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Charlie's Angels (2000)
Charlie's Angels (2000)
2000 | Action, Comedy
Felt more like a mish mash of music videos with explosions and it's one redeeming factor: Crispin Glover doing what he does best which is just be creepy. Tom Green was unnecessary.
Brand Upon the Brain! (2006)
Brand Upon the Brain! (2006)
2006 | International, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw this film in its original run, with foley artists, a live orchestra, and live narration by Crispin Glover, which was a profoundly unique cinematic experience. It is not often you see modern filmmakers experimenting with older techniques and to such great effect. Seeing it again on DVD, I found it equally incredible; its story about a fictional Guy Maddin is compelling. Guy has been a real influence on my film work, and his films just seem to get better and better. As a fellow Winnipegger, I can truly say that Canadians are very lucky to have him."

Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle (2003)
Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle (2003)
2003 | Action, Comedy
The Angels are hot, which is basically the point. (5 more)
Crispin Glover
Good villain casting
I thought the action was better than the first one
Ridiculous double-entendres
Carrie Fisher
Bernie Mac is a poor substitute for Bill Murray (1 more)
Plot is basic and predictable
More dumb fun
While not as well received as the first film (probably down to losing Bill Murray), this is still a good deal of fun. The action works a little better for me than the first time around, the girls are still hot, still kicking ass.... what more do you want from a Charlie's Angels film? The plot is a bit basic and predictable, but being up against a former Angel (not a twist, though the writer seems to think it is) gave the conflict a bit more heart than the first one. It's a dumb action movie, but still fun.
Charlie's Angels (2000)
Charlie's Angels (2000)
2000 | Action, Comedy
The Angels are hot. That's what this is really about, after all. (3 more)
Crispin Glover
Bill Murray
Tim Curry
Fight scenes don't hold up, or at least some of them don't. (3 more)
Characterization is inconsistent
Matt LeBlanc's character should have been named Joey so you could headcanon him as the same character from Friends. (This is mostly a joke. Mostly.)
Tom Green
Inconsistent but fun
You watch a Charlie's Angels movie for one thing: hot women kicking ass. And so far as that goes, this movie mostly delivers even if some of the fight scenes don't look as good today as they should. But looking beyond that, there are some cracks in the facade - the characterization of the Angels, for instance, is that they're tough, confident professionals....who devolve to giggling schoolgirls at the prospect of meeting their boss? Feels awkward. The plot is straightforward, no complaints there, and most of the casting is on point with the exception of the bizarre addition of Tom Green's character. Overall, good fun despite it's flaws.
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
1984 | Horror
7.2 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (although, far from being final) is a favourite in the series for many a fan of the franchise, and it's easy to see why.
It takes the formula of the first three and just adds more of it. There are more teenagers to be mercilessly slaughtered, more violence, (slightly) more character development, more stupid decisions being made by said characters, more of Jason in a hockey mask...
For me, it hasn't quite got as much charm as the first two, but it's certainly better put together than Part 3. The dialogue isn't quite as bad as it has been before, and it just seems a bit more of a solid slasher.

A big plus I'd having Tom Savini back on board in the effects department. There's plenty of practical gore effects going on (Crispin Glover getting a cleaver to the face is particularly gnarly), and of course the show stopper moment of seeing Jason unmasked is one of the franchise highlights.

The characters are pretty much what you would expect by now, although the story does go to some efforts to connect to past events (one character is the brother of someone killed by Jason in Part 2) and of course Tommy Jarvis is introduced here, a character that would go on to appear again, and become something of a horror icon.

The Final Chapter is a good time all in all, and gets extra points for tying up the first four relatively grounded movies neatly - the franchise get increasingly batshit from here on out!
Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Amazing plot (3 more)
Fantastic cast
Lovable characters
Interesting take on a time machine
Some of the logic (0 more)
1 of my favourite movies of all time!
This is a masterpiece and a classic.

The writing is spot on, the acting and cast are perfect and could never be replaced if there was ever talk of a remake (please dont)

The idea to have the time machine as a car was genius. I know the initial idea was a refrigerator which would have been weird so I'm happy they changed their mind. The effects of going up to 88 miles per hour and see the light flash in front of the delorian before it speeds through time was impressive. They got the look of the 50s spot on.

Michael j fox and Christopher lloyd give excellent performances. Their characters are lovable, fun and just perfect. Crispin Glover is as weird as ever but great as George while lea Thompson was also great Lorraine but not as believable as an older version of herself.Tom Wilson was perfect as the bully biff and was shocked not to see him in more stuff afterwards.

The plot is great. Go back in time, make sure your parents get together to make sure your born. This was great chance for many funny scenes involving Marty and his parents. But this is where the logic didn't make sense. He went through all this so why don't his parents remember him from when they were younger.

If you ain't seen this before, where have you been? It's a classic and a must see for anyone. It's funny, it's charming and it's geeky at times.
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
1989 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Great cast yet again (3 more)
Funny and smart
A flying delorian!!!!!
Seeing what could have been
The greatest time travel movie of all time!
This is by far my favourite of the trilogy and that's saying something because the all the movies are fantastic.

Compared to the others though this has everything. They go everywhere. Past, present, future and alternate timelines which takes you on a fun journey.

The music is again fantastic and adds to every selcebe whether it's funny, suspenseful or just full of action.

There is a cast change with Jennifer but this ain't really distracting. Tbh I didn't even notice until later on and I'm aware of some drama behind the scenes with Crispin Glover which meant they had to use a stand in and nothing was noticeable. The actors were on top form playing different ages of themselves.

Their take on the future was an interesting 1 and nothing like what we actually have considering they went to the year 2015. Hoverboards, hologram jaws, flying cars and who would ever wear their trousers inside out haha and not an iPhone in sight. I found the past far more interesting as it's set during the first movie.

The story was great basically going into the whole thing about being seduced by the knowledge of the future to help yourself in the past. It's something we all want to do and given to the wrong person you can see how dark things can go.

Overall a fantastic, fun, charming movie which can easily be recommended and easily one of my favourite movies of all time.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
1984 | Horror
7.2 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An axe to the head was surely enough to stop Jason Voorhees in the last film, right? Wrong. After taking care of a few orderlies at the hospital his "corpse" was taken to, Jason sets his sights on Tommy Jarvis, his family, and the group of teenagers who came to party at the house next door. Tommy loves to make monster masks and loves video games. He could be the key ingredient to Jason's downfall.

This is actually another one of my favorite films of the franchise. The main reason being that the kills in this film are arguably the best so far and quite possibly the best of the franchise. Jason must have a thing against Crispin Glover though or maybe he just saw him having a spasm and seizure fit in the living room earlier on in the film. Nevertheless, I've never seen any one victim in the franchise get as much punishment as he did. First, a corkscrew in the hand and followed by a meat cleaver to the face. As if that wasn't enough, Jason nails up his corpse over one of the doorways by his hands and feet to block anyone from escaping. Then later on, rips him down the hard way.

Another interesting kill is the shower scene. What makes it a bit more unique is that it's a guy who bites it this time around. Face-palmed to death by Jason's massive hand. Jason's "death" is also quite grotesque and spectacular. Tommy Jarvis swings a machete into the side of Jason's head and Jason falls to the ground landing face first onto the handle of the machete causing it to slide through his skull. The weirdest part of the film has to be when the dog jumps through the glass window. I mean...what the heck?
The Bag Man (2014)
The Bag Man (2014)
2014 | Drama
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sometimes it sucks to be a delivery guy when you don’t know what you are
carrying in a tightly sealed leather bag. Anything can happen when too many
people are interested in what The Bag Man is carrying when it gets a
limited theatrical run starting Feb 28th.

When Jack (John Cusack) is a fixer/hitman under the employ of Dragna
(Robert De Niro), a crime lord — tasked to bring a leather bag to a seedy
hotel — the people he runs into are more shadier than he is. All he has to
do is to wait for the arrival of this gangster and not look at what’s

Both the movie and night is long while Jack fends for himself. His dealings
with the motel manager (beautifully played by Crispin Glover) is far more
interesting than the lady of the night, Rivka (Rebecca Da Costa), he meets.
Together what they end up in is a cat and mouse game of nearly everybody
from this sleepy hole-in-the-wall after them. Everyone is interested in
what the bag contains, and this Macguffin never strays far from the plot.

Even though the concept of what’s in the bag is hardly original, this
narrative device will keep some people — characters included — invested
in wondering what’s so important about it. When the contents are revealed,
will what’s revealed be King Midas’ gold or the evils from Pandora’s Box?
This loose thriller has its moments where viewers will be glued to the
suspense but ultimately, it’s this movie’s pacing that slows the action
down. Losing 10-15 minutes might help in keeping the tale tight.

That can help everyone, audience included, from not losing interest. Sooner
or later, the cat has to be let out of the bag.
American Gods  - Season 1
American Gods - Season 1
2017 | Drama
An intriguing & decent adaptation
I really enjoyed the book and had heard good things about the show, and I’m please to say that for the most part this is a very good adaptation.

I completely agree with everyone else that has compared this to Hannibal. From the effective visual imagery and the dream sequences, to the impressive amount of blood and gore, it’s difficult not to recognise parts of Hannibal in this. Unsurprising though considering they’re both made by Bryan Fuller. Ian McShane is truly fantastic as Mr Wednesday, they couldn’t have picked anyone better and even Ricky Whittle is brilliant as Shadow. He really has come a long way from his Hollyoaks days! There are also some great cameo/supporting performances from Gillian Anderson, Crispin Glover, Peter Stormare and Orlando Jones.

The story does at least start off following the book but does veer off slightly as the episodes move on. In some cases, this isn’t a bad thing. I like what they’ve done with Shadow’s character, making him more outgoing and vocal than his too quiet persona in the books. This works. What doesn’t work is what they’ve done with Laura. I can see why they’ve wanted to make her a more central character, but for me this just doesn’t work. She’s so annoying and brash and the episodes that concentrate mostly around her were the dullest of the entire series. I just hate her whole angry persona and if it wasn’t for the fact that she’s usually on screen alongside Mad Sweeney (who’s a great character), I’m not sure I could tolerate her. The show also puts you in the same position as Shadow, completely confused about what’s going on. It’s not too bad when you’ve read the book, but I can imagine it being a little too much if you haven’t.

In all a visually stunning show with a few flaws, but still some great potential.