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The Advent Killer (Antonia Hawkins #1)
The Advent Killer (Antonia Hawkins #1)
Alastair Gunn | 2013 | Crime, Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quite satisfying
Alastair Gunn is a new author for me but "The Advent Killer" won't be the last work I read of his as I found this book quite satisfying. Please be aware that this isn't a cosy Christmas story in any way, shape or form but definitely one to curl up with on a cold winter's day.

DCI Antonia Hawkins is lead officer in her first murder case and it couldn't be a worse first case ... a serial killer is on the loose - they know when he/she is going to strike next but not who or where and there are virtually no clues left behind. Can DCI Hawkins and her team track the killer down before the next victim is brutally murdered?

Written at a good pace with interesting characters and intriguing story line, which although might not be the most complex or unpredictable, it did hold my interest to the end and I am looking forward to reading more from Mr Gunn and getting to know DCI Hawkins and her team a little more.

Thank you goes to Penguin UK - Michael Joseph via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
A Wrinkle in the Skin
A Wrinkle in the Skin
John Christopher | 1965 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Almost relentlessly bleak SF-disaster novel. An immense series of global earthquakes destroys civilisation overnight, leaving only a handful of survivors. The protagonist has previously been emotionally self-sufficient, but can he maintain this attitude in the face of the horror and desolation around him?

Worlds away from the 'cosy catastrophe' label which this kind of book is occasionally lumbered with, this anticipates The Road in many ways: the central image is of a man and a boy making their way across the devastated landscape, scavenging to survive and trying to avoid lawless mobs of other survivors. Christopher's ideas about human nature are crushingly cynical but unpleasantly compelling; the psychological depth of this book makes most similar works of fiction look frivolous and lightweight. Still, for all the skill with which it is written, this story is both tragic and depressing (the book does a good job of making you realise the difference between the two). It's telling that while it concludes on the promise of hope, it's only a promise: an actual happy ending would feel grotesquely inappropriate. Not without its strengths, but a tough read in many ways - other apocalypses are much more fun.
Shifting and Shenanigans (Magical Mystery Book Club #1)
Shifting and Shenanigans (Magical Mystery Book Club #1)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2022 | Mystery, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Paige is a recent divorcee who's great grandma has gone to a better place and left her business the snapdragon Inn to her and her aunt glo. They take the bull by the horns and pack up what they own move across the country to where the Inn is. They discover a few different things about the Inn including the cosy murder mystery book club and how adventurous it can get reading.

Well, what can I say? I think Elizabeth is a Fantastic write and cannot praise her high enough. I thought very highly of her destiny falls series (I recommend that a read as well) and although this is book number 1 in this series I'm already waiting for the next one!

The way her writing just flows I never actually find myself questioning what is and isn't real as it seems like it could be even though I know it's impossible, I never seem to stutter or stop and think hold on a minute I'm just excited to read the next part of the story.

Well done Elizabeth you've got me hooked again!

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated Bats In The Belfry in Books

Feb 26, 2018 (Updated Feb 27, 2018)  
Bats In The Belfry
Bats In The Belfry
E.C.R.Lorac | 2018 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Cosy Crime sleeper worthy of resurrection
I’m a huge fan of Cosy Crime, I cut my grown-up reading teeth on Agatha Christie and Dorothy L Sayers, so it should be no surprise that I’m a big fan of the British Library’s inspired decision to republish lost Golden Age novels.

Fifty-one re-issues in and I’m still stunned at the number of authors who had stellar careers as crime writers, were fully inducted members of the Detection Club, and had publication lists to rival Christie’s but who, within a few years of their deaths, had just vanished from the pantheon classic crime novelists.

Such a writer was E.C.R.Lorac, author of Bats In The Belfry. In his introduction Martin Edwards describes the pseudonymous Lorac (real name Edith Caroline Rivett) as enjoying a “low-key career spanning more than a quarter of a century.” It also produced a catalogue of over seventy novels, yet, cosy crime fan that I am I had never heard of her until her book turned up on my work intranet.

Bats, British Library’s inaugural Crime Classic for 2018, is also the first of Lorac’s novels to be given the British Library treatment. It couldn’t have happened to a better book! One of the dangers of republishing books that have disappeared in the mists of time, at least if you are republishing them for the mass market, is that some of them will prove to have been ‘lost’ with good cause. Not that the writing need be poor or the plotting weak, but there are social aspects that can be critical to the development or fundamental premise of the story that change over the course of half a century. When that happens there is a danger that the reader will at best be disgruntled with a puzzle they were unlikely to be able to solve because they didn’t understand the clues they were being given, or, at worst, that the whole premise will seem beyond ludicrous to modern readers. Of the twenty or so BLCC’s I have read only one has fallen into the latter category, and whilst there have been one or two which were a bit plodding thanks to such issues they have largely been a pleasure to read, and I have been able to joyfully pit my wits against the authors’ intrinsic challenge to solve the mystery before the denouement.

Bats in the Belfry most definitely falls into this class of Crime Classic, so much so that it’s a surprise to find from Edwards that it was a bit of a non-starter when it was first published in 1937.

A failing writer, his actress wife, his ward and a selection of friends are collected one evening following the funeral of the writer’s cousin. Shortly thereafter the writer himself has vanished, his suitcase and passport left in a darkly sinister studio known variously as The Belfry, and The Morgue. The story is as dark and twisty as any you could hope for from a member of the Detection Club, and it plays nicely on themes of the time. Broken marriages, financially emasculated men, and the requisite ‘strange foreign man’ all appear, and even aarchaeology gets a look in. As the main characters sit and incautiously discuss ways to bump off someone and hide the body there is brief verbal tussle over the usefulness – and even existence of – dene holes, ancient subterranean storage areas that provided writers of the time with endless possibilities, most notably in Sayers’ The Nine Tailors. Lorac’s plotting is flawless and deceptively simplistic, and she leads you back and forth from suspect to suspect. She is brutally unsympathetic to her characters, and her writing bundles you along until you finally reach the conclusion, to discover how good you are at detecting. Or not.
Death On The Coast
Death On The Coast
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thoroughly enjoyed this “West Country Crime Mystery” Death on the Coast by Bernie Steadman, even though it was book 3 and I’d not read the previous two books in this series.

Set in Devon, DCI Dan Hellier and DS Sally Ellis’ crew make a gruesome discovery; someone is burning body parts in a very ritualistic way. Could a cult be responsible for this? What are their motivations? Can his team work out what is happening before another death hits their shores?

I whizzed through this well written story and although the title suggests cosy mystery to me, this is a much darker and more realistic police procedural. It’s got everything I love in a good murder mystery; a great cast of people with their own issues to contend with, interesting plot twists (despite knowing who is responsible all the way through the book) and enough intriguing goings on to keep me reading long well into the night until I finished it. Bernie Steadman is on fire with this book! I must keep up with this series from now on!

Thank you to Bloodhound Books, and #NetGalley for my ARC copy. This is my own opinion and not biased in any way.
King of Thieves (2018)
King of Thieves (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
Michael Caine leads a crack team of crock crooks in robbing a safe deposit vault in London in this loosely-based-on-reality black comedy thriller. Quite apart from Caine, the film has an excellent cast (Jim Broadbent, Tom Courtenay, Ray Winstone, Paul Whitehouse, and Michael Gambon, plus Charlie Cox for the streaming generation), which will probably be what draws most people to it.

Initially this looks like it's going to be a slightly cosy comedy thriller about blokes who are too old be robbers any more, but - very pleasantly - it quite soon acquires some real heft and gravity to it, with the various members of the gang falling out and attempting to double-cross each other - most of these actors are well-known as comedians, but there is some proper meaty drama here and scenes with a definite tension to them.

Not quite as much Caine as you might hope for, but he is still the guv'nor as far as British film acting is concerned, and this is his best role for a while. Everyone else is good too. The film never quite gets the shifts between comedy and gangster thriller right, and the low budget keeps it from being very cinematic, but it's an engaging movie driven by great performances.
31 of 220
The Pig in the Derby Hat ( Trussel and Gout: Paranormal investigations 1)
By M.A. knights

Young Clementine Trussel didn’t go looking for the supernatural. It found her.

When a small pig wearing a derby hat falls out of her Granny’s window, Clementine is inclined to believe she’s seeing things. Only someone else saw it too, the mysterious Theophilius Gout, and he claims to be an expert in the paranormal.

There is definitely something odd about the fat, tweed-clad man, and when her Granny falls deathly ill, Clementine is uneasy entrusting her recovery to a stranger. Even one as enigmatic as Mr Gout. Besides, he seems more interested in the cakes from her parents’ bakery than anything…otherworldly.

But with her grandmother's life, and Clementine's own future, hanging in the balance, she is forced to follow him into a world of magic and monsters hidden in the shadows of her quiet hometown.

Will they be in time to save her Granny? Is Mr Gout what he claims to be? And just what exactly is the pig in the derby hat?

This was a brilliant short read I loved it. A cosy paranormal story with fun characters, and so well written. Looking forward to reading more.
Gray Areas (Grey Areas #1)
Gray Areas (Grey Areas #1)
Brad Carl | 2015 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Henry Fields arrives in the small town of Gable, Iowa and takes a job in the small grocery store. A friendly but quiet man, he fits into small town life and starts to make friends among the local townsfolk.

But he is clearly hiding a secret in his past. Even a small town in middle America might not be a safe place to stay hidden.

From this simple premise, Carl weaves an interesting tale focusing on Fields and all the characters in interacts with. As the first in the series this doesn't have much direction until the last third, detailing small town life. But the characters are so well described I was happy to follow along just to see what happened. The warmth of living in a small community where everyone knows everyone else is almost palpable.

Once the cosy set up is established, Carl then turns up the pace with events outside of Fields' control forcing him to reveal more about himself than he intended. There are certainly twists and there is action too as things come to a head.

The only downside of Grey Areas is that once it has been finished the reader will immediately want to pick up the next in the series to see what happens next. But that's certainly a downside that's worth having.
The Cat Who Caught a Killer
The Cat Who Caught a Killer
L T Shearer | 2022 | Crime, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love cats and I love reading about murder (strange I know!) so even though this book is quite different to what I normally read, I thought I'd give it a go and, overall, it was pretty good.

This is definitely what is called a 'cosy mystery'; it is not offensive or violent. Emily's mother in law dies suddenly and unexpectedly and whilst her death is put down to natural causes, Emily, an ex Police Officer, is not convinced and so sets off to get to the truth along with a talking cat that has adopted her.

I thought I would struggle with the talking cat angle but whilst it was a little absurd at the beginning, it worked really well and, I think, it symbolised Emily's inner voice.

With great characters and a good story line, this is an easy to read mystery. There are twists and turns but, unfortunately, they weren't too much of a surprise so this let it down a little and although the pace was steady, there was a little bit too much description at times which slowed the story down somewhat.

Overall though, I would recommend to those who enjoy a simple, easy to read and inoffensive mystery and my thanks must go to PanMacmillan, Macmillan and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Cat Who Caught a Killer.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated The Quid Pro Quo (The Bradfield Trilogy #2) in Books

Jan 7, 2022 (Updated Jul 5, 2023)  
The Quid Pro Quo (The Bradfield Trilogy #2)
The Quid Pro Quo (The Bradfield Trilogy #2)
A.L. Lester | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE QUID PRO QUO is the second book in the Bradfield Trilogy although you could, as I have, read it as a standalone.

It is set in 1920s England where magic comes alive in a not-so-fun way. Walt is the nurse to Sylvia's doctor, and the story starts with them being called to the village duck pond as a body has been found. The mystery unravels as the story progresses, giving you insight into a world 'other' than our own.

This is paced perfectly for a cosy mystery - with questions aplenty until it is all explained nicely and wrapped in a bow. I really want to read books one and three now (even though book three isn't even available yet) just to see where it takes me. The characters are wonderfully relatable and the world is both realistic and nostalgic in a rose-tinted glasses kind of way.

The story and characters held my attention from the beginning and kept me enthralled until the end. Thoroughly enjoyable and absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 7, 2022