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Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town
Adam Christopher | 2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jim Hopper (1 more)
Serial killers and cults, oh my!
Too much attention to detail (1 more)
Using the same body language for every character
In 1977, New York City was a disaster; men were trying to return to a normal life after Vietnam ended, gangs were on every street corner, and a serial killer, by the name 'Son of Sam,' was on the loose. But for Detective Jim Hopper, New York was housing another serial killer just for him- - - a killer who is killing Vietnam war veterans, and leaving behind a psychic calling card, known as the Zener cards.

Adam Christopher is the chosen author to tell Stranger Things' fans about the most important homicide case that Jim Hopper ever worked on in the novel 'Darkness on the Edge of Town.' Fans may recall from season 2, when Eleven found a secret hatch in Hopper's cabin, it revealed boxes under the floor - one which was labeled 'New York.' This is that story.

The entire book is Hopper telling Eleven about his greatest homicide story from New York City. Readers get to meet new characters from Hopper's past, but the most memorable may be his partner in the Homicide Unit, Rosario Delgado (1977 was a time where Homicide Units didn't allow female detectives, and Delgado is one of the first of few that is allowed into the unit). Delgado, who is Cuban, but was raised in Queens, New York, has all the right attitude that wins over her partner, Hopper. The reader will realize that they are two-peas-in-a-pod.

Quickly, the story gets into the first case the two have together: the Zener card serial killer; here, we learn that there were two previous victims, both murdered the same way: stabbed five times with the wounds joining together to form a five-pointed star. Throughout the book, the story goes back and forth between 1977 and the present, where Eleven asks questions about the story, and also, Hopper questioning himself as to whether he should continue to tell Eleven the story.

But soon, we meet a very important man named Leroy Washington - a gang member who wants protection in exchange for the information that he holds- this leads Hopper to our villain: a cult leader who goes by the name Saint John. This villain believes that Satan is going to rise and destroy New York City.

Backtracking a little before, Hopper and Delgado are taken off the case of the Zener card murders, introducing readers to Special Agent Gallup. Gallup states that the third victim, Jacob Hoeler, was also a Special Agent, so the case is turned over to Federal Agents. "What you don't know, Detective, is that Jacob Hoeler is one of ours- - - Special Agent Jacob Hoeler. He was working on assignment, and the fact that he was killed in the course of his duties is of primary concern to my department. Therefore, we need to be sure that a most thorough investigation is carried out. In order to ensure that happens, we will be taking the case in-house. " Hopper, along with Delgado, refuse to let the case go, and secretly continue to work on it. But, as they dig deeper into the evidence and crime scenes, the two realize the murder case is a part of something much bigger - - - a cult that is armed with vehicles and weapons, ready to take over New York City for their leader, Saint John.

Readers get to see the story from both Hopper's and Delgado's point of view, which readers may question how Hopper knows Delgado's side of the story, but quickly to react, Eleven asks this very question for us: " 'Fair point,' said Hopper. 'But we - - - I mean, Delgado and me- - - we pieced it all together afterward. We had to interview everyone we could, and we put it all into a big official report. Actually, it took way longer to write that thing up than we spent on the investigation itself. We were even flown down to D.C. to present it to a bunch of anonymous suits in some federal building. They grilled us pretty well, too, although I ever found out who they all were. ' He grinned. ' Kinda sums the whole thing up, really.' " Even so, without Delgado's point of view, the story wouldn't have turned out as well as it did.

Hopper's obsession with cracking this case lands him in the center of it- - - he is recruited, not by choice, to the task force that is trying to top Saint John's big plan to destroy New York City. Leroy Washington, the informant from before, is Hopper's wing man for the mission, because Washington turns out to be a recruiting officer for the cult. Hopper is to pretend that he is a new recruit, and that he is an ex-cop, who just happened to 'murder' two people the night before. Hopper infiltrating the cult is one of the most exciting parts of the book, but the sequence of these scenes are much too short, leaving this reader disappointed.

Unfortunately, by this time, Delgado has become somewhat of a secondary character. She still works the case, being in the-know of Hopper going undercover, but we see little else of Delgado's character being developed. This is a missed opportunity indeed.

Although I enjoyed Christopher bringing Hopper's backstory to light, the writer is so detail oriented in his writing, that it bogged down much of the flow in the story. The reader is told things in almost every scene that come to nothing, and just seem to waste the reader's time. You may also find that the author uses the same words or physical actions to describe emotions for every single character (such as neck rolling to show stress), which gets old very quickly.

With that said, and only a few inconsistencies here and there, the book was very good. The story takes off pretty quickly and doesn't seem to slow down. The scenery descriptions put the reader right there with our favorite Hawkins Police Chief, Jim Hopper, but the best part about this book is that you don't have to be a Stranger Things' fan to enjoy it; anyone who enjoys Crime Fiction would love this story. Highly recommend!
The Meadows (Legacy of Darkness Book 1)
The Meadows (Legacy of Darkness Book 1)
London Clarke | 2018 | Horror, Paranormal, Thriller
Spooky Plot (1 more)
Very Realistic Characters
A Chilling Read!
I loved London Clarke's first book, Wildfell, so I was definitely looking forward to her next book, The Meadows. I loved this book! It was so spooky and creepy which are my favorite types of books.

The pacing for The Meadows was perfect. Not once did I feel like this book slowed down where I was becoming bored. It is definitely a fast paced thriller, but it's not too fast paced in the sense that you have no clue what just happened.

The world building and plot are done extremely well. London Clarke does such an excellent job of describing what's going on, that I actually felt like I was staying at Asphodel House, the spooky house where all the paranormal things happen. The Meadows felt so real, I would actually stay awake a little longer after reading some of it because I was so spooked! It was easy to envision a cult like The Colony (as named in The Meadows) that believe themselves to be vampires who use willing and unwilling sacrifices. I would be more surprised if a cult like that didn't exist!

I loved all the characters in The Meadows! Each character was written exceptionally well. I loved how real and raw Scarlett was. It was nice to read about a character who was flawed. Scarlett suffered with a drug and alcohol problem in the past, and it was interesting to read about her struggle with it in present day and the choices she made. Yes, she did fall off the wagon after coming to Asphodel House, but I couldn't blame her. I'd be stressed out and scared too! Scarlett isn't perfect, and that's what I loved about her. She feels like a real human being, not some happily ever after book character. She's a little selfish, but who isn't in real life? Scarlett was such a great character. Even the supporting characters were great. I would have liked Stella, Scarlett's best friend, to be featured more, but that's only a minor thing. Stella was such a great friend to Scarlett, and I admired her loyalty to Scarlett. I loved Ryan, and it was interesting to read the back story between him and Scarlett. Hunter was also a very interesting character. I enjoyed his back story. I don't want to go into detail with him because I feel like there's a minor plot twist with that.

Trigger warnings for The Meadows include demons, the occult, cults, violence, murder, death, alcohol use, prescription pill abuse, ghosts, some swearing (although nothing too bad), and sex scenes (nothing graphic though).

Overall, The Meadows is a very chilling, dark, and spooky read. It is such a great book though. The characters, the setting, the plot were all written very well. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the Legacy of Darkness series. I would recommend The Meadows by London Clarke to everyone aged 17+ especially if you love being creeped out. This one definitely kept me awake with how creepy it was, and if a book can do that, it is definitely a good one!
Rivers Solomon | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You can also read my review at my blog -

Sorrowland is a genre-bending book which is like nothing I have ever read before and probably ever will again!

The story centres around Fern, an albino black teenage girl who gives birth to twins, Howling and Feral in the woods after escaping from a cult called Cainland. What follows is a mindboggling adventure surrounding her survival.

This is a coming of age story like no other – part sci-fi, part horror, part dystopian, part magical realism, this book defies genre. But amongst all the myriad of twists and turns this novel takes, what lies at the heart of it is a story about a girl who comes to understand her identity and rises above what has been spoken over her in her past.

During Fern’s journey of self-discovery the book examines themes such as racism, indoctrination, abuse and misogyny. There are many challenges in reading this book as we encounter a dystopian world that is disturbingly similar to our own exploring those who live on the fringe of society due to white domination. This not only includes Cainland, the cult set up by black people originally to challenge the white belief system, but also native American characters who quietly hold onto their truth in a far less bigoted and twisted way.

I love the big questions this book asks and the twisted paths it takes in asking them leading you into such unknown territories through the plot that you meet these issues head on in such different ways that you confront them anew and reexamine how you really feel about them and the impact that they have on our world.

Sorrowland is compelling and, although this would never be a genre I would normally read, I enjoyed the enigmatic nature of the evolving fantastical storyline and the constant surprises Rivers Solomon weaves into the plot. It is extremely well-written, with powerful characterisation, rich with poetic descriptions and intelligent themes.

However, the aims of the book seem to get a little muddled at times and I became confused about what Solomon wanted me to get out of the book. The story becomes so fast-paced and dense at times that this prevented me from taking a step back and truly immersing myself in the deeper themes of the novel.

This is a hard book to review. As I said, not something I would normally read, but the quality of the writing won me over. That said, I did not come away from the book feeling a sense of enjoyment, but instead, unsettled and disturbed by encountering a story of brutality with wild, savage characters and a frightening world where nothing is as it seems.

I would recommend this book – purely because you will be changed by it and this is one of the most powerful gifts of literature – but it is not a comfortable read and would not suit everyone.

Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARe-copy in exchange for this honest review.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Domino Strays in Books

Sep 3, 2020 (Updated Sep 3, 2020)  
Domino Strays
Domino Strays
Tristan Palmgren | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great comic novel
I received an advance copy of this book from the publishers in exchange for an honest review.
I have to admit to being a little disappointed when I realised this was an actual novel rather than a graphic novel. It had been filed as a graphic novel on netgalley and I was looking forward to my first reading of a Domino comic. However, once I started this disappointment evaporated. This is a wonderfully told and thrilling, charming book.
The story switches from different times through Domino's life so is very much an origin story. We have when Domino was growing up in a variation of Wolverine's Weapon X programme, as Project Armageddon sought to create the perfect soldier. Domino was one output from that programme, as she developed the mutant ability to have luck on her side. Then we have her time in an orphanage, having escaped the programme. Then her mission to track down the person who might have been responsible for her upbringing and finally her present mission, to rescue two adolescents who have been brainwashed by a cult leader. These different time periods are covered throughout the book, layering up her back story as we follow her on her current mission. This is superbly woven together, and we have almost parallel storylines near the end, her infiltrating Project Armageddon and her sneaking into the cult's base. A few times this got a little muddled in my head, but served to wonderfully draw a parallel between her upbringing and that of the non-mutant, more traditional cult.
Domino is accompanied on her later mission by Black Widow amongst others (the characters' real names are generally used, so it was fun to try and track down which Marvel characters they actually were), but she is very much the leader of her merc crew.
The storyline is good, combining plenty of backstory and exciting missions, with excellently narrated action sequences. I don't tend to like first person books as much as third person, but this angle gave Domino a much more likable personality, having a fair chunk of her friend Deadpool's humour, mixed with Rogue's childhood trauma and Wolverine's anger at experimentation.
As noted in Deadpool 2, having luck on your side isn't a superpower, and it isn't very cinematic. Domino's power is not overly laboured in the book, and it isn't used to make her seen completely invulnerable to injury. She uses it sparingly because luck going her way in a fight (bullets being deflected etc) can have adverse consequences for those around her. It was used when absolutely needed, but she has so many capabilities that she barely did.
This is a really great book that gives so much more backstory to a lesser-known Marvel character than could have been achieved in a graphic novel. A very strong female cast of role models.
The only downside was the overuse of footnotes which didn't tend to add much to the story, other than witty asides, and are quite frustrating on a kindle.


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Cult Of Chucky (2017)
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
2017 | Horror
It was a fun time (2 more)
Original cast members reunite
Surprisingly good Going
Good Guy, bad guy, you still don't Fuck with the Chuck!!
Going into the seventh installment of a film franchise I usually don't get impressed as much as I did with this movie.
To say a killer doll has had me chomping at the bit for the next installment of a movie is an understatement. I seen Child's Play the day it came out in 88. I was 12 at the time and begged my parents to take me to see it.
I became enthralled with Chucky. I wanted the doll and I wanted him to be real.
30 years later. Chucky is still going strong. Still killing with some creativity and fever. And still cracking one liners like Hannibal Burress.
When and if Brad DOURIF passes away, I hope they saved his amazing voice on some kind of hard drive, because no one will ever be able to voice Chucky like he can.
I can definitely recommend this movie to fans of the franchise. Much like the movie before is, Curse of Chucky, Cult brings him back to what he was in the 80's. A deeply disturbing psychopath who kills without regret. And while I loved the Bride and Seed of Chucky films. I am happy to see and hear him not trying to be a stand up comedian anymore. What New Nightmare did to bring the fear back to the Freddy character, the past two movies have done for Chucky.
The Perfect Victim
The Perfect Victim
Corrie Jackson | 2017 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twists that you don't expect (3 more)
Great writing
There are multiple story threads
Easy to connect to the characters and care about the events of the story
A small amount of cliché plot devices (1 more)
Can get bland in some areas
Keeps you hanging
I bloody loved this book. I usually hate these kinds of mystery thrillers and only like the very best the genre has to offer, and this definitely impressed.
You read from Sophie Kent's point of view, a journalist on the job, and there has been a murder. It isn't long before people start to point fingers at people one of them being Charlie Swift, Sophies co-worker. As evidence keeps turning to him further bolsters by his disappearance Sophie struggles to accept that Charlie could murder a woman.
Sophie does her job and investigates, stating one step ahead of the police's investigation and uncovers a broken childhood, a religious cult, burning bodies, and several murders.

What makes this book so good in my opinion is that it isn't solely focused on the murder and the characters have their own story arcs, their own problems.
Sophie had a younger brother Tommy who supposedly died of drug use, a fractured relationship with her father and DCI Durand keeps coming to her rescue but out of personal gain or affection is the question. There are struggles within the police force and the more important characters have lives.

I would recommend this book to no end, and that's coming from someone who usually dislikes these kinds of books.
American Gods  - Season 1
American Gods - Season 1
2017 | Drama
It now exists (0 more)
Doesn't meet expectations (0 more)
I read the book quite some time ago, so knew the concept of the series but needed a little gentle reminder of the world we are exploring.
The series is very stylish with excellent dream sequences and imagery throughout, a la Hannibal, however at times I felt this dominated the actual storytelling somewhat.
With something like Hannibal, you don't need to worry about the story too much, people get killed, someone is doing it, twists and turns and suspect caught. So it was right for the focus of that series to be on the imagery rather than the telling.
However, here I think the story and concept are quite hard to get used to initially (and I don't think it really gets nailed at all during the series) and more should have been done to explain it. I'm not saying everything needs laid out neatly with a little bow on, but I think the style needed toned down a little and more effort invested in explaining the world. It felt a little bit like a TV show made for people who have just read the book.
The cast is excellent and it is an enjoyable watch, but a lot of people will struggle to get the hang of it (and may only stick with it in order to say they did rather than because they enjoyed it!).
With such a cult classic book as the source material, I think there were high expectations for it, which may not have been met (mine weren't, sadly).

David McK (3372 KP) rated Phasma in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Delilah S. Dawson | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think it's a common understanding that, of all the characters in 2015's 'The Force Awakens', Gwendoline Christie's enigmatic Captain Phasma was the biggest missed opportunity.

Much like Darth Maul before her (who became a cult favourite in the 'old' Extended Universe), this novel seeks to set that right.


By, effectively, having a story-within-a-story: in this case, by having a captured Resistance spy telling her First Order captor what she has discovered about Phasma, with that interrogation carried out in secret as Phasma is still viewed as a hero of the Order (but with deep mistrust by said captor).

This story-within-a-story, then, tells of the mysterious Phasma's originss, of her early life on her abandoned and decaying home planet, of a trip across said planet to the site of a crashed First Order spaceship in the company of a rescued officer and of the many and varied incidents and people/driods met along that journey.

The result is not a bad novel, but not the best of the recent Star Wars novels I've read: it passes a few days easy reading, sure, but (for me, at least) has no real oomph to it; nothing that really makes it stick in my mind or that would cause me to look for other novels by this author. That's not to say I wouldn't read any such if I came across them; just not going out of my way to look for them.

David McK (3372 KP) rated Britannia in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Simon Scarrow | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
14th entry in [a: Simon Scarrow|60636|Simon Scarrow|]'s Roman Army series of novels (that began with [b: Under the Eagle|578428|Under the Eagle (Eagle, #1)|Simon Scarrow||565359] and which, initially all had that word (Eagle) somewhere in their title), this concerns yet another attempt by the Romans to wipe out the Druidic cult that is responsible for most of the opposition to their conquest after the defeat of Caratacus.

With Macro injured early on and left behind to hold the fort (literally) while Cato marches off, under orders from his legate, to capture the Druid stronghold of the Isle of Mona, the novel is perhaps unusual in that the two main characters are apart for a large part of the read. Things, of course, do not go to plan, with the tail end of the novel (for some reason) reminding me quite strongly of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow ...

it is, of course, always the curse(?) of the literary hero to be in the thick of the action; to act (perhaps) out of character in relation to certain situations and threats - let's face it, it would be a pretty boring read otherwise! With that in mind, I can quite easily forgive the, perhaps, more flagrant examples of throwing the hero in the midst of things simply for the sake of doing so - the prime example being the rescue of the sailors from the shipwreck.