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Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Nothing new
When the first Zombieland came out in 2009, it was a wonderful and brilliant surprise and such a sleeper hit. There have been cries for a sequel for some time now and whilst 10 years is a big gap, I actually think this works in the films favour despite the fact that overall it's nothing new.

The good and bad thing about this film is that it is so similar to the original, both in style and even plot structure. Good because the original obviously worked, but bad because it just feels like we're watching more of the same. Right from the opening credits it sticks so closely to the original and I did enjoy this as it's exactly what you'd expect and it was great to see the characters back on screen again with all of their nuances. Even if some if these nuances, like the rules and bickering, did get a little bit stale towards the end. The problem is that the humour and the plot are not as good as the first film, and the new characters and ideas that have been introduced are either massively irritating (Madison) or just plain dull (Babylon). Thankfully Tallahassee, Colombus and Wichita bring this film back up to being good, even if it's not as good as the original, and there are still some pretty funny moments between them even if they're not as frequent as we'd like.

Overall a good sequel but not up to the standards of the original. It's rather sad when the best and funniest part of this film is the credits scene...
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Funny. So funny. (1 more)
Paced well, and story made sense
Humor sometimes detracted from otherwise powerful moments (0 more)
Far from a classic, but damn good fun
I went to see Thor: Ragnarok on a whim and am so happy that I did. It was so fun, and I had no idea that Taika was the one directing it, but it made total sense once I saw the credits (watch What We Do In The Shadows for an idea of the kind of humor in this Thor).

Sometimes Thor: Ragnarok should have taken itself a little more seriously than it did, but I did not think those moments detracted from my overall enjoyment of the film. Thanks for making action movies fun again, Marvel.

Also please keep Taika Waititi on for the next one. Please.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Heist film/Comedy/Long music video? (0 more)
Ending a little hoaky (0 more)
When I first began watching this, I was not convinced it was going to be good.

I have to say, the fast pace, stylized action/music score scenes and the witty screenplay had enough to win me over. Very entertaining throughout other than maybe the ending was a little far-fetched I guess.

If Kevin Spacey is never going to act again (seems almost certain at this point) this film is a fitting swan song for him and his memorable list of acting credits.

Director Edgar Wright continues his streak of entertaining quirky hits like his previous films Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

Going to iTunes now to download some songs!

Big Hero 6 (2014)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
2014 | Animation, Family
Slightly oddball product of Disney's acquisition of Marvel - this started life as a comic book featuring characters from the X-Men - ends up as a typically witty and accomplished animation. Youthful genius has to form super-team to stop a supervillain from misusing one of his inventions.

Now, obviously if you're a purist, you can find things to complain about here - no mutant powers, no Silver Samurai, the whole thing is set in a science-fantasy future - but for everyone else this is an engaging, well-told story that comes close to matching The Incredibles when it comes to evoking the thrill and invention of classic superhero stories. Witty and imaginative; looks gorgeous; thoroughly enjoyable (though you have to wait until after the credits for the obligatory Stan Lee cameo).
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
2006 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
7.2 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I had avoided this film up until now being put off by the awful title and hearing about Ben Kingsley's insistence of being called Sir on the poster and the credits. Stylistically it's a bit of a poor mans 'Lock Stock' but its not actually a bad film at all. A tale of mistaken identity , revenge and multiple double crossings it's quite compelling storytelling (if a tad convoluted at times) and I liked how it all came together and even explained the awful title. The cast all put in good performances but barring Lucy Liu's bubbly character are a thoroughly unlikable group of assorted villains and scum bags. All in all not sure if I would come back and re watch it but its certainly worth a couple of hours of your time.
Kiss and cry (2017)
Kiss and cry (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Music
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This movie is based on the true life story of carley Allison (whom I'd never heard of until watching the movie) a teen figure skater who is faced with a rare form of throat cancer, but bravely stays positive and continues trying to achieve her dreams whilst also holding down a relationship.
The movie itself was OK, I did feel happy and also sad for her at times. But what was off putting was the constant narration and time jumps, I feel it would have been a better movie without all that and instead focus on the story itself.
I didn't find out until the credits rolled that the person who played carley in the movie, was real life carleys best friend. I found that absolutely amazing that she was able to do that.
Skyfire (2019)
Skyfire (2019)
2019 | Action
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I must admit, I'm not overly familiar with Chinese cinema, but I really hope that a boyband music video immediately playing alongside the end credits is the norm - it really tops off this surreal experience.

Everything in this movie is completely over dramatic, from the characters in general, to the hugely cliché ridden action script. The CGI flits rapidly between being half decent to dodgy as fuck. Jason Isaacs adopts an uncomfortably out of place South African accent, and the action scenes are so so. And in all honesty, I low key enjoyed it. It might dumb natural disaster fodder from Simon "Con Air" West, but I would happily take this over the 2012's of this world in a heartbeat. Skyfire is average at worst, and wonderfully silly at best.
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
1991 | Horror, Thriller

"The second time I went to see this was only a few weeks after the first time. My band was on tour somewhere in Florida, and one person went to a multiplex to see The Silence of the Lambs while the three of us who had already seen it went next door to The Five Heartbeats. I think the opening credits of The Five Heartbeats were still on the screen when I knew I really did not want to sit through what promised to be a dreadful movie. I quickly calculated that I would be considerably more entertained seeing Silence of the Lambs again, even having just seen it, and ran out of one theater into another. I felt like I’d escaped from jail. Just great. Not surprisingly, this film warrants repeated viewings!"

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi

"I saw this opening night, loved the first thirty minutes, phased in and out for the rest. I really liked Alden Erenreich’s performance, the visual effects were top-notch and of course Bradford Young’s cinematography was a wonder, but otherwise I didn’t really feel strongly about it one way or another. Maybe, like most of the world, I didn’t need more STAR WARS just yet – but several months later, whilst on a long flight, I guess I definitely did because I randomly decided to rewatch the opening scene and before I knew it the credits were rolling. Freed of expectations, scaled down to an 8 inch Lufthansa screen, SOLO was a delight. I’m not too broken up about not getting additional young Han adventures, but I could definitely use more Lady Proxima in my life."

Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
Good actors (1 more)
Plenty of action
Great to have a Marvel film back
Great to have Marvel back on the big screen. While not quite an origin story, we do get to see the Black Widows early years as a child at the start. Most of the film is set around the Civil war film in the time line. While on the run her past catches up with her.
The cast is very good and David Harbour is good as the Red Guardian. Russia's answer to Captain America. He generally has most of the funny moments in the film as well.
The action scenes are great and Sfx look great. Nice to have a blockbuster film to enjoy in the cinema again.
The credits are about 6 minutes long and there is a scene after them.