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Christine A. (965 KP) rated Crossings in Books
Jul 31, 2020
I loved reading "choose your own adventure" books. Everyone started reading at the same place, but you could decide how the story played out. You could spend hours rereading without taking the same path twice. In Crossings by Alex Landragin, there are two paths to choose from, the linear path or what is referred to as the Baroness sequence. I followed the Baroness sequence and was in for quite an adventure.
Crossings is the first novel I read that can be read in two ways. It can be read straight through which contains a collection of loosely connected stories. You can choose to follow the Baroness sequence and follow an alternative page sequence that cleverly reworks the stories into a single novel.
I was going to read Crossings both directions it can be read but decided to wait a few months to read the linear version. The concept of writing the novel is imaginative and creative, and I added a star because of how well it works.
The e-book links to the next section in the sequence were not always accurate. If that occurs in the final draft, go to the "note to reader" and click the links from there.
This 200-word review was published on Philomathinphila.com on 7/30/20.

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Hourglass (Hourglass, #1) in Books
Apr 27, 2018
Time travel has been done poorly so many times, but Hourglass was fantastic. It was original and creative, and it met every requirement for a perfect book: it had tension, awesome characters, a well thought out and multi-layered plot, and good writing.
There was tension in every sentence of ever paragraph of every chapter. It was nearly impossible to put down. I completely lost track of time while I read it. (haha, lost track of…get it?…. it's a time travel book…never mind.) I was forced to put it down to do things like work and chores and food, but except for things like that, it kept me reading, and there were no empty scenes.
The characters were amazing. Can I just say that I want to marry Michael right now? omigoodness. He's going on my list. Any author who can write a character like that is going on my favorites list right now. Emerson is strong-willed, kick-ass, and has to remind herself that she's short because her personality is the opposite. She was the perfect heroine because she was real and fragile and head over heels in love with someone she wasn't supposed to love. Michael was the brave proud chivalrous attractive protagonist who has a major hero complex, and of course is trying not to be in love with Em (and failing miserably). Both of them together had humorous conversations and explosive chemistry. (like, things short circuit when they touch, and light bulbs break when they kiss.)
The plot kept me guessing all the way to the end, and the last quarter of the book threw so many twists and turns at me that I found myself thinking, "Ok wait, what? are you serious?" But it wasn't overdone, there was no overkill, and it worked perfectly in the end. (I'll keep it spoiler free, but I'll just say don't worry, it does work out. Don't get mad and throw the book against the wall like I did.)
And of course, the writing. I find that many young adult novels have mediocre writing. McEntire is a good writer in the sense that she can keep the tension real and controlling, she has good descriptions and great pacing, and there are no dead words.
Hourglass was fast-paced, exciting, unique, and completely enthralling. I anxiously await more from McEntire hope for more of Michael and Emerson's story in the future.
Content/recommendation: some mild language, no sex. Ages 16+

Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts) (530 KP) rated See No Evil (The Faded Trilogy, Book 2) in Books
Jan 23, 2020
The story starts out with a few scenes from later in the book, and Miles blends the scenes together well enough that they flow smoothly they go together really well despite the fact between the few, snippets are taken out so as not to give away in spoilers. Unfortunately, while the prologue is written really well, this simply gives away the answer to Savannah's visions quickly, and possibly the entire plot as well.
See No Evil isn't too action-packed, but it's more than Faded and enough so it's enough so it's not too much (like Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick. That was WAY too much action). Savannah is stronger heroine than when we first met her back in the first novel, Faded. She's supportive while Abigail is grieving, even though Abigail is completely oblivious whose side Logan is on. In fact, Logan even gives himself away by accident! Yet while she's confused, she later brushes it aside.
The attacks have also gotten more creative in a way, though not by much. There are less doors shutting by themselves, no more windows being involved, but there are still just as much storms, winds, lightning, and flying furniture. The endings for those attacks tends to be the same as well the Forces run away. For a name like the Forces, you would have thought they were a force to be reckoned with. Legit name for a group who run away like cowards. :p
While I really enjoyed See No Evil, I feel as though something is missing. I feel very much as though Miles' writing is more for... middle grade due to the life lesson like writing. Something bad happens, the thing gets resolved, then the characters come together and talk about it.
Review copy provided by the author for review
Original Review posted at <a href="http://bookwyrming-thoughts.blogspot.com/2014/08/review-see-no-evil-by-chloe-miles.html">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href="http://bookwyrming-thoughts.blogspot.com/"><img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cG5gfBqJVzk/VA5BIojjZ9I/AAAAAAAAD1g/7srLUfpAGEU/s1600/banner.png" /></a>

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