Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Doctor Sleep (2019) in Movies
Feb 21, 2020

Nothin' to Lose: The Making of Kiss (1972-1975)
Ken Sharp, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley
An indelible and irresistible portrait of the crucial formative years of the legendary rock band...

Angel (Maximum Ride, #7)
In the seventh book in the bestselling series, evil scientists are still trying to convince Max that...

Argentinian Street Food
Enrique Zanoni and Gaston Stivelmaher
Bringing you authentic recipes that sit at the heart of the Argentina's cuisine, Argentinian Street...

101 Uses of a Dead Kindle
Adrian Searle and Judith Hastie
Estimates suggest over 2m Kindles have been sold in the UK over the last three years. The Kindle is...

Best of Work
Jon Link and Mick Bunnage
Welcome to the 'Best of Work', the definitive collection of hilarious jokes chipped direct from the...

Discovering Scarfolk
"Scarfolk is a town in north-west England that did not progress beyond 1979. The entire decade of...

Haute Bohemians
Miguel Flores-Vianna and Amy Astley
Who, exactly, is a haute bohemian? Leave it to the discriminating, gimlet eye of photographer Miguel...

Hal Ashby and the Making of Harold and Maude
The original script was sold to a major Hollywood studio virtually overnight: the screenwriter was...

The Year of the Geek: 365 Adventures from the Sci-Fi Universe
The Year of the Geek is a fascinating look into geek culture. Each day will tell a different story...