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    Fraction Calculator Plus

    Fraction Calculator Plus

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The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
Avengers Assembled is a film filled with amazing performances, great special effects and fantastic direction from long-time comic-book fan, Joss Whedon. He manages to craft a great film and considering the size of the cast, that’s no easy feat.

It lets itself down throughout the finale in which the audience is subjected to a Transformers-style alien invasion across New York City that could have been lifted straight out of any Michael Bay-directed flick. A great end to Phase One of the MCU, but not the classic everyone remembers it being.

Mothergamer (1549 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Monster Hunter World in Video Games

Feb 24, 2018  
Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter World
2018 | Action/Adventure
Areas are beautiful, exciting monster battles, great gameplay (0 more)
Fun Adventure With Friends
The game is so much fun to play. It's more fun playing with friends and working as a team to take down monsters. The different areas are beautiful and fun to explore. Gathering resources is pretty straightforward and you can craft items and armor. While the gameplay doesn't hold your hand every step of the way, it is very well done. There's always something to do and it's great doing it all with friends and other players.
Full Mother Gamer review here: