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The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
Bree Despain | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A couple weeks later and I still do not know how I feel about the book. I hated the writing, but it sucked me in. Nothing interesting happened for the first half of the novel, and yet I could not stop reading. There were so many cliches and cheesy parts, although it held so much potential.

I picked up this book for the beautiful cover. You think I would learn by now. Nothing of interests happens for about the first 150 pages. Most of it is filled with information Despain feels you should know about the world she has placed the story in and the characters who fill. It did not help that for some of the pages I felt like I was being preached at (literally). However, she keeps alluding to secrets, and non too subtly, that surround Daniel and something that happened years ago. After awhile, the not too subtle allusion becoming annoying because they are so glaringly obvious. I kept reading just because I was wanted to see how Daniel and Grace finally came together.

The fantasy and folklore that Despain portrays is interesting, but the way she went about it was kind of...well lame. All the secrets you were reading the novel to find out spill out in a matter pages at two separate times. You learn about the what Daniel really is in only a few paragraphs and what happened years ago in even less. It was so anti-climatic that I almost did not realize it had happened.

I cannot say I like the book, but it was a novel I could not stop reading. More than once I have put a young adult down after not even completing half of it because of how juvenile and ridiculous it is. While this was not a deep and thought provoking novel, I might rent the sequels to see how the rest of it plays out.
Servant: The Acceptance (Servant, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second of the series and much better than the first though I can't bring myself to give it a higher rate. The book is filled with repetitive themes such as Gaby's inner dialogue and thoughts as well as her interaction with Luther.

What I like about this book is the character development that is extended past the last chapter of the <i>Servant: The Awakening</i>. Though Mort barely makes a few appearances in this novel, it is clear that he is a completely different person. We also see Gaby and Luther change in their behavior with each other. Some of the dialogue can get old and predictable, but I still loved the couple and wanted them to get together. Since the beginning, Foster has teased us with the sexual tension between the two but in this novel, she gives a little scene that keeps the weary holding out for when they finally will get together. It's short, it's spicy yet predictable, and it keeps you frustrated.

What I don't like is that there was a sheer drop off of paranormalcy from the first novel. In the first novel, we are given grotesque images of twisted evil beings. <i>The Awakening</i> didn't touch on that. Instead, we get a psychotic woman trying to be a boy, her deranged uncle and aunt who take pleasure in torture people, and men who like to abuse prostitutes. Honestly, I would have kept the twisted beings that morph into monsters only Gaby could see to keep with the theme of the first novel. However, Foster did put a lot more about auras, which I greatly enjoyed. I also loved how she gave another character besides Gaby any form of superhuman abilities.

Again, not a great book and not one to take as a series fantasy novel, but I liked it all the same and I will be reading the next in the series which is also the last.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Indecent/Wicked in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was not expecting this omnibus to be as great as it was. When I requested it, I thought it was just going to be another run of the mill erotic novel. And while there really wasn’t anything special about it, I still love it more than I should.

First, I loved the complication of the characters. They each have their story, their dirty little secrets, and what makes them tick. There was nothing glamorous or fairytale like to this story. It showed the ugly side of the relationships along with the good, which was usually the sex. The erotic scenes were pretty spicy, but nothing fantastic. I was reading it more for the story than the erotic factor.

The first story has to do with Lucky and Colin. Lucky has her own inner demons and a past that has messed with her perception of men. Colin is a psychologist who seem to can’t turn it off when interacting with Lucky who doesn’t want him digging in her brain. It was interesting to see how their relationship developed and how they dealt with each other’s faults.

The second story concerns Lucky’s co-worker and friends Renae and Colin’s best friend Will. Will thinks Renae is a lesbian which is was initially stopped him from chasing her tail. Currently, he is courting someone else, but when Renae makes the first move, Will is certainly not passing up the chance. Will and Renae’s relationship is less complicated than Colin and Lucky’s, but that still doesn’t mean they don’t have their issues to work through.

This novel was so realistic to me in terms of relationships, the troubles that come with them, and how the couple works through them. It was something refreshingly new, especially since, while they didn’t get the happy endings we normal expect from such novels, everything still worked out in the end.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Insylum in Books

Feb 4, 2018  
Z. Rider | 2015 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not to be taken at face value
This is one of those books that if you read it and then let it digest for a while, it becomes much more than it originally appears. Unfortunately, as this is quite a short story, I can’t go into much detail without giving the game away but I would suggest that if you want to get the most out of it, you don’t take it at face value.

The premise of the story is simple, two friends (Nate and AJ) spend their last night together in a “funhouse” before AJ gets shipped off to Afghanistan. The “funhouse” is not what you would find at Blackpool Pleasure Beach; there is no fun involved. From the entrance, Nate and AJ need to discard all their possessions in exchange for a pair of pyjamas and paper shoes and once inside, they are not allowed to go back - they become inmates/patients.

It doesn’t take long for the shenanigans to begin and we are “treated” to some pretty graphic descriptions of what befalls the participants. I’m quite a hardened horror reader but even some of the “treatments” made me squirm. There were a couple of “tutting” moments though as is usual with horror books (and films) whereby the characters do things that you really wouldn't do in real life but, on the whole, it’s pretty good.

I’m not sure that I can say that the main characters of Nate and AJ are particularly likeable as I didn’t feel myself warming to them at all or particularly caring about what happened to them but they are believable and well developed for such a short story.

I have read another book by Z Rider - Suckers: A Horror Novel - which was thoroughly engrossing and, like this book, has more to it than first meets the eye and I would recommend them both to anyone who enjoys this genre.

Thank you to the publisher, Dark Ride Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in return for an honest review.
The Boy Who Killed Grant Parker
Kat Spears | 2016
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Luke Grayson's life turns upside when he's sent to Ashland, Tennessee his senior year of high school to live with his father and stepmother. Luke's mother no longer wants to deal with his trouble-making ways and thinks his father, a Baptist preacher who has never played a role in Luke's life, can help straighten him out. But Luke's reputation comes with him to Ashland, where he stands out as the new kid from the big city. He's too progressive for this rural Tennessee town and rapidly becomes the target of the high school's golden boy, Grant Parker, who singles Luke out and makes his life miserable. But things change quickly after a confrontation between Luke and Grant goes awry and suddenly, overnight, life in Ashland changes dramatically for Luke.

I wanted to like this book, but I just never connected with it, or Luke. Having grown up and lived in small towns, I understand how truly small and exclusive they can be. But this novel just fell flat for me. I was immediately bothered by the fact that Luke's mother shipped him off for his senior year to his extremely rigid (and awful) father, despite the fact that the his greatest transgressions seemed to be a couple of silly (and harmless) pranks at his old school. I never felt any sort of connection to Luke as a character, and truly, at points, I found reading his story a little painful and thought "blah blah blah" at huge sections of text. He's a passive character, without a lot of depth to him. In fact, the only character with any true depth to her was Luke's friend, Delilah and her storyline is the only one that seems to have any heft. But she often gets lost in the shuffle.

Overall this one was just too much eye-rolling (on my part) and a little "too YA" for me. While it should be a nuanced commentary on the perils of high school and small town living, I just wanted it be over.
Rivers of London: Body Work
Rivers of London: Body Work
Ben Aaronovitch, Lee Sullivan, Andrew Cartmel | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great book for urban fantasy lovers
I enjoyed reading this one as it featured a main character who wasn’t your typical anti-hero - which we seem to have a lot lately. I’m glad to see Peter was just your average good guy who’s doing his best to be a policeman until he comes across supernatural things in which his whole life changes.

Peter’s relationship with Nightingale is pretty much a mentor/student one. Nightingale has his own secrets though and a few are revealed but there’s more to him that you think - I hope there’s more information about him in the later books to come. There are other supporting characters; I do like Leslie because she’s got the wit (possible love interest, maybe) and she’s a perfect sidekick to Peter. Molly is another interesting character that I would love to know more about. Again this is the first book in the series so I’m hoping more character development will eventually come forth in later books.

The world building is pretty good and Peter does a good job also explaining how things are in London (I admit I had to google a couple of things as I didn’t know who or what Punch and Judy were) but it gives you information on the city and events that are common there to actually make you feel as if you are following Peter around as he tries to solve the case and becomes an apprentice.

The plot was well done and I liked how the different story arcs come together in the end into one large circle. It may seem confusing at first but once you have everything laid out and you know who is who everything comes to a close and it’s a great closing. It obviously leaves room for more books coming so one can look forward to what is next for Peter.

(The Riot scene though? Holyyyyy sheeeeeee what the……)

It’s a good read, those who are into urban fantasy mysteries will likely like this type of book. Looking forward to book two!
This book has 3 stories in one. I enjoyed them all. The three stories are connected to the previous story in this book. It also mentions Aden and Annie in the last story called "The Dawn of Christmas".

The first story in the book in about Beth Hertzler and somewhat about her aunt Lizzy. The story revels some secrets throughout the book and a romance forms between Beth and Jonah. Will Beth take a chance at second love. Read to find out. You could read the the book called "The Sound of Sleigh Bells" to read about Beth and Jonah and Beth's aunt Lizzy.

The second story is about Mattie and Gideon. Mattie is living in Ohio for some time but something happen to bring her home to Apple Ridge. Her cousin Beth and Lizzy wedding. Though coming home will Mattie learn the truth of Gideon's break in the engagement on Christmas eve. Well they get back together. To find out what happens you can read it or you could read the book called "The Christmas Singing". You can read about Gideon and Mattie and about Lizzy and Beth weddings.

The third story is about Sadie and Levi. Levi is a cousin to Beth and Mattie in someway. Sadie and Levi do not trust the other gender. Though the way they met is somewhat strange that Sadie came and found him laying in the hay-field hurt. Can Sadie and Levi let go of their prejudices and learn to trust each other. You also get to hear about Lizzy and Beth and also about Mattie. There the other couple that is mention that is Aden and Annie. You can read about Aden and Annie story in the book called "The Scent of Cherry Blossoms". If you want to read about Sadie and Levi you can be getting the book called "The Dawn of Christmas".

If you want all three of the stories you can get this book called "Christmas in Apple Ridge".
Mechs vs. Minions
Mechs vs. Minions
2016 | Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Video Game Theme
Very easy to learn (2 more)
Quick to setup
Great in-game items
Only 10 scenarios (3 more)
Hard to obtain in the UK
No expansions (at present)
Very big, so quite hard to store
I had wanted to play this game for a long time, but just couldn't get hold of it in the UK.. luckily I came across it second hand.
The first thing that caught my attention when it arrived was how big the box was... it is massive! This didn't bother me too much, but those who may not have much storage or use Kallax to store their games might find this a bit of a pain..

On opening the box, I was a little deterred by the amount of items that were in there.. it was very daunting, but I persevered and started reading the rules and first scenario that come with it and soon realised there was nothing to worry about.
The rules are really well written (compared to this review) and the tutorial scenario teaches you (and party members) in a quick, fun and easy way. One thing I don't like about a lot of games is the learning curve and sometimes lack of explanation or badly written rules, there is none of that with MvM, they have really thought about teaching this to the player in the easiest way possible.

After finishing the tutorial scenario, I was excited to carry on and work my way through the rest of the game.. at this point i'd like to point out I was doing this solo and was playing for both player 1 and player 2 , the experience was still very enjoyable. I carried on through the game for the next couple of days and enjoyed every minute of it.. I am looking forward to breaking it out with my friends when they're next over.

Definitely a well worth game in my opinion, especially if you are just wanting to play something that isn't too intense and a bit of fun!
Fantasy in Death (In Death, #30)
J.D. Robb | 2010
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Fantasy in Death</i> is an interesting take on the death-by-gaming plot that has previously been done by a couple of fantasy and science fiction authors, most notably in Niven and Barnes' Dream Park series. I doubt that most of Robb's readers will be familiar with the other books, as they're probably coming from the romance world (crossing over from her Nora Roberts titles) instead of the science fiction genre.

What hit me the most, though, was nostalgia for the dot com boom. The portrayal of the hot start-up company with its open, cheerful offices full of tech toys and energy, well-paid employees on fire with ideas and enthusiasm happily burning the midnight oil to work on exciting projects&mdash;I remember those days! Okay, the technology wasn't as advanced as the stuff in the book, but I can relate.

I always enjoy the portrayal of Dallas and Roarke's relationship as a mature partnership. It is a bit clich&ecuted at this point that every case has some aspect that justifies bringing in Roarke as a civilian consultant, but it's part of the formula. The sex is somewhat paint by numbers by now, too, but as prolific as Robb/Roberts is, I'm wondering if she has templates for different series and she has her own <a href="">Stratemeyer Syndicate</a>-type operation going on somewhere. (I've never read anything but the Eve Dallas books, so please take that as the joke it's meant to be!)

I was a little disappointed in the reveal, as I felt that the bad guy was too obvious. I won't say more, as I don't want to give anything away. I'll probably continue reading the series, but I'm past feeling an urgent need to grab them as soon as they come out, and this definitely isn't one of the few series that I could re-read and enjoy.
Strangers in Budapest
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strangers in Budapest by Jessica Keener is a novel that draws the reader in from the very first pages. The story is a young couple, Will and Annie, that have been living in Budapest with their toddler for a year. Will has a plan to bring telecommunications to Hungary but has found it challenging to gain the support of local officials. Annie has found it hard to make a place for herself among people whose temperament she finds very strange.

From the start, there is an air of menace in Strangers in Budapest that seems to permeate every scene, event, and conversation in the novel. After a mysterious fax from their old neighbors in the states that happened to be from Hungary Annie and Will are asked to check on an elderly man staying in secret in their old apartment in Budapest. Will does not want to get involved after meeting this man but Annie feels drawn to help him and so continues to go to his apartment. The man reveals to her that he is hiding in Budapest to track down his son in law who he believes murdered his daughter. Sje was stated to have overdosed but the old man doesn’t believe it. His wife has left him and then passed away, his daughter is murdered or so he believes and his other daughter and friends think he needs to let it go but he just cannot.

He drags Annie into helping him find his son in law and they discover a connection from a mysterious stranger that is all of a sudden everywhere Annie turns. Far away from home in an unfriendly and unforgiving country, far from friends and family and with no support from her husband who wants her to leave this old man alone Annie must decide what to do.

Thank you Algonquin book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I give this book 4.5/5 stars.