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The Crystal Flame
The Crystal Flame
Shirley Ponthieu McCoy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Crystal Flame by Shirley Ponthieu McCoy
The Crystal Flame starts off as a tale about two opposites - fire and ice, or Finn and Lyssa as they are known in this book. For reasons unknown (at the time), Finn has travelled to find Lyssa. It turns out that he thinks that she could be his wife and partner. The one person who can help him control his flame, the same as he helps her control her ice. Working together, they both gain control over their powers, as well as fall in love. However, and it's quite a big however, Finn has left his own kingdom behind, in the care of his best friend and advisor, and his sick mother. And just what are they supposed to do when a coup takes place? Fight back of course, in any way they can!

This book held my interest from the very beginning, but it quickly became apparent that it wasn't 'just' a romance, but had action, adventure, subterfuge, betrayal, and all other wonderful things going on. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The story itself flowed, with a smooth pace from one setting and situation to the next. All of the characters, whether you liked or loathed them, were well-rounded and fully believable.

This story was a delight to read, and I absolutely recommend it for all #Fantasy fans out there.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Koroshiya 1 (Ichi the Killer) (2001)
Koroshiya 1 (Ichi the Killer) (2001)
2001 | Action, Comedy, International
A wicked cocktail of "Looney Tunes", π˜›π˜©π˜¦ 𝘏𝘰𝘢𝘴𝘦 π˜›π˜©π˜’π˜΅ π˜‘π˜’π˜€π˜¬ π˜‰π˜Άπ˜ͺ𝘭𝘡, 𝘊𝘳𝘒𝘯𝘬, and about 18 bags of crystal meth. Seldom has the term "bloodbath" ever been meant so literally, features perhaps the most gruesome and deeply unsettling throat slashes in all of cinema - and there's plenty of them. Remember that gag from 𝘏𝘰𝘡 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘡𝘴! π˜—π˜’π˜³π˜΅ π˜‹π˜¦π˜Άπ˜Ή where the little body count counter was in the corner of the screen while Charlie Sheen was gunning through hilarious amounts of enemies? That's pretty much this whole movie. Has such a primal sense of hyper, grisly fun - sets up one impossibly over-the-top scenario and then immediately tops it, rinse and repeat for 130 minutes. If it wasn't already clear that Tadanobu Asano is one of Japan's coolest and most magnetic actors then this makes the case ten-fold. He plays the role of Kakihara with an effortless, ice-cold, commanding gravitas. And that wardrobe! Just sadistically entertaining up and down, the type of film that makes you think like a juvenile psychopath.
Candy is Magic: Real Ingredients, Modern Recipes
Jami Curl | 2017 | Food & Drink
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Candy Is Magic by Jami Curl is a very thorough book about making candy! It's quite amazing and goes through equipment, ingredients, and recipes. From lollipops to caramels, ice cream, marshmallows, gum drops, and even chews. The pictures are mouthwatering and I highly recommend you don't read this while hungry! The recipes are made using real ingredients, including fruit.

The book reviews methods, ingredients, tools and flavors required for candy making. I appreciated the author including such an educational foundational chapter in advance of the recipes. The author breaks down the ingredients for candy making into four main components: sugar, crystal blockers, fat, and salt.

The recipes in the book are divided into six chapters: core ingredients, lollipops, caramels, chewy candies, marshmallows, and gumdrops. Immediately after the Table of Contents is a convenient Recipe List that is categorized by type of recipe so the reader very quickly gets to see the variety of different recipes and flavors that are offered.

The lollipop chapter began with a terrific primer on working with hard candy that broke the process down into simple steps and that described all the required tools. Having this section before the lollipop recipes allowed the recipes to be streamlined with references back to the master instructions for setting up a lollipop station and for pouring the lollipops. The caramel chapter began with a similar primer on caramel technique. The recipes in the Dreams Come Chew chapter referenced the set up, cutting, and wrapping instructions in the caramel chapter. The marshmallow chapter also begins with a review of the ingredients, equipment, and basic steps of marshmallow making. Finally, the gumdrops chapter begins with a discussion of the three basic steps of making gummy candies.

The photography at the beginning of the book is very artistic and doesn’t necessarily depict a particular recipe. It is mostly gorgeous transparent hard candies. In the core recipes chapter, the photographs are still artistic, but have more of a relationship to the recipe. However, there is a particular instance where there is a full-page photograph of luscious peach slices next to a recipe for a roasted peach puree, and the recipe specifically says not to prepare the peaches as in the photograph. All of the fun projects in the book were accompanied by illustrations rather than by photographs.

I received an advanced reader's copy from Ten Speed Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Ready Player One (2018) in Movies

Sep 20, 2018 (Updated Sep 20, 2018)  
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Popcorn Blockbuster Fun (0 more)
The Whole Thing Feels A Bit Hollow (0 more)
Not Quite Ready
I saw this movie in the cinema back when it came out in March earlier this year and I honestly didn't feel ready to review it after a single viewing because of all of the references etc that there was to take in. After watching the movie a couple more times and watching a bunch of Easter Egg videos on Youtube, I feel more equipped to discuss the film.

Up top, I never read the book that this film is based on. It has been recommended to me quite a few times, but I have never gotten around to reading it, so I was going into this with no pre-conceived ideas of what it was going to be other than what I had seen in the various trailers for the movie.

Let's start with the good stuff. Although I have some issues with the overabundance of CGI onscreen, as a 3d animator myself I was extremely impressed at the sheer quality of the animation in the movie. I know that this thing had a pretty high budget behind it, but still the level of quality in the animation is really high throughout the film. The references are also pretty cool, at least for the first third of the movie but the novelty of seeing some of your favourite pop culture characters does wear off after a while and ends up feeling like a cheap gimmick before too long. Finally, if all you are looking for is a big dumb fun blockbuster, then this movie provides that in spades.

Ok, onto the stuff that bothered me. As I said above, although the quality of the CGI is pretty incredible, the vast amount of it gets tiresome after a while. I also don't like the character designs at all, Parzival looks like a rejected piece of Final Fantasy artwork, Art3mis looks like a stereotypical version of a what a middle aged man thinks a cool hacker looks like with a weird resemblance to a feline, Aech just looked chunky and awkward, like something from a last-gen Gears Of War game, I-R0k's weird, edgy, fantasy-based design didn't fit his voice or the tone of the scenes he appeared in and Sorrento's avatar just looked distractingly like a dastardly Clark Kent for some reason. Also, these original character designs seemed oddly out of place being surrounded by other characters from franchises that we already know like DC and Mortal Kombat, none of it meshed well.

From this point on I am going to delve into some mid-movie spoilers, so here's your warning.

It really annoyed me how they kept touching on the idea that someone in the Oasis might not necessarily look the same as they do in real life and if you ever met them in real life you would be sorely disappointed, only for the reason for all of this to be a birthmark on Olivia Cooke's character's face. The way that they make her out to some sort of beast-like monster because of a slight skin-irregularity is ridiculous and also kinda offensive. Also, we are told during the movie's opening sequence that the Oasis is a worldwide thing, where people from anywhere on the planet can meet up online and fight together or kill each other for coins, then halfway through the movie, all of the characters meet up in a small ice cream truck in the real world and it turns out that they all live within a few miles of each other. It just made the whole thing feel really small scale. Another issue is that the movie is only 6 months old at this point and it already feels slightly dated. I don't see this movie ageing very well at all and this is both due to the CGI and the references that they choose to include.

Lastly, as I said earlier, if what you want out of this movie is mindless fun, then you'll walk away satisfied, the problem with that is that the movie seems to want to be more than that. The way that the movie treats itself and the way it was marketed along with the fact that it's got Spielberg in the director's chair, signifies that the filmmakers were intending for this to be this generation's Back To The Future or Star Wars and on that front it totally fails. In these other movies that this film is aspiring to be, you care about what happens to the characters and want to see where they go, whereas here the audience cares way more about seeing the next popular franchise references than anything that happens to the main characters at the heart of this story and once you've seen the film, you are going to leave talking about the characters that appeared from outside franchises rather than the ones created for this story. The characters are also instantly forgettable, for example I have seen this film three times now and still couldn't tell you the real world names of any of the characters other than Wade Watts and Sorrento and that's only because he has the same name in the real world as he does in the Oasis. I also don't care if I ever see any of these characters again if I'm being honest. I'm sure there is probably a sequel to this already being planned seeing as it made a bunch of money at the box office and there is apparently a sequel book in the works, but frankly I wouldn't care if I never saw any of these characters again and I don't care where the story is going either.

In conclusion, Ready Player One doesn't achieve the goal that it sets for itself of being a modern sci-fi classic, but there is a lot of fun to be had here along with some impressive animation to boot. The movie has a fairly shallow, hollow feel to it throughout, as if we are scratching the surface of something potentially engaging and worth investing in, but the filmmakers constantly keep distracting us with flashy visuals and obscure pop culture references. If the movie committed to telling a more original story rather than being obsessed with the 80's classics it is exploiting, then it may be more worthwhile. Also, it's definitely not Spielberg's best, this may be a bit harsh but it's probably closer to Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull than Raiders Of The Lost Ark. I wish that Smashbomb had a half star rating system, because although I feel that the movie was better than a 6, I don't like it enough to give it a 7, so a 6.5 would sum up how I felt about the film more accurately.