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One Taste Too Many
One Taste Too Many
Debra H. Goldstein | 2018 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sarah Blair’s Tasty Debut
Sarah Blair is awakened in the middle of the night by a phone call from her twin sister Emily who exclaims that Bill is dead and the police think Emily is responsible. Sarah isn’t that upset that her ex-husband is dead, but she is surprised that Emily is the chief suspect. But Emily was found with Bill, who had eaten her rhubarb crisp despite the fact that he hated rhubarb and avoid the nuts Emily used because of his allergies. What is really going on? Meanwhile, Sarah gets a shock when Bill’s current girlfriend, Jane, produces a will that claims Jane gets custody of RahRah, the Siamese cat that Sarah has had ever since Bill’s mother died several years ago. Can Sarah prove she should keep RahRah while clearing Emily of murder?

While it doesn’t take much to intrigue me with a culinary cozy, I found Sarah’s status as a cook of convenience to be a great pull for this series. For more serious culinary lovers, Emily works as a line chef and is part of a culinary festival taking place in their town, so all abilities are covered, although the two recipes at the end are definitely on the simple side. The mystery starts strong, with us learning about Bill’s death on the first page. I did find it harder to care about the sub-plot involving RahRah; I think it’s more because I’m not a pet person so I needed more time to warm up to him before I would care. Still, both storylines reach great climaxes, and Sarah manages to figure out all the twists along the way. The characters have some room to grow, but the main cast, including the suspects, are all solid, providing a good base for future growth. Fans of culinary cozies will enjoy this tasty debut.
Billy Boyle
Billy Boyle
James R. Benn | 2007 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Search for the Spy
Summer of 1942 finds Billy Boyle traveling to England to begin working for his distant uncle, Dwight Eisenhower, as a investigator during World War II. Billy had just become a detective for the Boston PD before the war hit American shores, and Billy isn’t sure he is up to the task. However, he has to jump in immediate when he is asked to help find a spy that might impede Operation Jupiter, the plans to invade Norway and drive out the Germans. His investigation is only hampered when a Norwegian official dies under mysterious circumstances. Is Billy now looking for a killer and a spy?

I’ve heard about this series several times over the years, but it was a friend recommending it to me recently that pushed me to finally start the series. I’m glad I did. I’ve always loved World War II, and I already learned something I didn’t know about it thanks to this book. The author has obviously done his research; unfortunately, sometimes that slows down the story. I’m torn on that because I did love the characters, and I loved seeing how everything from this time was impacting them. Most of the characters are fictional, but they feel like they could be real. Billy was especially wonderful, and I hope we see more of several of the characters as the series progresses. While not a cozy, the book does keep the language and violence to a minimum, which I appreciated. I also loved Billy’s restraint with the women he met – I found that very refreshing. The tone mixes some humor with more serious themes for a richer book. Now that I’ve met Billy, I have a long way to go to catch up, and I’m looking forward to the journey.
Cat Conundrum (Crazy Cat Lady Cozy Mysteries)
Cat Conundrum (Crazy Cat Lady Cozy Mysteries)
Mollie Hunt | 2020 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cats, Clues, Multiple suspects, Locked door murders (0 more)
Crazy Cat Lady Lynley Cannon doesn’t go looking for trouble, it just sort of finds her.
A weekend in Washington and a presentation at a cat symposium was all Lynley was looking for. But then, a blood-soaked cat, seemingly the only witness to a mystifying murder, needs a foster mom, and honestly, how could she say no? Okay, so the series of locked room murders had piqued her curiosity, and the local cat lady seemed to be in trouble, and, well, it just wouldn’t be right to head home before doing a little shopping and sightseeing. Right?The wonderful characters that flavor this series are back, with some more really great ones added in for the new location. I would love aunt Cait to make another appearance in future tales. Lovely kitties roam the pages of this book, which in addition to a great story, contains the series signature cat tips in every chapter.Each murder, so completely unrelated from the ones before it just adds to the readers’ interest. This story is the kind of cozy I love to read. The clues are all there if you are paying attention. I was, I swear, but I still had five perfect suspects, two of which turned out to be complete red herrings, and I was totally surprised by the big reveal. Mollie Hunt has surprised me before with her innocuous Cat Cozies. If you enjoy this series, then you will love this latest installment. If you have never read the series, then jump right in. It holds up well as a stand-alone with everything you need to know about Lynley, her friends, and her cat obsession all included.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jul 30, 2021  
Check out this great book trailer for the cozy mystery 70% DARK INTENTIONS by Amber Royer Author on my blog, and enter the giveaway to try to win an autographed copy of the book!

An Idyllic Chocolate Shop. An island with endangered species. And a murder.
Felicity Koerber’s bean to bar chocolate shop on Galveston’s historic Strand is bringing in plenty of customers – in part due to the notoriety of the recent murder of one of her assistants, which she managed to solve. Things seem to be taking a turn for the better. Her new assistant, Mateo, even gets along with Carmen, the shop’s barista turned pastry chef. Felicity thinks she’s learning to cope with change – right up until one of her friends gets engaged. Everyone’s expecting her to ask Logan, her former bodyguard, to be her plus one. But even the thought of asking out someone else still makes her feel disloyal to her late husband’s memory -- so maybe she hasn’t moved on from her husband’s death as much as she thought.

Felicity isn’t planning to contact Logan any time soon. Only, Felicity finds ANOTHER body right outside her shop – making it two murders at Greetings and Felicitations in as many months. That night, Mateo disappears, leaving Felicity to take care of his pet octopus. The police believe that Mateo committed the murder, but Felicity is convinced that, despite the mounting evidence, something more is going on, and Mateo may actually be in trouble.

When Logan assumes that he’s going to help Felicity investigate, she realizes she’s going to have to spend time with him – whether she’s ready to really talk to him or not. Can Felicity find out what happened to Mateo, unmask a killer, and throw an engagement party all at the same time?

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Feb 12, 2021  
Check out this awesome playlist (and the sweet inspiration for it) for the cozy mystery GRAND OPENINGS CAN BE MURDER by Amber Royer Author on my blog. Come view the book trailer, and enter the giveaway to win a signed copy of the book as well as a $25 gift card to Dandelion Chocolate!

Felicity Koerber has had a rough year. She's moving back to Galveston Island and opening a bean to bar chocolate factory, fulfilling a dream she and her late husband, Kevin, had shared. Craft chocolate means a chance to travel the world, meeting with farmers and bringing back beans she can turn into little blocks of happiness, right close to home and family. She thinks trouble has walked into her carefully re-built world when puddle-jump pilot Logan Hanlon shows up at her grand opening to order custom chocolates. Then one of her employees drops dead at the party, and Felicity's one-who-got-away ex-boyfriend - who's now a cop - thinks Felicity is a suspect.

As the murder victim's life becomes more and more of a mystery, Felicity realizes that if she's going to clear her name in time to save her business, she might need Logan's help. Though she's not sure if she's ready to let anyone into her life - even if it is to protect her from being the killer's next victim. For Felicity, Galveston is all about history, and a love-hate relationship with the ocean, which keeps threatening to deliver another hurricane - right into the middle of her investigation. Can she figure it out before all the clues get washed away? FIRST IN A NEW SERIES!
Death by Equine
Death by Equine
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tragic Accident or Murder?
Veterinarian Jessie Cameron has agreed to fill in for her mentor, Doc Lewis, at Riverview Racetrack so Doc can take a much-deserved two-week vacation. However, the night before Doc is supposed to leave, he is killed by one of the horses at the track. Jessie’s work at the track makes her begin to question the supposed accident that killed Doc. Could there be more to it than the police are seeing? The more Jessie investigates, the more she begins to see her mentor in a different light. Did she really know the man? What secret she is uncovering led to his death?

I always love it when an author manages to come up with an unusual murder weapon, and that’s exactly what author Annette Dashofy has done for this stand alone. I may have been impatient, but I felt the book was a bit slow at the beginning, but it wasn’t long before I was caught up in the story and all Jessie was learning. The climax was wonderfully suspenseful. I did struggle with how little the police believed Jessie, which is funny since it is part of so many other books I read. The characters are wonderful. They are fully realized and help draw us into the story, confusing us on what exactly is going on until Jessie figures it out. Like Annette Dashofy’s other books, this one has a smattering of foul language and a tad more violence than in the cozies I normally read. These are cozy adjacent or traditional, and I’m sure if you enjoy cozies you’ll enjoy these, too. If you’ve wanted to try Annette’s books, this is a great place to jump in. If you are already a fan, you’ll enjoy this one as well.
A Whisker of a Doubt
A Whisker of a Doubt
Cate Conte | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fights over Feral Cats Lead to Murder at Christmas
Maddie James and her friend Katrina have learned about a colony of feral cats near one of the richest neighborhoods on Daybreak Island, so they are working to take care of it. However, the neighbors are resistant to their efforts, going out of their way to be a pain. Just a couple of days before Christmas, Maddie finds the body of one of them, Virgil Proust, outside his house. Virgil and his wife were some of the loudest people fighting against the cats and Maddie’s efforts to feed them. When the police focus on Katrina as their prime suspect, Maddie knows it is up to her to find the truth. Can she do it?

I’ve been waiting impatiently for this book due to the cliffhanger the previous book left us with. I was thrilled to get back to Maddie and find out what happened there. Even if you haven’t read the books that came before this one, you’ll still be able to jump in here and follow along. I will say that Maddie’s attitude in this sub-plot bothered me a bit at times, although I always understood where she was coming from. The main mystery is good with a few nice surprises on our way to the solution. The suspects could have been stronger, and I struggled at times to remember all of their relationships, but I was still invested in the story. The regular characters are strong and charming, as are the cats at the cat café where Maddie works. The Christmas setting adds an extra level of cozy. Fans new and old will enjoy this festive entry in the series.
Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries
Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries
Tonya Kappes | 2018 | Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Campground Isn’t the Only Thing That Needed Fixing
Mae West’s life has turned upside down. Unbeknownst to her, her husband Paul was running a Ponzi scheme. When the dust from the FBI raid settles, Mae is left with no money, no home, and no friends. All she has is an RV and a campground in Kentucky. She heads there, hoping to figure out what she wants to do next with her life while she sells the place. However, when she arrives, she finds the place has been neglected and needs a lot of work. Then Paul escapes from prison and turns up dead in the campground’s lake. With Mae a logical prime suspect, she begins to work to clear her name. Can she do it?

I grew up camping, and I wanted to love this series set at a campground. Unfortunately, the flaws were just too many. The plot was good, including a logical killer and motive. However, there is a major plot hole in the final quarter of the book – one big enough to drive an RV through. Then there’s the law enforcement character who is supposed to be FBI but acts more like the local sheriff. The characters are pushing the edges of quirky, but they definitely grew on me. There are multiple issues with the grammar, something I am usually able to ignore pretty well, but here they were pretty bad. I think most of the flaws could have been fixed with a good, solid edit, but instead the book feels like it was rushed out. It is a quick read, and includes three delicious recipes and some household tips at the end. I really wanted to like this book, but unfortunately, I will have to keep driving until I find a better campground cozy series.
Have Yourself a Beary Little Murder
Have Yourself a Beary Little Murder
Meg Macy | 2019 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Killed Santa Bear?
This December is proving to be especially busy for Sasha Silverman. Not only are there the usual activities in town, but the Silver Bear Shop and Factory has won a prize with their design for a Beary Potter bear, and they are rushing to meet demand in time for Christmas. So, the last thing that Sasha needs is to get involved in a murder, but that’s just what happens. The highlight of the annual Christmas parade is Santa Bear, and once again this year, the town’s mayor, Cal Bloom, is playing the part. However, with the parade start time drawing near, no one can find him. Sasha and her mother start searching only to find him dead on a bench in his costume. It appears his death wasn’t natural, so what happened to him? How did he get to the park bench?

The book wastes little time in killing off Mayor Bloom, and we get some good clues and suspects along the way to the logical climax. Sasha and her immediate family are strong characters, and it was great to spend time with them again. The suspects are also good characters. Unfortunately, the rest of the characters are hard to keep straight, but that doesn’t impact following the plot, so it didn’t bother me too much. Despite the cute and cuddly nature of Teddy Bears, this series has always had a bit more bite to it for a cozy, and this book is no exception. However, the Christmas setting adds a festival feel to the book, and I really enjoyed that addition. Heck, I wanted to join the company employee Christmas party – it sounded delightful. And I was drooling over some of the goodies they were eating. If you are ready to get in the Christmas spirit a little early, this is the book for you.
    PetHotel PREMIUM

    PetHotel PREMIUM

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    The animals are coming! When pet owners go on holidays or on business trips, they certainly don’t...