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365Flicks (235 KP) rated I Love My Mum (2018) in Movies
Oct 31, 2019 (Updated Oct 31, 2019)
Often movies like this can just seem like a series of randomly put together scenarios and yes this movie could easily run the risk of being overly silly but I felt like through some spot-on casting, a great script and masterful directing on the part of Alberto Sciamma this movie expertly avoids becoming one of those movies.
Tommy French as Ron is somewhat of a revelation, I will hold my hands up and say that I personally don't think I have seen this actor before and didn't really expect too much but boy did he impress me, the comedic delivery of a lot of his dialogue is superb and I found him completely believable as a sort of fish out of water put upon son who has just about had enough but would still do just about anything for his mum... Including an epic Karaoke jam. Of course French does have a superb Co-star to bounce off in Kierston Wareing who just nails this role, absolutely nails it. At first I was a little put off by the character but 8-10 minutes into the movie I fell in love with Olga and that love only grew. French and Wareing are a match made in heaven.

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BackToTheMovies (56 KP) rated The Captor (2019) in Movies
Jun 21, 2019
It’s 1973 and Lars Nystrom (Hawke) walks into a bank in Stockholm firing a rifle and takes two staff members hostage. Demanding $1m, a blue Mustang and the release of Gunnar Sorensson (Mark Strong) a famous bank robber. What transpires over the next few hours is beyond belief and it’s difficult to even comprehend that most of this actually happened in real life!
Starring an all-star cast of Hawke, Mark Strong and Noomi Rapace The Captor has cult classic written all over it. Hawke plays this bat shit crazy robber who’s jumped in way above his head. The performances all round not only support Hawke’s center stage dominance but they add depth to the story. We have moments of relaxation in the vaults as character arcs are developed and relationships formed. It really is a film that’s all guns blazing one minute, hilarious comedic moments the next and then tones down and becomes level headed the next.
Director and screenwriter Robert Budreau never over embellish any scenes or characters. We really see both sides of Nystrom’s (Hawke) motives and back story. A man so up front with bravado when push comes to shove but a character of layers with a vulnerable and kind-nature hiding inside. The latter of those personality traits leads to one of the captors in question falling for her captor. Stockholm Syndrome explains this very phenomenon and in the US the movie is actually titled ‘Stockholm’ before being renamed to The Captor here in the UK.
Mark Strong rocks the double denim as Gunnar Sorensson and acts like a brother of sorts to Hawke’s Nystrom. It’s great watching the scenes between the police throughout as they scramble to try and meet Nystrom’s ludicrous demands. Gunnar’s intentions are never clear or really explained throughout. He’s just happy to be out of jail if albeit with an ulterior motive.
I feel as thou the direction of the movie is trying to put us in the shoes of the hostages. The very same hostages that in real life never testified against their captors. They’re portrayed as the rebellious force with good motives whilst the police are portrayed as the bad guys who want to make them pay. Noomi Rapace plays the emotional anchor of the movie and the bond that develops between her and Nystrom is palpable.
“This movie has cult classic written all over it”
There’s no psychological explanation about the phenom that is Stockholm Syndrom it’s just a routine, tootin good time!

Jesters_folly (230 KP) rated Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) in Movies
Sep 10, 2019
Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a goofy B movie from the late 1980’s that really doesn’t take itself too seriously. The effects are actually quite good for a film with such a low budget (Only $2 million) with the Klown costumes being just creepy enough not to come across as being too ridiculous, which takes some doing being as the Klowns are busy cocooning people in candy floss and shooting them with popcorn.
As with most B movies (and a lot of mainstream movies) the plot is quite simple, the Klowns have landed and are killing people and storing them as food and this goes in the films favour. If the plot was overly complicated, then it would not fit the feel of the effects.
Killer Klowns is one of those cult movies that has a few really good stand out scenes. My personal favourite being the encounter between the midget Klown and the biker gang. It also has memorable villains. Clowns as villains are quite common, but these are Klowns with alien technology and an interesting weakness. As the Klowns are alien they don’t speak English but this doesn’t mean they are mute, in fact they have a very creative way of bridging the language barrier and it is good see that the film doesn’t fall back on the old ‘communicator’ trope. It does fall back on other tropes though, we have the old isolated figure as the first victim, making it hard to prove that anyone has died, we have the young cop who is trying to make his way but coming into conflict with the older cop. The older cop doesn’t like the kids, he thinks they are just out to cause trouble. All this is ok though as it fits the low budget flow of the film and makes Killer Klowns feel as a cross between ‘Invasion of the body snatchers’ and ‘night of the living dead’.

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Sarah (7799 KP) rated The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) in Movies
Nov 25, 2020
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a bonafide cult classic and I doubt there is anyone who would disagree with this. It flopped on first release at the cinema but soon after gained a massive cult following and became a hugely interactive musical experience. For me, I became part of this cult following at university and have attended a fair few parties and shows over the years (in fancy dress of course). However it’s been quite some time since I watched this and seeing it again now makes for a rather interesting watch.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a 1975 musical directed by Jim Sharman, spanning a multitude of genres. It follows newly engaged (and rather wholesome) couple Brad (Barry Bostwick) and Janet (Susan Sarandon) as a flat tyre leaves them stranded and they’re left to seek shelter in a nearby castle owned by Dr Frank-N-Furter (Tim Curry).
This film is undoubtedly bats**t crazy. The plot is absolutely bonkers – a group of aliens from the planet Transexual led by a mad scientist in his quest to make the perfect man. It spans so many genres from comic horror to glam-rock musical and everything in between. It’s aim to spoof old school science fiction films is spot on, and there isn’t many films that can pull off cannibalism, murder and erotic sexual experimentation in the same 2 hour run time.
Admittedly there are some aspects of the plot that haven’t quite stood the test of time. 45 years ago the freedom exhibited around gender and sexuality was unlike anything anyone had ever seen and is still a rather wonderful thing to watch. However, there are other sides to this (such as lack of consent) which have become more apparent as society evolves and maybe aren’t quite acceptable now as they were back then. Fortunately this doesn’t spoil the overall feel of the film and it’s still as camp and cheesy and kitsch as it ever was.
One of the reasons for this films success is Richard O Brien’s script and music, and his performance as Riff Raff is pretty creepy and fun too. It’s clever and smart, and the music is top notch. The songs are some of the most catchy I’ve ever heard and they make you forget how crazy the plot is as soon as the music starts. From the legendary Time Warp to the wonderful Meat Loaf cameo on Hot Patootie, to the incredibly moving and inspirational Don’t Dream It, Be It, the songs are hugely memorable.
And then you have Tim Curry as Frank-N-Furter, in an absolute standout performance. He is perfect in Frank (I’ve yet to see anyone do it better) and it’s probably the best role he’s ever had. He looks like he’s having so much fun and steals every scene, you can’t take your eyes off him and that’s not just because he’s in stockings and suspenders. He makes you feel fascinated by Frank, disgusted and then ultimately sorry for him and this is no mean feat. No disrespect to the rest of the cast, but when Curry isn’t on screen the film does suffer ever so slightly.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a wacky, campy riot of a musical with a message that is heartwarming and inclusive. It may have aged a little over the years and certain topics don’t scrub up quite as well, but it’s still a hugely entertaining and unique musical experience.