Gardening Vertically: 24 Ideas for Creating Your Own Green Walls
Noemie Vilard and Patrick Blanc
"She's done it! She's written this book that invites us all to look upward and admire the plants...

Life Unstyled: How to Embrace Imperfection and Create a Home You Love
We are bombarded by perfect interiors, images that aren't attainable because they have been...
Practical Sigil Magic: Creating Personal Symbols for Success
"Practical Sigil Magic", by Frater U...D..., Europe's best-known ceremonial magician and...

The Knitted Home: Creative and Contemporary Projects for Interiors
This book is for people who enjoy knitting and exploring the different patterns and textures that...

Asian Flavours: Creating Architecture for Culinary Culture
Ceremonies, rituals und traditions - as well as the fascinating combinations of flavours and...

Crafting Tilda's Friends: 30 Unique and Adorable Sewing Creations
Create classic characters in wonderful Tilda style with this gathering of favourite friends. Garden...

Easy Elegance: Creating a Relaxed, Comfortable, and Stylish Home
The essence of Easy Elegance is a relaxed, comfortable, and stylish home. In Easy Elegance, Atlanta...

Artful Rainwater Design: Creative Ways to Manage Stormwater
Stuart Echols and Eliza Pennypacker
This is the go-to resource for designers creating new stormwater systems that are exciting,...

Communication Design: Insights from the Creative Industries
The success of a piece of communication has always been dependent on the connection between content,...

Processes of Creating Space: An Architectural Design Workbook
Georg Rafailidis and Stephanie Davidson
Processes of Creating Space is a workbook for beginning designers that shows how to generate space...