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Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method
Genre: Exercise
ISBN: 9780446562041
Published:September 20th 2010 by Grand Central Life & Style
Rating: 4.5

When reviewing fitness books, I look for books that tell the reader how to fully use their bodies. I really like Anderson's method for two reasons:

1. She knows muscles. She knows how they work, she knows how to train them. In the book, the concept of using certain muscles to perform an exercise is clearly explained. This is a crucial part of muscle training.

2. She had a good balance between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise, and she has put them together in a good way.

Anderson was a dancer, she also took Pilates (the right way) and I could see both of those influences in her method. Don't get scared away by that—even if you've never seen the inside of a ballet studio, you'd be just fine working her method! But there is a reason that it is said that dancers are the athletes of God: because they are. Combining cardio (aerobic exercise) with Pilates (conditioning) and dance (alternating engage-disengage exercise to increase stamina) is the perfect combination for weight loss and muscle toning.

Now how to get there if you have never experienced any of that?

Anderson breaks the book down into different sections. The exercise portion, where she fully explains every stretch, position, and movement, is well described for the absolute beginner. More athletic users or advanced athletes would benefit also, but they wouldn't have to read the descriptions of the movements in their entirety.

The DVD is very good: It features Anderson working the exercises in the book enough time to hear the description, see all the details, and do it yourself.

There is also a section in the book with some great meals. The first section is a very thorough introduction that I do not recommend skipping! You'll learn tons about your body! I was also amazed at how much research Anderson did to create this method.

The only thing I don't like: The cardio routine has no verbiage. I expected some talking, either voiceover or real time, with some counting or some description of what you should be doing. However, it was just music and Anderson dancing. It would take me, who has been dancing for almost five years, two or three times doing the DVD to get the combination. It would be a lot more difficult and confusing for someone who doesn't have practice taking what they see and converting it for themselves.

The other thing I wanted to see more of was proper stretching techniques. I honestly have yet to find a book that explains how to properly stretch without injury (it is possible!). My recommendation to anyone who uses this awesome program: stretch well. Stretch correctly. Get a dancer or a sports doctor to give you advice if you need it.

Recommendation: Ages 14+ for anyone serious. This program takes time, energy, and commitment. If you can't commit to about two hours of your day, it's not for you. If you use the program, make sure you follow instructions very carefully to avoid injury! doing exercises incorrectly is a very fast way to end up in the physical therapists office (I can tell you that from personal experience, though not experience from this book).
Their Bounty (Four Mercenaries #1)
Their Bounty (Four Mercenaries #1)
K.A. Merikan | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
took me a while, but i did enjoy it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Clover is rescued from the hands of traffickers and lands in the lap of a group of mercenaries. Tank, Boar, Pyro and Drake are a well-established group who right some of the world's wrongs, mostly on the wrong side of the line. But Clover is now a witness to a job, and there is a bounty on his head. They need to keep him safe. In the meantime, what harm is a little fun with the young man, huh?

I border-line did not finish this. I kept putting it down and picking it up again. I did though, eventually.

I think what bothered me the most, was the speed at which Clover gave himself to all four of the group. Very quickly, VERY quickly, he is calling Tank Daddy and Pyro and Boar are partaking of Clover’s body. Drake takes a lot longer to come around, but he does, eventually. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I expected Clover to be a bit more. . resistant to what Tank suggests. But he isn’t, he just jumps straight in!

What I did like, though, was that ALL the guys are very different. Tank is the boss, but he is also the biggest baddest mofo in the group. Boar is a bear of a man, but the youngest (not counting Clover) of the group. He has the sweetest soul, for a bad-ish guy! Pyro is a bit bouncy, maybe even a little messed in the head, but it’s Drake who held my attention the most. Drake is clearly against Clover right from the start. He does come around, but it takes him a long time. He makes it clear what his kink is, and what would happen to Clover if Drake got his hands on him, but Clover is non-plussed by that.

All the guys get a voice, but I wasn’t sure if Drake would, since it’s a long time before he does. I’m glad he does though. I think, from what was said here, Drake will come out of himself a lot more now he’s accepted Clover is theirs. He doesn’t say much, but what he did say to Clover carried a lot of weight and says a lot about Drake and his past.

Clover and Tank have the majority voices though.

It is hot off the charts, with Clover the centre of every scene. There are 2/3/4-way scenes, and everyone gets a piece of Clover, not that Clover really minds, he just wants to be safe!

It carries some difficult topics, trafficking, murder, drugs but all dealt with well. I didn’t see any spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I went through Merikan’s entire back catalogue to see if I had read anything else by this author, and it appears not. I would like to read more, even though I struggled with the SPEED at which things moved, I did enjoy it. I wrote 3 stars at the top of the page when I wrote this up, but now I’m typing my review up, I’m upgrading to 4 stars. I think it was just these guys and the way they work, rather than that speed making for a negative reaction to this book. I really want to see what’s gonna happen with these guys, and they will have two more books for me get used to them!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
2004 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.7 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For most people, childhood is a time filled mainly with happy memories of carefree playing, a loving family, and counting the days until the next school vacation.
Sadly, not everyone has fond memories of their childhood as for some; the years of joy and laughter are filled with pain and sadness. Such is the case of Evan Treborn (Ashton Kutcher) a gifted and caring individual who suffers from memory lapses much like his institutionalized father before him.

A series of traumatic events occur forcing Evan and his mother to move from their home leaving his best friends Kayleigh and Lenny behind.

Years later Evan is a successful and popular student at the state college and has not had a blackout for seven years, which is about the time his mother, moved him from the old neighborhood. Evan is persuaded by a friend to read his old journal entries and in doing so starts to recover some of his lost memories.

With the understanding that he has blacked out traumatic events in his life, Evan returns to his old home to seek out his friends with the hope that his missing memories can be restored. Sadly Evans return does not go well and his questions cause consequences for those who can remember what exactly happened.

Desperate to make sense of what is happening, Evan studies his journals and discovers that he is able to travel back to the time he has blacked out, and proceeds to make changes that he believes will improve the long-term outcome.

Evan awakens to find himself with Kayleigh (Amy Smart) and learns that the two of them have been an item ever since his childhood. What at first seems like a dream come true soon sours when Evan realizes that the ripple effects from his changes in the past have affected others around him. Desperate to undo a situation that now threatens him as well, Evan begins a series of trips into his past in an effort to recover his memories and right the wrongs that he is slowly starting to remember. Evan soon finds himself in a situation gone wild as no matter what Evan changes in the past, things are not put right as improving things for one person often makes others suffer as a result of the altered history.

Skillfully written and directed by Eric Bress and J Mackye Gruber The Butterfly Effect is a stunning look into a troubled psyche and a study in the effects of childhood trauma. The film is equally gripping and disturbing and tackles a wide-range of controversial topics. There is no sugar coating to the film as the depths of Evans repressed memories are explored making the film one of the best Dramas in recent memory.

Kutcher is amazing as he handles a difficult and complex role with skill and passion showing that he is capable of so much more than the brain dead beefcake roles he has been cast in previously. Kutcher is the key that makes the film work as the entire film and supporting cast center on him and he pulls it off brilliantly. Strong supporting work by Amy Smart, Ethan Suplee, and Eldon Henson keep the film gripping and tense.

The only issue I had with the film was the ending, which seemed to me like a tacked on Hollywood ending and not in keeping with the tone of the film. That being said, “The Butterfly Effect is a strong film and one that will not easily be forgotten.
The Rose and the Thorn (The Riyria Chronicles, #2)
The Rose and the Thorn (The Riyria Chronicles, #2)
Michael J. Sullivan | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I finished the first book I immediately order this book. I couldn't wait to dive back into this world and follow Hadrian's and Royce's adventures. And as you can tell by my rating I didn't like it as much as the first one.

[Warning this review contain spoilers]

Things I liked:

-It was so nice to be back with the boys, their dynamic and their friendship. I can't get enough of it.
-The book was a little more focused on Royce this time instead of Hadrian. I tend to have a little soft spot for the "broken" man trope, hence I love Royce (I need to point out that I don't like the "broken" man trope that uses his past as an excuse to be a d*ck and borderline abusive to his love interest). And do you know what I like even more than the "broken" man trope? The "broken" man that put his guard down for the woman he loves. I like that Royce was sweet and nice to Gwen and to her only, and then take his knives out and cut anyone that dares to hurt her. I loved seeing him trying to hide his feeling and yet being so obvious. My heart melted.
-Reuben was also a sweetheart. I like his character overall and his arc. The mystery around his mother kept me guessing
-I was pleasantly surprised to see the relationship between Reuben and the Price being genuine. When this subplot started I would have bet that the Price will end up being a jerk to Reuben and use him for his own purposes but it didn't go that way.
-The plot was interesting and fast pace. There were twists I guessed from the get-go and others I didn't see it coming. Also from what I gathered from other reviews and discussions in this book, we have a lot of characters that are also present in the original series The Riyria Revelations and I think readers who have read the first series will appreciate that.

Things I didn't like:
Unfortunately, there were two major points that kind of ruined my enjoyment a little.

-I picked this book because I wanted more Hadrian and Royce adventures. But this story felt very, very much Reuben's once instead. We spent so many pages following him that I was counting the chapters until we go back to my two beloved characters. I felt like their story was just a subplot.
-Because the story of Hadrian and Royce felt like a subplot I was expecting at the end the two stories to connect in an epic way that will redeem the fact that I spent so little time with them. But it didn't. In the end, although the stories where connected (Hadrian and Royce looking for Rose and Reuben I knew were Rose was) it didn't matter. No matter what Hadrian and Royce did it barely affected the story main story. [SPOILER] They didn't save Rose and they didn't kill the guy that killed her. The only thing they did is scared another character and force him to protect Gwen and her business. What? That's it? If you take them out of the book it will make no difference and won't really affect Reuben's story. I don't know, maybe I missed something but I was left disappointed.
Gretchen McNeil | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><strong>I don't know if this is something related to psychology, but <em>#Murdertrending</em> is both creepy and engrossing at the same time.</strong></h2>
I found myself reading this quicker than I normally would have (if we're not counting the days I procrastinated), and while I should have turned away from this book in horror instantly, I didn't. Maybe that says something about me or human nature in general. &#x1f648;

<h3><em>#Murdertrending</em> gives off <em>Hunger Games</em> vibes</h3>
We have Dee Guerrera, a girl who is supposedly guilty of murdering her stepsister and is sent to Alcatraz 2.0, a prison for those who are convicted of murdering someone. <strong>The entire prison is full of killers, and they never know when they'll be the next person whose murder will be publicized for all to see.</strong> It's <em>Hunger Games</em> without fighting amongst the inmates, or rather capital punishment for the entertainment of millions of people.

(And Death Row Breakfast Club, which is a fitting name for Dee and her friends.)

<h3>I can't tell if I'm disappointed in the last few scenes.</h3>
<em>#Murdertrending</em> gave off that video game vibe sometimes - Press X and get a reagent! - as Dee found herself facing off against the government-sanctioned killers who are in charge of killing the inmates one by one. Fortunately for Dee and the reader's cruel enjoyment, she still has some obstacles in her way.

<h3>To be honest, this felt tied to current politics in the US</h3>
Maybe this is me being very critical and overthinking, but McNeil's latest book felt really relevant to what is currently going on today (added on with the social media snippets). Only this one is more fictionalized and brutal with a lot more death and blood. And heads rolling, among other disturbing things.

<h3><em>#Murdertrending</em> is very plot-driven</h3>
If you're looking for character development, there won't be much of it. McNeil's latest novel is plot-driven to the core, fast-paced and action-packed.

<h3>That ending though...</h3>
I did NOT see that coming - I mean, I <em>should</em> have, but I didn't. McNeil kept me distracted from what was really going on in the story - there is so much going on that I didn't focus on being a step ahead and putting it all together before the story came together on its own.

<h3>This smells of a sequel?!?!?!</h3>
I have no clue if this is true or not (sounds like it is according to various sources and Google searches), but I am all for a sequel if it happens since I am immensely curious about what happens to the characters who survive the first novel. (Do I sound like a horrible person now?)

<h2><em><strong>#Murdertrending</strong></em><strong> is deliciously dark and twisted - it's very plot-driven and action-packed that will keep you turning the pages despite how gross it may make you feel.</strong></h2>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<b><i>I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>I suppose one DNF wasn’t enough and the universe had to be cruel enough for me to DNF two books in a row last year, including <em>The Neverland Wars</em>.

It’s a horrible, horrible curse to have. *sigh* This might have been payback for having a good reading streak. (I swear, I tried my best to suffer through <a href="">27 Hours</a> and this one, but it <em>DID NOT HAPPEN</em>.)
<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Why You Should Skip Past <em>The Neverland Wars</em> and Never Look Back</strong></h2>
<p style="text-align: left;">Granted if you can deal with the things I found annoying, I won’t stop you, but I found so many issues in <em>The Neverland Wars</em> that I just couldn’t continue past the point I actually finished (which was 10% I think…).
Actually, props to you.
<h3><strong>Gwen is so unemotional</strong></h3>
She’s more unemotional than ME! And I’ve been told I’m very cold, but I’m secretly a soft and fuzzy bean who is sensitive and emotional. But Gwen… Gwen is <em>robotic</em> - she doesn’t care about makeup, clothes, school, math, etc. etc. You can’t be that impassive, can you? Or can you.

Honestly, about 5% and onward I wanted to throw a shit pillow at Gwen and ask DO YOU CARE ABOUT ANYTHING. WHAT IS WORTH YOUR TIME.

Also yes, I’m shouting into the void… because it’s what I would do to Gwen probably.
<h3><strong>Weird descriptions</strong></h3>
There is this one paragraph or two about hormones and tiny bugs and while it might be really accurate, I quote Elena: IT’S STRANGE. (You're likely to find this in a book excerpt somewhere.)
<h3><strong>“Gwen found herself wondering if skin-tight jeans and sex on the beach really were supposed to be the height of teenage ambition.”</strong></h3>
Honestly, this whole quote is an entire reason because first of all, teenagers are not all about sex. Second, sex isn’t necessarily done on a beach (and there’s all that sand…). Third, as a teenager, I preferred loose pants that were warm and comfy. Fourth, sex and skin-tight jeans are not the height of teenage ambition. In fact, this is extremely false.
<h3><strong>The amount of repetition</strong></h3>
I get it, Gwen doesn’t care about anything. She has no emotion. She doesn’t like makeup, she doesn’t like school (I think?), she doesn’t like anything! Big whoop. There was a certain point in the book that I started counting exactly how many times in how many ways Gwen was telling us how she didn’t care or how she found it unnecessary, etc. etc.
<h3><strong>Gwen just cared about one thing</strong></h3>
If Gwen ever showed signs of caring about something or someone, it was fantasizing over a crush. (And wait for it… he’s Mr. Most Popular Boy at School. Why am I not surprised?)

I wish I could have enjoyed <em>The Neverland Wars</em>, but that’s not happening. On the bright side, at least all of my reads of 2017 had some pretty covers.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Brazen (Gilded, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
I love <i><a title="Gilded review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener tag">Gilded</a></i> and all (<i>Silvern</i> is my least favorite), but <i>Brazen</i> is either a tie or my favorite of the entire series.

The third and final book in the <i>Gilded</i> series takes off shortly after <i>Silvern</i> when Jae Hwa signs a contract with Kud, Lord of Darkness and Chaos, to leave behind her family and past life in exchange to save Marc's life. Under Kud's control, Jae Hwa finds ways to save Korea and possibly the world from Kud's potential rule.

There is never a dull moment in <i>Brazen</i> – the book is more action-packed and exciting than the first two books combined (those were exciting in and of themselves, but <i>Brazen</i> is so much more). Jae Hwa's seriously kick butt side also appears as Jae Hwa runs against time to find the Black Turtle orb and returning it to the Heavenly Chest before she loses her humanity or Kud finds the orb for himself. With the contract between Kud branded on her arm, Jae Hwa basically has no one on her side – the Guardians want her head on a platter, Marc is cold and indifferent towards her as expected from the Guardians, and Kud holds the constant threat of harming her loved ones on her head.

But even though almost everyone is against her, Jae Hwa is slowly losing her humanity, and Kud seems to be onto her act sometimes, Jae Hwa still manages to evade revealing her true intentions to the lord of Darkness.

Farley also introduces readers to a little bit of Chinese mythology and history on Jae Hwa's search for the final orb, with plenty of life-threatening trials and obstacles that consist of mercury, tombs, and skeletons (plus, drowning). It also promptly demanded me to suggest that Christina pull a Rick Riordan and collide Chinese and Korean mythology together in a spin-off series (I just read the Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicles crossover at the time...). Fangirl me squealed when Christina said she loved the idea. (Now I'm really going to start counting my lucky book stars for that to happen.)

In reality, the idea is partially for a selfish reason and I honestly don't want to be done with the entire series. Even though I had a few bumpy occurrences with the characters a few times in Gilded and <i><a title="Silvern review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener tag">Silvern</a></i>, I've actually grown to like Jae Hwa and company. All of them have grown so much in the three books that it's really hard to let them all go and carry on with their happily fictional lives.

I also envy anyone who hasn't reached the final book yet. &gt;_&lt; (But I wouldn't have been able to "shove" the book in a friend's face if I didn't get introduced to the series.)

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Acanthea Grimscythe (300 KP) rated It in Books

May 16, 2018  
Stephen King | 1986 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.8 (94 Ratings)
Book Rating
As seen first on <a href=""; target="_new"><i>The Ghastly Grimoire</i></a>.

If you're looking for an absolute tome of horror to read, It by Stephen King definitely fits that bill. I still prefer The Stand over this book, though. Wrought with the horrific trials visited upon children in the town of Derry, Maine, readers learn to love and loathe an extremely wide range of characters. While much of this book is entertaining, there are a few things I simply cannot condone.

There's a few scenes in here that are sexually graphic. This isn't uncommon in the horror market, and normally doesn't bother me. Only, I made the mistake of laughing off one of my ex's remarks regarding pre-pubescent intercourse and circle-jerking. I'm throwing that out there, in case it's something my readers wish to steer clear of. Not only that, but... Let's just say I prefer the movie's approach to Bev not being afraid, to the actual... what happened in the book, and we'll leave it at that. I cannot stomach some of the scenes of this book, not because they are terrifying, but because they are downright wrong, disgusting, and rather unnecessary.

That rant aside, this massive tome tells two stories alongside one another: the past and present battles with Pennywise the Dancing Clown mingle and cross between one another and, perhaps because I was listening to the audiobook (a whopping 45 hour track, if we're rounding), this made it difficult for me to keep the two straight. In fact, I had to rewind now and then to make sure I was hearing things properly (i.e. aforementioned rant). I've said it before, and I'll say it again: alternating time periods in this manner between the same characters in a story is maddeningly distracting for me.

King's character depth will always astound me. He makes even the briefest characters of his books memorable, giving them a backstory that is fully developed. There are several times he managed to goad emotions out of me that I didn't want to feel, and I love that. Ben Hanscom is by far my favorite, perhaps because in many ways, we share similar childhoods. Parents that care, the bullies, the blossoming from pre-pubescent torture - though the entire Loser's Club endured this, I feel Hanscom had it worst. Not counting Eddie's run in with Henry. His heartfelt devotion for Bev is mesmerizing, and I can only hope they had their happy-ending.

Which... is heartbreaking, in its own right. While I have no doubt there are many things about the sewers of Derry that would be horrible to live with for the rest of your life, can you imagine forgetting chunks of your life, of your past? It has to be absolutely disorienting, and readers can feel it in the conclusion of Bill and Audra's future. They'll never know the incident that happened, nor will they remember their childhood friends whom they loved.

On a brighter note, Steven Weber, the narrator for several of King's books, puts on a dazzling performance in It. He's easily carried away now and then, and it's nice to have a reader that is truly invested into the material he's recording. Weber earns a spot right next to Amanda Dolan as one of my all-time favorite narrators and this production is amazing.

Reluctantly, I have compromised with myself to give this a mid-grade rating. I am a tough critic, and this is something that has caused disagreements between myself and other readers, but in the end, there are elements of this book I simply cannot accept, no matter whose hand wrote them.

Fun fact: My fear of clowns began when I was eight years old and witnessed Tim Curry's Pennywise. It ended with Bill Skarsgard's.

Debbiereadsbook (1097 KP) rated Found (Breaking Free #4) in Books

Mar 14, 2019 (Updated Mar 14, 2019)  
Found (Breaking Free #4)
Found (Breaking Free #4)
A.M. Arthur | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I freaking love these books!
*verified Amazon purchase Dec 2018*

This is book 4 in the Breaking Free series. personally, I would recommend that you read the other books first, before this one. It will give you a better picture of this world and how things are slowly changing, but still how badly the omegas are treated, and just what a workaholic Isa Higgs is! And they are rather brilliant too.

We met Isa in book one, he is Tarek's boss. And he pops up in all the other books too. He works a lot since the death of his mate two years before, and he is estranged from his 3 beta sons. So being hit with ANOTHER mating bond throws Isa for a loop. Especially since that mate is Liam, a man half his age and already pregnant with another alpha's baby. Liam isn't sure what he is feeling about Isa, but he knows he makes him feel SAFE, and Liam hasn't had that feeling for a very long time. But when Isa brings Liam home, Liam begins to feel the bond. He just isn't sure Isa is! It takes a threat to remove Liam from Isa's home that forces them to admit the bond, and then Isa might have a very difficult choice: his new mated omega and his FOUR sons (assuming the older three will stand by him) or his career.

Oh, these two! I loved these two! Well, I've loved each and every pairing so far, and I have no doubt that next pair will knock Isa and Liam off that top spot, but for now, these two are my favourites! Loved this one!

We met Liam (briefly) in book one, too. He is the omega that Braun sees being kidnapped that causes him to run. He has been held for the fight ring, but not yet fought. Not like the others rescued with him. Being held was bad enough. Liam is not sure what he wants to do about the baby, whether to keep him or not; but at least now he has that CHOICE. He is able to choose what he does. Isa taking him home doesn't help that choice about the baby, but it's very clear the Liam CHOOSES Isa. And once these two actually admit to feeling the bond, that they feel for each other, it's truly beautiful watching them grow towards making Liam feel safe enough and in control of his life enough, to physically mate, and to make Isa secure in Liam's life. He hasn't had much security for a long time, and he needs that to make his choices about the baby.

This one, while carrying the fight ring/kidnapping/Iverson story arcs from the other books, I found far more emotional. Liam is saved with 4 others, and they all suffer in this book (fight ring and physical abuse aside) some devastating losses and news. And bloody hell, I cried for these boys! Because they ARE boys, still really, and they have already been through so much before they get rescued, and they are STILL suffering. Differently, but still.

I loved that Isa's boys came round to Liam and to their father. Loved that they were able to reconcile and make good. Mistakes were made by Isa when his previous mate died, but he forgot the boys lost their omegin too. Loved that Tarius, Isa's 2nd son, was able to finally confide in his dad.

I can't fault these book,s I really can't. But the next three will have to wait for the next payday, and I'm counting the days!

5 full, but very emotional stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Mountain
The Mountain
Howard Curtis, Luca D'Andrea | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really looking forward to this book because I’d seen loads of great reviews for it, unfortunately I did not enjoy this for a number of reasons… let me explain.

I want to start off this review on a positive note. I did initially enjoy this book. It was slow to take off and the accident in the Bletterbach was gone in seconds (when it seemed like such an important part of the plot!) but the mystery of the years old Bletterbach killings did grab my interest quite quickly and I was looking forward to knowing what the hell happened. Unfortunately, that’s where the good things I have to say end.

This book was so ridiculously drawn out and slow, it really couldn’t grab my attention for very long. I would read about 30 pages and then put it down because I was so bored by all the tedious, pointless descriptions and scene that weren’t necessary to progress the plot. Most of this novel was conversations between two people, that 90% of the time ended with no further information or revelations to the mystery. Then, the bits that weren’t people talking were extremely long, often times overly scientifics bit of information that I think were meant to be eye-opening and exciting, but instead they often confused me and were extremely boring to read.

The writing in this one was also a little weird. I always find I have a bit of trouble with translated books – they feel clunky to read – and this one felt just the same. The conversations that were had between people felt forced and unrealistic most of the time and there was no atmosphere whatsoever. When Salinger was down in the Bletterbach before the accident, there was no nail-biting edge of the seat moment, and again, when he was experiencing his panic attacks, these was no tension or feeling of claustrophobia. I was hoping this was going to give me the same creeped out, terrified feelings that The White Road did, but it let me down.

I thought that maybe while I was being put to sleep by the slow moving story, I might enjoy the characters, however I was disappointed by those too. More specifically, by Salinger, our main character. I hated him. I really, really hated him. He didn’t progress as a character after everything he had been through and no matter how many times his wife came to him angry and distraught at what he was doing. Throughout the novel he was just an awful person, always thinking about throwing a punch and being inconsiderate to other people. There really was nothing nice about him. And then the other characters in the story played such small parts that we really didn’t get to know them very well. Even Werner who seemed to play an important part of the story didn’t get much “screen” time.

In the end, I skim read the last 100 pages of this novel! I’m still counting it as a full read because I pushed myself through <b><i>t h r e e h u n d r e d</b></i> tedious pages. The conclusion of the mystery was disappointing to say the least and I’m glad I didn’t attempt to read the rest of the story.

Overall, I really didn’t enjoy this book, apart from maybe the first 50 pages. I wouldn’t recommend this one, I think there are plenty of better similar books out there that you could pick up instead.

<i>Thanks to Bookbridgr and MacLehose Press for providing me a copy in exchange for an honest review. I’m just sorry I didn’t enjoy it!</i>