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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Legion in TV

Aug 3, 2017  
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Writing (4 more)
The ending of the first season (0 more)
A mind bending new take
This show was so fresh and offered an extremely interesting and original new take on the X Men universe. Dan Stevens and Aubrey Plaza are phenomenal as are the rest of the cast. The show was writing by the guys behind Fargo, so as expected it is a very well written script with sharp, meaningful dialogue and some genuinely shocking moments. There are some very experimental methods of filming used and for the most part they totally work with the surreal tone that the show achieves.
The only reason I can't score this a perfect 10 is because I found the ending of the first season to be very anti climatic after all of the clever, tightly woven build up. Still though, this is a great new show.
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Solid script (2 more)
Some sweet sweet murder
The best twist fuck ending in a long time
What in the mind fucking hell went on here
Simon Barrett and Adam Wingard are a pair of my favorite writer director teams in the history of mumblecore movies... theu have an I don' give a shit attitude that oozes through each kill in every movie they make. From the demented serial killings in A Horrible Way to Die to the revenge filled destruction of mercenaries and spiteful children in You're Next. And this movie is no different....
I wouldn't exactly call it a horror film by label, but the killing is so over the top bloody and disturbing that I suppose it is horrific.
Dan Stevens portrayal of Army boy David is spot on... emotionless and cold to the view. He renders each murder with a purpose... even those final few near the end. Even though they were brutal and harsh. They explained how sick and twisted he truly is.
Maika Monroe is solid as well. Anna makes you feel pity for all the things sshe is going through. Her personal life is a mess and her family life is no better...
This movie is not what I thought it was going to be. It was better than I expected and I will be watching it again. 9 enthusiastic severed heads out of 10
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
You'd believe this purposefully sidesteps its possible themes or commentary on the adverse effects on war and a government that will sooner do shady things to save a microscopic smidgen of face rather than its own supposed heroes (though it still does a vastly superior job of showcasing them than most autopilot, sleep-inducing, reductive, and recycled WWII movies as of late), hell it hardly even sets up its own backstory let alone the potential depth of it all... but also who *really* cares when the resulting product is a legitimately balls-to-the-wall, terminally fun blast of awesome sauce like this? Wingard is the fucking man, the amount of directors I'd excuse a plot execution as flawed as this for I could probably count on one hand but the sheer lunacy of this unrestrained pulp powerhouse is more than enough evidence of his gift for unforgettable roller coasters of trash. This all - of course - would be next to nothing if not fueled by Dan Stevens in one of my new favorite performances of all time as a re-educated government massacre machine who behaves more like an inherently hostile alien body snatcher than a human being. Pair it with some cerebral editing, point-blank violence, real propaganda era-esque nuclear camerawork, Lance Reddick, and one of the most euphorically implemented soundtracks in all of film and it was impossible for this to ever fail from the get-go. Loved every second of it.
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Music, Romance
The Story of Fire Saga is EXACTLY what I expected it be. It's so very silly, but it's stupidly entertaining.

The yearly Eurovision Song Contest is the epitome of car crash television. Any lack of merit is made up for by the sheer cheesiness of it all, and it's ultimately not very good, but it's hard to look away.
Fire Saga takes this concept, and just adds Will Ferrell to the mix - arguably perfect casting for a film based on this subject.
Both Ferrell and Rachel McAdams are great, and are willing to poke fun at themselves. Legion's Dan Stevens is fantastic as well.

Some of the songs written for this are just ridiculous. They would fit in seamlessly alongside any real world Eurovision stuff - well written nonsense I guess would be an apt description.
On the surface, Fire Saga may appear silly, it actually possesses a huge amount of heart. Although some (like me) find Eurovision pretty dumb, it clearly means a lot to many people. This is shown off in spades here, and boasts some genuinely emotional plot points. The narrative isn't too dissimilar to Blades of Glory on terms of structure if that helps to picture it.

All in all, The Story of Fire Saga is hugely entertaining, pretty funny, and is brimming with charm. You would have to have a heart of stone to not get something out of it.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Beauty and the Beast (2017) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
A tale as old as time
Whichever big wig down at Disney decided it would be a good idea to remake all of their animated classics using live-action is surely due a massive promotion. The studio’s reputation is soaring after the acquisition of Marvel and Lucasfilm and this new way of thinking is paying off at the box office.

Last year’s The Jungle Book earned just shy of $1billion worldwide, their Marvel Cinematic Universe has taken upwards of $5billion and don’t get me started on Star Wars. Continuing the studio’s trend of remaking their animated features is Beauty & the Beast, but does this modern day reimagining of a fairly modern classic conjure up memories of 1991?

Belle (Emma Watson), a bright, beautiful and independent young woman, is taken prisoner by a beast (Dan Stevens) in its castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff including Cogsworth (Ian McKellen) and Lumiere (Ewan McGregor) and tries her best to learn to look beyond the beast’s hideous exterior, allowing her to recognise the kind heart and soul of the true prince that hides on the inside.

There were gasps of shock when Harry Potter actress Emma Watson was cast as Belle, but thankfully after sitting through 129 minutes of her singing and dancing, there is no reason to be concerned. She slots into the role of a Disney princess with ease, though it’s still incredibly difficult to see her as anything but the talented witch from Hogwarts.

The rest of the cast is very good with the exception of Ewan McGregor’s dreadful French accent. It can be forgiven however because the sense of nostalgia that the castle’s staff bring to the table is wonderful. Ian McKellen, Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci all lend their voices with Thompson taking over from Angela Lansbury beautifully. Her rendition of the iconic titular song brings goose bumps.

Elsewhere, Luke Evans is an excellent choice to play villainous Gaston. It’s hard to imagine anyone better to play the gluttonous womaniser and Josh Gad is sublime as his sidekick.

Dan Stevens’ transformation into Beast is one that’s a little bit harder to judge. There is no doubt he is up to the task of playing this iconic character, but the limits of current motion capture technology can sometimes render him a little playdoh like. There are fleeting moments when the illusion is shattered because of something as trivial as the way his fur moves.

Nevertheless, the rest of the special effects are absolutely top notch. The costumes and the set design all integrate perfectly with the naturally heavy use of CGI to create a film that harks back to its predecessor in every way.

Whilst not as dark as last year’s The Jungle Book, Beauty & the Beast is still a deeply disturbing film at times, made all the more so by its recreation in live-action. Young children may find it a troubling watch, a reason why the BBFC has awarded it a PG rating rather than the typical U that most other Disney features receive.

Overall, Beauty & the Beast is a faithful recreation of its 1991 predecessor and that comes with its own set of challenges. The animated version is widely regarded as one of Disney’s best films, so director Bill Condon (Dreamgirls, Twilight) had massive shoes to fill. For the most part, he’s succeeded in crafting a visually stunning and poignant movie that’s only drawbacks are its length and poor motion capture. Much better than Cinderella, but not quite as ground-breaking as The Jungle Book, it’s a lovely watch for all the family.
A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: A Walk Among the Tombstones starts by in 1991 we meet Matt Scudder (Neeson) a nonsense detective who while having his morning Irish coffee ends up going into a shootout. Flash forward to 1999 Matt is now a private investigator and when a former junkie Peter Kristo (Holbrook) invites him to meet his brother Kenny (Stevens) for a job. Kenny’s wife was kidnapped with the ransom paid and murdered; he wants Matt to bring him the names of the people responsible. Matt rejects the offer wisely because it would involving working with a drug trafficker but Kenny won’t take no for an answer.

Kenny tales the story of what happened and how gruesome the murder was, this brings Matt into the case to track down the people responsible. Using all his skills he starts the investigation by questioning the locals. The killers prove to be professionals who cover their tracks when committing their crimes. When it becomes apparent they have been doing this for years Matt finds himself investigating cold cases. Tracking down the leads he does come up with a potential name and a place he could meet them, but nothing could prepare him for the nature of the men.

A Walk Among the Tombstones starts very nicely with the broken protagonist trying to make up for something he could never actually make up for, it is hidden from us but we do see he has personal problems. The whole drug dealers being targeting by serial killers also works nicely, giving us a chance to keep guessing on whether it is actually a large scale revenge type thriller than Matt is stuck in the middle off. It goes downhill slowly because of the pace and then turning it into the simple idea that they are just two killers doing it for fun. It is sad because this had a lot of potential from the start but in the end just fizzles out. (6/10)


Actor Review


Liam Neeson: Matt Scudder a private detective who against his better judgment ends up investigating serial killers who enjoy nothing more than kidnapping and killing their victim even if they get their money. He is a former detective who has been recovering from his alcoholism which cost him his job. Liam does do a good job in the role and goes away from the new action star he has created. (7/10)


Dan Stevens: Kenny Kristo drug trafficker whose wife was killed and hires Matt to find the people responsible for it, it will mean risking his connection to help expose the truth. Dan does a good job as the mobster out for revenge for a crime that is personal rather than work related. (7/10)


Support Cast: A Walk Among the Tombstones has a supporting cast that includes the two killers who are very much evil in what they do, we have other mobsters who are the victims of those killers and we also have a street wise kid trying to help Mark out. They all help the story flow along very well.


Director Review: Scott Frank – Scott does a solid job directing this to make it an interesting thriller with a very dark side to it. (6/10)


Crime: A Walk Among the Tombstones enters into the crime world without going too far over the top with its double crossing, instead focusing on one angle the whole way through. (7/10)

Mystery: A Walk Among the Tombstones does keep you guessing to what would be the motives of the characters creating a nice mystery about the story. (8/10)

Thriller: A Walk Among the Tombstones starts off pulling you in especially when you hear about the murdered wife but afterwards slight starts to fade away. (7/10)

Settings: A Walk Among the Tombstones creates a world that is similar to 1999 New York. (7/10)

Suggestion: A Walk Among the Tombstones is one to try and the fans of Neeson will be watching this, it might not keep everyone happy because it isn’t as dark as its source material. (Try It)


Best Part: The shock of what Kenny finds in the boot of that car.

Worst Part: Falls away by the end.


Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No

Similar Too: Cold in July


Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $53 Million

Budget: $28 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 54 Minutes

Tagline: People are afraid of all the wrong things.


Overall: A Thriller That Hits Hard Early but Tires Near the End