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A Darker Shade of Magic
A Darker Shade of Magic
V.E. Schwab, Victoria Schwab | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Super engaging and well rounded characters (2 more)
Great world building
Crisp readable writing
Nothing (0 more)
WONDERFUL Fantasy book!
Gotta recommend this one! It was SO GOOD. The writing is clean and addictive, the characters are unique and engaging, the magic is... well... magically magical and unlike most of the generic magic floating around out there.

A cross-dressing pick pocket pirate, a promiscuous prince, a moody magician with a forgotten past,
a pair of twin villains who make the Lannister twins look like snowflakes, and a vicious blood-enslaved magician. How's that for a cast? Side note -- even the bit players in this book are well drawn and stir emotions when they die. Yes. People actually die in this one...I've read several books lately where SOMEONE obviously should have died SOMEWHERE along the journey and no one did. I was SO ready for some "let's get real and kill people so the stakes are high" reading.

Four different versions of London exist on different planes... each magical in varying degrees, all in danger of destruction from a magical artifact that accidentally smuggled between the veils. This is the scene for the grand adventure.

I was really struggling to get over my book hangover after finishing Queen of Nothing and this was like the nectar that healed me. I can't wait to dive into book 2!

Also, Kell is my new fictitious boyfriend. Move over Rhysand from ACOTAR, we're starting a reverse harem.