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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
1937 | Animation, Classics, Family
Start-to-Finish Entertainment!
Princess Snow White finds herself on the run from her evil stepmother the Queen when the Queen finds out that Snow White is the prettiest girl in the land. First released in 1937, I’ve gotta say this movie still holds up today! Snow holds it down as the first Disney princess to grace the big screen.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
There’s some serious conflict going down in the castle and we come to learn that within the first ten minutes. The Queen is a real threat and we immediately come to worry about innocent Snow White who just wants to sing and be merry all day. I was immediately whisked away to this other place and time and I was excited for the journey.

Characters: 10
Still some of the best characters in film history. Having seven dwarfs with different personalities was genius! Sleepy was my dude! And there’s just something about Snow that really captivates me. She has a pure soul that inspires everyone around her, even the animals.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 8

Entertainment Value: 9
Between the dwarfs, the fun musical numbers, and that cackling Queen, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs kept me entertained from start to finish. Disney is a victim of its own success, however, as there are other animated movies I felt entertained me a wee bit more. That being said, this is a movie that could still capture and hold a kid’s attention today.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 10
Gets off to a pretty quick start and holds your attention from there. Even the songs aren’t wasted as they segment into the next important plot piece. The movie is a perfect example of rising conflict, then bringing the audience down for just long enough before hitting them again.

Plot: 8
My gripe with the movie’s plot is pretty small, but just enough to annoy me. I felt like the Queen went through A LOT of trouble just to turn into that witch only to give Snow an apple. At that point, if you want to kill her so bad, just make it happen right then! Classic case of a movie overthinking things and trying to be creative for the sake of being creative. Again, it’s small but too noticeable not to bring up.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 93
It always impresses me when classic films hold up today. I can imagine some of the older crowd might be offended by that just as if I might be offended if some young punk in 2035 is watching Jurassic Park and says, “Wow, this film is still solid to this day!” I get it, but I can’t help but admire a movie that is (as of this writing) eighty-three years old! Bananas. Disney came out of the gates swinging and hasn’t looked back since.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Thor and loki team up Chris Hemsworth as Thor Tom Hiddleston as loki Final action sequence was creative (0 more)
Malekith is possibly the worst MCU villain Thor and Jane's romance Boring plot Darcy aka Dar Dar binks Selvigs's stone henge moment (0 more)
"i didn't do it for him"
I was hoping to see something in The Dark World that I had missed the previous two viewings...something to help me enjoy this a bit more. Unfortunately, I hadn't missed anything. This is a drag.

Where do I start with the flaws? A lot of characters are criminally underutilised including Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, Odin, Heimdall and perhaps most important, the main antagonist, Malekith. I like the idea of the Dark Elves being used here but the execution is terribly flawed. It doesn't help that the likes of Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins are seemingly coasting here; the former with literally no chemistry with her love interest. Although the latter's sheer presence helps boost scenes he is in, even if he isn't trying. The other issue is this whole film is essentially flashes of brilliance drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Every now and then we get a cool scene involving Loki or Thor will crack a joke or there will be a cool action sequence but then that 5 minutes is followed by 20 minutes of characters having little to do. It's criminally boring.

I bet you can all guess the good...Chris Hemsworth who plays Thor and Tom Hiddleston who plays Loki. These two are the stars (obviously) and if it wasn't for them, this would probably get only one star. I mean, I like Thor's friends but they don't get much screentime in this. I like the look of Asgard but the story that accompanies it is boring.

It's a shame that two great lead characters are wasted by weak writing and unmotivated performances from some other cast members.
    123 Draw! FULL

    123 Draw! FULL

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BookInspector (124 KP) rated The Testaments (The Handmaid's Tale #2) in Books

Sep 24, 2020 (Updated Jan 26, 2021)  
The Testaments (The Handmaid's Tale #2)
The Testaments (The Handmaid's Tale #2)
Margaret Atwood | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
There are three protagonists in this book and the story is told from their perspectives. Aunt Lydia is one of the founders of Gilead, she helped to create the rules and she is worshipped and feared among the residents. She was the star of this book! I loved her story, that she shared from her past, and how she became so influential. On the other hand, I have a million questions, because some of her actions don’t really make sense.

Another person telling the story is Agnes, a teenage girl, that was raised in Gilead since birth. She is sharing her life story, that I found quite intriguing. I was surprised, how brainwashed people can be, and how easy it is to mould young people. Agnes amused me, and I really enjoyed her journey. The third person was my least favourite one, that was baby Nicole. She lives in a present-day like Canada, and I think she was the least interesting and kind of lame. However, when all three stories are combined, it did make a pretty amusing read.

The narrative of this book was constantly changing, depending on the character. I really liked the way the author tangled these stories. I think it was quite eventful and action-filled. I liked the way M. Atwood combined the different worlds and different times in this book, it had me engrossed. I really enjoyed the writing style of this novel, I think it was creative. The chapters had a decent length, and the book didn’t leave me bored. I really liked the ending of this book, I think it concluded this story very well.

To conclude, I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I liked the character’s differences in values and understanding of what’s right and wrong. This book has an interesting, “mission” like narrative, and is quite layered, all these things kept me intrigued till the end. I hope you will give it a go and will enjoy it as much as I did.