From David Chang, currently the hottest chef in the culinary world, comes this his first book,...

Blake Anderson recommended Blood Visions by Jay Reatard in Music (curated)

Get Started in Stand Up Comedy
LEARN HOW TO WRITE AND PERFORM STAND UP COMEDY. A new edition of Be A Great Stand-Up, now fully...

Pro Chords - Instant Inspiration - w. WiFi MIDI
Music and Utilities
Vince Clarke from Erasure tweets about ProChords: "Intend to make liberal use of it, in all future...

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Toma (The Dark Shadows #2) in Books
Dec 12, 2017
I loved this book just as much as I loved the first one. Toma is exactly as I envisioned him to be and so much more. Thanks to the author's creative writing style you are able to feel every single emotion that Anika and Toma experience. I even found myself calling Toma not so many nice names because though he is trying to do the right thing at times he also is being a jerk. Be forewarned that once you start reading this book you won't want to put it down and I say this because I stayed up late to finish.
I cannot wait to read the next installment.

Hand Lettering: Creative Alphabets for Any Occasion
Everything you need to know to create your own bespoke lettering, this is the one book you need to...
art leisure

Masterclass: Get Your Book Published: Teach Yourself: Discover How to Find a Great Publisher for Your Book
LEARN HOW TO FIND A PUBLISHER AND GET YOUR BOOK PUBLISHED. Do you have a completed manuscript ready...
Staging Modernist Lives: H.D., Mina Loy, Nancy Cunard, Three Plays and Criticism
Three modernist women, H.D. (Hilda Doolittle, 1886-1961), Mina Loy (1882-1966), and Nancy Cunard...

Untitled - Screenwriting Notebook
Untitled instantly turns your notes into a fully formatted screenplay. Not a screenwriter? Not a...

The Art Activity Book for Relational Work: 100 Illustrated Therapeutic Worksheets to Use with Individuals, Couples and Families
Explore and promote positive relationships with these 100 ready-to-use illustrated worksheets and...