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The Dead Zone (1983)
The Dead Zone (1983)
1983 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
David Cronenberg tackles Stephen King
After a nearly fatal car crash which send him into a coma for 5 years, former teacher Christopher Walken must try and rebuild his life while dealing with the discovery of his new "power" to see into the someone's future just by touching their hand.

His assists several townspeople before running into power-hungry politician Martin Sheen.

Early film from director David Cronenberg still holds up as a decent thriller. The "visions" are interesting as always people are not what they seem on the surface. Intriguing developments keep you entertained the entire time as you watch to see how things play out.

You are definitely hoping certain characters get what's coming to them.

CBorden (67 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 1, 2018  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
It is what it is - fantasy action
Its no award winning movie, but for entertainment sake, if you love fantasy, and you love action, this movie is it! It takes both genres and bends them into each other. As a fantasy author, I LOVED the creativity shown in this movie, in the cultural inclusion/seclusion, the political nuances, and the crash of fantasy into a modern world that mirrors our own. There is a lot to be said about the parallels that can be drawn from this fantasy movie to current states of affairs in our world today. Sit back and enjoy, folks!
Doom Asylum (1987)
Doom Asylum (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Horror
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The gore (0 more)
The acting & script (0 more)
Watching this may send you mad
This horror spoof tells the story of a couple who get into a car crash. She dies and he is presumed dead and sent to the local asylum (not a hospital for some reason!) for autopsy which he wakes up during and kills the 2 coroners. 10 years later the daughter of the woman who died in the crash and her friends visit the now abandoned asylum to see if the legend about a psychotic killer dressed as a coroner - the man from the crash. Whilst at the asylum they run into a weird all female punk band and they are all picked off one at time by the coroner...the gore is actually really good including a particularly nasty drill to the head and a toe snipping scene. The acting is awful as is the script but it's difficult to tell if that's by design as this is a send up of the slasher genre. Worth a watch for the gore but don't expect too much!!!
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
1981 | Documentary, History, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Dirty and loud, this film put a face to the music that represented the ultimate freedom from the suburbs. Pre-YouTube, footage of these bands was super hard to come by. There were only a couple videotapes floating around… and once in a while, you could see something truly outré on “120 Minutes”… but in truth, if you weren’t in LA/NY/DC, you missed out on most of the scene. Like water to the desert, Penelope Spheeris’s film brought the culture into our lives. And shortly thereafter, I had myself a hideous painted leather jacket — just like Darby Crash."


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Before the Fall in Books

Jan 30, 2018 (Updated Jan 30, 2018)  
Before the Fall
Before the Fall
Noah Hawley | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
An unexpectedly good read
There is a lot more to this book than it simply being the plane crash suspense thriller the description makes it out to be. Noah Hawley writes for tv, and reading Before the Fall you can really see this coming across - this would make a great tv show and much better than any other similar shows (Lost anyone?).

This is a simple premise - a plane crash with only 2 survivors - but it’s very well written and works brilliantly. It switches between the viewpoint of the survivors and the deceased prior to the crash, and this is a really good dynamic. The characters are all interesting and developed as well as they can be, all with their own flaws. There’s a lot more to this than just a basic thriller, and it delves into coincidence, the crash investigation and the media intrusion with such detail that all of this paired with the character stories really got me hooked.

My only criticism of this book would be the ending. Hundreds of pages build up to this massive ending but it winds up just being a bit of an anticlimax. It’s not a bad ending, not in the slightest, it just feels a little lacking and that it could’ve been so much more.

Despite that, this is still a fantastic and very well written book. Definitely the best I’ve read so far of Noah Hawley’s.
Caro’s neighbor, Kitty, is a publicist to the stars, but her cats are also becoming clients. You see, Kitty’s cats are artists, and Caro is spending her evening at a showing for some of their paintings along with other animal artists. The evening ends in tragedy, however, when Kitty dies in a car crash. Except the crash isn’t what killed her. Caro doesn’t want to get dragged into another mystery, but when she does, can she find the truth?

This book is a ton of fun. We get some absurd situations and delightfully funny characters as we go along. The plot could be a little stronger, but I was having so much fun, I didn’t care too much. We do get some good twists and suspects before reaching the end.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated One Eye Open in Books

Jul 12, 2020  
One Eye Open
One Eye Open
Paul Finch | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have made it no secret that I am a fan of Paul Finch ... how could you not be with characters from his previous books like DS Mark "Heck" Heckenburg and PC Lucy Clayborn? Well here we have another memorable character ... DS Lynda Hagan.

This is a stand-alone book which follows the investigation into a seemingly straight forward car crash involving an ex-Formula 1 driver (Wade) and his wife Harriet (Harri) but it is anything but and we are soon taken on a non-stop ride full of action, suspense and intrigue involving gangs, grasses/snitches and one relentless and determined copper.

Told from Lynda's perspective in the present and Wade's timeline from the weeks leading up to the crash, with a great plot and a break-neck pace with twists and breath-holding moments, this is a great crime thriller. I wonder if there are going to more books featuring DS Hagan, I would quite like to get to know her a bit more because I think we only scratched the surface in this and I think there is more to her than meets the eye! If so, I will be the first in the queue.

Thank you to Orion Publishing Group via NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Lou Grande (148 KP) rated Rape Van in Books

Jun 9, 2018  
Rape Van
Rape Van
Tim Miller | 2016 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's what you think
Contains spoilers, click to show
THE VAN (RAPE VAN? I'm unsure what the title of this book officially is) is about a group of idiots who get into a car crash, get picked up by a group of serial killers, who get picked up by another group of serial killers. Even the book points out how ridiculous this premise is, so I'm inclined to give it a pass. Miller has a solid, no-frills kind of style that appeals to me, and he's never short on the gore. Of the extreme horror authors that are swarming Amazon, he's probably my favorite because he's the least pretentious (Matt Shaw, looking at you) and unflinching.

THE VAN is a quick read--a bit of junk food for your brain. You probably won't remember it a few days after you read it. One thing I wish authors would stop doing is letting the bad guy win and acting like the audience should be shocked. Some authors can pull that off as social commentary or whatever, but if you're churning these out month after month on Amazon, you probably can't. There's nothing wrong with writing something just for entertainment. Not everything needs to have a message.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled in Video Games

Jul 9, 2019  
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
2019 | Racing
Rev Your Engines
Rev up your engines as your favorite gaming Marsupial is back with Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled. The game is a remastered version of a prior release and like the amazing N Sane Trilogy; gives a new life to the game by taking advantage of the better graphics and framerates offered by the new systems.

Playing in a campaign or online mode, players can pick which character they wish to use and unlike the previous release; are not locked into completing a series with that character as they can change up as they wish.

Players must win a track in order to move on to the next track which is accessed by driving a portal located on an island which also serves as a practice area and a way to access Boss Races and other areas when key objectives have been reached.

The tracks are very detailed and great fun. From an intense sewer track to some exotic locales and temples; there are plenty of locales for everyone to enjoy.

If you have played a racing game before you will soon get the hang of the controls and mechanics of the game. Of course there are plenty of traps and obstacles for players to deal with and there are power ups with weapons and other enhancements to give player an edge which will be needed as the competition is intense; even on the lower difficulty settings.
There are also crates of fruit which can be collected and will allow players to customize their vehicles beyond cosmetic changes which will be needed as player’s progress.
The multiplayer aspects of the game were great as it was very easy to connect and play and aside from some loading screen waits, the game moves fast and looks and sounds amazing.

If you are a fan of Crash Bandicoot and love a good racing game then this is simply a must own as it is not only fun to play; but is one of the most entertaining and enjoyable games in
the genre.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Blame in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imagine, several years of your life just vanish as a result of an accident, but all you know is that the person you were with was killed and everyone blames you. This is situation Jeff Abbott tackles in Blame, an engaging thriller with an ending I didn’t expect.

Jane Norton is hiding something, and although we vaguely know pretty early on what has happened to her, she is an amnesiac and not portrayed in the best light. Why was she in the car with David, the boy who died? Who wrote the note they found at the scene of the car crash, which appeared to be written in Jane’s handwriting stating “I wish we were dead together”?

The slow start of the story reflects her altered perception of things in a way which explores how she came to be in the state she is, piecing together what happened, in her own disorientated way. I felt sorry for her, yet slightly annoyed at her behaviour. Yes, she is flawed, but she is also scared and frustrated. Does she deserve the treatment some throw at her? Would you be able to forgive her if you knew the truth? As the story progressed I found I was beginning to revel in Jane’s take no sh^t attitude and she grew on me even more.

I took a while to get into this, but glad I stuck it out. That’s never a good expression to put into a review, but it is how I felt. Despite this, the plot did indeed gather speed and there were twists and turns galore, which raced to a final conclusion that made reading this book all worthwhile.