadoro in Books (curated)

Denis Johnson | 2003 | Contemporary, Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A haze-filled dream world of a novel about the survivors of nuclear fallout attempting to rebuild their lives and society. In my head, Fiskadoro mingled with old 1960s movie themes of young women growing up in small towns, wanting to leave their hometowns behind and be somewhere, anywhere, and someone, anyone, else. Maybe they’d glimpsed a highway billboard that advertised clothes, a car, a golden future, a possibility. Maybe, thanks to the machine of consumerism, they felt they were missing out on something they hadn’t even known existed."


John Cusack recommended Dawn of the Dead (1978) in Movies (curated)

Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
1978 | Horror

"I just think the premise of holding up in a mall… being that prescient about the kind of gated communities, and consumerism, and mixing that with zombies in 1978 is just beyond genius. If you look at, like, John Waters doing Female Trouble in 1974, saying things about crime and beauty and the rise of paparazzi, you know, this kind of crazy Kardashian, TMZ, beauty industry — I mean, as psychotic as that film is, it’s so ahead of the curve. It’s so amazingly looking into the future. So I think those kinds of themes I responded to. And Goblin did the original soundtrack."


Sarah (7798 KP) created a post

Nov 22, 2019  
So considering today is officially the start of Black Friday (week), I'm interested to know how everyone feels about it? Do you splurge just because you can, use it as an opportunity to buy things you've needed for a while or avoid like the plague? Any got any good deals so far?

I do think it's consumerism at it's worst, but I'm glad at least they've mostly extended it to a week or so rather than one day. Seeing the scenes in stores on the actual day are stuff of nightmares!

That said, I have managed to get some decent deals on things I've actually needed today - over 50% off is not to be complained about!
Show all 9 comments.

Erika (17788 KP) Nov 22, 2019

I'm glad this year they've started the sales earlier. I like going to the stores on Thanksgiving evening to get gifts with my dad, then Black Friday morning around 8AM when the stores open again. I scope everything out before I go, so I know where everything is the cheapest.
After many years of shopping I'm super confused as to why people still need televisions...


Cori June (3033 KP) Nov 23, 2019

I avoid it like the plague. I get the family bonding time is fun but, if I want to shop I'd rather wait for small business Saturday.