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Orphan (2009)
Orphan (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
In the years since it's release, Orphan has earned it's spot as a genre favourite. It's a tense and unsettling drama, with fantastic performances from its cast. Isabelle Fuhrman is a pitch perfect creepy-horror-movie-child and gives us a more than memorable villain. Esther is manipulative, dangerous, and mysterious in equal measure, and Fuhrman cements all of those things, no problem. This is complimented by the delightfully unhinged turn by Vera Farmiga. She has become a bit of a darling in the horror genre and Orphan was one of the film's that propelled that. Her character is troubled and erratic, suspicious of Esther, and someone who we as the audience root for until the very end.
The relatively long runtime, and slow burning first half never gets boring, and the mystery surrounding Esther ticks along nicely, until we're hit with one hell of a batshit twist. It's definitely a payoff that hits its mark. The last 30 minutes are pedal to the floor craziness as everything descends into chaos. It's a satisfying finale to its long build up.
Orphan is a well loved film that deserves that status, and one that is fun to go back to, even knowing the outcome.
Terminal Alliance
Terminal Alliance
Jim C. Hines | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
wit (1 more)
Creative Aliens
pronoun confusion (1 more)
ends too soon
After the humans became ravaged from a plague that reverted all human life to cannibalistic savages, the benevolent Krakau cured them, as best they could. No longer savages their presence is barely tolerated and seen as boogey men by other sentient species.
The crew of the EMCS Pufferfish suddenly revert back to this crazed feral state killing their command Krakau crew. the only ones not affected are Marion "Mops" Adamopoulos and her team of Hygiene and Sanitation specialists. Completely in over their heads this ragtag crew have to figure out how to fly the ship, what kind of bioweapon was used, who used it, and what they have to do to clean up someone else's mess. Their world will never be the same.
Jim C. Hines does a wonderful job of bringing this futuristic world to life. His wit and humor elevate the craziness of the situation wanting more and more. The alien species are spectacular in their creativity. Although, I would have liked to know that some of the alien species used certain pronouns earlier in the book. The Glacidae species are referred to in the plural Them/they. I took me forever to realize Grom was one "person". Just wait until you meet a Tjikko, talk about a confusion of pronouns. An extremely fun, quick, and action packed read.
Madam Tulip and the Serpent's Tree (Madam Tulip #4)
Madam Tulip and the Serpent's Tree (Madam Tulip #4)
David Ahern | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to be honest, I miss these characters, they are so theatrical, pompous, but at the same time so realistic and cute. The protagonist of this story is Derry, and the book is told from her perspective. Derry has this “luck” to get herself into craziest situations, involving rich and famous, she knows most of their secrets, and always gets into trouble. I like Derry and her crazy parents, and I enjoy their craziness in every book, including this one.

I was very impressed with the plot of this book, it is funny and entertaining, but at the same time more serious and solid. I liked the way the author unravelled this mystery, it was interesting to read about the music band’s lifestyle, mysterious shaman, and plenty of interesting history of Dublin. The narrative starts quite slow, but it has enough action and intense moments as well. Even though this book is a part of the series, it can be easily read as a stand-alone.

I liked the setting of this novel, the author describes Dublin and surrounding areas very picturesquely and I really liked that. I enjoy David Ahern’s writing style, I think he improves with every single book. The chapters are quite short, so the book didn’t drag for me. I loved the ending of this book, I think it rounded this book really well.
Catching Fire
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (179 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just when you think that this craziness couldn't get any crazier, it does just that. First of all, it's hard to imagine that there would be a competition where children have to fight to the death. I hope that our really never comes to something like that.
Katniss and Peeta are the first TWO to ever win the Hunger Games. Now, it's time for them to tour the districts as victors. Everyone is eager to see the "girl on fire" and her love that she saved. The couple brings hope to the people of Panem. Shortly after their visit to a few district, uprisings begin. This is something that the capital is not all too happy to hear about. So they take some drastic measures to reel their people in and try to regain control. No one would believe what is going to happen next.

The thing about this and the first novel that really gets you, is that these are only children. Katniss and Peeta are both only 17 years old, and yet they have so much responsibility on their shoulders already. I know I for one, would not have survived a Hunger Games, let alone been able to save my district mate as well.

This is one book, that you will be eager to finish it and then when you finish it, you are going to want to rush out and get Mockingjay, to find out how all of this ends!!
The Golden Boy Returns
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest (and not necessarily positive) review.

Having read the novella which precedes this book, I was definitely excited to jump into this one with both feet. I love this series, with all its characters and twists and turns, and this one did not disappoint. While it focuses around a character who's not in the "main group" normally described in this series, everyone is still involved, and you get more insight into the craziness that is Boston, as well as a crash course in politics and all it entails.

I had just binged the 4th season of "House of Cards" right before I started reading this book, so I was in the perfect mindset for all the politicking involved. I love seeing all the backhanded deals, the wink-and-nudge promises, and the like in HoC, and this story is a great companion. I was pulled in right away, and it didn't let up until I read the final line. Especially considering how crazy the candidates and campaigns have been for this upcoming election, this is a perfect book to show that we've really only scratched the surface of just how insane and ruthless it actually is.

Recommended for everyone who likes politics, even as a passing fancy, and for everyone else, it's still an amazing book to further this series.

5 stars =)
Codename Villanelle (Killing Eve #1)
Codename Villanelle (Killing Eve #1)
Luke Jennings | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Whilst binge-watching the BBC’s excellent Killing Eve I kept promising myself that I would hunt down a copy of the source material to learn more about the fascinating female protagonists.

It was certainly intriguing to hear the inner workings of Eve’s & Villanelle’s minds and to discover more about their backstory. I particularly enjoyed learning how Villanelle was moulded into the cold-bloodedly efficient assassin that fans of the show have come to love and fear.

“Black, white and red. Darkness, snow and blood. Perhaps it takes as Russian to understand the world in those terms.”

The novel is well written and clips along nicely. There are some well-executed (pun intended) set pieces in exotic or glamourous locations, it easy to see why it was targeted for adaptation. I’m glad that they resisted the temptation to give it the big screen treatment, turning it into what would probably been a beautifully shot but ultimately forgettable ‘sexy spy’ film.

It was an inspired decision to inject humour into the TV show; Phoebe Waller-Bridge brought this book to life in a darkly, deliciously, delightful way. Because of that I was a little disappointed with the book itself. Eve’s kookiness and Villanelle’s bat-s**t craziness are absent and sorely missed by anyone who has seen the series. It is still a good read but Waller-Bridge has shown us what the characters are truly capable of.
Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians
Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fanciful and Funny Finale. Finally.
This book opens right where the previous one ended. That means Alcatraz is dressed in a tux tied to an altar of outdated encyclopedias in the Highbrary having just experienced two horrific personal losses. That’s when Bastille finally wakes up from her coma and comes rushing in to try to save the day. But with the leader of the librarians on his way to enact his evil plan half way around the world, can anyone stop him? Especially since Alcatraz doesn’t seem to have it in him to fight any more.

I am so glad this middle grade fantasy book finally came out so we could have a proper conclusion to the series. If you are new, don’t jump in here but start at the beginning so you won’t be confused, but those who are fans will be properly rewarded. We have all the same action, humor, and craziness we’ve come to expect. This book does deal with the dark ending of the previous book, and I appreciated how it did that, including the growth it gave us in Alcatraz and Bastille. The rest of the characters are entertaining. And I mentioned the action right? There were so many twists and so much danger I had a hard time putting the book down. I definitely feel like the wait to find out what happened was worth it.

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Saints Row IV: Re-Elected in Video Games

Jul 9, 2018  
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
2015 | Action/Adventure
Fun gameplay (2 more)
Very funny moments
So many references
Repetitive (1 more)
Some of the challenges are annoying
Purely fun....superpowers galore!!!
So I have just completed this game and I found it to be a ton of fun.

I mean, come on, you get superpowers. How can it not be fun. I do feel however that these have made it so cars are pretty much obselete. What's the point if you can super sprint or jump over tall buildings?

The map is descent sized and there are many things you can do but these get too repetitive after a while. Personally its the story and side missions especially where it excels.

It feels like they make fun of themselves and video games in general. You get a ton of references especially from the matrix and a mission where they are solely making fun of things like call of duty and metal gear solid. They are not subtle and I feel they have finally found their stride.

They have embraced cheesiness and craziness.....dildo bat anyone? A dubstep gun that makes everyone dance to death? Go on then

Don't go into this expecting a serious game. The customisation can go as crazy as you want, it pulls no punches. The dlc packs include are insane and I have big expectations for the future.

It's not the greatest game I've ever played by far but it's so much fun to just kick back and switch your mind off for a few hours.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Climax (2018) in Movies

Jun 28, 2019  
Climax (2018)
Climax (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Musical
Unique Disturbing Pointless? Vulgar Colorful Jarring Unforgettable
If I could just get my hands on a list of movies that all the reviews were either 1&2 or 9&10 those would be the kind of movies I would spend the rest of my life watching. Filmmaker Gasper Noe is no stranger to controversy and making one-of-a-kind cinematic experiences and Climax is no exception. Certainly not a family or date film, but it is one I am convinced you will either love or hate and certainly never forget.

The story is simple. Dancers rehearse and choreograph an elaborate dance number routine at a remote location only to discover someone has poisoned their celebration punch with LSD.

Accusations start flying as to the perpetrator, but slowly things deteriorate. The various dance ensemble members start exhibiting the effects in many ways including violence, euphoria and sexual desire. The members are left to fend for themselves when hallucinatory madness grips the entire gang.

The use of color along with long uncut camera movements and takes draw you into this film immediately. The nonstop pumping dance score keeps you shaking in your seats even when you are witnessing the craziness displayed on screen.

Recent breakout star Sofia Boutella shins brightest as the camera follows her throughout the 2nd half of the film specifically detailing her interactions with others and her slow descent into mental anguish.

If you are open to a new type of film experience, try it and let me know what you think.


Merissa (11734 KP) rated Riding The Edge (KTS #1) in Books

Mar 15, 2021 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
Riding The Edge (KTS #1)
Riding The Edge (KTS #1)
Elise Faber | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
RIDING THE EDGE is the first book in the KTS series, and we start off with one helluva story! Dan and Ava had a 'moment' two years ago. Okay, the moment lasted for a week, but nothing since then as Ava firmly pulled up the drawbridge and made sure Dan couldn't climb her walls. Unfortunately for her, Dan is as stubborn as they come, and plays a long game, as he continues to worship her from afar. Add into that betrayal, families gone wrong, action, and all other sorts of craziness, and you've got a story to keep you enticed!

I love how Elise Faber writes. Her style is smooth and will keep you on the edge of your seat in all the right places. This is a slow-burn romance as it simply wouldn't work in the circumstances for anything else. And I loved that. I loved how she played it out, keeping them - and me - wondering what would happen next.

Although this is classed as book one, I do feel like I need Laila and Ryker's story, plus what's the down-low on Daniel? Honestly, I need more! And that, my friends, is the sign of a brilliant author and a greedy reader.

The last chapter leads you nicely onto the next book, which I cannot wait to read. If you like slow-burn romance with plenty of sass, then I can absolutely recommend this book, and I'm sure the whole series!

* Verified purchase from on 9th March 2021. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 15, 2021