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Ripe for Vengeance
Ripe for Vengeance
Wendy Tyson | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Corporate Volunteer Event Leads to Murder
Some of Denver Finn’s friends are coming to town, and Megan Sawyer is excited to see a different side of her boyfriend. They don’t make a good first impression, however, when their dinner together is filled with not so hidden tension. These friends are in town as part of a corporate charity weekend to mentor kids at a nearby school for troubled teens, but that event goes wrong when one of the adults is murdered. The police are looking at a teen as the likely killer, but Megan doesn’t think the teen did it. Can she find the real killer?

This series always has strong characters, and this book is no different. We get to know everyone involved in this case well, and as events unfold, their reactions and the impact on their live help pull us into the story. Those looking for a twist a minute might find the pace a little slow, but I found the book compelling since I was so drawn to the characters. Not to say that this book doesn’t have some good twists and an ending that surprised me. We do get to see the series regulars and those introduced in previous books, but they are in supporting roles, so they don’t take over from the characters important to this case. There is a little foul language, and the more serious tone helps put this on the traditional side of the spectrum for me. Just make sure that your mood matches the book, and you’ll be fine. This isn’t to say that it is all serious; we get a fun sub-plot involving a pig and plenty of cuteness from the animals on Megan’s farm to help lighten things. Plan to set aside quite a bit of time when you open this book because you won’t want to stop reading.
Gregory and the Grimbockle
Gregory and the Grimbockle
Melanie Schubert | 2017 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a fun, imaginative read!
Gregory and the Grimbockle was one of the funniest and cute books that I’ve read with my child in a long time. It was so imaginative and fantastical. We loved the adorable illustrations, but were very glad that the Grimbockle was never illustrated going into or out of his temporary home. The sheer grossness of how that happened was so at odds with the cuteness of everything else, but it worked really well together strangely.

Melanie Schubert has enormous talent that Abigail Kraft complemented perfectly. This story of a boy who doesn’t quite fit in, who is teased and sometimes bullied, and is from a home that is neither loving nor abusive will resonate with a lot of younger readers, I believe. His situation isn’t one of extremes and as a result he’s more easy to relate to. The adventures that he goes on with the Grimbockle are pure fiction, but the truth he learns along the way about the large impact that small gestures can have means is not. As a parent, that truth – that our actions have much more an impact that we might think – is one that I enjoyed having a chance to talk about with my child through the lens of Gregory and the Grimbockle.

The only thing we didn’t like about Gregory and the Grimbockle was the way it ended. It just felt like it ended too abruptly. The transition from childhood to “okay, he’s growing up now” happened so quickly that we had to re-read to make sure we hadn’t accidentally missed a few pages. While I can see why the author did it the way she did, by the time closed the book, we were both already mourning the exiting of the Bockles from our world.

Gregory and the Grimbockle is a book that any parent should delight in picking up to read with their children. It’s an easy read, a short one, and it helps reinforce an important lesson. You’ll be missing out if you don’t give it a try.

This review appeared first at Sci-Fi & Scary.
Tessa Ever After (Reluctant Hearts, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one starts with Tessa late to pick up her daughter from day care as she struggles to adjust to life since her older brother, Cade, moved away and left her alone with everything. Cade used to be babysitter, chef, chauffeur, DIY-er and many other things that made Tessa's life much easier and she's struggling to get herself in gear. She's also online dating, trying to find the older guy who'll be there and treat her right...when maybe the guy she really wants is a little closer to home.
In walks her brothers best friend, Jason, who Cade has tasked with keeping an eye on her. Jason's view of Tessa has slowly been changing from "best friends little sister" to gorgeous woman and mum and after some warnings from Cade and encouragement from their joint friend Adam, he decides to pursue Tessa.

First things first, I feel like I need to let you know that I have a big weakness for super cute children in my romances and Haley is certainly that. There were some really cute scenes with her and Tessa and Jason. She was super cuteness personified.

I did like their relationship. It was cute how it progressed and I'm glad they stuck with each other despite the obstacles that popped up here and there. And of course there was a misunderstanding that caused a slight rift but luckily they got around it and became a very cute little family unit.

Some of the secondary characters like Adam and Paige grew on me in this. We got to know Paige more than Adam but she seems to need to find that special someone and I think sparks may be flying between her and Adam in the next one. I'm not sure if I'll read it though.

I think I missed some of the angst that can happen in the romances I like with this. It was a little too nice. I like the bad boy type to be full of tattoos and dirty mouthed so they can rile their love interest up enough for her to answer back and sparks to fly.
How To Succeed in Witchcraft
Aislinn Brophy | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: Grooming, prejudice, racism

Shay Johnson is a junior at T.K. Anderson Magical Magnet School and has done everything she possibly can to win the full-ride Brockton Scholarship - her ticket into the university of her dreams. Her only real competition is Ana Alvarez, but Shay also knows if she can impress Mr.B, the drama teacher and head of the scholarship committee, she’ll have an upper leg.

When Mr.B “persuades” Shay into being in the school’s racially diverse musical, in their no-so-diverse school, she agrees, and lands the leading role. But Ana is right behind her playing the second female lead. With the start of rehearsals, Shay realizes Ana isn’t the intense enemy she’s always thought she was… perhaps, she would be a friend, or more?

But when Shay gets asked by Mr.B to do some one-on-one practicing for the musical, she finds herself on the receiving end of Mr.B’s unpleasant and unwanted attention. When Shay learns she’s not the first witch to experience his inappropriate behavior, she must decide if she’ll come forward. But, will speaking out cancel her opportunity for the scholarship - her future?

This book deals with a lot of hard topics: grooming, prejudice, abuse of power, racism. I feel like Aislinn Brophy did a good job in writing the predatory actions that Mr.B was doing with Shay - every time something between them happened, it made my skin crawl.

I did enjoy the enemy-to-lovers storyline; or should I say misunderstandings-to-lovers storyline? It was cute and adorable and nothing drastically changed afterwards (besides more cuteness).

Though the title I feel like the title is a little deceiving, I still liked that magic was a part of the world here, but that magic doesn’t fix everything. Even in a world where you can fly around on brooms and make potions to help you wake up, the world is still far from perfect.

Overall, this is a magic-filled book that dives into where one draws the line on what they will allow to happen in order to get something they’ve worked so hard for their entire life. A good read for the witchy season coming up, but also a good read for the message behind it.

*Thank you G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Reads and BookishFirst for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
It's close to call... I absolutely love the first LEGO movie and this one might be better. Ugh, I just don't know.

With Emmet's same cheery disposition and Lucy's same never-ending scepticism you might say that it's just the first movie with more cameos and in-jokes for the adults. You're probably right, but it's still good.

The song and dance routines have been knocked up a notch, everything is still so upbeat... I love it. I am a little sad though that "This Song's Gonna Get Stuck Inside Your Head" didn't get stuck in my head (even after listening to some of the ten-hour video on LEGO's YouTube account). I actually still came out singing "Everything Is Awesome".

Queen of the songs and actual queen, Watevra Wa'Nabi, demolishes the competition. She maybe doesn't understand the subtleties of getting people to trust you but her heart is in the right place. Tiffany Haddish was fantastic, the only way she could have been better in this was if they'd Barbie dolled her for it, Welcome To Marwen style. The animation of the Duplo royal was really quite expressive, it was an ingenious way to do it.

It was great that they didn't try to fiddle around with anything animation-wise from the first film. Not that there would have been much they could have done but when you think things like that they go and surprise you with something awful. It was all just as fun, but I have never seen anything as cute as those damned hearts and stars! Oooooooh the cuteness!

Most of the cameo parts are the same as last time too, although we get a fun little addition of Bruce Willis chillin' in some air ducts.

When I sum it up like this I realise how little it really has changed but the underlying family story is sweet, it also makes for a casting addition of Maya Rudolph. She's barely in it but my god her acting is on point, I can't really tell you the scene without spoiling it but you'll see it and think the same thing.

What you should do

Well, it's half term so it's a no brainer to go and see it at some point but even at any other time of the year I'd tell you to go along and have some fun.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would like to take home something for use in all films... dinosaurs with subtitles.
The Chaos of Stars
The Chaos of Stars
Kiersten White | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>The Chaos of Stars</i> may have landed as the weirdest mythology book I've ever read.

It's different from other mythology books, as Isadora, being the daughter of Egyptian gods, is actually a human and not a goddess or demigoddess. But the whole Egyptian family history Isadora had was just really, really weird. There's incest here, incest there, incest, well, everywhere – all smushed in together with Isis' "fabulousness" throughout history. Huzzah.

It's also a smidge different from White's <i>Paranormalcy</i> series (not that I read the entire series), which I really couldn't help but compare <i>The Chaos of Stars</i> to.

Early on in the book, it's obvious Isadora has an extreme passion for art like Evie did, particularly in interior designing. There were just moments in the book that she jabbers on and on about how she would improve a room in her brother Sirus's house or the museum that I had a tendency to just skip the parts where she talked about interior designing. Like I mentioned earlier, it's obvious from reading those parts that Isadora is extremely passionate about art and interior designing, but my eyes just glazed over it. Reading about how Isadora would change a room or two just felt completely unnecessary in the overall plot, but completely necessary in getting to know Isadora as a character.

Among the incest business (I feel really weird for saying that) smushed with tales of le fabulous Isis, there's probably one thing that makes Isadora different from Evie: Isadora is absolutely stubborn in the love department. "OMG, I'm scared to fall in love, so I'm just going to vow off all men. If any cutie decides to hit on me, I'll probably kick them in the shenanigans that'll render them useless in reproduction," is quite literally laced throughout the entire book.

Disclaimer: It's not Isadora's <i>exact</i> words, but it might as well be implied.

Ironically enough, Isadora does fall in love. She doesn't kick said guy in the shenanigans as she happily implied, which apparently contradicts the entire mantra she chanted so strongly for most of the book. Basically, it's "I hate men. I hate men. I hate men." – BAM. Falls in love. "Oops."

<i>The Chaos of Stars</i> might as well be a parallel world to <a title="Paranormalcy" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i>Paranormalcy</i></a> – both books just ooze in cuteness.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Katana (Katana, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="Katana by Cole Gibsen" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

<i><b>Note:</b> Formatting is lost due to copy and paste</i>

Anyone who's seen me at book club would probably know that I was practically bouncing off the library walls when I found out Katana by Cole Gibsen was the next book we were going to read.

      I apologize if I looked like a hyperactive bookworm that day and looked like a chipmunk chittering away. Or maybe a squirrel starving for acorns (oops for any cuteness overload).

<i><b>Reviewer's Note:</b> removed pictures. You'll have to see the review on the blog for the pictures...</i>

     But here are a few interesting things about Katana:
     It's set in St. Louis – I love you New York, but I've never visited you or even live there, so... it's always exciting to see a book set in a place you've been to. Or maybe I just need to go to NY sometime in the future. I'll be sure to add it to my bucket list. ;)

      But... I do have much better time visualizing than I would with Victorian London*. Do brownie points exist? :p

      This is probably getting old and you might be tired of me saying this a lot, but yes, Katana has a great (and I mean great) idea with reincarnation in the present day without Angels being used.

      Well, Angels is getting a tad bit old. But thankfully, it's samurai. Cheers. Though I'm not sure why I'm saying cheers when it's very similar to paranormalish Romeo & Juliet style in a way. Random fact: I didn't really like Romeo & Juliet. It doesn't stop me from liking the book though.

      On the overall side though? It's action-packed from the first page. You're basically in for a "Good Reads" smoothie.

      Ironically, I like Goodreads too.
     But out of randomness, I've called dibs on its sequel, Senshi already (that review will come eventually). I apologize to any of my fellow book club members if they were interesting in checking out the only copy. I appreciate you guys waiting patiently.

      Just please keep the candy corn to yourself. You'll need them for trick-or-treating in a few weeks. ;)

 *Victorian London was randomly chosen. The Infernal Devices was on my mind at the time the review was written. If I were alive at the time, I would be six feet under the ground unless I'm like Tessa Gray and Magnus, and I'm a warlock.
The Way You Make Me Feel
The Way You Make Me Feel
Maurene Goo | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
I <em>loved</em> Maurene Goo's previous novel, <em>I Believe In A Thing Called Love</em>, so when I got an email from Netgalley, I jumped at the chance to read Goo's latest novel because I knew I wouldn't be disappointed with a cute contemporary novel. (I also jumped at the chance to be on the blog tour, because oh my goodness, cute books will be shoved at the world. #sorrynotsorry)

<em>The Way You Make Me Feel</em> does <em>not</em> disappoint in levels of cuteness. Goo's latest novel follows Clara, who is introduced as the class clown, committing pranks and causing mischief since early on in her high school career. She especially likes making life difficult for her classmate Rose, the person she got her in trouble in the first place. Clara takes her pranks too far one day and it results in an entire summer stuck with Rose.

Clara is an... interesting character. She was a little hard to like at first, but over the course of the novel, Clara grew on me. She is sassy, carefree and gets in trouble... A LOT. She's also a little rebellious.

I think my favorite part, however, is the <em>food</em>. Food is an important part of the story, and I think my mouth watered while reading the book. Clara's dad owns a food truck called KoBra, which takes Korean and Brazillian cuisine. Both Clara and Rose work the food truck during the summer, where they are forced to get along with each other. they eventually develop a friendship, and I enjoyed seeing them grow from enemies to friends. (This is probably when I started liking Clara a <em>lot</em> as a character. Maybe it's just me and my opinions.)

The side characters of <em>The Way You Make Me Feel</em> are my favorite characters - I love Hamlet (this is a wonderful name as much as the play is wonderful) and his grandparents, who are adorable and cute and funny, as much as I grew to love Clara, Rose and the rest of the characters.

If you're looking for a cute contemporary read that is bound to make you hungry, <em>The Way You Make Me Feel</em> is the perfect novel.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Dumbo (1941)
Dumbo (1941)
1941 | Animation, Classics, Family
With the live action Dumbo out I thought it was high time I watched the original. After seeing it I'm fairly certain I've watched it before but I imagine that it was so long ago that the memory has been replaced with a lot of other movie knowledge.

Dumbo is such a simple story, and even though the film is only just over an hour long it barely feels like that length of time. It moves along so swiftly, no excess of story, just an excess of cuteness.

The animation is wonderful, simple and yet expressive. Dumbo is adorable the whole way through, I honestly don't know how they managed to capture everything in such a tiny little elephant. When he's dinking the giant peg with his tiny hammer and all the effort he puts in "helping" to put up the big top. Such a talented bunch of people. Although I think they peaked at the scene where he was holding his breath.

With Disney we're obviously treated to that musical element and these classics are oh so singable. I was unashamedly singing along at the top of my voice. I hope you all were too.

If Dumbo was around nowadays he's have been an instant internet sensation, his circus would have been fighting back the crowds. The headlines would have read "Boy spanked by elephant after climbing in to mock baby." People would have praised Mrs Jumbo for defending her child, some would have been calling for her to be put down, while the rest of us normal folk would be going "it serves the little bugger right, who climbs into an elephant enclosure?!"

This was a genuinely entertaining watch if you ignore the dated and slightly insensitive beginning.


Deleted Scenes

The Mouse's Tale
Are You A Man Of A Mouse
Backstage Disney
Taking Flight: The Making Of Dumbo
The Magic Of Dumbo: A Ride Of Passage
Sound Design: Excerpt From "The Reluctant Dragon"
Celebrating Dumbo
Original Walt Disney TV Introduction
Art Galleries
All of the backstage pieces are interesting to watch but you definitely have to see the Sound Design featurette, they've done it in a really fun way and it really brought a smile to my face.

What you should do

Of course you have to watch it, I don't know why you wouldn't.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd say a flying elephant, but I don't really have the space.
Almost Midnight
Almost Midnight
Rainbow Rowell, Simini Blocker | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rainbow Rowell ! (3 more)
Amazing Pictures by Blocker
Almost Midnight is a short, cute story of how two people came to meet to become best friends and then become a couple all due to it being almost midnight at a New Year’s party in 2011.

In a way you are left to wonder if Mags, a possible shy girl, had not checked out in 2011 to hide outside to eat the snacks to avoid everyone would she have ever spoke to Noel, a more outgoing type? Would they have ever spoken to one another beyond that moment? And if they had not attended the parties each year would their bond be the same, even if they were well enough friends with everyone else there? Well, Noel was. Before Noel, Mags only knew Alicia.

Then Mags had to spend a year without everyone, without Noel. Everyone else left to go to college somewhere else. Mags stayed, not because she was not able to leave, but she had a local school for free and it would've been crazy not to take that offer.

She's spoken to no one and everyone has changed.

Well, she texts Noel always. They stay in contact even if it wasn't like before, but she still has him, so she has one person still even while everyone else has grown a part.

It's noticeable, too, when they all come for the New Year's party of 2015.

But maybe that's a good thing.

In a few pages we’re able to see how a friendship grew into a budding romance. Yes, I want more because I adore Rowell’s writing style. I need more about Mags and Noel. I need to know they are happy. I want to know the little tidbits of their lives because it is learned they do EVERYTHING together. So, it is without much else I loved Almost Midnight.

- - - - -

Elena has been a fan of Star Wars for as long as she can remember. It’s been part of her whole life because of her father. Now after being unable to experience any other event to the series, she is going to wait in line for the newest movies hoping to meet other fans that are stoked for the new movies Disney is putting out. However it isn’t what she hoped and somehow becomes more.

It may have been a short story, but Rowell was able to put some of her charm into tale. It may not have been packed like her actual novels, but it is nothing short of her normal work. Yes, I certainly need more of Elena and Gabe and of the overall story. However it doesn’t mean five stars wasn’t earned. There were such small pieces that added to the appeal of this story. I know many complained, but I thought it was perfectly fine as it was. It isn’t like we aren’t left wanting more anyway.